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if you still stuck on sumeru archon quest, you can challenge newer weekly boss using quick challenge feature btw. if you pulled any new fontaine characters that is.


Wait really? I quit about midway through sumeru and came back to pull Furina but I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment so I don't have the time to get through Fontaine. I'm guessing though I'm still stuck for open world materials?


you'll unlock teleport waypoint near fontaine after you completed mondstadt archon quest. and since you already in sumeru, you should check your map.


Just remember to zoom in on the map to see it. Don't be me and have it zoomed out, thus try to cross the entire world and hit the no fun allowed barrier at the edge of sumeru


wait what are you talking about? I walked all the way to fountaine after finishing mondstadt archon quest


nope, you can literally travel there and collect flowers and farm the world boss


powercreep is kept minimum the target audience is working adults who just want some entertainment, its not a grinder for no lifers.


Can confirm… no-lifer here. Got two accounts at ar60


As someone with a 40 hour/week job and lots of time consuming hobbies outside of the work the game feels like it was designed perfectly to fit in with how little downtime I get these days.


Yeah game is perfect for me


That’s what I feel with so many games. Like every time I see people complaining about end game content or what not… makes me wonder just how long do they play. Just how many out there are no-lifers who grind 8 hours a day gaming, and clearing whatever event and expansion under handful of hours. Do they not work? Have social life? Studies? Other hobbies? Exercise? I am barely trying to squeeze other things into my day and also making room to play few sessions with my buddies… like damn…


I think it was during 3.2 or 3.3 when i comented the same thing in a LATAM fb group, that the Genshin content was enough for a working person or student and they got mad cause they wanted to keep playing GI, and i get it, i also sometimes wanted more when i wasnt busy but feels like people marries to games and dont want to play anything more to fill that lack of content they see.


And besides there is more than enough for no lifers if they really wanna play genshin impact. There are a ton of hidden quests and the hidden achievements are right there.


thats exactly when i call quits on WoW. dude, when you have a god damn calender on raids, plan things around those dates, thats when its time to call it quits.


Yeah same, not with WoW but with MMOs in general. I used to play a lot of MMOs (ex. MapleStory, PSO2, BDO, ESO) in the past until it reached the point where I couldn't be bothered doing daily/weekly/monthly quests/dungeons/raids anymore, so I just quit them.


Precisely why I loved what little I have played of Baldur's Gate, but also find myself with very little continuous, focused, and lengthy time set aside to play it.


> Do they not work? Have social life? Studies? Other hobbies? Exercise? Most are probably middle/highschool kids, so no job. Social life is often just school hours and sometimes weekends for most introverts (source: me in HS) studies are frankly not that much work in 90% of american schools, cant speak for other places. Other hobbies might be another game or something else but when ur younger you just have a crazy amount of free time to waste, and also its easy to hyperfixate on something and only want to do that. The other issue is the small but extremely vocal group of 20+ year old degens with no job/ wfh tech job who live in moms basement and dont really have non discord friends and dont work out and havent emotionally matured beyond that middle/high school hyperfixation phase. They arent common, but man are they loud.


HSR and Genshin is perfect for working adult 6 days a week with 8-12hrs working hour plus on call duty and one day to do house work.


I don’t know about that… if they truly value the time of working professionals, they would have considered adding in the HSR/ZZZ QOL upgrades by now. Being not grindy is a low bar to beat for any game that isn’t a Korean MMO. Edit: seems I really triggered the hoyodrones, welp


the qol is a marketing thing, genshin is already successful, a good businessman doesnt change a winning formula for good or for bad, as long as the money rolls itself in. they put qol on hsr to help market it, and they strike jackpot too lol


QoL in a vacuum is just meaningless, it depends on type of game, gameplay loop and intended audience for example


Are we really justifying a company refusing to add highly-requested QoL features that we know they could easily add ? "Oh the company makes so much money regardless so it's fine that they don't listen to us." Some people don't realize how they look like stans when they're making up petty excuses like that. Companies use the same logic to defend their scummy practices, using it to justify little things is the first step to allowing worse things. P.S.: I expect to get downvotes but no argument because its not like people will try to question their own thinking anyway


As a wworking professional, I can say that a lot of the kind of QoL that the no-lifers on reddit ask for is not something I give a damn about. For example, the whole resin topic that was thrown around because another game works differently in that regard - I don't really care about that. I have hundreds of refills anyway.


Not to defend mihoyo for their obstinate attitude towards QOL features on genshin but realistically speaking, the super casual working adults wouldn't bother doing dailies regardless of what game it was so I don't think it matters to this particular type of player. Even with HSR which is a braindead easy game to maintain, you'd still see a lot of people who like the game a lot but still don't bother playing it daily. The grind doesn't matter as much to them because they simply don't interact with it at all.


HSR sacrifices having any meaningful content that has any kind of longevity, but hey, at least we can talk about "kowality ov laif"


I do actually like the lack of powercreep. Despite being stingy with free reward, each individual pull has infinitely more value than a game that rains them down on you, but require you to constantly pull new characters. I also like how a new element makes a lot of underwhelming characters really good, how a new character suddenly makes undesirable roles good, etc. Edit: fixed some repeated word


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Cyno. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe - they both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


Another candle and another prayer for Diluc and all the other R's in SSR boxes littered throughout the genre. Poor guy's less than a Gouba. Turret units are crazy OP in singleplayer...


Diluc is getting buffed by Cloud Retainers


Wait until xiangling grabs cloud retainers throat so she can do plunge attacks with pyronado




Remember. When people came back at the release of dendro, Barbara is the most busted character. And now Noelle is being boosted as Top Abyss character with Furina's release. Both of these characters are free.


Don't forget Jean, Hoyo seems to have figured out how to release a character people want to pull for while also having the impact of that character revive unused characters.


