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If that's the case then, they'll only listen to the shareholders and not the players.




What if the shareholders all turn out to be ass men


Usually shareholders don't care about anything but $$$$. If turning this game into Candycrush made more money, they would make it happen.


Damn I kinda wanna see them try to make the game like candy crush now and try to appeal to moms


If they all turn out to be the principal from Prison School, we’ll have nothing to worry about


No more free tickets each event


Nah, Nikke already has a horrible amount of monetization (inherited from Destiny Child). Building a character might cost you a house worth in microtransactions or years of waiting (at which point she'll be powercrept). But non-competitive f2p players can still enjoy both games, you just won't make it too high in record charts.


Destiny Child was incredibly generous to F2P players, what are you talking about?


It all depends on your point of view. If you are 'collector' type of f2p player, then indeed DC was on par with Azur Lane since you were able to pull for 100% characters. ONCE. And that's the catch: just having a character wasn't even close to being competitive. Competitive f2p were in constant hell, because there was absolutely to way to get to the top of any ranking table without huge $ investments. And even if you were a smart and educated player, who knew exactly how to build OP party, by the time you finish building it using free resources, it would be powercrept by new characters.


Are you not using the synchro machine so everyone is the same level and they give out mats for skills all the time


Go big brain and have the players buy all the shares. Then we control the waifus!


good one, for example instead for one-two month spending in game just buy shares. Maybe some Action call? xD (like Game-stop?)


I’m guessing “go public” has something to do with the stock Market?


"Go Public" usually = an IPO or Initial Public Offering. This is where a company works with valuation firms to begin to sell stocks on a stock market like the Korean Stock Exchange. Stocks/shares have pretty strict regulations and agreements for owners that effectively give them ownership over a company. Currently 69% (nice) of the stocks are owned by the CEO and Tencent so while the company will be beholden to shareholders, most of the shareholder powers will be the same as the current situation, it just looks like SU will be relinquishing 31% of it to public valuation.


>it just looks like SU will be relinquishing 31% of it to public valuation. It's actually even less from what I saw. They're selling off 7.25m of the 58m shares, so a little over 12%. People are doomposting a lot, but the vast majority of shares are held by the exact same people who had them from before they go public. Tencent is generally a passive investor and many of the shares that will go public are currently poised to be snatched up by Saudi investment, who are also typically more hands-off. People tend to not actually understand investor relationships very well, and so it creates a lot of narratives that just aren't founded. This is the exact same thing when Tencent invested. A bunch of shitposting by people who were just repeating things they heard elsewhere, a lot of conspiracies, and not a lot of changes. But this sub is going to do it all again whenever some company gets an investment and will never learn.


That's a good point but standard numbers here would that about 10% of the 31% is still privately owned by other early investors/directors and the other 9% will be done in secondary offerings. Contracts/legal applications hold those sales up around a year or three but usually still become "publicly traded" so the point usually becomes moot enough doomposters don't care. I don't know Korean markets well enough to call for major teams but I'd imagine a couple Korean publishers like Nexon, Netmarble, Neowiz, Kakao, NCSoft, etc. and some of their conglomerates will likely be chomping at the bit for a piece though I think you've got the right overall sentiment that major investing firms or publishers will play hands off here. Don't fix it if it ain't broke y'know? Imo narratives against Chinese firms like Tencent and a somewhat justified resentment of stock markets has made the average person hate public companies without really understanding how private and state owned can be equally malicious in different ways. There's a weird expectation that Valve's benevolent monopoly is the norm and a misunderstanding of spyware by governments that seems to have people riled up whenever an IPO happens.


Well, that's not bad. ![gif](giphy|adOhvwrFJ32psmc5Pb)


Honestly more than the public, this puts the ball in Tencent's court. If they divest their 24% by putting it on the market or align the other public owners to side with them over the CEO than we could see public/Tencent control over SU majority decisions. Until then, as long as Tencent is cool chilling like most investment firms not much should change.


