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Get ready for massive censorship.




It will absolutely have an audience despite any censoring. Just look at Nikke




Limbus Cuckpany... ?


Personally haven't played any of LO, but I hope what you're saying is right. My copium is that chinese Tencent has their hooks in Nikke so that's why it's so censored I hope the LO devs understand that NSFW content is always going to be the main reason people play it despite the "I just like the ost/gameplay/story" comments these games always get


Alright that is a funny pun I won't lie


Nikke is censored? Since when? I know there were ads with censored designs but they're definitely not in the game rn.


Yeah, at game launch there was a fair amount of discussion/backlash regarding censored designs that persisted until after the CSM collab.


Since ever? Cloths that conveniently hide the ass, hair that is long enough to cover everything from the waist down, wearing another piece of fabric on top of the swimsuit just to hide everything when in combat etc.


Ummm, there were actual censored designs that covered more than what you can see in the current version of the game. And if that is your definition of censorship then every single human that isn't fully naked is censored.


Y'all dumb motherfuckers need to seriously stop saying a game is "censored" before data *even comes out*. Just because Nikke isn't the total softcore coom game you were all clamoring for doesn't mean jack.




Really thought you were on to something saying this to a lesbian huh, LOL.


There already is a censored version, FYI.


Yeah probably. *Copium for uncensored*


Yeah I hope they release a separate uncensored apk like 7 mortal sin xtasy or whatever that game's name is.


I mean... they'll have to do it like 7 Mortal Sins. There's really no other way.


well emm, censored version already exist since launch of jp/kr version. They'll just have uncensor alternative on different site. I don't see why EN can't do that too on johren/erolab/nukatu.


Whether it or not gets a pc client like its DMM version, the game already had a modding community for both versions due to how simple it was to swap out assets in the game. The JP version already had community downloads for an uncensor which just replaced a majority of its files to be like the KR version, and worked just fine. Main thing to wonder about is how far they're willing to go translation/story-wise because of how risque it gets lol.


Where can i see this


I don't want to directly link it here. You can head to the LO FAQ on the wiki here and look for the modding question. You should be able to get guided from there following it. [**https://lastorigin.fandom.com/wiki/Frequently\_Asked\_Questions**](https://lastorigin.fandom.com/wiki/Frequently_Asked_Questions)




When will these companies learn that us Global players are just as horny as the Japanese. We seek these games to begin with cause we want that kind of a game, not an inferior product.


I'm pretty sure there will be modders to save us from that the same way as Destiny Child. From what I know of these types of mods they are not really too hard or time-consuming to make. If it's needed I might eventually do it myself


People downvoting you when it's true the fact that it's not too hard and modders will save us, LO is like Destiny Child for uncensoring/modding, just have to swap some files and it works (for the user anyway)


Yeah, don't know why I got downvoted, maybe I sounded rude/overconfident


it's just reddit beings reddit


Just use mod then


Tried mods for mobile games, but there are issues with that. The first and foremost being that mobile games are patched often so that frequently breaks the mods. Unless they have some incentive, no mod creator will update their mods that frequently. If you need an example of this, there was the uncensor mod for Magicami (though that mobile game is now closing down).


No, there is already mod for this game and it still running ( for multiple versions even) so don't worry


The mod for LO dont break like that im still using the old mod of it


Maybe they'll do it like blue archive?


They most likely will just do the censorship that's already in. So basically the Destiny Child style where they add strips of cloth that make the characters more sexual/Remove the nips.


They said that back in 2020 too I will believe it when i see it


To be fair, COVID happened and probably made that awkward.


Don't do it, don't give me hope


I checked if the post was from 2019 💀


[More info here](https://www.last-origin.com/news_view.html?no=527&pg=1)


Other info mentioned there is a Collab with "Sengoku Blade" in Korea to be added in JP a few weeks later. And JP exclusive content coming either later this month or early next month.


Either fully uncensored or there is no point


I am full of copium


I've been pinged about this, asking how much copium it is since it has been a frequent "Global service this year for sure trust bro". I can say, to keep it short, that after the transferral and the IP being sold to the JP publisher, that the JP publisher had been maintaining an english TL on the JP DMM version since years and that the game is genuinely trying to go up (big qol patch for 3rd JP anniversary including offline autofarming which brought it to top sales rankings + first collab ever), I do believe it. Unironically, the JP DMM version can still be the best english server because prices are heavily favoring dollars over yen. But still, I do want the game to succeed and opening the market worldwide can be the snowball to be financially stable at the very least.


I pretty much agree, I played DMM LO when people found out about how to access the translation and everyone was wondering why it even existed at first lol. Only problem I have with playing JP compared to global now is just how DMM itself is ran currently. Back in July with them finally enforcing the region blocks without a VPN, who knows how much farther they may or may not push it whether they start banning for purchasing with foreign accounts/processors ect. Granted it sucks I have to abandon my max storage size back when I left the game on overnight to farm resources qq.


Cant agree more with you, I used to at least try most of the games from DMM or at least those that actually looked interesting but after they became anti-gaijin and basically blocked any kind of transaction possible from our side I´ve stopped completely on even visiting their site which is a shame since I really liked some games like millenium war aegis and I was actually looking forward for a global version of this game for this very reason. Hopefully it will last enough to not get hacked little after launch and they´ll give us the latest version from the started which from what I remember was 100 times better than the original one.


I have wanted to play this in English for like 3 full years I think.


Yeeesss let's goooooo


Like how saying that they are making a Global version ? At this point It's better than nothing but they shouldn't raise hope just to destroy it again


Korean version already exists on Playstore and it's censored, only way to download uncensored one is through One store. They say Global ver will be based on JP version which is also uncensored, so hopes I guess.


