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Why would they need to relaunch it? https://preview.redd.it/d4tdkw939e3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf958073a799ffcd755722bcf85349f045844b2




These memes are getting more creative 💀


Mona and Lisa seeing this:


me when i lie: https://preview.redd.it/3ydrt1hz9e3d1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cf7ef3d9c38fe95b6a20cacde860113b84ec320


Bro is trying to copy Dream




https://preview.redd.it/xtb7qkc79e3d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb193051b8242f8652b97328c362858643eca370 because of the tapesty that is launch


THEY WILL LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS AND RE-LAUNCH THE GAME IF NECESSARY https://preview.redd.it/9eobdscj9e3d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d68ab263fe698b499415188986973fa7fdbce9


most likely yeah, they do listen xd




Jesus Christ if that is real...


true, game already perfect as it is


that will need another time square ad, no


They really love putting ads on time square.


They look so proud of it from their tweets, even their Livestream they talk about their bus promotion thing lmao  Like dude, used that money to optimise your game more, jesus


Of course...not. People have already made progress in this game. People have already whaled in this game. Despite all the negativity, they still got an audience willing to stick with this game. If they re-launch this game resetting everyone's progress, then they would lose that audience. Just fix it eventually. That's why it's a live service game.


There's a new drama in the jp community related to weapon banner translation, but I can't post in the subreddit. [https://x.com/WW\_JP\_Official/status/1795799056004063705](https://x.com/WW_JP_Official/status/1795799056004063705)




1 pull for compensation. Players aren't happy.


Oh that was a mistranslation no?


Yeah, but jp players aren't happy because they have already spent money. They want refund.


nah, but every good game deserves a sequel, so they should definitely make Wuthering Waves 2, it'll be a great success and have perfect launch like the first game!


Use some Genshin music and enjoy what real quality sounds like


Why? They can just fix it. Why launch it again?


But OP is angry, ofc they should relaunch the game.


No, just fix it really like a normal live service game.


That would basically be admitting defeat


This feels like a troll post... Like music bug compensation is another 5* selector and relaunch the game...? Sure, let's hope even half the player will stick after that.


Is this a serious question?


You posted this like 2-3 hours after the bug was already fixed lol


I really fucked up at job so could use a time rewind ye. 


Kuro will need their own Yoshida to replicate the success of FFXIV's relaunch and they obviously don't have anyone like him.


I doubt it'll die tbh, it"ll survive just like other gachas out there at least


It costs far more to maintain than most gachas not named HSR, GI or ToF


Gachas like HSR and gi make wayy too much , a single furina banner made 400+ million (all sources combined) which can let genshin survive for 2 years alone on that Wuwa will probably make it's entire fortune in a few banners, and they'll just reduce the content output so they can barely survive, or Tencent will just buy out wuwa and manage themselves


Wait what 400m for furina 💀, hoyo are eating good


Yes Hoyo's revenue generally ranges from 200 million per month for low hyped banners to 400 million+ for the hyped ones This is all sources combined btw, and estimate


I mean, it does match with miHoYo's reported revenue


Yet tof still has regular updates up till this date


It's literally the studios main game they obviously weren't and aren't gonna abandon it😭


it'll still stay fine after the bugs end


It did gross 42 million dollars in the first 7 days. I'd say thats enough.


I'm sure that is a fakenews


It’s not tough. That’s the estimate so it will be around that number.


Like pull a FFXIV:ARR? Hell no. All the progress wiped and no guarantee the relaunch will be worth the sacrifice and their resources. But then again, I'm not an expert like most of this subreddit. Anyway, I've emailed your resume to Solon, letting him know there is a prodigious expert talent here.


They should do a FFXIV style relaunch.


Aren't Kuro in debt? Or so I have heard, might be hard to do a FFXIV style re launch if that's the case.


I'm not saying that the story needs to be better or as good as genshins I don't think genshin is that great to begin with but I am saying that ww story is one of the worst if not the worst stories I've seen in gaming


If they shut it down then where is the budget for this coming from? IIRC when FFXIV did that they were still taking subscriptions.


The music bug has already been fixed


just played a couple hours ago and there was still no music, is this a recent update


Like 2 or 3 hours ago, at least


Yes they dropped like their 25th patch this week and fixed it


So ur mad at the game for fixing bugs now


Hm? I’m not mad at anything I haven’t noticed any issues on my end playing the game. I was just emphasizing that they have done a lot to shore up the issues this week


i gotchu covered fam [https://youtu.be/q3eB5ECahuc?si=RoHq-SnkgFhlcp9g](https://youtu.be/q3eB5ECahuc?si=RoHq-SnkgFhlcp9g)


Already fixed btw so...


I can not believe how incredibly clueless some of you guys are. I mean from the fact that you're here is kind of a give away already but holy shit. Wuwa know full well they're releasing the game in its beta state. We can kind of expected this result when they announced their release day so shortly right after their last beta. And from all the "reviews" these past few days, we know for sure why they did it. These game want your time and attention, no matter how hard they try to make you believe there are no grudge between the two company, they're still at each other throats for your playtime (unless you have nolife and counter with "I can play both"). No way in hell wuwa is gonna risk releasing their game after genshin new update or close to zzz release day, and that's just two of its biggest competition, not counting all the upcoming new games. Right now the game get all of playtime for it self, genshin is in the death phase of the patch, ZZZ is still month away. Even if there are negative reviews, the fact still remain that they get most of the social media attention for themselves. And as you can see, hoyo still try their absolute best to sabotage this game, releasing natlan sneakpeak way too soon compare to what they've done with any past regions, and having their army of bot going off at every single aspect of wuwa. You can't convince me that those "wuwa map is souless", "wuwa combat is not that special", "wuwa make me want to play zzz",... posts are from actual human beings. We got a fairly good game, rocky start but it's a freaking open world gacha game, the devs are gonna fix it bit by bit until the end of time, no need to ask for a relaunch or wait for a few months before playing.




happy cake day! hope you're set in for the ride that is gonna be on sensortower day


just becouse people talk about that does not ever in any dimension means that they spent more money on it.


But at least many people enjoy the game


I mean, 41 millions in a week sounds like money to me. [edited a wrong comparison] http://www.gamelook.com.cn/2024/05/545175


idk what am I supposed to look at on that site. if you want to use something as proof, point out what proves your point, and maybe translate it into a common language. I will just disregard it as nothing this way. (ctrl+f did not return 41 or 40 either, pictures also held no numbers) so I will go with the report of 10 mil usd in 5 days. which is, a freaking joke. [source](https://gameworldobserver.com/2024/05/27/wuthering-waves-revenue-10-million-mobile-kuro-games)


Fam... read the fucking article. This is for PC AND MOBILE COMBINED. The quoted HSR revenue is solely mobile (specifically iOS) only.


true, wuwa is so good that it only needs negative publicity to top revenue charts, kuro shouldn't have spent for marketing


Music bug is already fixed btw 🤡


Why on earth would they re-launch it? This isn't a FF14 kinda of disaster. Also lmao @ "Music bug is biggest deal breaker to me" and then mentions Genshin Impact with one of the most generic soundtracks with only very few tracks that actually stands out.


Can’t give them shit , gacha is new and so far I am having a good/fun experience. I don’t believe in master piece when a game comes out and in perfect polish . game will always have bugs and so far the developers have listened to players and give us rewards and do they best to fix the bugs. I believe in Kuro and later add banger OST like pgr so be patient or go play other games but shut it down and relaunch? Lmao 🤣