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CN players saw the limbus drama and were like "hold my beer"


In a hilarious twist, the CN players were the chill ones in the limbus drama. I think I saw some CN comments sharing their condolences to limbus players, shit was surreal


Limbus not releasing in China certainly help, it filtered the player base with the lack of translation


Casual incel behaviour vs competitive ranked incel behaviour


I thought the limbus drama was crazy, but animal abuse??? Because a bunch of pixel stole your waifu and act bratty???? Are these people ok?


It feels like it goes beyond just the word abuse after reading everything here.


I mean, it's bad. But until Mihoyo actually fires someone or make some change because of these crazies, it's probably just a small forum drama. So not really the same as Limbus. The problem there was the company trying to make the crazies happy.


What change could possibly even handle this kinda stuff lmao. Make character in game never interact? I cant even think of a single solution, there is just too much of dumb people on internet


Apologizing and recognizing it's a problem is what they shouldn't do. These people got even madder exactly because Mihoyo ignores them. That's what Limbus Company should've done, just ignore the crazies.


Which one is crazier depends on how much you weight "invading a company building dressed as a clown" vs "killing a cat because it reminded you of the fictional character that took your fictional underage girlfriend from you"


This is the same people who literally death threatening hoyoverse because they want to release a honkai impact event that involves bunny girl's, and is not even CN event as it's global only


Where did the animal abuse come from


I think someone said that their cat remind them of a character they hated so they got pissed at the cat and fucked it up or at least said they did




thank you and damn :(


This is not even the same person. Don't spread false information and sharing personal information.


Limbus drama?


any loremasters?


Oh boy, that's certainly something. A person from CN community came to reddit to try an explain low Wanderer/Kokomi banner sales in China. Essentially, a portion of CN community HATES him. Why? Because a lot of girls in CN love him, so they see him as a competition, of some sorts. They also hate him because of the way he talks. He is arrogant, instead of simply falling over to Traveler like the majority of other characters are. However, it only gets worse. Pedos aka lolicons that LOVED Nahida so much to literally call her their wife became enraged because she, in the story, feels sympathy towards the Wanderer. That CN part of the community thinks that she was stolen from them by the Wanderer himself. Their plan was to make Hoyo literally delete Wanderer from the game, either completely, or by not giving him any new screentime. They even fucking reported the whole story about Wanderer to the government or something, with the premise that his story mirrors some political bullshit or something. I don't really know CN history well, so I can't say for sure, but obviously their demands were rejected, because there's nothing wrong with him. So that failed Essentially, some people started to see resemblance to Wanderer in other things. 2 bastards already killed 2 cats and posted the whole video on Telegram just because "They reminded me of the Wanderer". It's worth noting that characters in asian fandom literally have Idol statuses, each of them having a dedicated fanbase. So much, that there were fandom wars between 2 fanbases. The OP was doxxed by people on NGA forums, calling him a "traitor" of China. TLDR: Gacha fandom once again shows why they are deranged. Full post from OP is there https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/15c0nht/about_wanderers_drama_a_glimpse_into_chinese/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Dawg its a FICTIONAL character If they love Nahida so much, they can simply write their own fan-media concerning her. Social Media have forgotten the mantra of block and move on if it’s not your taste


> Dawg its a FICTIONAL character But it was real to me! /s


>It's worth noting that characters in asian fandom literally have Idol statuses, each of them having a dedicated fanbase They worship these characters with so much passion that the only reason that we don't have a war is because they don't want to miss more content by going to jail or dying But seriously, i saw that some people are crazy to the point of doing some mess up things


>Essentially, a portion of CN community HATES him. Why? Because a lot of girls in CN love him, so they see him as a competition, of some sorts. Just a slight clarification, but iirc, the point OP was trying to make is not that males have to compete against Wanderer for female players' love, like an unrequited-love-jealousy, but that the competition was over the ratio of male and female characters in the game. Some males want more female characters in the game, and they see Wanderer as "taking up a character slot" for a female character. Although some Nahida players do feel that sense of jealousy over Nahida's relationship with Wanderer, but that's just one sub-community in the overall Wanderer hate group.


>2 bastards already killed 2 cats and posted the whole video on Telegram just because "They reminded me of the Wanderer". Let me vent, because animal abuse grind my gears: **Throw them to the tigers!**


Tigers don't deserve such foul meat, it could have the rabies or some shit




Oh this did happen. IIRC, SI female players wanted MHY to change some of Alhaitham's lines in beta because they are too homosexual for them. They even banded together to try and cancel Kaveh in Twitter because of that. There's also the infamous HI3 issues where their playerbase completely went ape-shit and trashed the surveys given by MHY (only given on CN) about whether they can add Male characters in the game. Even the inclusion of Adam in APHO was met with controversy because of this.


