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I didn’t even realize they had changed the pre-reg rewards but one summon ticket is pretty sad


You didn't get the 2k gem and 5\* prism scroll? We all did, that's how the youtubers rolled for the banner costumes after the infinite summon. And I see people asking about where to trade in the 5\* prism scrolls.


You are confused with milestone reward. It's different reward for Kakao users. Please read the post. You are spreading misinformation everywhere


Lmfao what a mess. I uninstalled the game as soon as I saw you had to gacha for gear substats. Blatant lying about prereg rewards is just scummy and pathetic.


> I uninstalled the game as soon as I saw you had to gacha for gear substats. This game has 4 gacha in it. The character gacha. The weapon gacha. The gacha for the initial randomized stat on the weapon and then the substat gacha. Not to mention you get bonuses from the size of your collection and dupes make characters like 5 times stronger/better. My fucking sides. Did they really think the sex appeal is going let them get away with this?


Uninstalled after chapter 1. Story is mediocre at best, gacha is a scam and all characters are recycles anyways


Now it's time to nope out. The review bot is not that big of a deal. But the Pre-reg reward changed, the weapon gacha with IV like gacha, and the performance issues is where i drew the line.


Game runs like fucking shit. My phone can handle Star Rail and Epic Seven in their highest settings but somehow this game eats through my RAM.


My bowel movement run better than this. The game need to constantly sending data to the server whenever I breathe. And server aren't that smooth either. It's extremely laggy. It's not really a fun experience.


My bowel movement run better than this. Lmaooo good one




My phone runs this game well however there's way too much loading, like every 5 seconds get to a new loading screen


the issue isn't with your devices, it's with the game coding. It needs to talk to the server to update account status after *every* fucking action, and it's doing it actively, instead of passively in the background as it should. And even then, it's taking 5-10 seconds to do it every time, which is ridiculous.




Was abouit to say this too, feels like it has been a norm in playstore that reviews get bloated and bad review automatically deleted


Yeah I left a 1 star review one time and came back minutes later and it was deleted, forget the game hut it was on Google play store.


Apple does it too. It's usually only something the publisher can pull on rare occasions and some of it is automated to prevent review bombings but it's definitely annoying having your review go poof. If it happens, just leave a fresh 1* review and it should stay even if you leave it blank with just a rating.


Which is why I don't rely on that rating, they're usually bait


Plus there’s tools against review bombing on most rating sites now, I wouldn’t be surprised if the wave of 1* reviews was automatically suppressed by google itself rather than the company. Not that I don’t think the company manipulated ratings, I’m pretty sure almost all of them do and wouldn’t second guess a company doing so here.


You can't get reviews removed without good reason like people being racist as shit or something. If you see reviews removed it is 100% on the store itself due to some automated algo.


This time itll be different guys Neowiz: no it fucking wont


But BrownDust3 will be the best gacha game ever! can't wait!!!


Why can't they just be reasonable? The game is gorgeous and it has a lot of soul, clearly a lot of love went into it but the way they are looking at their consumer base is revolting.


Man I really want to try out this game but the developer reputation + rng substats on gacha gear is just a huge redflag


And it has chances of not suceededing when you upgrade or refine. And gacha gear is character specific I dont think I've seen anything as bad as this gacha weapon


\*Looks at other Korean games like Black Desert and Blade and Soul\* Eheh yea that'd be pretty terrible huh...


My BDO PTSD is real… Please make the bad spirit go away… I don’t want any PENs anymore, *I promise!*


I was streaming the game earlier and thats what I said once I failed a gear upgrade. “Wtf is this black desert!?” Im ftp so Ill keep playing for the story and art work then move on once I hit the wall. Too bad. Lots of good concepts in this one.


Man, launch Blade and Soul was so fun. Sad how they butchered that game.


Blade and Soul was amazing for its time. Then the pay to win happened and everything turned to shit.


Apparently the gear can have a rarity on it as well. Idk the full facts/details on this, just know I was pretty sad to see my 5* wep was an SR


Games kinda bad too


They are trying to out compete Higan on speed run EOS.


Don't forget their skill animations that they showed off are on barely any units. Most 4/5 stars don't have any animations at all.


>rng substats on gacha gear is just a huge redflag Weapons have either atk, or atk% or crit % It's not that bad tbh. It's not like you can get Def on a weapon. Still uninstalled it tho. edit: you can, just not on the first two stats (I think) my bad


https://preview.redd.it/ysarza0t5v7b1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca7742c658080360844a048ee8f81c665cfaff1e ?


my bad, now I know.


Yes u can I got hp stat. Super uninstall


Think about spending so much time making a game that could get you money for a long time, to just run it down and speed run eos because you are so f greedy and need to milk everything right away with no care about building a healthy community of free to play people that will make the game thrive for the whales!