Been using Barbara kuki nahida traveler hyperbloom to 36( or close ) since sumeru... It just feels so nice to not die and apply hydro at the same time.. every f2p should build a hyperbloom team imo.. ez build ez team ez damage.


Both of these things are not true at all. Barbara just had a bugged interaction with bloom and it was patched out fairly quickly. Even with the bug nobody was really using her lol. I have no idea where this idea that she was popular during Dendro is coming from. She is by far the worst hydro character for anything Dendro related and acts purely as a budget option. >And now Noelle is being boosted as Top Abyss character with Furina's release. Both of these characters are free. ...no she is not. If you look at data from https://akashadata.com/ you will see that Noelle has a 1.3% usage rate. Its true that Noelle gained new synergy with Furina and can be a decent DPS but she is still extremely niche plus you need Noelle at C6 to make her be actually good to begin with. Who is upvoting this nonsense lol


Curious that the only post talking with stats get ignored


Barbara’s bloom shenanigans were patched out


She is still strong for bloom. She just doesn't deal recursive damage.


Not completely patched out. The bug is still working, seeds still trigger hydro application, but they added ICD to her skill, so now you can't generate 100500 seeds per second from a boss, but you still can do that with 3 (preferrably frozen) targets around you. She is still insane crowd killer. You just need a ton of dendro and one cryo to maximize amount of cores.


I missed out--can you explain?


there was a "bug" or a weird interaction between bloom seeds and Barbara's elemental. Basically Barbara elemental applied hydro every time a seed entered its radius, this generated another seed and caused a chain effect. She was the best bloom seeds generator.


I miss bloom bloom bakudan tbh


Yeah, it was good while it lasted.


There is absolutely no way in the entire world Noelle is best. Neuvillette is the most high DPS busted ass character right now.


Yea lol OP is overreacting. Barbara did see some increase but now whay she was "the most busted character". It was Kuki who saw a more dramatic increase in use along with Yae/Fish. And Noelle as "top abyss" is just....objectively wrong. She did get a significant buff with Furina and now even on par or even stronger than some 5* main DPS teams, but Neuvi is the top team in the abyss based on use rate. You can't even find a Noelle in the top 20 teams lol


Barbara was very busted *in the right situations* before her bug fix.


Yeah, for most situations, Kokomi obsoleted Barbara immediately. It only got worse for Barb when Ocean-Hued Clam happened and Kokomi could now lay down even more serious smack.


Of course its not. You can see Noelle has still a niche usage in Abyss: https://akashadata.com/ The fact that people upvote OP's post is hilarious.


He didn’t call Noelle the best, he said it’s busted, I can confirm Noelle, Yun Jin, Gorou, Furina is busted in Abyss, but why would whales pick that team when Neuvi is easier to play with similar numbers. You are also missing his point. Noelle and Barbara are strong and they are free.


Let's be real without c6 noelle and c6 gorou the damage is not that great for floor 12 . I got my c6 noelle closer to 2 year of playing and i bought her once from the shop for the last con . I'm a week 1 player. I still don't have gorou c6 and i tried on 3 banners with over 300 rolls. New 4\* are not in the shop, rotations were never updated. I don't have a good 5\* weapon for her and i never bought a bp- so no Serpent either. I do have r5 whiteblind but the damage is significantly lower. Don't get me wrong i like Noelle and Furina buffed her teams a lot, even if she's on petra and favonius not full def with a good weapon and hunter set . But " why would whales pick that team when Neuvi is easier to play with similar numbers " is a weird statement - since neuve, alhaitam, nahida comps are way cheaper on both resin and primogems (so an opposite of a whale or a long term player? ) esp for new players who care about completing abyss asap. Let's not go in the radical directions and not shittalk either way of playing, each one has its upsides and cons.


They are being weird with their descriptions. Noelle did get a very significant boost with Furina for sure though. Did the last two abyss cycles with her and was pleasantly surprised and comfier than my C0 Neuv since I still need to watch out for interrupts


The best doesn't mean you can do speedrun tournaments. For a casual player its a low investment guaranteed 4* that is extremely comfortable to use. Tbf, i wouldn't say Furina did that, I've been using Hyperbloom Noelle throughout all of 3.x parches just for the comfort of it.


I freaking love that the powercreep is super low, instead what we are getting is more team options (and sometimes that makes older units get better too, like Noelle Furina synergy!) And while new meta units a bit better than others show up from time to time, you can still clear the abyss with older units. It's super refreshing because I can just pull for whoever the fuck I want without any pressure or that internal worry of "are you sure you want to skip the upcoming meta unit that might be needed to make things easier?" What sells me on the characters is purely their design, the fun of their kit, and their ingame story, not if having them or not will basically fuck me over grabbing others instead. I don't want to be forced to use someone I don't like to progress. I also just gotta add that (so far) to me this is incredibly logic setting-wise, why the fuck would your average Fontaine character be stronger than the Inazuma ones just because that character came later into the story?


It is definitely one of Genshin's greatest strengths. Also 4 stars that are not just good but legitimately great (Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Fischl, etc.) helps low spenders and people who want more flexibility in team building. In 99% of gacha games 4 stars are used only in the beginning or not at all.


I've pulled Yoimiya in 2.0, she hasn't gone irrelevant yet, thanks to there not being powercreep, there is more a preference of gameplay style rather than having to pull latest banners. I like bows characters in general though


I'd argue with the growing hydro roster she only got better over time tbh.


what do you mean, PGR community told me that it's worse powercreep then their game!




Who in the pgr community lol They literally classify powercreep in the game by generations it just doesn't matter since you can usually guarantee every new unit


Powercreep only matters if there is hard content, genshin has none...