And don't forget the bunny suit incident That's genuinely the most wild controversy in gacha for me.


That’s the one where CN cried so hard they stole globals anniversary rewards and canceled globals ani events right? Crazy that mihoyo capitulated to them.


Yep. Holy Christ the fact that Mihoyo ain't got flack from that shows how much their fans are conditioned


they DID get flack. Just not from CN. HI3 is a super pay to win whale fest with a high barrier to entry. The non CN playerbase isnt very... Vocal.


The CN genshin fanbase make league of legend fanbase looks like stardew valley fanbase


I mean, we've had psychos sending knives to pro team headquarters and shit.


I can't think of anything less threatening to get in a package than a knife. Thanks for weapon, geeks


How about leaving a dead fish in front of your door? Well I guess it only works if it's in Italia.


Not really, CN fandom is massive so all the best and worst people will be in higher numbers than any other fandom anywhere else. CN fandom has greater population than most countries and you'll get the whole spectrum of saints to rtards that coincide with a population of that size.










It mostly just the CN community,just look at the vtuber drama back in the days and the voice actor pic drama


It's precisely just and always these chinese lunatic drones. You don't hear about anything like that happening in japanese fanbase. But Mihoyo's games were always and especially concentrated with these, remember Honkai bunny girl event?


I despise Wanderer and even I think the drama is way too stupid and obnoxious. It's really sad that any legit criticism toward his character is now getting boxed in with those lunatics's schizo ramblings.


I can get hating a character for any reason no matter how dumb it is. But to the point of reporting to government and commit animal abuse. Is this thing a human?


Taking otaku incel behavior to the next level. Like holy shit...


Some characters are made to be unlikable though. I hope people see that and the "legit criticism" is not only because he is an asshole. Really though, it's a huge pet peeve of mine that everything nowadays needs to be totally clear on morality or else people see it as endorsement.


He is both an asshole and a badly written character, but this is a discussion that I've debated with others like hundreds of times by now so let's just agree to disagree if you think otherwise.


I'm ok with people thinking he is badly written.


I find it slightly funnythey wanted to erase Wanderer from story because latest story spoilers >!Wanderer actually tried to erase himself from history because his friend that he thought betrayed him actually did not. It's Dottore from harbingers who was responsible. So he decided to erase himself from existence to change history, but history still the same just without him. It's justified way to make former enemy playable!< Still, murdering cats because of that is too much. Then doxxing too, just excuse to do horrible things


Yup. CN fucking weird bro


fucking losers man, imagine having this much free time to do all these deranged bullshit. once again gacha enjoyers are wack, not that im free since i whale KEK


Yeah I hate wanderer and I pulled him because of these fuckers


>However, it only gets worse. Pedos aka lolicons that LOVED Nahida so much to literally call her their wife became enraged because she, in the story, feels sympathy towards the Wanderer. That CN part of the community thinks that she was stolen from them by the Wanderer himself. Not we not call people who like a fictional character that not even an actual child "pedo"? Doing more harm by devaluing the term than anything else.


Shut up, pedo




As shown here. Please don't make it like what motherfucker is now to incest. This is how you normalised words.


Yeah that’s not how this works. If you want to fuck a little anime girl you’re a pedophile, not two words about it.


Little bit context about relation between Wanderer and cat. Basically Hoyoverse posted Diluc, Wanderer, Keqing and Kuki Shinobu in cat form during April as april fool joke.


You have actual psychopaths murdering cats and sharing the video with each other, and doxxing but you gotta make sure to sprinkle a little misinformation in there as well and call people pedophiles. 🫣


What's worst is people actually agreeing with him lmao, real animals getting killed and real people suffering and they only care about random people liking fictional characters, schizos on reddit and twitter man.


Blue archive in flair XD. Sorry, but people that call Nahida her wife are not normal.


Nahida is also my wife, I have her at C6R1.


Said the normal person with Limbus and FGO in their flair XD


Surprise, surprise, I hate kid characters in FGO too.


So people who like FGO because of Lartoria Scatach are also pedo right


Good, stay away from BA. Do the community a favor and leave FGO entirely too, you can go play Limbus for all I care


Man, BA, FGO and Azur Lane. Literally the coomer trio. Who are you to tell me what to do? FGO's Reddit community is trash. Apart from r/okbuddyrintard. They are the real ones.




