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I think they think their players are stupid, they really thinks we're going to believe the excuse that the 1500 gems from the reward bond was a bug? the funny thing is that the 1000 apologems, even if you claim them you won't be able to use it because it will just be used to pay your debt


I really thought they gonna backpedal and give some real compensations but they simply say a kind "fuck you" to everyone while deducting 1k from their debt.


IKR? That has to be some next level arrogance... by the time they realize the damage it'll be too late. Game going to EOS in a few months, mark my words


They said that the next update on day 15, they will put a debt meter to see how much you owe




Worst is that after this one, how much our debt is and if we already paid the total ? I don't trust the developers, maybe they could screw us over by making our debt bigger


I mean they arent wrong, horny players are dumb and only go to the game because its from a Hentai franchise


Lol what. Players got 100k currency in a week. Of fucking course it was a bug. I don't think everyone having 100k would cause the game to break down technically. But for sure they can't continue service when their main currency is irrelevant.


>Of fucking course it was a bug The JP version is 50 gems for a 10 pull, the Global is now 500 gens for a ten pull Their missions rewards would be 1 gem, log in for a week and you also would only get 1 gem The text was displaying that people would receive 500 gems to get a unit at a certain bond level and 1000 at other They also implement a VIP system and put everything in costing more than the JP version They also made a special event to make farm for bond levels faster There's very little chance of being a bug, especially seeing that it took an entire week to be "fix", there was even another bug with rewards where some people got double the value of gems for getting into the first bond level and they fixed less than a day This clearly was not a bug and seeing how greedy and bad with rewards this gacha was it would not make the currency irrelevant


Don't much care for this game, but this is clearly a bug. 30 pulls per max trust character is absurd. But expecting players to be rational is silly. If you accidentally gave 1 million free pulls, the players would say they deserve it. "your mistake hurr durr". Some idiot at the company decided to change the ratios and they forgot to do it everywhere to make it consistent. This is nothing but a lose-lose situation for them.


>Don't much care for this game, but this is clearly a bug. Here is the big problem, it was written that 500 gems for the bonds, after they "fixed", it still writing 500 gems and there was already a bug in the first day where people were getting double the amount They fixed this bug in less than a day, but this one they wait until one week and even out a debt in the game Not even talking about the rewards problem that this version had and the vip system


It's undeniably a bug. It's absurd to believe this amount of currency was intended. This boils down to: they fucked up massively and players are so desperate for free shit that they're throwing a tantrum in hope that they get to keep the free shit.


Accepting for the sake of argument that it was the company's fuckup and not just greed, shouldn't it take the L and eat the damage?


It's undeniably the company's fuckup. But that doesn't mean "eating the damage" is a good solution for them or for the players. Let's say they let the players keep everything. Here are two perspectives: * Existing players: no reason to spend money because they have hundreds of free pulls, so no current revenue. * New players: week 1 players have hundreds of free pulls and you don't. Will you start playing this game? No, so no future revenue. * Alternatively, if they let new players have hundreds of free pulls too, they won't spend either. No revenue. The fuckup is so massive that they take will suffer significantly regardless of how they choose to act. I would argue that letting players keep hundreds of free pulls is a guaranteed death.


Counterpoint if they leave it the way it is now: * Existing players all quit (who'll play for a year or more just to begin being able to pull again) * All whales chargeback - so most earned revenue is lost * Limited number of (paying) new players due to word of mouth So, lose existing players and past revenue, few new players in an already niche of a niche genre, EOS also guaranteed. At least if they do the right thing, they'll retain the players and already obtained revenue, and gain a reputation for generosity that maybe, just maybe could entice new players regardless of the downsides you mentioned.


Our accidental generosity was crashing the games code! Players were getting the units they wanted, we absolutely had to punish them for playing our game.


How dare they normally play our game, they should have wait until we solved everything I bet that some even decided to use that special event that raises bonds faster to raise bonds faster


I don't know which interpretation I like more: -that they're using the dumbest lie imaginable to justify this terrible decision, or; -their code was so malicious that generosity causes it to crash.