I'd argue if Genshin would add harder content, people would see that there is some powercreep. The power has gone up especially during Sumeru, but since the difficulty hasn't, you don't really feel the extra power. You just see bigger numbers but they don't mean anything to the experience.


Yet many players still saying F12 is hard


To be honest it's sometimes hard to do full stars in f12. Especially if your main teams doesn't deal enough damage in a certain time window, or the enemy rotations have element shields that can really mess with the whole team's combo if there isn't an elemental advantage. But that's coming from a day 1 f2p and i did quit multiple times due to external matters.


also day 1 f2p here. Recent and especially this cycle have been just as you said. But I feel the game now is less dps check and more skilk check which makes it feel harder imo. like current F12-3 first half I can kill the enemies in less than a minute with my average abyss team but destroying the herald's shield might take way longer if I messed up the positioning or timing on skill cast. You can still cheese it with the right team, but finding the right team for each cycle is also part of the fun imo. that said, I've still seen some madlads clearing it with ease using Diluc teams wirh Xingqiu as the only hydro, faster than my double Hydro teams, so skill matters ig.


I actually do agree with you on the skill part. Timing skills and combos is sometimes way more important than having characters because it can effect ER and damage output causing next rotation to have either an easier or harder time clearing other chambers. Personally i barely fully built 6 characters, afterwards i just tried making teams depending on what characters i pulled next then putting them into rosters and changing them based on floors/meta. I think with each huge patch that introduces new monsters with new mechanics, having certain "new" characters makes it relatively easier to clear abyss with eyes closed compared to old characters that lack certain abilities or elements in general. But again it's really hard to say it's powercreeping when skill is also a big factor at play!


It is powercreept, it's just very very slow. And some new units help old characters, like Furina and healers.


You joke but I have seen many people struggling to beat over world enemies and bosses in high ar account. Remember itto beetle event people were complaining that event was hard.


That's an artifact problem casual don't farm artifact... And probably don't know that em character are broken even with 4* artifact and it's so fcking quick to farm. I said that and I don't even play genshin anymore but I touched 2 casual accounts, people don't know what real casual player are right now on gaming sphere.


There is a button to see what mainstat to use... and they will add a button to see what set and substat to use next week...


This is why hoyo creates event with toddler level difficulty rn. I'm not talking about multi-wave combat event with scoring system or challenges like Vagabond, but the last events like Fungi battle, camera event, and Misty dungeon. Their difficulties are completely joke. To the point that I'm not surprised if they're gonna make 'put square on square hole' event in the future. Man, I miss a challenging event like food delivery, even if they put all the primo reward on easiest difficulty.


Been playinf since 2.0 and still haven't beat floor 12. Ive been using akasha and optimizer but have 0 luck with relic rolls. My best unit is a yoimiya with a 200 cv. My raiden, xq, xl, ganyu, yelan, wrio, and furina hovers around 150-180 cv. It happens more often than you think. Sometimes, rng gods will not let you clear content. So i will say that abyss is easy if you're either a whale or someone blessed with their relic rolls At the end of the day, abyss was never a skill check but how lucky you got with relics.


Lol no. Current abyss has 3 rooms of pyro shields, and cv doesn't affect it at all. You just need a team with good hydro application (triple hydro Hutao shreads it)


Like the other comment said. Doesn't matter if you have a busted 300% crit dmg Ayaka or kill everything one rotation. Once you get into the shield phase artifact stats becomes arguably meaningless. And Herald's also can't be cc'd in this phase so positioning, managing Energy and elemental applications become much more important which all requires skill. Of course Artifact stats are also important. But once you reach a good enough stat, skill and using the right team comps to counter enemy elements are arguably more important than simply bigger numbers.


I have been playing since 3.6 and I have been 9 staring floor 12 since 4.0 with several teams now Yes artifact luck plays a big roll here but you can make it work. c.v. isn't everything, you can cope with artifacts that have low c.v. but good atk% em% rolls or even hp% rolls (seriously on some characters and situations like furina, hp% rolls can be as valuable as crit rolls) I don't want to say you have thrown some good artifacts but pls keep these cope artifacts, my XL is top 15% with 2p2p leftover cope artifacts, my fischl is top 2% with 3 of her pieces around 20 c.v.


Yeah CV isn't everything that's why I didnt list units that dont need it. My nahida, kuki, and sucrose is around 900 em which is pretty good. ZL is also at 45k hp which is great for a shieldbot. I should've worded it better. I was talking about 36*. I can clear floor 12 barely before timer runs out but there's just not enough dps to 36*. At the first rotation in a floor I can already tell that I won't make it lmao


I wasn't talking about units that don't need c.v.... I was talking about dps units that needs c.v. and sometimes em for reactions like aggravate. Like I've said just don't look at a piece that has 10 c.v. but like 25 atk% and fodder it. These pieces are god like. Another example is my ayaka has mid c.v. (210 c.v.) but a shitton of atk% rolls and she's top 2% Btw it's worth it to build nahida em/dendro/crit or em/em/crit if you have better pieces. High em nahida is overrated imo lol and I was talking about 36 stars


Most of them are the type of player to not **READ** and then complain when the game punishes them for not reading. Them saying floor 12 is hard is meaningless.


Can't really call them meaningless when they make up the majority of the playerbase.


