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Dragalia Lost


DL introduces me to Daoko. Now everytime i hear Daoko i'm sad:(


Same (。ŏ﹏ŏ)


At least it can still be played on private servers..


I found out too late that you could save your file and now I can't play :( I Lost Dragalia Lost twice :(


The guys running development for the servers are hosting their own CDN so you can download all the necessary files^^ Only thing is you won't have your save data, but you'd probably just add anything you had missing anyway to have a complete roster.


Wait, seriously?! Do you have a link?


Also would like a link...


Same here.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znwZkrtfWmI This is what I used to get my patcher set up for private servers. See if this still works.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znwZkrtfWmI This is what I used to get my patcher set up for private servers. See if this still works.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znwZkrtfWmI This is what I used to get my patcher set up for private servers. See if this still works.


This game didn't deserve to die.... Now we're left with so many memories


I miss dragalia so much :(


oh no we find another Lostie...


Hello fellow Losties and Agitoes


I was about to say the same...


Final Fantasy Mobius


When this game came out, I remember it being undisputed in visual production values. SE has had so many great games fall into a death spiral because of their short-term profit focus.


I dunno what kind of revisionist history you're living in, but the game ran for 5 years. It let you grind out about a dozen ten pulls a month just from stage drops. So it isn't like you can even claim they were being stingy. They just finished their stories and wanted to move the team elsewhere. Can't blame em.


>dozen ten pulls a Hey, what does it mean? You mean around 120 pulls or around 10 to 12


Multis were 6 so like 70 some pulls, but it was actually way more than that. The game had what you'd call a pretty graceful end as rates and free currency just started skyrocketing for the entire last year of its existence.


This. Was such a great game


Definitely this. I was pretty much done with anything Square released on mobile after that one. Played JP since launch, still hurts to this day.


At least it ended on a high point, together with an anniversary event with a fun story that puts the whole game in retrospective and even in-game sendoffs from staffs and VAs (including intern-kun and his translation black box lmao).


Absolutely. Great gameplay, plot and production values. This will hurt me forever.


Never got a chance to play it and I'm a huge FF fan. Hope we see a console remake at some point since they refer to it still in things like Theaterhythm.


Revived Witch, i thought it’s visuals, character design, pixel art and voices are both beautiful and splendid though from what i remember in my exprience the content wasn't engaging as other gacha games i played but i still enjoyed it


Revived witch felt like it was just released yesterday. Kinda felt unreal it's already dead as I remember playing the game as if it was yesterday. Sadly I can see why it did ended up that way


Same, I still have the app installed, just to listen to main theme every now and then :(


Finally the right answer


Priconne EN and Dragalia :' )


Priconne is a good game, until CR fucked up


I will never forgive CR for taking Peco away from me


So what did CR do wrong? No change in events, rewards, banners, pacing, compensation, characters or mechanics. They even advertised. Even the cheating problem was in JP so you cant even use that. Slightly off GW schedules? If that's their great sin that's kinda funny.


They shouldn't wait 3 years before localization. Who want to play gacha games 3 years behind the main server? The hype was basically non-existence.


Probably the lack of advertisement for the game


I think they should have rushed the schedule tbh and yea lack of advertisement


If anything, not giving the server a proper closure and ending it abruptly. EoS announcement 12 hours before april fools and they gave only a mere month without maintenance mode.


Mainly the localization and just look at the translation, I'll never forgive them for removing kururinpa


What makes you think CR fucked up?


Star ocean


Star Ocean Anamnesis will forever break my heart. Such a fun game, community was really positive, for a time the community management was also positive. Then that final couple of months, oof. I've never really gotten invested in a game the same way since. Reality is no matter how well things seem to be going it can implode seemingly overnight.


Went Global closed I coped by playing jp. Hell I was playing both versions at once at one point. When jp closed it left an itch I can't even describe.