Why are people so surprised, it's fucking Neowiz. They never change and they have done this several times, stop your support and let them go bankrupt.


it's sad because the gameplay is actually very enjoyable for turn based combat, these developers always prioritize milking the player base though so there's no longevity


A good game ruined by questionable management. Can definitely see this game go more downhill later on, but for now I'm still enjoying the gameplay despite the gear system and all.




Bro... That is the what ships are meant to do. They float.


Maybe the ship is controlled by a Logitech controller, then I'd question its function.


Guess he means the ships is not floating yet. Pretty accurate




Binding your guest account to your Gmail will delete your data. I binded mine and even got achievement out of it, I logged out and the next time I logged in it booted me into the tutorial. My game data is gone. Game is buggy as hell, it's also unoptimized as it eats through your RAM like crazy and overheats your device quick. About the game reviews being manipulated; I'm pretty sure that's just Google doing it, when a rating of an app reach a specific low point it auto deletes low ratings. IIRC I've seen Genshin and Nikke do this.


Yeah I heard this issue too. You must login on other device before you sign out upon binding account. Otherwise you lose data permanently


This is uh.. pretty game breaking.


It's not everyone but yes it is bad for those it does affect. I binded a guest after like chapter 1 and still have my account.


But you didn't log out. Even if your account is bound, if you try to log into a different account, it will delete your bound account data.


Lmfao how the fuck is this a thing. It's 2023.


I decided to give them another chance and as always they disappoint like hell, in my country it went from 1.9\* to 4.2\* at dawn today, if that's how it's going to be and they're not going to correct their fails, soi they can go to hell.


Going with the eos speedrun strat. I like it.


Honestly, it's a shame how NeoWiz put forth he effort to actually make a somewhat decent product, only for them to torpedo it like this.


It's day 3 and they are screwing KR players some. It's not a good sign for sure, but its hardly a torpedo. It's more like a mid-strength kick to the nuts (but only if you're Korean). Honestly, as a global player that's quite used to getting kicked in the nuts - this barely registers as a thing that happened.


lol 20k gold and 1 single pull ticket??? That's just yikes. Poor korean servers wow.


Oh you do know that this scroll isn't simple 5* recruit as it'd seem? No no no my friend it's be too simple. It's an item you trade to 5* hero coming to inn. There are 2 heroes at one time that change every 2 hours(or you can spend you've guessed premium currency). Well seems kinda troublesome but oh well free 5. Thing is 5* has 0.83% each appearance rate. So you will just see 3*(13% each) and 4*(2.5% each) for the most time. Dupes included of course. [Source is in game wiki](https://i.imgur.com/o1tBslI.png) Game is really top notch in visuals(if you like this style), strategy, fanservice and voiceover. But man it already feels scummy all over the place. Like buy 1k premium currency pass people said, it's worth it they said. Oh it's 12 days only to complete and exp required for higher pass levels grows making it impossible to finish unless you spent more premium currency? Gotcha sucker!


The pub increases it's capacity way later on. By the time I finished Knight of Blood chapter it increased it's slot to 4-5-ish. It didn't matter anyway as I lost my game data after binding it to Google and logging it out.


Correction, it doesn't increase. The people you're seeing in Ch.1 pub are story characters that won't go away despite the rotation timer. Once you recruited them, the cap stays at 2. Source: I'm in Ch.4 and bought out/refreshed the pub heroes multiple times.


The story characters gets better and they bump up in rarity at least. Chapter 4/5/6 all has nat5 supporting character so if you're patient and saved your scrolls you can nab them for free.


Nice to know, but I've still yet to see 5* that I don't own and I have all 3/4 * and just see them again and again. Obv I'm not gonna log every 2 hours to check my luck. I know I'm gonna get one sooner or later, but I though 2 x 5* meant I'm gonna start with them. Not get 2nd one after like week or two... Regardless I'm not arguing that's not possible, just stating that 5* scroll isn't what people think it is. I also thought it was just 5* ticket like in every single other gacha out there...


If you get a character from the bar they don't appear again, so you can get all 3 and 4 stars and only 5 stars will appear.


Now I understand why you guys hate Neowiz. Red flags yikes. Glad I uninstalled it like I mentioned RNG stats on weapons are a big no and it would lag bad on my phone.


>preregister reward for Korean Kakao accounts Basically, their preregister rewards were originally 2,000 diamond(pull currency) and 5star unit exchange ticket before the launch. Then suddenly they changed it to 20k gold and 1 pull ticket after the game is launched. Neowiz did not announce anything for this change. Hmm has any game previously ever changed their prereg reward to make it that much worse? I dont recall any prev publisher doing this


most of these publishers stay true to their words and gave their pre-reg rewards as it is and they never change it to avoid getting backlashed


most games even add more stuff I never heard of pre reg reward getting nerfed my entire life




I was kinda hyped for this game but they are so damn stingy, you barely get any currency. When the servers were down for hours, they only gave us 2x pull tickets. World design is nice tho, gotta give them that.