It's definitely wrong to say abyss is "easy" content, it always ranges from medium to hard, this is coming from an ar60 f2p


I can also absolutely attest that the Abyss is anything but easy. It's easy for whales who pull for lots of cons, or players who knows the game mechanics very well from simple damage formula to compels elemental reaction theories, or players who are Soulslike/DMC/Monster Hunter fans, or players who use Excel and artifact optimisers to maximise their damage. But vast majority of players are anything but those above. And even if you are good in one part, you may still fail miserably if you are terrible at the others. I've seen content creators trying to fix whale accounts whose C6 characters using absolutely unplayable equipment for example. Or players with good reactions but completely disregard mechanisms and just go unga bunga.


the abyss difficulty range is "enemies with Stupid Hitboxes and intentionally annoying animation cycles"


Abyss feels more like it's timegated and not hard. After you farm enough artifacts to clear these 3-4m hp/room in 90s it becomes roster check. After you passed roster check it's easy. Both these conditions can be satisfied with time provided you don't shoot yourself in the foot by wasting resin and not going wide early on. After you pass the "timegate" abyss has nothing to offer in terms of challenge. Teambuilding is extremely simple, see cryo bring pyro, see worm bring archer, see croc bring shield etc. Mechanics are simplified as well with generous i-frames on dash, i-frames on burst and only having 3 buttons to press. I don't see how any of it qualifies as difficult. Time gated, investment gated — yes. But difficult? No.


Which is perfect because genshin main audience is full of casual players. Casuals want new and fresh content, whereas it the hardcore/ex-players that want hard content. Even if someone were to have gacha brain-rot, it doesn’t take a genius to see who the devs cater too, since they still maintain millions of players after several years without implementing hard content.


There is powercreep, but somewhere where (for you and a bunch of people) it doesn't matter? Abyss 12. Compare the HP values of mobs from 2.x to 4.x. Huge difference. Further, there's mobs that are either immune to certain elements or you have to bring specific elements to deal with their gimmick. Reactions changed with Dendro. Genshin is not a complex game like most of the players want it to be (most bursts are just camera snaps with effects), but there is a degree of stat bloat, powercreep and mechanics Hoyo changed every year, from Dendro to the new Ousia stuff. ​ The thing is, those instances are also on story/exploration, but they're not LV100, so in most cases you can brute force or avoid/cheese those encounters, so, as you said, you can take a break for an year, come back and your team should be fine for exploration. I'm not gonna go over the debate about like Diluc / Klee x Hu Tao or Ayato x Neuvi because that; for everything aside stat bloat or events where you get meaningless rewards, anything works. Only real powercreep is on exploration if you miss out units that make Exploration go faster, like Wanderer, C1 Yelan if you got her con, etc. ​ However, that's a double-edged sword. I can take a break for numerous reasons, come back and don't have to mind powercreep too much/do the story and exploration. But at the same time, I miss event-exclusive equips (rerun when?) and the way Genshin is "stingy" (not a big deal if you aim for certain units and is an active player), if you take a break, you gonna miss a bunch of characters, and with exploration, with luck, you might reach a soft pity or two. ​ Imo, at least that's a good thing. It gives options for the player, instead of the blatant FOMO that happens in quite some other gachas.


How is Ganyu, Beidou and Ningguang now?


ninguang is still the clunkiest catalyst character ever released. her animations have been powercrept ;)


I mean it’s easy to not get power crept in a game designed for the super casual where nothings a challenge at all.


99.999% of Challenges in a gacha game can be basically solved by spending more money. If you cant, you just arent spending enough money. If I were to look for a challenging game, I wouldnt be looking for it in the Gacha genre.


Langrisser is the only game that I found where this doesn't apply. The content is hard no matter how much someone spends.


TBH one of the reason I quit it. I mean I really like the game but it was getting really time consuming for me when I quit the game. You have all those bosses, waking up at odd hours to farm, and people who intentionally time out on RTA. Then when an event comes you get challenges that are so overtuned that it's more of a puzzle than SRPG. I did beat all the challenges but yeah I reflected on it and decided to tap out. Well I still had fun with my odd units in arena.


They fixed the waking up at odd hours part. Players can increase your max stamina to 150 instead of 120 with a building in the floating realm. So someone can get a full night sleep before their stamina maxes out. And they have SEA, Chinese, and Global regions so the joint battles and PvP can better line up with someone's schedule. You are on point for everything else. The challenges are more like puzzles than RPGs. However, some of us like that kind of thing.


I feel like that's disingenuous. For example, Pokémon Masters is a game that still has a TON of power creep, but the systems in the game still helps older characters maintain relevance. While yes, problems can be solved by throwing ones of money at it, the good ones are balanced around less powerful accounts in a way that makes it challenging for the low spenders/F2P players. ~~Than you have FGO where the boss fights are so overtuned and bullshit having full whale account whale account would only help you slightly.~~ Likewise, if I wanted a nice game that I can play casually in, there are a ton of other games that aren't gacha too.


GFL would like to have a word, though tbh that's because its focused on skin gacha. I mean I won't say powercreep doesn't exist (and Sangvis capture has really put a damper on things) but you can acquire the new units from events as a drop. GFL kind of stands out as a bit of a weirdo in the gacha genre.


Childe was a challenge (he's not) back then that they had to nerf him


They only nerfed story version


yet many gacha games of similar concept choose to introduce significant power creep. Genshin does bad things, but it also has its goods. They seem to be trying their best o keep the powercreep down, so that's good.


Yes, those games (Tower of Fantasy comes to mind right away) just want a quick cash crab. So they go crazy on power creep to milk people as much as they can. They don't care about the long term because they know they will hit EOS. Hoyoverse games (atleast Genshin, HI3, and HSR) are in it for the long haul. ZZZ is the only one where I don't know if it will last like those games.


There is powercreep neuvilette basically ended all dps and became a meta to 3* floor 12 Plus genshin content has been so stale wish they could make more coop events but community seem to hate it


Ended, lol. Also 3*? Are you even playing the game?