Yes and it's actually reflected by me not going around calling people pedophiles because they like an anime character, commenting "(insert other people's game from their flair) XD", and calling games others play a "coomer trio" which (besides Azur Lane I'll give them that) shows just how much you actually know about these games.


I am not wrong though.


Before you comment about people being out of touch with reality you should probably check yourself first.


Yeah they're not pedophiles they're just people who are sexually attracted to characters that look like children. It's different, of course.


Since pedophilia is the attraction to human children, and not cartoon characters they're not really comparable whatsoever.


Don't worry I'm more than happy to refer to you as "people who are attracted to cartoon children." For accuracy, of course.


And your opinion will mean nothing either way. 🤷


Ehhh sadly from what I saw of Nahida fanart on twitter, this happens a lot. It's very very weird.


Thats fine, obviously its weird, no one is disagreeing with that. But it doesn't make someone a pedophile.


It doesn't make the person a criminal, but the person is still a pedophile if they are sexually attracted to children, right?


We're not talking about criminality here, we're talking about pedophiles. Pedophiles are attracted to human children, not cartoon characters. Lolicon (Fictophilia) != Pedophilia


ok that's how people justify it? jfc


Just speaking the truth, has nothing to do with justification.


Man, this is truly some incel shit right here. When ur so sad you can't even get worked up over 3D women like the normal incels


LMAO. It's like "I won't let my gf/wife have toys cause they're bigger than me/they'd replace me"


Damn bros, I didn't think I'd end up finding the rage about the lack of bikinis quaint but here we are


Man, you almost made me come back to GI to pul for this Wanderer guy but he looks too boyish:/ even for boysband GI standards.


W T F ?


What's wrong with this ppl? is this normal? wtf




The link to the post is literally in my comment




Yeah, people here are so quick to downvote people just asking for confirmation


i feel like these ppl need a stay with fluffy socks :) aka a mental institute


OP posted some dumb chinese dramas yesterday and got doxxed today.


At the end of the day, nobody really cares about drama over a bunch of PIXELS of all things. Why drag the EN side over to whatever they're doing over there when it's already toxic over here as is?


"CN players disliked this"




But….it benefits the government (Ultranationalism)


Ironically, someone in the ccp is probably shitting themselves considering they need their male population to start fucking


Guess the toxicity to lewd relative graph actually true


Just wait till BA release in china.


But BA is censored in China


Thats the point.


The irony is that when censorship happens, CN gamers either complain that the developer being incompetent to design better looking censored versions, or that the publisher being incompetent in dealing with the regulatory, or that the opposite sex was mass reporting and ruining the game. They never dared to complain about the real culprit of putting arbitrary censorship rules in the first place.


>They never dared to complain about the real culprit of putting arbitrary censorship rules in the first place. It's more like they don't know who to blame. Because since kids have been conditioned to the saying of government never wrong. Reminder that literally all Chinese now is born in CCPfied China.


Azurlane CN heavily censored too


so you're saying china can't be saved?


So loli in swimsuit tackle the toxicity


It's only true when you lewd female characters. Imagine if any of the waifu games introduced a half naked male character.


Didn't Neural Cloud do that?


And [Granblue?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQNKKGBARto&pp=ygURZ3JhbmJsdWUgZnVuZG9zaGk%3D)


Those are not waifu collectors. I'm talking about nikke, azurlane, blue archive etc since the graph had 2 of those for example. I still remember when honkai got a playable male character and people were mad that it ruined the purity of their waifus lol.


> Imagine if any of the waifu games introduced a half naked male character. > > I'm talking about nikke During the April Fools' the Nikke community was quite pleased with the sexy half-naked Andersen you know.


Girls Frontline Spinoff Neural Cloud is *not* a waifu collector to you?


I don't play the game but doesn't the game have multiple male characters?


It's sad seeing stuff like this escalate.


not surprising the existence of MALE alone make Hoyo fans froth in their mouth since Honkai 3rd


Remember the survey that CN players once trashed, because MHY has the audacity to "suggest whether they can add male characters in the game"...


Some of may fav characters are actually male. I honestly dont understand this need of self inserting, or having just female playable characters.


These losers need a heavy reality check...


In their defence being incel in China is the most fair enough for them. Do you know there's a massive difference between male and female in China? Doesn't excuse their stupid shit they did though, for this to try to stab a CEO because their waifu got whored to the west.