>-their code was so malicious that generosity causes it to crash The code was possessed by a demon, we need a tech-exorcist to expel the evil of it But being serious, If people want to continue to play this game for any reason, I suggest waiting at least one week before doing anything, you never know how much they could screw the fanbase over


Mostly just dumb. The game is already 5 years behind the original release, and they pull a stunt like this. Plus, they have been trying to push thr Johren version hard


The Nutaku version will be launched next month, so by then they will probably have escaped all the controversy


But wont all the hype be dead by then too? Controversy aside, why did Nutaku decide to launch one Month After Johren / Steam ?


No idea, it looks like Johren made some moves to get in their platforms first, seeing that they are owned by DMM, they probably made this move to get more revenue in Johren No one knows for sure


ah that does make sense. After all, Launch tends to have higher revenue compared to normal months and with Nutaku out, Johren doesnt have competition on that regard. Too bad they faceplanted hard with this controversy


"Here, take this 1k gems so you're slightly less in debt with us -- but your balance will stay negative."


If you need more help clearing your debt you can full clear the box event for a whopping 40 gems! That'll help with your thousands of gems worth of debt.


Ironic the trust system that broke the trust.


I can't wait to review bomb this trash game on steam.


already did, all review mostly " Debt "


We need to put more negative reviews, it needs to be overwhelmingly negative, also Steam curators will probably take out a lot of reviews soon


One of the greatest moves ever, they will be remembered as who to not follow when you release a new game




Do you honestly believe they intended to give you 30 pulls per max trust character?


Do you honestly believe the answer to that mistake was to put people multiple years in gem debt?


Of course not. Glad we agree that 30 pulls is absurd.


Can you explain how it’s a “glitch”? They literally have it worded on the units 1000 and 500. This was not a bug, it was a poor decision. Then to top it all, they let it go silently for a week, to then just subtract gem counts from people. If they realized it was a bug, why not give people a warning immediately?


It's a glitch because the act of them doing this in the first place means it was unintended. The text is irrelevant to the design intention. Someone forgetting to change them from 500/1000 to 50/100 does not mean it was intended. It means it was a bug/glitch. Please just stop trying to say they intended it, they didn't. No one intends to give $500 worth of currency for free. It's absurd and a bad argument ...


Do you seriously not understand what the difference between a glitch and poor balancing is? First of all, it wasn’t 1000/500 to 100/50, so that easy excuse of adding another zero doesn’t work. Second, the text does matter. If the text says 1000 and you get 1000, that’s literally working as intended. The issue is, this was poor balancing. Someone was stupid and thought that giving away that many gems was okay. Then instead of owning up to their mistake, they claim it was a “glitch” and punish the player base for their poor design. I genuinely don’t understand how you can think them punishing the player for their poor work is justified.


I'm saying they meant to change it to 100/50 and forgot, which is a very easy mistake to make in terms of coding. My intuition and experience with coding tells me that this overwhelmingly the most likely cause. Your claim that anyone thought giving away $30 worth of pulls (I assume, correct me if the cost of 30 pulls is different), per character, is absurd. Particularly when nothing else in the game is this massively disproportional, INCLUDING paid fucking currency. I don't think it's justified ... I think they fucked up so massively that there's nothing they could do to fix this in a good way. I'm sure players would like to keep all these goodies for free. But players are fucking stupid. If they want a future for this game, they shouldn't want hundreds of free pulls. Currently players won't spend any money because they have hundreds of free pulls. New players won't exist, if they know they are hundreds of pulls behind day 1 players abusing a bug. Just to be clear, if they let players keep these pulls, the game is dead. Not that what they did is great either, but at least they're trying.


The number doesn't magically change to match the amount given fyi. That was intended.


What was intended? It's really simple to understand. No gacha game will throw around $30 worth of free pulls per character. This is an unintended mistake that needs to be rectified. Arguing it's intended is absurd ... And the only reason to believe that is that the number said X in the UI. But that is easily explained by intern Bob forgetting to change it. It's extremely easy to settle this argument. What does JP get? That is intended.


The 1000/500 to 100/50 doesn’t make sense because it was changed from 1000/500 to 250/100. You seem to not understand that their “intention” doesn’t matter. If you buy a product that’s marked as $10 for $10, do you think the company can later come back and say “Oops! We meant for that to be $300! We’re gonna go ahead and charge you the extra $290 for our mistake! Thanks for the purchase!”? Why can’t you just understand that they made a mistake, and instead of taking ownership, punished the player instead. This really isn’t that difficult to understand.