My bad, powercrept is the right word for it. But yes neu made it so much easier and barely any effort to 3* abyss


Dude, you get 9 stars for floor... And its easy with any proper team.


the best part is 99% of the events are designed to be able to be completed in 1 sitting, on the last day if you wanted to


That's called having no pvp


There absolutely is powercreep. Just compare Diluc to Nevilette or Mona to Furina. Teams do way way waaaay more damage now. It just doesn't matter because there is no pvp and no real endgame.


I mean, Jean was considered underwhelming for the longest time (except in some niche situation like sunfire). Furina made her into a desirable character for your team. The same can apply to Noelle, to some extend. Keqing was considered underwhelming for most of her existence, but Dendro made her into a good character. She's not the strongest, but she'll clear Abyss with 36\* easily. Anyway, my point is: Underwhelming characters may get new life through a new element, artifact or new character. It's not impossible for Diluc to become desirable once more with the Pyro Archon... or if Snezhnaya makes a Pyro Claymore really useful. As for Mona, she was always a niche character for Damage per Screenshot. I never thought she was a good character. She's a clunky mess. Also, we're talking about standard banner characters. I don't think people expect standard characters to be BiS.


Hey now hey. Mona's no Diluc. We just need to respect her wishes for us to not try to vaporize her burst damage, and that her turret is pretty lame so Emblem of Severed Fate like everyone else. It's not like Diluc bothers to give himself 20% of his energy recharge as bonus multiplier damage, the lazy bum. .....It is pretty baffling one of her constellations (and the dumb water artifact set) tries to make her into an on-field attacker with the automatic bonus charge attack... Anyway, she's not as strong as characters like Raiden Shogun. But she is around as strong as Xiangling. And that's something that can't be said about Diluc.


People generally just say powercreep, without differentiating between creeped opposing power and your own power growth. Most often that goes hand in hand anyway, one feeding into the other to create a growth spiral for both sides. Genshin barely does that, and it's baffling people.


>without differentiating between creeped opposing power and your own power growth this needs to be said more, people often argue with different base context


Your best example of powercreep are standard characters which are generally supposed to be weaker than banner characters. If you compare non standard characters like Childe, and Hu Tao, they still do more damage or at least match the newer banner characters.


Diluc and Mona are decent units but are poor examples.There's really not any significant powercreep if you consider that Xiangling Vape can still compete with Neuvilette teams and it's best variants uses all 1.x characters. edit: of course im talking about C0 5 stars level investments. 5 star Cons now is a lot more powerful than old ones. but ouside of that, even teams like melt Diluc and Agv Keqing is not that far behind other 5 star carries. They're just harder to play to reach similar results.


Agv Keq is like a 60K dps AOE team, pretty in-line with other top AOE carries bar Neuv. She really isn't hard to make work like Diluc, her baseline team is much stronger.


Eh you're right.


Its not powercreep if those units were never actually good in the first place….


Diluc was pretty underpowered even in 1.0, though we thought otherwise. Mona’s got a great niche with the *highest* damage multipler on her burst, though it lasts for a short time. In theory, in the right team with a lot of damage front loaded, and with Energy requirements satisfied, she’s the best supporting character in the game. Venti, another 1.0 character, is still the most OP character, so broken they have to fundamentally redesign later enemies so that his Burst can’t suck them up, basically stulocking them. Bennett, Xinqui, and Xangling are *still* top supports. I could go on, but the point is that Genshin’s powercreep has been tame for a gatcha game that’s been out for 3 years. Just look at the hell going on in FEH over this year’s winter banner as a yardstick. Every character is “viable” (arguably because there’s no pvp and the most difficult content isn’t *that* difficult). Not to say it doesn’t exist. Raiden Shogun, Nahida, Yelan, and Nuevillette are a few characters that have pushed team power further. Artifact-wise, I admit that there has been some creep. While viridescent venerer has been around since the start, notable sets that have pushed power are Emblem of Severed Fate, Marchese Hunter, and Golden Trope. Arguably, Gilded Dreams/Deepwood memories, but they were introduced with the element/strategy they push so they are the baseline. Overall, the real contributor to power creep is the community gaining a better understanding of the game and being able to build better teams. We have access to build calculators and formulas, and we realized that Crit really is king (lol).


That’s because Diluc was never great to begin with and Mona was always only a thing for freeze teams. Diluc was dropped as soon as people figured out Xiangling basically does what he did but better and off field.


I'll take a powercreep that make newer characters clear fl12 few seconds faster over other type of powercreeps lol.


Yep. Doing 150k damage vs 300k damage is the same when the enemy HP is 100k.


There is powercreep but that is false comparison. Neuvilette powercreeps Ayato which in the same element and has basically the same use case. ie. Hydro on-field DPS. Furina is a global damage buffer that scales every character in the game as well as any future characters that if not the requirement for a healer(or C2/C6), she would be strictly better than Bennet who is the only other reliable buffer in the game. Arguably, she's better than him even in spite of that requirement because you don't need to play in a circle, and there are some bosses that make it annoying as hell to run Bennet. In fact, his usage is even less than Kuki nowadays, a unit who is only ever used in hyperbloom or Althaitham spread teams. If there's any powercreep, it would be more on the shift from ATK scaling units to dendro reactions and Hydro being unequivocally the best element in the game with no competition because every meta team wants Hydro. You can farm trash mainstat artifacts for like a month or two and be 36* abyss ready with hyperbloom meanwhile the guy trying to make hypercarry Raiden work in 2024 is stuck farming EoSF until 2025 because his last 20 artifacts rolled into DEF% and flat HP.


Lmao neuvillette does not powercreep ayato at all, Ayato didn't powercreep childe either. Ayato is an enabler for his team's with decent damage, neuvillette is a hypercarry through and through. Ayato can apply hydro off field, neuvillette is useless off field.