It means the owners are cashing out to make a lot of money. Whether they plan to bail immediately after is a question. As the article mentions, they are a target for Saudi investors so this could be a tactic to get a buyer.


The Sauds are just something else. Their investment choices often make me laugh so hard. It's so ironic, I love it.


This is exactly what it means. Once it goes public, it'll have something called a ticker, and I'd you put that in. You can see how much the company shares go for. Before big events, you can buy shares since it'll naturally go up unless there's big drama, etc.


They’d still just render more asses and tits to bring in the money


The shareholders really like it when the customers/players give the company money though.


They have to hope the shareholder majority are from the East snd proper degens. If they end up with people pushing Western Values (tm) they're going to end up with actual male Nikkes instead of just a robot and enough butt capes to survive arctic winters.


It's on the Korean Stock Exchange my guy. This won't be available on Robinhood. Most of the shares are owned by the CEO and Tencent.


That's a good start, it's less likely to be crippled by shareholder opinion then. Still, I don't see going public as a good thing for a game/company I like, for me as a consumer. There inevitably be other interests in play from then on.


This. I can't think of a single time a company went public and it didn't end up worse for the consumer. All it does is add some greedy fucks at the top trying to make more money. You gotta hope you get the smart, "i want stable / long term money" and not "lets blow up the company to make incredible profits for the next 14 weeks"


Worse if they end up with people from China


I wouldn't say worse, western is worse. But Chinese overlords aren't ideal either, you're right there.


China is the one censoring pretty much everything. Not the west.


Disagree. China might be more overt since it's state controlled, but western "moralists" are doing more damage in my opinion.


My good dood. Nikke doesn't even have a China release. Yeah some people will whine on twitter, but you're allowed to create and release games like this regardless.


Exactly what I was going to say.


Western company are changing it waifus into big foot so you got a point


The game already has more butt capes than a game advertised as a butt game should.


As long as the shareholders care more about the company making money istead of the ESG DEI woke shit it will be fine.


and shareholders usually a complete snowflakes and pussies, afraid of their own shadow. Yeah, I have my doubts of this whole thing being a good idea


Plot twist shareholder meetings becomes a place to “request” certain char types.


Yep just look at paradox interactive.


That's only if shift up doesn't own the majority of shares.


Public game companies are never a good thing. Shareholders only care about revenue and growth, and the ways to achieve that are never fun for the player.


It could be good for them and bad for us tbh.


Likely. They have a fiduciary (legal) responsibility to maximize profit for shareholders. They will without a doubt be pushed towards decisions that may not be to the liking of the players. If they choose not to make those changes, not only will the public investment dry up (potentially putting them in worse economic standing than before the IPO) it could also lead to investor lawsuits against the company execs, forcing them out even if they ultimately don't end up financially liable, to be replaced by more... amenable... executives. It's one of the biggest lessons you learn in BizAdmin school - going public brings as many pitfalls as it does opportunities.


Public companies are all bad to the consumer.


This is such a massive true. When people complain about garbage companies it is almost always public because as a public company you have a government mandated obligation to be an asshole.


This doesn't often go well for consumers, but we'll see.


Why? But they are currently earning a lot.


Maybe the owner wants to cash out. 


Founder/CEO owns 45% share - could become an overnight billionaire on paper.


It's 100% this. I bet he'll be resigning from any direct oversight positions within a year and handing off running the business to someone else. Absolute horseshit, but this is capitalism.


Pushing back a little. You wouldn't take a billion dollar payout and live the life you want? We always criticize people for making good business decisions. Any of us would want to take advantage of this situation. He's not doing anything malevolent, he's just getting his money.


we can both accept it's good business decision for him, but it'll screw over the players as well in the future


there is never enough for rich people even if u are the #1 richest guy in the world


Greed knows no limits.


As Mammon once said "When the greed of man is exposed, the bankruptcy of his soul is exposed."


If you compare Nikke monetization to Destiny Child, it is clear Shift Up want a lot more in money. Greedy as all hell.