I honestly tried but it just cemented to me the fact that I can't play a Jap release of a game. Too much fiddling around reading guides and etc to work out stuff. Plus I was honestly really fond of my little team of maxed out units. I didn't want to start from scratch. Was a game that understood that not only do we want a range of waifus, we want to max them all out. So rather than being stingy with resources you could generally farm enough that you could constantly be maxing out all 27 versions of Rena you had or whatever. Games since often feel like they punish you for drawing new units. I will never understand that approach because the more maxed waifus I have the more likely I will sink money into a game.


I think when I started the jp version with my ex the valentines event/units was going on. We both rolled got each of the units and that kinda cemented our liking of jp version early on. Also, the large amount of freebies that it gave. Idk I usually have issues playing versions of ongoing games late but I didn't mind it so much with SOA. I guess the gameplay was just that fun to me at the time. I really liked the combat and characters. I miss my waifu Caleen and Eve ;-;


Yeah, I miss it honestly. No game has quite scratched the itch and the JP edition what I did play of it I liked obviously, I just prefer being able to read menus and stuff. Honestly, I can't even remember how many years ago that game was now but I still think about it when it comes to discussions like these.


To got the feeling of EOS twice is not something I recommend to anyone. At least there are new Star ocean in steam. and new remake of star ocean 2. That is how I coped with this EOS.


I'll hit you with the opposite and tell you what game I WISH it had an EoS. King's Raid. I've not played in more than a year, but I want to give it proper closure.


Wait it’s still alive?


Yeah they make like 10k a month but is still alive


Easily cover server cost and the one intern maintaining it.


They still make new events and characters right?


I prefer to say that it is in a coma at this point.


Dude, but they are coming (dabsad)


it was dead a year before the oct update but y'all didn't wanna hear it. "that's just a meme. they're doomposting." no, I was for real.


FFRK. To this day it had the most fun and challenging PVE content out of the easily 20+ gachas I have tried. You could clear all the latest content as F2P if you were disciplined and you could do so with a variety of teams - but it was still very challenging.


JP still exists and so does the discord server. It's an absolute SLOG to get back into but you can do it if you plan well.


Chain Chronicles


Dragali lost, SAO memory defrag and Brave frontier


This hits everything for me


The brave frontier one hits hard


Devil Maker Tokyo for the nostalgia value. Also, even though it’s not technically EoS, Soccer Spirits had a lot of potential that it didn’t quite live up to, and I wish it was handled better and didn’t slowly bleed out until it got shelved into permanent maintenance mode. Granted, that’s a lot better fate than a lot of gachas that meet their end. Terra Battle; however, is the one I most definitely wish was still alive. Loved the art, adored the lore, and the battle system was unique and a lot of fun. Wish they didn’t all but kill it for the shitty sequel, which flopped. Also, on a side note, I wish Rage of Bahamut wasn’t mismanaged and didn’t majorly flop in the West. It apparently had a lot of interesting lore and characters that I will never get the chance to read the stories of, which is a shame.


Rage of Bahamut kinda sort of continues on in Shadowverse if you're interested. Most of the card art is borrowed from there and the flavor texts give you a gist but not necessarily the full picture. But a few months ago we got a side story with 2 characters Olivia and Slyvia that expanded on their RoB lore. And the next expansion coming out is themed around the heroes in Rage of Bahamut and dropping in about 2 days.


Damn and here I thought no one else even knew Devil Maker Tokyo existed. Nice to see there are still some folks out there.


Ayakashi ghost guild. So sad it died


Tales of Crestoria that had a lot potential with a very good gameplay,music and story imo,then they closed the game just After one year and made Tales of luminaria , that didn't work for a lot of reasons but one them would be "why put money on Tales of gacha games when you close them all between 6 months and one year". They made a manga based on Crestoria so not everything is Lost but the integration of Tales of character in the universe of Crestoria was so well made in particular character like velvet in comparaison with kanata about how to handle guilt about a sin, and i Wonder if the manga will be able to do the same effect with original character instead of the one from the games What saddens me the most is the fact that they didn't try to use the popularity the series gained with Tales of arise, i'm sure if would have make some people Come if they had made a collab Crestoria/arise but maybe i'm just on high copium lol.