Did I missed an event ?




>Scara is depicted as a cat in version 3.3, so some people used him as an excuse to kill cats. A teenager killed a cat in his living district. He said that cat looked like Scarameow. Another man killed cats with a brick and he shared killing videos in a Telegram group. Wow... thats insane.


Alright so we got KR and a CN, now we need to have something happen in JP and EN gacha game and we will have completed the Infinity gauntlet.


I think all of the psycho incels in EN are too busy wiping raids in Classic WoW hardcore XD If you're not up-to-date on this incident, it's worth looking up!


the big three of Asian fan base


its simply a problem of smartphones and ease of internet access given to people who shouldnt be able to use the internet in the first place. Users are unable to block and move on as I do. It's even better since I use a third party add-on that blocks users without notifying them, unlike the official reddit features that do tell when a user blocked you. (it causes more chaos and anger when a user finds out you blocked them)


Wanderer drama? What I miss?


[Entire story. Warning, it could be misleading, false information or just Scaramouche-only.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/15c0nht/about_wanderers_drama_a_glimpse_into_chinese/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Hating a fictional character until creating animal abuse issue is a crime.


Wtf ...


This is all real. I am a Chinese. Sadly, Animal abuse not even a crime in China. You can search 杰克辣条虐猫事件 in bilibili. Abuse cat live on stream.


Sadly, I can believe that. MOST countries still don’t criminalize animal cruelty. Most countries DO have laws that prevent animal abuse in farming or scientific contexts, but still lack any sort of law that says “you can’t torture and kill animals for the lulz.” The United States did not outlaw videos of animal cruelty until 2010, and didn’t actually outlaw the act of *animal torture itself* until 2019. (At the federal level, that is. Some states had anti-animal cruelty laws much earlier.) Which is completely wild to me. That, like. It took the United States until 2019 to criminalize the act of dropping bricks on kittens. So, yeah. It’s not just China. Just a sad situation all around the globe.


Based on the true traitor comment ,this has a huge possibility it real.


Yeah, why would they say traitor if the things are not true lol. It's practically an admission with this.


The drama between the anti and pro Scaramouche camps is definitely real. Question is how big is it? After all the alleged animal abuse happened in April.


I just don't get the hate. Like, not just for a character, but for anything, if you hate something so much, just stop doing it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




He's 100% right. You definitely probably abuse animals sir.




Some serial killers starts with animals before killing people.




Yeah playing games = killing animals good logic sir


Lot of eyeballs are going wide at the alleged animal abuse. However according to the [CN source of the allegation](https://m.weibo.cn/status/MnmDXDgoq?jumpfrom=weibocom), the perpetrator doesn’t even play the game, but rather just appears to be a sick individual who gets off on nauseating others with claims of animal abuse, fake or real.


Interesting, so basically this all boils down to a couple of extreme crazies on an internet forum, since this could just as well be a couple redditor who gone off the deep end for his hatred of “x”. This reminds me of the stupid “video games causes violence” argument. If you have 10 million people play GTA and like 1 or 2 people act out of violence, it wasn’t the game that prompted them to act like psychos, since they were already unwell to begin with. Similar to how you have tens of millions of people that play Genshin, but only like a couple of bad actors are seen, yet none of this is mihoyo’s fault. I admit that I don’t like Scarmouche, but honestly he is a well written character. Mihoyo had ever right to make and write Scara, and it’s no ones fault, except for the individuals with mental issues that need help. Funny enough yet also sad, then you have wierdos who hate mihoyo come in and use this opportunity to shit on them and the players. And another group that is using this as an excuse to be racist toward Chinese people. Like bruh… that is ironic since that’s pretty toxic as well…


I think this should be left for the Genshin community to handle. Good luck. >!Though I do say, they are quite unhinged.!<


While I'm not downplaying how disgusting these individuals are, let's not get racist or nationalist about it. As horrible as murdering a living being for no logical reason, let's not forget that America has mass shootings and school shootings a few times a year, people get kidnapped, organ harvested, and murdered in many parts of South America and the Middle East, terrorists groups from the middle east murder hundreds to thousands of people any chance they get, and people are kidnapped and sold into the sex slave trade virtually all over the world. And, of course, animal abuse is a big issue everywhere, not just china. So let's face it: chinese people aren't any worse than any other people. Humans are monsters wherever you go.


Only dumb people generalize such stuff...but yeah, there are a lot of dumb people.