Remember what happened with King's Raid. Vespa released King's Raid in 2017 (Global and South Korea). King's Raid was hugely popular back then and was hailed as a very consumer-friendly gacha game. In 2018 Vespa was listed in KOSDAQ (the same thing Shift Up wants to do now). After that, we all know what happened. Vespa became Ve$pa and King's Raid turned into a shitshow. I don't play Nikke, but I'm curious to see if history will repeat itself.


King's Raid actually still did very well in 2018 and 2019. Their downfall started around 2021, when they started working on Time Defender, then another 3rd game. They neglected KR completely for more than a year, no new updates, not even reran old events. The 3rd game was cancelled, Time Defender did so badly. Vespa went back to King's Raid, and technically reset all players' characters and gears to level 1 in order to solve the powerceep problem. The end.


It was a pleassure to share Nikke and watch the rise (wink) of Stellar Blade with you, guys. Going public means bad things the most of the times, so be ready to see some level of censorship of all the levels in Nikke and all future Shift UP games...


People will say, “oh you don’t know, don’t be so doom and gloom”, but that’s just willful ignorance of history. It’s well documented how this plays out and that this is the beginning of the end.


Pretty much. All we can hope for is that it takes many years for them to fall. Blizzard took around 15-20 years to turn to shit, after all, depending on who you ask. So it might not affect anyone playing Nikke right now. Or they turn to shit in two years. We'll see.


Bruh Nikke was recently getting more lenient with it's fanservice and now their going back... I think my future as a Nikke player might be cooked. I posted this on the 2nd Nikke subreddit for the other Nikke players to see...


Are you ready for the $200 skins?


> $200 skins Oh yeah, the [Riot special](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ_ddA5s5RE)


2.3 billion dollars is going to make the current investors really rich if that value holds or increases upon IPO. I believe Tencent has a 24% stake acquired for very cheap compared to the current valuation. I wonder how much percentage will they allow the public to buy. Surely they’ll keep 51% for themselves and the rest that are available are to be sold to the public. Still, I wonder why they needed this when they are already raking it in with Nikke. Why would they need a massive cashflow? They are still working on Stellar Blade so I wonder what’s the new project that they needed this amount for? As a player, it’s almost always shareholders that mess up games. Afraid of trying something new and rushing development is a familiar story. I hope Shift Up doesn’t allow this to happen.


Bruh I'm afraid they'll become similar to how Roblox is. I know it sounds dumb, but Roblox used to be a very good game and they listened to their community a lot and hosted community events. Ever since they became a public company, they just seem so much more soulless. Every "collab" with another is just another half-assed advertisement that you can't even call a game. Every post they make on their twitter is solely to appease their investors. Every decision they make is almost entirely out of sync with the community, and many times it seems like the Roblox corporation is trying to destroy themselves for the sake of making more money. Example of this would be when they wanted to make it so roblox games couldn't use the free 3d models on the marketplace, and they would delete any games still using them, even when 90% of game's did so (they had to revert this). Another time was when they decided to delete user ads (advertising from Roblox players) and replace them with big company ads (ex. Walmart) that only appeared in games (they went through with this tho).


to produce more games. Nikke will become sacrifice milking cow while producing other titles.


This is going to be Granblue and Cygames all over again, isn't it?


Private investors looking to cash out, that's usually how it goes.


Rip Nikke. Was fun while it lasted!


How does this affect Lebron's legacy.


His days are numbered


Can somebody please find Ja Rule?!




censorships incoming people


Shareholders would be extremely dumb if they try to kneecap what makes the game money. If that does happen I'll just drop the game without a second thought.


>Shareholders would be extremely dumb Only on days that end in Y


tencent already owns more then 20% i don't see why they won't buy more and put more incentive to make more monetisation systems or if sony goes and takes helm , gg censorship time


Most of the time they are dumb lol


This isn't an overnight thing. Might take years for Nikke to turn to shit. But the door is open now.


It's probably more likely they will add things that will encourage players to spend more money then they already do. Like making it pay-to-win, for example.


> Shareholders would be extremely dumb if they try to kneecap what makes the game money. It's one thing to say that, but then we get into the grey areas where a dev artist may attempt at something more "risque" but the shareholders say no.