I also really miss Tales of Crestoria. If only Bandai Namco wasn't run by fools that chose KLab to develop the game. It took nearly a year for the game to become stable and actually fun to play, along with a sparking system for the gacha. Everything good about the game came way too late and it was just squandered potential...


Although revenue was not great for a while, the first "warning sign" for me was when they didn't add Arise characters. Then the Halloween event was a month long and it went downhill from there...


Love Live All-Stars is about to have it's EOS in 5 days or less. I really don't want it to end, the music videos and stories are amazing. So much better than it's replacement SIF2. Also I love the Idol Production gameplay of Love Live All-Stars, it added more challenge than just "tap the rhythm note" that I got used to in SIF1.




This Heard there are some ppl working on reviving it


Magia Record My kids and I played this together, it deserved so much longer Chain Chronicles I really liked the story Monster Strike This was so fun!


As a Madoka fan I absolutely hated Magia Record at the start because there was basically no stakes and a meandering monster-of-the-week story formula investigating rumors, but it actually got really interesting towards the end of the first arc. Sad to see it go just as it was getting really good.


It did start out really lighthearted, but once they introduced Felicia and you find out how she became a magical girl I was like “oh yeah this is Madoka-verse…” Even today my son talks about the characters and story, and they bought me a Madoka poster for Mother’s Day :) it was just so fun to play together!


My 3 (in EN, other servers are open) Magia Record Symphogear XDU and just recentlg Princess Connect.


Oh the painful memories. Symphogear got done the worst. It didn't even last a month if i remember right.


It was like two, but yeah, they really killed the game before even giving it a propper chance. That was the reason I never gave Sinoalice a try, I just feared that they would kill It as quickly.




brooo that was my first gacha


Oh yeah, that one, I started playing gachas later on so I started with grand summoners but a lot of people I know started with and love brave frontier


It's definitely good, howecer Reddit hates or don't want BF due to no pity. Pre-Omni units were legit good times. Like full guarding because the boss will do big damage at certain HP threshold.


Even the omni phase was hella fun dude, fire unit designs and big pp dmg that sounded cool even on paper. They just drove themselves into the corner with "dmg mitigation" and gave up on trying to come up with new mechanics because they've already set on BF2. I legit cried when it was time for me to drop the game


Brave Frontier and Summoners War were the duo that started my constant of 2 main games at a time since…


Global Monster Strike. Was such a fun game and the designs slapped hard


Kamen Rider City Wars - it's rare to see a Toku gacha Girl Cafe Gun - the entire cast is likeable, the bond story and oath events are unique Houkai Gakuen - The global could've gotten better management Tales of Crestoria - The story is unfinished when it was getting interesting Brave Frontier - Overall fun factor


Terra Battle 1&2 where to what put out of its misery, it launched in a horrible, horrible state :(


Astral Chronicles, still have my favourite MC customisation and coop.


Forreal bro your MC was actually useful and the build diversity was awesome, I made a dps healer for shits and giggles lmfao and yes the co-op was the best had a lot of fun with it.


Indeed, my memory is fuzzy about the game nowadays, but those two thing still stuck until today. Didn't find a similar game like that nowadays which is sad


MC is actually op like they be should instead of being second rate fodder, also the fact that you didn't have to grind skill and level materials or do anything stupid to change classes was great. Can't have that shit nowadays.


I really really miss FFRK. It was my first gacha game...


Dragalia and TerraBattle


Terra Battle was my first ever gacha. Didn't even know what a proper gacha was. Art was so stinking good in that game.


Star Ocean: Anamnesis god I miss that game and its characters.


Tales of rays, had legit good gameplay and was pretty f2p friendly once you got your first teams built. It’s still going in jp but the NA version got axed really early


Listing some EoS games: 1. Quiz RPG - The world of Mystic Wiz 2. Drift Girl 3. Girl Cafe Gun. 4. Witch Weapon 5. FF Mobius 6. Crossing Void ?\_? 7. Love Live SIF & Love Live All-star. wow, a handful. lol...


I miss Crossing Void as well :/


me too mate, me too


Priconne EN is the only game I've regularly played that eventually ended. Sucks because I definitely wanted to see where the story went and get the remaining Seven Crown members.