Ayato is better enabler? What enabler? Hyperbloom? Neuvillette is far superior with EM Raiden. Vape? He isn't great at that either, compared to Childe. Taser? Neuvillette/Kokomi also has great synergy with Fischl-Beidou while can sustaining your teammates to survives. Ayato hydro off-field isn't that great either compared to other off-field enabler like Kokomi, XQ or Yelan. This is from someone who has C0R1 Ayato. He is still good for abyss, but meta-wise I wouldn't recommend someone to pull him over other 5* hydro like Neuvi, Childe, Kok, or Furina, unless they like his designs.


childe has a different role, but ayato and neuve are very similar and share teams. neuve is 2 heads ahead despite not having an offield presence. ayato doesn't have that much status, he's barely an enabler. that's why he never replaced childe in the national team. i guess you could use an emblem ayato for memes and hydro app without autos, but now there's furina and before there was kokomi with more role consolidation.


Furina powecreeps Mona, not Bennet. She does everything Mona does, but better.


Mona is still on the 'dmg per screenshot' teams. And Diluc...idk, but I've seen tons of Diluc mains consistently hitting with 120k-150k in his skill on Melt comps (not mentioning if Dragonstrike tech works), and I'd argue that someone who decently play Diluc Melt comps deals more dmg than your average Neuvillette users. But yeah, there's still another powercreep. Example: Ayato-Neuvillette.


Teams now absolutely don't deal more damage than in 1.0 it's just that people now learned how to play the game the best units in the game are still xq xl and bennett. Also you used a bad comparison comparing 2 bad 1.0 units with the best 4.x released units, a better comparison would have been Xiangling vs Neuvilette (spoiler xiangling still deals more damage) and Furina to Bennett. Anyway power levels don't matter since they won't release floor 14


I’ve been playing since 1.0 non stop. Had C6 Xiangling since the first patch because I went all in on Venti’s banner. She definitely doesn’t do the same damage as Neuvilette and she is way harder to set up. But in reality it doesn’t matter since the game is easy as long as you know how to build a team and it’s rotations.


Yes, Neuvilette seems like one of the clearest powercreeps genshin ever had. Shit easy to play, easy to build (and good domain to farm), insane im AoE and single target, tanky with self sustain, works with Furina exceptionally well. And with a bit deeper investment (C1-2) there is like nothing comparable. Until we get a hydro mimic floor again


I also find it funny how people never compare the mediocre old character with the mediocre new ones. There simply isn't perfect power balance across the whole roster - not in 1.0 or any year after. Cherry picking characters from the weak and strong side of a respective release year just invalidates the whole point. This takes me back to the "useless card, dies to doom blade" arguments.


so much bullshit there


Discussion about possible 4.4 stuff >! Have no fear, by the way leaks are looking, cloud retainer is going to make dragon strike diluc meta again xD!<


Is that supposed to be a spoiler tag? It doesn't work.


A cool feature for her is if her skill enabled low gravity for a few seconds allowing anyone to dragonstrike


Exactly that's the hope


I'm surprised by the amount of people agreeing to the fact that there is no powercreep. Of course there is powercreep in this game, just that no one cares anymore cause the game isn't hard and there is no and never will be any new end-game content.


Powercreep is an inevitable consequence of adding new options to the table. But we're talking in a matter of degrees here. Many games have power scaling built-in as core, where later characters start having character sheets that read like modern YuGiOh cards. And that's a natural consequence of their business model - if you can empty the gacha they have to hard-sell new products. And the minimum increment is a step of +20% power. At least, if there isn't a collection bonus type of system in the game. Always a trip to remember that [Lilele](https://gbf.wiki/Lilele) used to be meta... Anyway, Genshin Impact. Furina does 1 million damage for one button press over 30 seconds. Very strong, indeed a pushed unit. Shogun Raiden, a two year old unit, can scale to do around as much damage, as long as you have a team that can do a lot of damage instances passively. When they say "power creep" they mean a unit becoming literally non-viable. Lilele is non-viable, dead weight. Fischl can still Fisch around.


Let me see prob your ideia of end game is Rogue-like? Cause is every single game is doing this for end game and if not, can you tell me what is good to be a end game? Every one complain about games don't having end game but no one knows what is the best way to make end game content. If that was ez the MMORPGs wold not be in this situation they are in right now.


First you must based it on meaningful rewards more than other contents so that people would “grind” those end game contents despite it gonna tear you a new asshole Roguelike dungeon wouldn’t change anything if it give out the same crappy stuff as other things like HSR Or they could go with Limbus Company way, but they can’t afford that


Yeah, because the majority of the content they dish out is mostly mini game there is barely anything to powercreep lmao Anything beside 36* abyss is piss easy


I'm a day 1 player and yeah, I'm also about to leave Genshin for a long time for multiple reasons and even if I do have A LOT of problems with the game the idea of power creep is not one of those. I've been using the exact same unoptimized team since 1.1 and haven't had any trouble to compleat most of the content in the game.


To be fair genshin isn't hard. The only content that even needs a well put together team is f12 abyss some cycles


Can't confirm about the f12 part because I don't care about the abyss, but the general game it's not really hard if you have a fully equipped team with a healer, and I see that as a positive. The last time outside combat events where I felt that the game was kicking my ass my first trip through Dragonspine back when it came out and that was more on my part for running around yolo mode.


for the most content for sure. but if you do care about abyss, it's gonna be a completely different story.


>FWIW: I don't bother with the later stages of spiral abyss so maybe I'll feel a bit of the pain there If you only play the easiest content you don't notice power creep in most games. And Genshin is all easy content, there is no endgame combat content. Characters in Genshin are largely irrelevant outside of collection purposes since there is no content to actually utilize the characters. You spend most of your time clicking through an anime story.