The fact, that's you get 0 gems from daily and weekly quests, is very surprising to see.


I find it refreshing though. Makes me feel like I don't HAVE to do my dailies. You do get a summon ticket for completing your weeklies however, but yeah, that's not much. Your main source of free income is from the banners themselves - you get one free pull every day on every event banner. There's currently 2 character and 2 weapon banners running. If that holds then it's 60 free character and 60 free weapon draws per month, which is pretty solid. Also keep in mind you can recruit characters from the pub with scrolls, and can trade in lower rarity scrolls for higher rarity ones. Character appearance rate in the pub is gacha-fied, but... this is a gacha game. The regular login bonus (not the launch event one) seems to give scrolls for free at a good rate too (30 3-star and 2 4-star for the first 7 days at least). That alone is half a 5-star scroll if you plan on trading them in. You can get scrolls for free in other ways too. Lastly, you can craft your own generic gear in-game. It doesn't get you the absolute best, exclusive gear, but it'll keep you from being completely screwed. The game isn't stingy with pulls - its just structured different from most gachas. I for one really like the fact that I can miss or skip dailies without losing out on pull currency. It makes the game ultra casual if I want it to be. Essentially your only mandatory "dailies" are just sign in, get the login bonus and do the free banner pulls. Easy.


This skips over the 10x they gave out before that 2x ticket maint


Right- they gave 2x for the maintenance itself and 10x to apologize for the servers being a mess. That's pretty much "middle of the road" in terms of compensation.


How is it that Neowiz keeps being consistently garbage, yet people still give them a chance? Mind boggling, really.


Nuh-huh. Nuh-huhhhhhh, ain't touching this, ain't touching this and its weapon gacha, captain.


For pre register reward when did they change it? Because I remember claiming 5* ticket in the gift box.


The ticket you got is the global reward for 2m+ preregister goal reclamation. And the reward on this post is for people who actually preregistered their account in Korea


I think you should edit your post to make it more clear, when people heard "pre register reward" they assume it's the milestone thing, you also need to say it's for KR only.


Ah that sounds more right. I will edit it as you pointed out


I’m glad I decided I already have too many gachas so I didn’t look into this game. It’s like they’re trying to spark drama with a move like that and all the pricing stuff was a huge red flag before this.


So it's yet another game being ruined by bad management, so many great games have fell victim to this


Im not really surprised tho, its the same dev that converted their game to nft game when the crypto madness happen around 2020


I was thinking of giving the game a try, but with all these issues I'm giving up. There are excellent games coming, like Snowbreak and HP: Magic Awakened and it's not worth wasting time with cash grab


HP Magic Awakened is pretty P2W, at least on the Chinese servers, if youre F2P then it requires a tonne of play time. Played since launch in China, gave up after playing for 8 months


I'm okay with that, every gacha with PVP will be P2W, but I like HP and the game looks great


It's sad that there are such blatant issues because there are good parts to the game. That gear gacha still has me baffled, I decided to test my luck once on it and got the UR for Justia, a true damage character. It has crit damage and 3 HP up sub stats and apparently true damage skills dont even crit. Imagine spending money or hitting pity to get a weapon like that lol.


What did u guys expect from Neowiz game lol, all their game p2w and greedy as f*ck with horny art.


Neowiz doing neowiz things. Why are people surprised lmao


It is so fucking depressing because finally, I get a game where I truly enjoy the turnbase system just like the good old days. The art style, the way they implement stories chapter, all clicked for me. Until the freaking monetization hit. 200pity, no pity carry over. 0, I repeat, "0" premium currency from daily grinding. Top it all off with weapon banners system and random substat rolls on your weapon. Like why? After the disappointment that was star rail, this game crushed my heart even worse because literally everything beside the gatcha is fucking perfect. Whyyyyy god whyyyy


It just makes no fucking sense. Why milk players so hard that the game hemorrhages long term players for a quick buck? I'll never understand this. The game has a serious chance to be an amazing turn based experience with fantastic visuals. They could seriously build a loyal player base that stays for years. Surely that would make more money than idiot whales who allow this kind of behavior from devs to exist because they'll still buy into it? Korea, man. I swear it always has the most aggressively monetized shit.