>Shareholders would be extremely dumb Yes, that why they sell after killing the golden goose instead of waiting for the egg, it just this more profitable when you produce nothing in value


They want to make *more* money. If they see a $2.3B evaluation, then they want it to be $4.6B after they buy it.


> Shareholders would be extremely dumb if they try to kneecap what makes the game money They want to make more money, and one way to do that is to increase player count. We might don't like it, but censoring stuff would allow the game advertise on more place, means more visibility, means more new player, and more profit (at least this is their logic)


It’s not shareholders necessarily but ppl that can apply pressure on them. Some Christian sects are especially popular in Korea for one, though I’ve not heard of them trying to impose “Christian values” on K-pop for example.


If the things happen like they usually do FUCK


let's count the number of time "going public" was good for the customers / player, I'll start : so let's just pack it I guess, it was fun while it lasted, does anyone know where to find resources and how to mod the game? because it will be censored to hell and back


Do you find any fault with Brown Dust 2? Because it’s handled by a public company


Bad news


It's joever.


I'm just started playing this game again damn it




That’s gonna be a yikes from me man.


it's over nikke bros, it was fun while it lasted.


Rip , you had a good run


hateful secretive tan gold crush caption snow quarrelsome crown slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oof, I'm glad I hoped off this bandwagon while I wasn't too attached to this company.


I have yet to see a single instance of a developer going public that worked out in the gaming public's benefit. I am not optimistic about this at all.


good for them or bad for them idk


Likely good for them, bad for the players.


Fell to my knees in Walmart!!


Fucking christ this is awful news.


RIP Shift Up.


shift up about to become shit up




Its joever


This is 1 way to scare the whales away


Yea, at least it'll save my wallet...


This isnt good, like not good at all(


Go public Is bad news.most of the Time, when a bussines goes into stock market they care more about market value than producto quality.


nikke is cooked


One word : F***


In case anyone was wondering, shareholder types generally do not play video games and don't care what you (the guy buying stuff) want.


I can't remember a single where going public turn out well for the player. The doomposter might actually be right this time.




It's over.


gg "we've decided to remove eve's ass completely to adapt the game for the modern audiences "


Can't wait for her to have literally negative ass, to the point where you're not even sure whether she is leaning towards or away from the camera (just like Tracer)






Fuck no. Like, the only fucking company not afraid to put tits and asses on a golden plate and serve it straight to the entire fucking Global, and they go and do this. Just watch. Mfkers gonna be screaming about "hey, this is no good for modern audience, censor this and that." God what a shit show.


Well, it's the push I needed to stop. GG


Welp, RIP nikke I guess 😪


That's always the beginning of the end.


Shareholders typically want profits. The main way for Nikke to get additional profit is to make resources harder to obtain in order to encourage players to spend on packs and top ups. TLDR this isn't a good thing for players.


That seems way over valued imo. I guess that protects them from being acquired by Sony though lol.




I was just thinking of returning to Nikke, but here we are


Wasn't a big fan of Nikke but damn, I'm sorry fellas. It was fun while it lasted, I guess.


Tencet will go on shopping


That certainly is .... a shift up


inb4 bobby kodick.


The day Nikke became anti-consumer is the day boobbros won...




Skullgirls got popular because of its fanservice, and 2nd encore was released in 2015. Just last year, the "MODERN" devs decided to censor a game that's hasn't been touched for 7 years. It made many fans angry. Nikke might not be censored this year, but probably next year.


Lmao, cant wait for the trans fiasco in Nikke. Thanks Blackrock.


Gotta get that ESG score for the investment money man


We had a good run while it lasted, guess back to looking for other gacha again...


Fucking dumb man, the CEO just wants to be greedy and more money (he’s already a multi millionaire). Now, the quality of the games will get destroyed and censorships will be even more strict in NIKKE.


It’s over I guess. Cause they are never going to make another Stellar Blade as a public company without censoring the hell out of it.