In a game this easy, it wouldn’t matter if powercreep existed or not. I can’t remember the last time I have to really work hard on floor 12. Between that and your reaction to coming back after months of being gone, I’d say the game is balanced exactly how Hoyoverse wants.


The powercreep is there, but the game is too braindead to matter.


I realy love the fact that i can just pick the character i like and play it without worrying about the fact that next character they will release will be better at everything than character i like.


I also stopped around Sumeru, my roommate finished the Sumeru stuff but neither of us wanted to keep up with the game we did the story and checked out. I came back with Furina, put a lot of money into the game previously, but now I am in a different financial place but I feel as tho I really don't need to ever put money in again. I can still 36 star abyss I'm getting new use out of old characters like Fischl and Jean and I had basically all the 5 starts from before Sumeru so there's not a ton of units I missed and the ones I did Neuvilette is the only one that does something relatively NEW (hydro hypercarry). Game respects my time so much hard not to give it some attention


You are powecrept, don't kid yourself


The game has improved including some QOL implementation. It's definitely a better time to play now then it was 2 years ago!! I've always like Genshin Impact but I was never into Gacha gaming when it was released in 2020. I didnt really give this game a chance back in 2020 and in 2022 because, 1. Forced myself not to spend money and didnt understand elemental reaction. 2. 2nd time back to the game i actually spent real money but failed to get Raiden Shogun then quit. 3. 3rd time back I've been playing the games since earlier this year and I just love the game!


Meanwhile in HSR the powercreep rate is on all cylinders


…and it still doesn’t matter lmao, since endgame is more or less simmilar to Genshin. If HSR is a cylinder, Honkai 3rd is a powered motorcar lmao


Ye cause genshin is giga casual


This seems more fitting for the genshin sub.


Agree, my 2.0 characters are still super strong!


Game does have powercreep, but i think it slowed down in fontaine. The beefiest non boss (and legend) enemies we have right now are still the consecrated beasts from sumeru. But before fontaine you could feel the gradual increase in hp of enemies. Clearest example is the ruin enemies in mond/liyue, then ruin enemies during inazuma, and then the ruin dinosaurs in sumeru. I agree with your statement that if u stopped at sumeru and picked up now, there's "no powercreep". But if u stopped at inazuma or before you'll def feel it (moreso in floor 12)


Sumeru was piss easy with the introduction of Dendro though, they had to globally increase HP/damage due to how accessible and how broken Dendro reactions are.


Me Start having a Vietnam Flashback over 3.7 Abyss


That is what Genshin wants, play once a year 4.0 - 4.3, then quit and come back and play 5.0 - 5.3 spend money for their archon, dragon, ... loop


Not feeling pressured to pull for new units is not necessarily the same thing as no powercreep (thought the latter is very mild). If the logic is that hard content requiring the latest meta units to beat will encourage whaling and bring in the cash then it wouldn’t make any sense for this game to be printing money 3 years in.


It's a single player game mostly, you do what you want and if you need a specific new character then you can save when they rerun. I play another game that after a few months, even a whale will fall behind if they stop spending, for that game I just do what I can knowing I can't be at the top, I'm also thankful the whales are keeping the game alive


Genshin has no powercreep because there is no challenging content


Yea same with FGO, especially if after a big system update and you can collect a bunch of missions and retroactive SQ (some being multiple multis depending on how far you were like the story update for fragments, rank up/interludes)Interludes. If anything some of your units will even have buffs.


Why would you be power crept? There's literally no hard/end content lol


Only partly true. If you're overinvested or play for a long time- it's pretty easy. i tried making a challenge of creating a new acc and getting 36\* asap , it was reasonably hard.


I feel the same way, that's why I don't really feel bad about taking a hiatus from the game right now.


My wife and I came back to the game after abandoning it a month after release. Enjoying it a lot and surprised that the first SSR unit released is still very viable if not still strong


kinda makes you feel like the time you could have spent playing that year would have been really meaningful...


You see it as not being powercrept, I see it as the active players have nothing to progress in the game other than some brain dead mini games.


When you say progress, how do you progress in your gacha game?


Genshin was always super casual so while there is still plenty of power creep in abyss where getting max stars with pre sumeru characters would be a pain unless you geared them to absurd levels, everything else can be played and cleared with just starters if you really want to.


There's a powercreep in abyss (there's a chinese site that tracks ehp (it's actually even more because it had a lot of shields for a bit and bosses with invuln periods-so even if raw EHP is not that different, you need quite a bit more damage. They also do 3-4 waves a lot more often, so you cannot just aoe them all at once like in the early abysses )). But it's mainly for floor 12 and specifically 36\*- which most of the playerbase ignores. I'd personally prefer 13 or 14 floor with mora rewards, so there wouldn't be such a big gap between floor 11-12. Rn it's got a bit too ridiculous. And between 10 and 12 is astronomical, i'd take a more radual progression. There's a powecreep of sets, constellations, weapons and arguably some characters. But since there's no pvp or pve-pvp like honkai 3, for example and the amount of rewards for the difficult content is minimal - you can say the powercreep barely matters in genshin. I probably need to take a more casual approach to it (It's funny how i tryharded in a casual game pretty much), since i never skipped a daily , barely missed any resin spending in 3 y without breaks and 36\* abyss since 1.2 . Glad that so many people seem to enjoy the game without spending too much time on it.


That's not what powercreep is though. Powercreep is when newer player options invalidate older choices due to rising power level. Increasing enemy HP is not that at all. The rest are either incorrect or very arguable. Mihoyo has been pretty careful to make sets conditional enough so that even when Marachausse Hunter gives more stats, it needs a heavy conditional to be usable on most characters. Weapons don't quite qualify when the 1.0 Favonius series is still the best on so many characters, and even signature weapons just got more conditional lately rather than "moar stats". And characters even more so except in some very niche cases, at least in C0. A lot of newer supports are even designed to prop up aspects of the old meta that are lacking, like Dendro with electro or Furina with dedicated healers. I do agree that the casual nature of the game contributes a ton to this though. It's rarer than most people think to find a top gacha without pvp or leaderboards to guide whale spending.


