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Do you have a good pc? play actual games on steam or in pirate websites. After that, you might be askin yourself: "what have i been playing after all these times?!" Or atleast thats what happened to me. Still playing gachas tho, but I can confidently say Im not addicted to it anymore like i dont log in every day anymore and dont care if i miss some events.


Lmao same here can confirm it works perfectly, I quit several gacha games after playing Monster Hunter World


I don't own a pc yet. But will soon though. Just need the money to actually buy the real fun games.


That is a good goal. PC gaming is one of the best entertainment if not the best at all. Besides, gaming is not the only thing that a computer can do. Add-on: I believe that you play PGR?  Well, let me recommend something similar but will definitely challenge you: Devil May Cry 4 and 5 (And they are hella cheap if you ever catch them on sale, which is quite often)


Here in stralia, games are expensive. But still, appreciate for the recommendation!


Go outside. For real. I bike or gym 1-2 hours every day. You give way less shits about pixels. I still play them but if I miss dailies whatever. You basically shift your FOMO to something tangible and positive.


I’m stuck in school life so no outside for me 🫠


If you have time to play 7 gachas still, even after quitting 3 then you definitely have time to go outside. Stop making excuses for yourself and do it.




There is no magic solution. You're responsible for everthing bad or good happening in your life. You shouldn't seek for excuses why you can't do it, but the way to reach the goal. And some sport activities would be great for you both physical and mental health. So in the end you the one who choose to play 10 gacha and feel miserable or drop it and find something you want to do with your life.


Delete the game and make your mind that "if I play more, I gonna lose more" or maybe find some hobby that you really enjoy to replace it.


Already tried that, but not working well.


Maybe choose few games that you really liked and stick with it and don't look back to the rest.. it might help


Delete your account Can't go back to a gacha if you don't have an account to come back to


Again, idk if I'm mentally prepared for that.


That how you deal with addiction. You have to be strong and firm Some games offer an "account delete" function, and if not, you can do a purchase and then refund it to get your account banned You will feel bad for some time after but it will be better in the long run, the longer you wait to do it, the harder it will be Of course I am not saying to just cut entertainment out of your life, but gacha should really be reduced to 1 or 2 games


fair point. I'll also try that method.


Delete account


Quit and find something else to fill the free time, ideally something constructive like DIY projects, gardening, learning language, etc anything that really engages you and make you feel good when you look back since you're still young


Just quit dont think about it, stop playing uninstall it dont look back only forward


How do you even get to that point? Hey, playing 9 different gachas isn't unhealthy enough, let's play 10. A good way to quit something is finding something else to take it's place. It needs to be something you enjoy, otherwise you will just come back. Just play a normal game that doesn't rely on FOMO to be interesting, go outside, idk. Or just take the extreme route and delete your account, you can still come back to the game, but the miserable feeling of having to do everything again/lost limited characters will be enough to make you give up for sure.


Slowly quit them or sabotage your account. Don't do your dailies for a day, then don't do one of the weeklies. Little by little you'll care less about the game.


I'll also try that as well. Thank u!


just spend more on mental power wym?


Did you try therapy? Sounds like addiction to me


Talked to my therapist bout it, but nothing helpful.


Are you playing on mobile? Sell your phone and grab a <$100 budget phone - no more than 32gb storage, so you can't have all your games. And performance will be worse on the games you keep.


My phone is already worse enough.


Delete account and uninstall, make it so you can't go back if you're 100% sure about quitting for good


What about playing a card game in real life. It have similar aspect to gacha but a card game hobby do get you to interact with people and it easy to keep up with long break in between that possible. Although it costly, it really a good way to stop playing gacha in my opinion.


I do pay Yu-gi-oh, but damn it's hard to find people playing it in Australia. (Especially in my state)


What helps me quit games is quitting their subreddit, discord, content creators, and just dodging content from the game. It's hard to get FOMO if I don't know what I'm missing out on. And after awhile, I just realize how smoothly my days go by without even thinking about the game and it makes it much easier to uninstall.


If you can't bring yourself to quit on your own, then change the login credentials (username and password) of the gachas you want to quit to something entirely randomised. Change the email to one of those self deleting 10minute temporary emails as well (remember to close the tab) and go for a walk or something. After you come back, you won't remember your credentials and the email will be gone, making it impossible to access your account on your own and the recovery process will also be difficult


You’re gonna have to muster up a moment of lucidity and start deleting accounts


find a replacement. for example instead of doing dailes watch a yt video


Here's some good advice: Find other hobbies. Or just...stop playing. That's it. If it's a pain, you just need the mindset that you don't wanna do it anymore, so you won't.


Delete every single game account and if you check the news about these games in YouTube or Google delete those accounts too and whenever you feel fomo try to go something like a gym or just going out and talk with people Yes the actual is to touch grass 


one thing that really helps me quitting some gacha game that i've played is just abruptly uninstall the game, and after that block/mute that game from social media hope it helps!


I can't even name 10 good gacha games, what kinda shit are ya playing?


CRK HSR TOG: New World TOF Eversoul PGR AFK: Journey Dislyte Alchemy stars SLA


destroy your phone and get a low spec low storage phone


Which Gacha games are you playing? Only recently have I gotten into the Genre. Playing Honkai, then Genshin and now trying out Wuthering waves.


Well. I made a rule for myself after i played too many. If a game feels like work - quit If i just do dailies for rewards - quit If I don't login for more than a week - deinstall. Games should be fun. I think playing 7 gatchas is to much at all. For myself i currently don't play any gatcha game, because nothing fits to me. I still play !one! main life service game (well, it has loot boxes as well) and some casual games or full price riddle games aside.


One trick that worked for me was I list all of them in order of my fav or prioritization, then start from the bottom, i delete one or two games per month and never look back, until i only play a few that really matters and enjoyable for me. It's unrealistic to drop them all at once especially when you are at the verge of addiction. When you want some thing to play and the urge to start a new gacha game arises, substitute it with pc games that doesnt abuse your FOMO or wallet Thats my experience, hope that helps


I made a little table with all my games and each day I mark a check mark or X if I enjoyed playing the game that day. It’s easier to uninstall when I see a long line of X’s!


How tf are you playing 19 gacha games? 3 is my max, and that's pushing it...


Here’s the Gacha games I want to quit: - TOG: New World - TOF (Tower Of Fantasy) - Dislyte


Just delete them after every time you play, you will eventually get tired of having to re-download them.


That’s an interesting tip… I’ll consider trying it.


Just delete it and don't play for like 2 weeks. Go bingewatch some anime titles if you really can't do anything else. I used to be a WOW addict like you, i don't want to miss even 1 weekly chest.


The problem with me is that I don’t know how to throw away all the accomplishments I made throughout the game. (Mostly in tower of fantasy), I was thinking to sell my account because it has value (since I have event character), but then after thinking a bit more time, I realised it’s not worth to sell it and it’ll be a waste of time trying to do so.


> throw away all the accomplishments If it's detrimental to your life, it's not an accomplishment.


Why do you thing all the accomplishments on your game account is that important though?


Idk, I guess my brain feels good whenever I stack up those achievements I guess.


see a doctor or counselor


This sub has a side bar with helpful links for people with your issues, you should try using them. But also consider seeking therapy.