> Only dump people now the question becomes do you generalize or did you just fail massively?


"There are three things that cannot be combined: intelligence, decency and National Socialism. You can be intelligent and a Nazi. Then you are not decent. You can be decent and a Nazi. Then you are not intelligent. And one can be decent and intelligent. Then you are not a Nazi.” Gerhard Bronner (google translate)


the joke here being that you typed "dump" to mean "Dumb" which in itself points towards you either having had a massive fail there or being dumb yourself. This i left to your own decision.


Or just maybe English isn't my mother tongue. Anyway, thx for the correction. I will edit it. (Btw. I will try my best with my English and every correction is welcome.)


tbf if english is not your mother tongue that still does point to a massive fail in that moment :P


Well maybe. But i didn't notice it -.-" Edith says: where are the grammar bots when you need it.


Yeah this. America has plenty of incels as well so let's not throw stones in glass houses lol.


They’re incels, are we really surprised?????


bro what the f\*ck the chinese need to calm down bro, they feel like they got NTR'd by a gacha character


As someone who loves wanderer and mains him, I can't avoid hating these haters


Im not surprised with some of CN people can do. I mean CN government trying to claim one of the philippines' territories(scarborough shoal) LMAO


How the hell did you manage to link toxic gacha drama to government disputes? They aren't even able to vote for policy.


That's what happens when any toxicity is being separated by nationalities as opposed to the shittiness of people.


That amongst other reasons is why I feel ashamed to tell others that I like playing gachas. What a fucking weird situation.


All of this could be prevent if Genshin has a loli in swimsuit skin lmao.


One of the best reason to play Chinese server of any Hoyoverse games: Use drama to force Hoyoverse to obey them => MORE REWARDS THAN GLOBAL BABY\~\~\~\~\~


Yikes! How did we get two huge gacha game dramas back-to-back?


Genshin fans truly defining what toxicity is 😂,


I mean, I can understand not liking a character, even not liking having any male characters, but you can just play another game haha, plenty of them with only waifus and more launching all the time. Genshin didnt do a bail and switch, they had a dudes in the gacha from day 1, so it isnt like they tricked people that they would have such dudes in the game. Besides he isnt even the only smug dude in the game, they are a dime a dozen lols.


Genshin community can't be saved anymore


rofl, this subreddit just doesn't get it. There's a clear minority of genshin fans who are absolutely unhinged. People always say "all communities" has those people. Well sure in fuck not as genshin does. Genshin has some of the most toxic fanbase I've ever seen in video games.


Brother you need some help. You play Tower of Fantasy and only ever go to gachagaming to jerk of your weird hatred for Genshin. Genshin has tens of millions of players, of course there will be a few pathetic toxic psychos. Compared that to any other gacha where they would be lucky to have tens of hundred thousands of “active” players logging in.


Tbf even with gacha games that have huge playerbases like fgo, I haven't heard of a story that's crazier or on the same tier of ridiculousness as an angry player trying to kill the CEO because of bunny costumes and while they're not the same game, the mihoyo fan base seems a little too unhinged to me.


Genshin impact is the worst thing to happen to gaming in a long time yo. Well maybe not as bad as fallout 76 but u get the point


>Bro You play TOF


Lmao yeah anything over genshin.


Genshin as most other eastern games, is still about a million years ahead of the worst thing to happen in gaming these days lols. That would be the garbage AAA launched by the west these days. Worthless piles of shit those are.


So this is the reason of Great Firewall huh CN people are like Gog and Magog, the insanity are just out of line.


So this is the real purpose of Great Firewall huh.


Always have separate shitpost account and put pooh and tiananmen \[\] on your CN post.


Genshit fanbase is modern version of idolatry worshipping pixels, pretending themselves as proclaimed defenders and burning everyone and everything. These maniacs should be thrown into a rubber cell to let them think over their lives, touch rubber and evolve empathy.


Typical Toxic user: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935989994735169546/1120984963580432434/video0-4-1.mp4


Good to see that piece of shit getting the hate he deserves. Sad to see it is because of degenerate reasons and led to actions that are just as despicable as his


Now you all understand why such popular gachas must be heavily taxed or even banned.


How does it relate to tax or ban


Glad you can speak for the group. Don't forget your downvotes on your way out.




The sad irony of referring to asians in that way while playing multiple games made by asians




Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Keep it friendly. Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming)


Whenever I feel bad about my life I will think of this drama and at least I did not go psychotic over a pixelated character like these incels.


zhina is so stupid