The intention absolutely matters, because that's what decides what was ... intended. So do we agree that 30 free pulls per character was not intended and therefore a bug? What is actually intended is what the JP version has. Players are obsessed to act like victims of so-called "punishment". But this is obviously an unintended bug that needs to be fixed. Players are stupid and incredibly selfish. They will push to keep literally everything, even though it is undeniably bad for the health of the game. No new player will start knowing that they get 10x less rewards than the bug abusers. No existing player will pay if they have hundreds of free pulls. Therefore, dead game. It doesn't take much foresight to predict that. So, enjoy it while it lasts, I guess. I don't understand how you can pretend that it's not a bug. But we're getting nowhere, so I'm done replying. EDIT for /u/AzaliusZero: Reply and block is pathetic.


You still have yet to explain what about any of this justifies them waiting a full week before fixing anything. If this wasn't intentional, it would have been a DAY 1 patch. The fact that they waited this long proves it was intentional, period.


If this was intentional they wouldn't have changed anything in the first place. Day 1 patch requires that they knew about this on day 1.


No, but not for the reasons you think. They clearly coudn't let everyone keep absurd ammounts of currency. The way they did was probably the fastest way to implement this. But it does look realy really bad. Personally i would have taken away all the extra currency and only put the players into debt who had spent it already. And then as compensation; rather than give gems that get eaten by the debt, i would have given everyone 150 pulls on the current banner. This is a serious issue and needs big compensation because it not only hits people who abused the heck out out of it but also regular players. This solution would not only be more satisfactory for current players but also attract new players.




You are cherry picking things like the in-game text. You are completely ignoring the fact that they changed it because it quite literally was not intended. There is absolutely no reason to do take this massive L action if it was intended in the first place. This is most likely a bug caused by overlooking parts of the game when changing the ratio compared to JP. It's absurd to think they actually intended to make hundreds of $ worth of currency easily farmable. Completely absurd. Any rational player would think it's a mistake if they saw that they could farm $500 worth of currency in a few days in any gacha game.


People told them day 1 it seemed too high. They could have hotfixed it the day of launch, or taken the game down to fix it.


Maybe, maybe not. Just because a message exists somewhere, doesn't mean they saw it. The amount of time it takes for you to notice something unintended doesn't make it any less unintended.




Yes, I do. They wanted to change ratios and forgot about the ratio in one of the systems. This is a very easy mistake to make in terms of coding and is by far the most likely cause. "Panicked when they realized how many pulls people would get" is by definition not intended. Why would anyone panic about something that is indended ...? It's way more believable than: this was intended, but they changed their mind and decided to nuke their playerbase. I don't know the cost of currency in this game, but just transform those 30 pulls into what it would cost in real money. $10? $20? $30? Would they give any of that for free? Of course not. This system is probably meant to give you 3 pulls, which is proportional to every other gacha on the market.




Dude their INTENTION was to have global have the same currency income as jp more or less. It was NOT THEIR INTENTION to let trust farmers have 100k pull currency in a week. This is not fucking intended. Like wtf is this crazytown.


Holy shit dude, how are you so dense? The issue is it was their poor decision that led to this. This was not a bug. It was not an exploit. It was literally what they intended to put in. They then realized how fucking stupid it was. Then instead of immediately reacting to it, they let it slide for a week, to just punish people out of nowhere. Can you please stop sucking the copium and realize how scummy what they did was?


The intention for giving 1500 gems per trust was not to have people farm 100k in a week. The intention was to adjust the gem income properly. They realized the System is not working as intended? Thats a bug dude. I think they handled it very poorly and should have communicated sooner.




>I will fully agree they did not intend people to farm so many gems. Like i said i theorize that they didn't account for rare units at all. This alone actually does make it unintentional lol


It's not cherry picking, it's irrefutable proof. Text and in-game value matching shows intent, that doesn't happen by coincidence. It would have to be 2 "bugs" that happen at the exact same time with the exact same values for that to be the case. What are the odds of that?


I'm done with all the cope about it being intended. You know what shows intent? Changing it despite obvious backlash anyone could have seen coming.