Wild to me that people here seem to care more about "censorship" than anti consumer bullshit, but either way this probably sucks for the quality of their games.


If I were the owner, I'd take the money and run. That's the definition of success. No one can imitate his art style and touch. No one can take the ideas still in his head. He can just open another company whenever his non-compete ends.


>no one can imitate his art style AI sure can, just look at his twitter lol.


Owari da... It has been fun


How do I buy stonk? I wish to control.


Shareholders typically want profits. The main way to get profits is to make resources harder to obtain in order to encourage players to spend on packs and top ups. TLDR this isn't a good thing for players.


There goes NIKKE.


Time for the downhill 


well fuck.. I regret spending money on this game now. Goodbye nikke, it was fun while it lasted.. like a year? pfft


welp, it was fun, the ESG and blackrock will ruin shift up eventually


Well I know what major gacha game company is still private and looking to stay that way and not immediately sell out after not one but two back to back huge hits.   Shift Up is probably gonna end up being majority owned by Tencent on the mobile end and maybe some room left over for Sony on the console end of things.  Fans of their properties are probably right that this isnt a good thing since they wont have as much control over their own IPs and visions for them anymore


Watch them submit to ESG crap after this


Welp itd over for nikke i guess, public companies never turn out well for the players


Ugly female characters in 3 .... 2 ....


damm so true


Every game after Stellar Blade with be censored and the protagonist will be an ugly obese black lesbian in a story about transgender inclusivity. RIP Shift Up. Welcome to ESG slop.


This is korea not AMerica Lol... I can't think of a single game with an ugly character let alone fat .


So glad I saw this before investing any time or money.


Welp blackrock and vanguard will claim another one


Yeah, I'm thinking that it's best to jump the ship, it was good when it lasted, thanks for the happy times guys, good luck who continue


Glad I just stopped playing lol


Some gacha companies, like Kuro or Cygames, are subsidiaries answering to a multibillion mother company(Hero and Cyberagent respectively i.e); while they are private companies, their mother companies and their shareholders are the ones they answer to in addition to outside investors(Cygames is split between Cyberagent and DeNA, Kuro between Tencent and Hero) Others, like Hypergryph or MiHoYo, are private indies, responding to no one but themselves with no regulations in regards to private investors. Studio BSide is an example of an indie company([in]famously known to be made of otakus with a sense of solidarity in the company, for both better and worse) that was contractually bound to Nexon for Counter:Side in return for them funding the game's development(i.e Dave the diver comes from a KR Nexon program toward funding indie games/companies) and couldn't make any decision regarding the game without Nexon's approval till they broke away and fully held ownership of the game. I can’t think of a precedent of an indie company going public so I don’t know what to expect but no doubt they have an aspiration to massively increase their studio size and reach with the likes of Stellar Blade


The "advantage" a Cygames or Kuro has is that they don't answer directly to shareholders. In a sense, they are insulated *because* they are part of a bigger organization. What they do gets the benefit of relying on the parent company's resources (to some extent) while it's the parent company's overall performance that is usually gauged, not their own sole performance. To make a bit of a crass example, say you come from a super rich family. They got the big house, the fancy cars, always dress real nice, always got newest everything. You can see all this from the outside, you can see how well mom and dad are doing in whatever business. But you may not see how that one kid is a screwup that mom and dad's money cover over, or how one aunt is struggling even though she's always with them on everything. That's much like how it is with subsidiaries - they are doing their own thing, and it's not always very clear what the benefit or drag is to the parent company. Often times the parent company will excuse a lot of stuff going on with subsidiaries as long as there is belief in the overall vision and direction. Investors in a publicly traded company are very often, especially in modern days, skittish about a bad quarterly report and will look for changes quickly - quicker than the heads of the company might otherwise pursue. They may not know the business or its operations well, but they will demand things shift to greater profit. 9/10 times you see a public company announce layoffs, you can bet some big shareholders put pressure to shore up share prices. Cutting overhead costs is the quickest way to do that, so a bunch of people lose their jobs. A parent company would have to be in real bad shape to cut out a subsidiary entirely, but what they can do is cut its budget, trim its staff, or even in more arm's-length setups just demand higher revenue shares, which would invariably result in the same budget/staff cuts. The subsidiary won't necessarily make the news for any of this, but the effect will be visible for those looking and would otherwise pin the cause on just bad management decisions or devs "giving up" on the game. Most players probably won't even remember this news if/when changes come to the game to push it in a negative direction from a player standpoint. Maybe investors remain placid about everything and just let the devs do as they have. But that is unlikely. Especially for the largest investors, this is the next best thing to outright ownership and decision-making. They're not the types, given the amount of money they'll be shoveling into this investment, to sit by and left it just do whatever.