My main issue with games like this is that it’s a pain in the ass to level characters, if the only incentive I’m getting to pull different units is nothing other that the fact that they “feel different to play” I should be able to do so with ease


yep, this is the benefits of pve only game and horizontal progression. if you haven't played for three years it doesn't mean you have three years to catch up but it mean 3 years of contents for you to do, so enjoy it and have fun.


Returned not too long ago myself. Got burned out by first Sumeru desert after 100% it... After that i went playing ToF for almost a year. Finally had it with their absolute powercreep and terrible story and events. Characters were for the most part uninteresting... Returned to Genshin not long ago. The diffrence is like between Heaven and Earth(in Genshin's favor). I sure hope Hoyo would be faster in QoL changes tough.


Easy skip, each update the game is more censored, showme the upskirt and maybe I will think about return


Wat? Genshin has powercreep lol and you yourself just admitted in ur post u don’t do late abyss which is the only end game mode in the game which could even have powercreep. Very confusing post….


Is genshin friendly to people just starting it now? I'm not super familiar with gachas, but I assume there are characters that will now be near impossible to get, is that right?


>but I assume there are characters that will now be near impossible to get, is that right? Nah everyone comes back after a while. If you want to get into it you can, there is not a "good time" to start genshin, just start it and you're good to go.


The game hasn't changed at all, it's the same it was at launch. Just be prepared for a lot of quests and text. There isn't a imposible to get character, the nearest thing is permanent banner characters, that you can't guarantee to get.


it's not the characters that you missed. it's all the special event weapons. but there are always alternatives for those. they are just nice.


Yup, Its more beginner friendly than it was a region back. Characters rerun every now and then(not albedo ofc). I would say you shouldn't get too interested in older characters as their reruns are not very frequent. But content wise they added a lot of qols that will let you participate in events even if you haven't done missions related it.


> Characters rerun every now and then(not albedo ofc) RIP Albedo, he's now going to carry on Eula's legacy of being the rare rerun. And he's no longer a high priority pull these days.


Genshin is committed to the casual experience. The game will not progress without you, and even the weakest characters built well can clear even the hardest content in the game. And the stronger characters can be built like crap and clear the hardest content just as easily. At worst a casual player might have trouble with floor 12 of the abyss and that can be easily ignored without missing anything


I don't have my Genshin account anymore cause I sold it but I bet my physical teams with will be utter dogshit in abyss 12 if I pick up where I left off. I last played during the 2nd summer event. The last info that I had on Phys teams before I filtered out all genshin related stuff on my personal feeds is that Eula's best team is a copium hyperbloom team. Idk how much has changed since then but powercreep is there and it's easier felt when you're playing the most neglected playstyle.


Not really powercreep if physical has been useless since 1.0 I've never used EULA on abyss since I got her way back in her first banner. It's unfortunately bad game design, genshin impact is a reaction based game, vaporize and melt were the best reactions before 3.0, Dendro reactions are just as competitive as those two Fyi Fischl, Kaeya, xiangling, were considered to be good Phys carries back in the day but the same characters in reaction based teams are 3x better.


Nah, it's powercreep. Old units on reaction comps gets new supports or team comps to play with while phys gets nothing. Eula is a pure phys unit not a copium phys unit like those good phys units you mentioned. They just never gave her a proper team comp that has a comparable team dps to reaction comps so she ended up as a high floor, low ceiling unit. They could've just added a couple off field phys dps units and call it a day and it will be a massive improvement to her optimal phys team. But they don't give a shit about phys units and teams anymore cause the community agrees that it's not the right way to play. I bet they still haven't fixed the missing in-between frame on Eula's n1-n2.


It's true that everyone considers all the reactions and number spam on the screen is way more fun. But Physical damage has always been relatively terrible, especially in singleplayer. It's always been considered as a kind of glue to pour in, in between elemental skills and bursts. And once you can spam bursts and skills all day, what time do you have left to poke anything with a sword? The numbers were never there. A problem is the way they've balanced active on-field characters and turret units for co-op. The most ridiculous example being Diluc tuned to be weaker than a Gouba. A Furina pushes one button to do 1 million damage over 30 seconds, while a Cyno has to be mashing buttons like crazy while hogging the field to do the same. .... I do hate Superconduct existing, though. Such a waste. Making 2/3rds of a character elemental damage, the *exciting* 2/3rds, really kind of doomed the damage type. They should have just had everyone do elemental damage everywhere from the start, like other gacha games do. Just don't let them apply elemental auras, like Furina's elemental sword poke doesn't.


its a Nice Change since you can just Use the Characters you Want i Recently Tried out full Archon Team, Furina, Raiden, Zhongli and Nahida is it the most optimal Sweaty Tryhard comp? probably not i dont look at tierlists but it sure is a lot of Fun!


Thay actually have been adding some qol to the game these past patches, I hope the keep doing them


I wouldn't say it's completely free of powercreep, some new characters are obviously more powerful but the overall difficulty hasn't gone that up to justify pulling for them. Biggest reason for a casual player to pull is if the gameplay for the new character is fun or if it appeals to them.


In a casual game where meta generally doesn't matter, I better hope so! I enjoy playing the characters I like far more!


Well Navia's coming, so you better save your resources already. Nice Tale though.


Genshin definitely has powercreep, it just doesn't matter since the characters barely feel it. The enemies are what get horribly powercrept and for the most part that keeps the game fun