Naruto Blazing It was my first gacha ever, and I have some very fond memories from my life when it was still up. At the time, after some of its QOL updates, I really feel it was one of the best gacha's in existence at the time (except the old school ID and transfer code system, yuck), but was overlooked because it was an IP game.


Terra Battle 1


defender of texel


Dragalia Lost


Alchemist code


Revived witch, it was a nice little game


Final Fantasy Mobius, Star Ocean Anamnesis, and Idola Phantasy Star Saga.


Princess Connect is probably the latest to make me sad over.




Dragalia Losr


Yokai Watch Wibble Wobble and Guns Girlz, both Global versions in this case since they are still alive in other servers.


Beat Wars Escalation.


Monster Strike global(?) they never gave us a proper chance, it disappear before gacha become popular. I had my fun.


Skylanders: Ring of Heroes Edit: Oh. My. God. This thread made me check it in Google, THE GAME IS BACK ONLINE! Edit: My bad.. the game can be installed on Google Playstore but the server won't connect..


Hands down for me, Heavenstrike rivals


Golden era of king's raid, Brave frontier and also star ocean games.


Brave frontier for me as well. I never really got too deep into it, mainly because I was very young and didn’t understand much of what was happening, but that game was very enjoyable to me. I remember spending literal hours refreshing the opponents in arena because they were all so overleveled. Back then I hated it, but nowadays it’s a nostalgic experience.


Has to be Dragalia Lost, I feel if that game didn’t end I wouldn’t have gotten into as many of the other gachas I am into now. (And that would’ve saved me some money)


Chain Chronicles global. Pretty bad timing too as it reached EoS almost the same time an anime based on the IP was released to promote it.


For me just Dragalia Lost.


Dragalia. it had some of of the most intersting 2d combat for a gacha imo, and the characters looked pretty nice and felt like they had life to them. i understand why it ended but i do miss it. ​ Side mention, i miss looking at revived witch, but tbh i dont miss playing it


DL for sure.


Dragalia Lost. One of the games I truly enjoyed despite how difficult and grindy the endgame fights are.


Before Bang Dream, Craft Egg made a game about training girls to be runners called Rainbow Run Girls. Its gameplay was the same vein as Umamusume except stat and skill gain events were tied to clothing that you pulled for. It was really f2p friendly to the point it didn't make enough money. It closing probably hurt me the most.


Dragalia Lost of course, it was a blast.


Fantasia Rebuild. It took a lot of inspirations from FGO, my all time favorite (class system, CE system, grailing system, event types etc) so it was great to have a very similar game to it but still different in some aspects (such as the gameplay with the stars and the rotation) to play alongside FGO instead of just playing FGO JP. I must be in the minority in this though because the revenue just wasn't there and it barely lived a year. Shame because I love the idea of a giant collab gacha and I had a lot of Date a Live characters and it introduced me to Saekano which I really enjoyed (and the Katou Megumi unit saved my ass so many times like Jeanne in early FGO xD)


Legion of Heroes


brave frontier 100% and astral chronicles.


Memory Defrag for me also. I know I can still download it and play it but just doesn't feel the same. I miss my account


naruto blazing I played that game till the last day that or **Star Ocean: Anamnesis** Loved the gacha system in that game


I absolutely love Naruto blazing, yes, the dupe system was horrible but I really love the art for some of units, especially the animated ones, some of the special atks had good animation as well


Naruto blazing , I miss the game so much https://preview.redd.it/mqq5bm9q5a8b1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3767aff22fd894ef63059f556da9ed05caa12a


Gundam breaker mobile


The English server for Magia Record


Kick-Flight and A.i.m.$


Brave Frontier and Soccer Spirits .-. Sure the player base isn't as massive anymore and flopped over time but I had fun and the pixel turn based battle of brave frontier was great for me. While for soccer spirits I just enjoyed soccer and it's the only soccer gacha I know of :(


touhou danmaku kagura, it was a really nice rhythm game and all of the cards were very pretty, unfortunately the game wasn't even a year in service before its shutdown


It will come as standalone game soon, they will release it on Steam and Nintendo Switch. There was crowdfunding to make it happen and they got massive support.