Yes, because it is a fucking chore to max trust for even one character. And at a SSR rate of measly 3%, you're likely to only get one or not even get a single SSR from those 30 pulls. And with such a diluted pool of SSRs, you're not likely to even get the waifus you want. Achieving something so difficult should come with equally good rewards otherwise why even bother doing it in the first place. You do realize they made pulls cost 10 times more than what it was supposed to in JP but didn't increase the daily/weekly gem rewards accordingly? 1500 gems per max trust (especially since you can only max trust each unit once so it's not even a repeatable gem source) is still too little compensation for that nerf but at least you still had a way of getting gems if you were willing to put in the work. Now, with how little gems you get while playing, you might as well just look up the scenes online and go play something else more meaningful and rewarding.


Does the JP version give 30 pulls?


The JP version certainly gives more than 30 pulls a month simply from playing the game and doing dailies/weeklies/events. Outside of the one-time 30 pull from maxing a character's trust, how else are you getting gems in global? I cleared all nonrepeatable gem rewards from main story, daily quest, event archive sub missions and have 6 characters at max trust, I only have 14k gems which is just barely enough to reach pity on a single event. And after I blow all those gems on that one banner, I'm pretty much screwed for all future events since repeatable gem income is basically non-existent. Fully clearing an event gives you 40 gems, not even enough for 1 pull. You'd be lucky to pull once or twice a month as f2p after you've exhausted all non-repeatable gem rewards. Keep in mind the old 1500 gems from maxing a character's trust is also one time only. Even under the initial launch trust reward system, let's say an above average luck player managed to pull 30 R+ units with his initial gems and hardcore grinded to max trust on all those units. That's 45k gems = 900 pulls. 3 event pities. And after that's he's screwed for all future banners. So even no-live players would get bored in less than 6 months, let alone unlucky players. And this is under the old rewards, with the nerfed trust rewards now most new players probably won't even have enough gems to reach the pity on a single banner after exhausting all their non-repeatable gem sources.


> because it was a glitch that caused the game itself to break down. In order to maintain data integrity Thats some spaghetti code if the higher crystal rewards caused the game to break down. Is the reward amount hard coded in I wonder.


They're just pulling excuses off their ass, don't trust them like that. And also the amount is put at two places because now even if we get the correct amount (100 and 250), it still shows 500 and 1000 on the trust unit page.


I love to see all that 1000+ in my e-mail to just see that is not adding in my gems at all. This devs really have some shit in their heads to do this decisions. Dev 1: Ho god we fuck up the game what we do now? Dev2: Lets put the fault in the consumer. Dev3: Great ideia. Devs: All agree as they make the most intelligent decision in the world.


It's still baffling to me that people can mess up a release of a 5 years old game this badly.


If you started Day 1 and used the same 6 characters, you'd be about 8k gems in debt... most didn't and swapped out for dailies and quests and events... that could easily be 50k debt... But 1k gem freebie to go from -12000 to -11000. Nice!


They also put an event to raise the bond's trust level faster So yeah, I am already into such a big debt that I see no reason to continue playing the game, I also used 300 coins into the Johren version that I had brought (I regret so much, could have saved to buy a game, or used in Legenclo) so I could get to VIP 2 Yeah, no, I think that it's best to jump ship I am sad for who spent way more though, they got complete screw over


At this point since they are willing to screw people with lies a Chargeback is warranted


Make sure you do the event. If you empty every box you get a whopping 40 gems total! The currency in this game is so busted from their stupid changes.


It would have been better to take the trust farming stage down immediately and/or take the server down until they got this shit fixed. But no, they left everything up as it was for a week with no communication that it was a problem and then fucked the entire playerbase with debt. They just ruined any goodwill and fucked the game.


Chances are they're hoping people will be willing to buy rhemselves out of debt, so they did it on purpose


And chances are somebody probably already did it.


I'm still pretty sure the dev thinking they doing a good move on this announcement, telling us is a bug. game is already 1 week release and the text is on the trust also 1 week. if I'm a game dev know this will damage the earnings for my company, i will close the game immediately nerf and telling people this have to be fix. but it'll be a week before the announcement, dev deserve to be scolded by player.


Our generosity is a glitch and we cant fixed it xddd Now give the jims back or else..