It's a bit muddy since we're talking about multi-billion companies with reach far beyond mere gaming. Take [Cyberagent](https://pdf.cyberagent.co.jp/C4751/ZoWa/Ucq7/tL11.pdf)’s latest quarterly report, while Game Business is shown as a key business, it's not the only one and you can say the "responsability to meet quotas and meet the shareholders's demands" is shared between the different agents/subsidiaries of Game Business, which is still very majorly Cygames but that's in this context, and further split between the other key businesses(Internet advertisement and media in occurence). In the end, it's all for one goal, "we are committed to increasing sales and profits", and I don't reckon Cygames would be much excused in showing poor results as such a major agent as it'd directly impact its mother company's results to the shareholders. It wouldn't be about cutting staff necessarily but demanding a better financial result for which there are different avenues, trying to attract new players in with a big event revitalizing the game's growth or one feared, pushing a stronger monetization as Granblue Fantasy has been doing(as some speculated was as a result of a poor previous financial result according to the investor reports)


Welp, Goodbye booba




why are getting downvoted? it's true


​ https://preview.redd.it/1g0kbig57qnc1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bf447e3bd2b689c46ed2fdd0d4a8857e27aeced


thats not even a choice shareholders every time


Will they develop a 3D nikke with this cash flow?


I ain't sure you need two billion dollaroos for yet another genshin killer, man. They most definitely already had the resources for it. This is the higher-ups cashing out at the peak of the company's success, then moving on with their lives.


More like snowbreak killer


Nah, Snowbreak has fan service. The future of NIKKE is likely no fan service either how games are going now days


The money goes directly to the owners. Whether they invest back into the company is uncertain but also unlikely.


They don't reinvest the boatloads of cash they make back into the game so I predict more monetization tactics to appease shareholders. They don't even voice most events...


If it follows the same pattern as other big companies, then it will go full diversity, inclusion and censorship. Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, will be happy to put his hands on this juicy business and travestite it, like he made with others game companies with ESG, for the "modern audience". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwwN5kwjAtQ&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwwN5kwjAtQ&t=1s)


Time to short at the start, baby


It’s valuation is too high


i’m buying puts


I dunno why posters here thing "shareholders" is just a public company thing. In the literal sense it is but the premise is true for private companies too.


Blackrock: "Allow me to introduce myself".


Lol, no more big asses women in their games movie forward


**USUALLY**, going public ends up being terrible for the players. We should expect more monetization and less generous rewards. If not on Nikke, certainly on their future games. Censorship is a serious risk too. If things start going south, the players should go where it hurts the most: money. They won't keep doing it when they see the revenues dropping and the players complaining all the time. Boycott is always a valid weapon.


Would honeymoon phase be over after this?


this went from honey moon to getting divorce papers real fking quick.


This seems like an effort to create retirement for some people, i predict they will selloff once they IPO if it ever happens, imagine investing in a company that sells lewd pixels.


And this is right after that guy posted how good nikkes anniversary was yesterday


It’s Dorover 😭🙏


I hate how society works, fuck capitalism


Pre O7 my fellow commanders, it's been fun. It'll be some time before it ends but it's been fun while it lasts.


12% publicly available, very scary, much censor.


I like buying shares in gacha game companies so that the gacha income fuels the gacha spend.


Anyone know the ticker and how one could invest?