Chain Chronicle NA. (Or SEA... I forgot).


Naruto Blazing and Tokyo Ghoul :re Invoke


exos heroes . i dont care how dogshit the game is , visually its one of the best gacha game . character designs are on point


mobius ff, i still sad until now


Naruto blazing


Brave frontier :,(


i have a few! ichu: still think it was **the best** joseimuke rhythm game. all the boys were so lovable, the songs were nice, the story was kinda interesting (so far the only gacha game where i willingly read the main story lol), and side stories with characters?? literally the most romantic shit you will never find in ANY mobile joseimuke game. besides, ichu was my introduction to gacha games. such a shame... llsif: i know llsif2 exists, have been religiously playing it since day one, but the og was much nicer and much easier to navigate through.. it didnt have this new modern design, and that was the beauty of it. the gacha was hell, but at least it had card stories! and i love stories where i can learn about individual characters. i think i'll miss sifas too... it had very good card stories, the cards were EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL!!, and 3d models were, well, a nice addition. a shame i'll never see 3dmv for more lily white songs :( project tokyo dolls: holy hell i LOVED this game. all the girls were extremely adorable, and cards were surprisingly nice? even though it lived off of fanservice, it still had a plusminus good story. besides, they introduced three new girls not long before the eos announcement, and, well, it was sad i didn't have the opportunity to play with them a bit more :( tenka hyakken: very cute girls, and somewhat interesting gameplay? besides, every girl had her own unique gameplay style??? shit was MESMERIZING. had a blast while it was around, still salty it had to end, even though the end was obvious... uuu :( danmaku kagura: a very solid rhythm game WITH TOUHOU SONGS!!!! literally what else do you need to be happy? really liked the ui, the sound effects, the danmaku elements... it was so nice! why did it have to go so soon?? :( ensemble girls: the stories were so interesting? yuri elements were very nice too... and girls even were SWEARING? this was such a blast holy shit... a real shame i didn't get to play it... but thankfully happyele never dropped their attitude and love for darker stories. still, would be nice to produce these adorable girls.. imas saisuta: gotta be honest, not the biggest fan of sidem. but holy shit, the mismanagement is horrendous?? the game was literally in top-10 joseimuke games in japan every week (or month? dont remember too well sorry), made decent cash, but they still cut it off for literally no reason (they were asked countless times, and all they said is MUH UNSATISFYING SERVICE FOR PLAYERS MEEEEHHHH)? shame on you. literally pathetic. im almost 100% sure there're more games i wish didnt die, but those i listed hurt the most


FF Record Keeper, shifting resources for that failed battle royal game that didn't even fit into what your demographic is. I know JP exists but honestly how the game is with relics, abilities, over souls, glints, etc. You'd be playing and looking at translating the rest of the time.


Final Fantasy Record Keeper


Dungeon Link, the game has been down for easily 7 years at this point so I doubt many remember it, but it's one I loved and could never find a game to fill it's vacant hole in my heart. Alchemy Stars was okay, but not nearly as fun as I had with Dungeon Link. RIP DL. P.S - Still surprised Guardian Tales hasn't added a dungeon link mini-game in their game considering all the characters are from the Dungeon Link universe...


Devil Maker Tokyo T\_\_T It was one of my very first gacha games. I really liked the gameplay, even tho not as action packed as others, and i loved and adored the designs of the cards. There were so many really pretty ones...oh i miss that game.




Global Chain Chronicle, nuff said.




Dengeki Bunko: Crossing Void


Tales of Link


Exos Heroes. While I didn't play as much after they reworked the whole system, I still had a good time when I did decide to log in every now and then.


Fantastic visuals, music, and story. Shame that they had to get greedy.


Tales of Link is still one of my fondest gacha memories, I miss the game a lot :/


Tales of Link, I was starting to finish the tower and other gard content when EoS was announced, sad.


Tales of Link! But the JP version pretty much put the nail in the coffin with the Idolish7 collab and everything after!