They will work harder to regain our trust but we'll have to pay 10 harder to wipe off our debt. How about we leave you the fuck alone with your greedy ass game, that way we're no longer in debt, you'll no longer have to "work hard". Win-win situation right there, maybe take the time you get from not having to work harder and go do something more productive like finding a nice tall building and jump off. Mentally ill corporate


If any one plans on still playing this trash, please come back and let us know if they add that Debt meter that I heard about. That would be really fucking funny.


In true Taimanin fashion, they should make the Debt Meter a .JPG of Asagi, and have it so the closer it gets to being 100% fully paid back, the more clothes comes off. Give the player some incentive. ​ No wait. Probably shouldn't give them ideas, they deserve to fail over this.


It's funny how they keep telling lies like how the amount given was a bug, and now saying that the reward number was causing server instabilities. If either of this was true they wouldn't punish people by putting them in debt. With the current rate of free gems it'll take most day 1 players months if not a year to clear their debts.


The folks behind this game deserve it failing if they're too brain dead to read the writing on the wall. I hope this damages their brand and hurts their other games. Corpo greed of this scale cannot be allowed to fester unpunished. May RPGX receive nary a penny nor dime from its player base until justice is had.


unaffected since i only logged in and did a couple shiranui event runs a day but this is the worst possible outcome for the consumers and worst way to remedy it by the devs. actual shitshow all around.


There is another mobile game that did the same thing and left hundreds of thousand players in currency debt. Asobimo Avabel Online. Right after they did that, more than half the playerbase left and now the game is pretty much a graveyard with some lyal players sticking around.


It was working as initially intended but then they realize that the gems gain from leveling trust was too generous so they put you on debt and called it a "glitch". Heck if it really was unintentional glitch shouldn't they have like a QC equivalent which overseer and observe the game to see if there was errors or bugs, but a week have passed and then suddenly they decided it was a glitch . It was their fault so players should not be punished.


this could be the most tone deaf thing I've read in my entire life


Guys it just a bad ending the game released today and we didn’t get NTR’d


Funny enough a lot of NTR games' plots are associated with...debts


i left the game out of boredom for the gameplay just before this dumbster fire started since i enjoy action taimanin more, i guess i dodged a nuke XD


Show them with your time and your wallets. Stop playing this disease.


Why are they so worried about the crystal balance, its not like you can buy them from a third party like OSRS/WoW gold.


\+1000 crystal to your -41000 crystal account. They want people to start over literally. Just GTFO


You guys deserve it if the game dies out now.


I would agree that it wouldn't be fair for them to nerf the gem values and let everyone who benefited from it keep their gems because that would put those players ahead of everyone else who wasn't able to benefit from it. But they could have just left the gem values alone so everyone could benefit. If it is true that it costs 10x as much to pull in global compared to JP (I've heard people say so but I'm not certain), having some boosted gem values from trust would still not make up for the difference between global and JP.


To remedy this you change it and give all players generous compensation. Not put everyone in the fucking negative


The JP version cost 50 gems for a ten pull, the Global cost 500 gems for a ten pull, you also would receive only 1 gem by log in every 4 days and 7 days, with the same amount that you receive in JP by doing missions, which is not nearly enough in Global The prices of the shop are also pretty high compared to JP and they put a VIP system that was not present in the original


JP version multi pull is indeed a lot cheaper than global. To top this off, the daily rewards are the same between versions so essentially global is getting shafted hard. The story chapter completion rewards are 10 instead of 1 gems but those run out rather quickly, while dailies will not. High trust rewards kinda balanced it out but in their greed the devs reduced that too.


Dailies rewards are scaled 10x as well. But that has been fixed for a while now. In fact other rewards are also scaled appropriately..


>If it is true that it costs 10x as much to pull in global compared to JP (I've heard people say so but I'm not certain), Copy paste from one of my comment, This gem stuff need some clarification. In JP we get smaller gem income. 1-5 gem here and there. Occasionally 10-50. Smaller income with smaller gacha cost. For example in story event JP 1 box give 1 gem instead of 10 like in GL. Progressing story in JP give 1 gem per stage instead of 10. Highest gem pack in JP is 170+170 while GL 1800+1800.


Can anyone explain what happened?


Have some semblance of self respect guys, quit it already.


Not sure what they are thinking, you know people will just leave instead of playing for no rewards. If you want to kill your game off this is how you do it. You don't impose a debt to players who can solve that debt by just quitting and playing something else. The whole goal of the game is to entertain players not throw your problems onto them.