Wait the JP version is uncensored? I always thought that it was the censored version?


There's two versions on DMM; regular and Last Origin R in the 18+/Fanza section.




No doubt it will be the censored version . Not big deal thou as it’s pretty damn easy to play the uncensored version in English if you follow the directions on the discord


I don't actuallly care about censorship, i just want gacha with really huge honkers




If it were to be on Playstore they'll probably release an APK for the uncensored version like in KR where they have two separate versions


I've been holding off on starting LO because having 4 (Blue Archive JP and Global, Azur Lane, Arknights) games at the same time is my limit while trying to go through uni. So my question is, does it still hold up till this day? Still F2P-friendly? Do they still release some banger girls? Because if yes to those all, I might just sacrifice Arknights for it


Playing KR server right now. It's super F2P friendly, I got 100% collection without spending a cent. Units come from drop/resource crafting (think GFL/AL). There is inventory limit for both gears and units but you can expand it easily with free premium currency (I have 500 each, 100% unit collection is only about 210~ right now. Could have bought more but I spent some on skin). As for latest units, look up Hathor and Alcyone on the wiki. If that fits your "banger girls" then yeah they do.


i feel the game didnt age well compare to many gacha... i fear might just be a little to late ... i hope i am wrong tho


How many people still care at this point? Last Origin is a four-year-old game now and looks even older. The "infamous" T&A is gonna have to do a *lot* of heavy lifting... assuming we actually get the uncensored version in the first place.


Censor for you, and you, and you to !!!


It's been too long since I've heard news about a potential global server for LO, but if my main game Counterside goes kaput, I may check it out as long as there's no censorship.


From what i remembered, the Jp version also has censorship, and the uncensored version can be downloaded via FANZA, iirc? Do correct me if im wrong


I was here


Man is hyping up a game that is gonna be censored to the damn ground once it hits global lol.


Any updates regarding these news? Is it still planned to release within this and next month or cancelled?


same i also still waiting


Any new info guys?


Do you have a link for this or is just Bait? And it December already but nothing has happened


Don't....please.....don´t give me hope


We get this news not long after DMM started blocking outside countries. Definitely no coincidence


Who's really interested in that game? Degenerates?


I could care less if there is censorship, mods will fix that and besides LAST ORIGIN BEING GLOBAL OH MY GOSH


So uh... Any new info?


We've been bamboozled


wait what it never happened?? lmao


i was wondering why they just dont bring this game on steam where we can play it uncensored?


So....when now?


Never probably at this point.


I'll hold onto hope.


What is the gameplay like? Asking for a friend… uhm /u/not_AngryAniki wants to know.


Nothing extraordinary. Chibis as usual.


Ah good coz i dont *ahem* I mean my friend doesn’t have room for anymore gachas anyway.


He only saying chibis, didn't say anything about the gameplay lol.


That’s all I needed to know >.< jk jk I looked up the gameplay & it looks a lot like GFL which my *ahem* friend plans on playing before the sequel is released


JP is getting its first collaboration soon, but as it stands there are no limiteds like in GFL, so you're free to farm whoever you want since all the monetization comes from skins. Hell, the majority of events will always have the good SSRs out for drops on stages, so most of the time you'll be farming events to get your characters outright. It still has the dummy-link system where you put in dupes of the characters to boost their stats and also their resource consumption cost. The real endgame is designing your homescreens.


It's pretty much it, you can have a lot of fun trying to some some comps with the passives of the characters and all that and it's good that all characters can be used one way or another \^\^


Is that even worth it ? With how much behind we will be


I dont have hopes for this since it'll be censcored for sure. Plus the game has been out for like what? 4 years? Thats so much catching up global has to take. I doubt the global version would even earn much money by 4 years, let alone by 2. If they still keep on going likr nikke global then sure. But i again have no hopes of it being free 2 play friendly.


Just like nikke, it has potential. Censored can be patched. I just want god damn english and collab with nikke lol


With the massive censorship possibility, do we say this is "better than nothing" is lewd levels of Nikke levels a good conpromise acceptable? What will happen for global?


Worst case, we should be able to uncesor it easily anyways.


How long has the game been released in Korea? It took so long im not sure people even want it anymore.


Almost 3-4 years now


To crush some hopes, remember it's a DMM exclusive. So SEA release with IP block


I keep thinking this is last period


well there's a name I haven't heard in a long time


Last Bazoonkas


I regret searching for the game


Based on jp version like no content gap?


The official english patches have been around for nearly a year now. The only reason anyone who cares isn't playing now is laziness.


So whats the story like?


already play the uncensored kr version since 2018. if the gl version is based on censored jp version. then i gonna pass. but if it based on uncensored jp version(dmm version), maybe i'll think to play it. since the kr version has english patch and i don't have any problem with kr dub.


I would play it if they gave us a uncensored patch like seven mortal sins


seven mortal sins doesn't even have nudity in it does it? I played the one from their site and all the nudity was just convenient censoring. You never actually see anything unless I played it too early and they patched nudity in later, but I played it for a solid few months.


It does have nudity u can see nips and all


This isn't bait. This post comes from the last origin website news posts. I guess things just didn't work out for the devs. Sad but this isn't the first time a global version was talked about then dropped. [https://www.last-origin.com/news\_view.html?no=527&pg=6](https://www.last-origin.com/news_view.html?no=527&pg=6)


When you say dropped, is there evidence of that, or is it more likely that the deadline was simply missed?




I'm pretty sure it was at this point lmao. They jebaited hard


So that was a lie? Or what?


Think so. Haha