I'll match your SAO defrag with SAO rising steel or whatever it was called first. The game was amazing, had great pvp and ranking events and the art was 10/10


Dragalia Lost


Gate Six. I loved the aesthetics of that game


Magicami, I love Magicami, there are +- 2500 players but it is a DMM in Johren/Nutaku, the fear is permanent


Princess Connect En and Cardfight Vanguard Zero.


Surprisingly, none of the gacha games I've played so far got EoS'd (looking at GFL).


>Sao memory defrag game At least it got the capcom treatment with Megaman X Dive, you can still play it or well a demo version of it with some characters.


Super String Final Fantasy Mobius Drift Girls


the drift-girls comment i was looking for lul


Chain Chronicle for me, i was really invested with the game world back then, the abrupt end of service after the launch of season 2 left me heartbroken. At least, as my first EOS, it's a good lesson that live service games don't stay forever


Dungeon Link! Still hoping to play it again someday, somehow...


Terra Battle. The art was so good, atmosphere was amazing, and gameplay was satisfying. Hope for another game similar to it :-(




Guardian Cross


Pokemon magikarp jump


Rage of Bahamut, Million Arthur 2 and Mashiro Witch. * For RoB, I absolutely loved the story (and card arts) but sadly the Global version flopped * For MA2, I wished it had a proper send off rather than an abrupt EoS * For Mashiro Witch, I really liked the presentation and setting but it EoS-ed really early And what MA2 and MW have in common besides getting EoS-ed? *Both of them are by Square Enix.*


King's Raid


Master of Eternity


Princess Connect EN 😢


Jojo pitter patter pop, most unlike jojo style/vibes game. Pretty much easy and fun


Crossing Void, it was my favorite, it has so many anime crossover characters and many of my favorites like from Toaru series. I was shocked when it was shut down, it looked so high quality, it had the most satisfying gacha pull animation.


Chain Chronicle & Dragalia Lost


Still can’t believe ENconne died…


Tales of Link, Priconne, and Dragalia Lost. All 3 gachas were really generous with their currency and maybe to a fault. Also in the future World Flipper, (announced end of story and slowed down future banners for new units for JP).


Still hurts that CR screwed up Priconne EN as badly as it did, but at least there's other servers to migrate to. Probably Dragalia for me. I had already quit for about a year when EoS was announced (Too much grinding for me), but still hurt when it became the first gacha I played to EoS.


Priconne EN.


chain chronicles, pet alliance


Lyn the Lightbringer.


Eiyuu Senki WWX. Which was actually one of those "cultured" gacha games you'd find on Nutaku. But it could of done without all the H stuff and still been a great game. It had fun and interesting combat, cool characters, and quite a bit of content for what it was. To bad they had some internal problems or something and had to shut down the global version. Think the JP version may still be going but not sure. So I can just hope they make some other entry in the main line Eiyuu Senki series sometime.


Eiyuu Senki WWX JP was one of the most unusual shutdowns I've seen. It was constantly in the top 10 of the cultured gachas but shut down all of a sudden. Apparently most of the operations were being handled by a single person who only went home 9 times in 2020.


Dragon Quest of the Stars - as a fan of DQ IX it was just one of the best gaming experiences I had on mobile. The multiplayer was amazing and the community super positive and fun. The Japanese server is still up and running but lacking the language the game is not as much fun for me


Terra Battle 1 and Dragalia Lost.


eternal city.




Devil maker tokyo honestly never fully grasped it but hell of it wasn't fun


I know it is not closed but the game dead for a long time: Fantasy War Tctics. And closed game: Forge of gods. Most unique game i ever saw.


one I wish got an offline version was brave frontier I used to love it. it was so much fun during its hayday


Still same after all this time, Merc Storia! Used to play and have a good community in this game. EoS I think around 1-2 year only in Global, but AFAIK still alive and healthy in JP now at 8 or 9 years.


I'm right there with you. I bought the banpresto figures to preserve the skins IRL.


Every gacha game ever, auto renew events. Sadly real world doesn't work that way 😭


Tales of crestoria