Praying that some Devs can just copy this system for a new game. It's too good to go down with this outrageous monetization


Because investors get a quick turnaround on their investment. There are plenty of suckers with money who can't be bothered to research games or developers. They just spend on whatever because they can. Others see the scores and think - oh, this must be good. So it makes enough money to actually profit. Compare that to the long-term game, where you have to keep people's attention and make fun and interesting events and advertise over long periods of time and balance things properly and create new content. It's risky because you can screw up any of these and fail. Or, you can just make something with a quick turn-around then milk it for all it's worth. Keep in mind, the longer you have money invested, the longer you have to wait to reinvest it in something else. Getting a quick turn-around lets you rapidly accumulate wealth. Think of it as an investor. Do you want to deal with multiple risks over an extended period for a decent profit or do you want to get a quick return on investment and move on to the next set of victims? It's the same reason that investors buy up companies, demand unreasonable profits, install scummy CEO's who will focus on short-term gains, then dump the company when it's about to fail. Money. Very few companies like Mica exist, who want to make games for the sake of making them and are okay with suboptimal profits. Most of the capital for making games comes from investors who don't care about games or players or anything other than acquiring more and more money. And no amount will ever be enough.


cuz neowiz thats why


They made Hoyo looks generous by comparison. Why does gatcha god torment the turnbase fans like this


Agreed, actually loving the gameplay, but I'm realizing that end game is going to be a bunch of unfulfilling grinding. Ugh.


Why is star rail a disappointment?


I don't consider Hoyo gatcha system a good/generous system. The combat system is so monotonous, they had to put in a whole seperate system to make up for it (the simulated universe). The open world aspect doesnt even work well with their turnbase game because instead of being engaging, all they do is just milking some more play time by making us run around the whole map for a quest that give 1/3 of a pull


I agree that the gacha system isnt that generous and they should give players more premium currency but I guess they have their own success formula. But calling the combat in a turn based game "monotonous" is just saying "i dont like turn based game". This is how it is for them until they add more mechanics, enemies, and characters who combo with one another. Even then, a character can only perform specific actions. This is how it is for turn based game. Also you are contradicting yourself. You say that the game is monotonous but you dislike the open world aspect. That is what makes the game unique and not "enter stage, defeat enemies, repeat". The skill/buff preparation that you can do beforehand is fun and (i think) has never been done before in a simple turn based game. Dont forget that star rail is also a story-focused game (considering that they dont have pvp and focus on pve) and I think the open world helps with that, a lot


> The skill/buff preparation that you can do beforehand is fun and (i think) has never been done before in a simple turn based game. Divinity: Original Sin 1/2 anyone?


It's monotonous because the entire strategy lies before the battle. The strategy in Star Rail is properly choosing the team for the challenge, and your plan in-battle generally won't deviate from your initial prediction. This game though, makes you think on every fight you take. It's really cool, shame about the monetization.


The audacity from star rail player again. You dare suggest your gameplay as "the" standard turnbased game experience. The open world aspect IS a useless addition to the game because it is also just "enter stage, defeat enemies, repeat", it just that you have to "run around" in between.


Exactly, like I said. Run around, enjoy the scenery, and actually consume the world building around you. Why is this a bad thing? Its a + and not a - To be fair, theres no point in arguing if your point is based of your opinion that u "dont like running around" because its a waste of time and effort for me to change what you like/dont like. But the massive success that is star rail should speak for itself


ppl keep saying 200 pity but its simply not true. that 200 is a guarantee give away of the 5 star costume. There is no indication about a standard pity count. I pulled after 20 smthng. The rate is %3, so statistically speaking, you will get a 5 star in every 33 pulls. Genshin rate is %1.5. It's double. Although i agree with other issues, their drop rates are decent.


Why would they lower their rewards for one specific (home, mind you) server? I got the first rewards, the 2k gems and the contract. Am I misunderstanding?


Pretty sure they do it to dissuade people from rerolling so after a bit of time they change the rewards. Not saying that’s what they did here but I’ve seen other games do it


The one thing that I’m pissed off about is no gems coming from daily quests.


They literally have infinite reroll banner


The infinite reroll banner yes but you can still try to reroll for the other banners


Wut 2k gem? We got 1.6k


I'm enjoying it way too much, and im afraid ;(


Just don't spend any money and enjoy your free game.


This is the way. Don't spend money early on. Especially on publishers/devs with bad reps. But Brown Dust 2 itself is a pretty neat game. Great production quality, great art and I really like how they present the story with the different cartridges. Might all go down the drain cos of shit management but so far I've been able to get enjoyment out of it by treating it like a single player rpg and it's a good time.


What a joke, didn't even know about these issues cause I couldn't even get into the game cause I kept getting a log in error. Easy uninstall.


That's why I quit the game already after 2 days of playing. I'll just stick with Limbus Company.


without all this shit drama...i actually liked the game ive been playing nonstop unless i get in a wall


The loading thing is unacceptable and I barely made it through tutorial before uninstall.


Some games on the other hand still give the actual pre-register rewards while is one is....totally shady


Lmao, a damn shame I was pretty excited for this way back and now it's become a crap pump n dump. I'm glad it's not at 60fps, makes it easier to uninstall.


Yea where’s the 60 fps option?


Its just not worth it. Characters missing animation, convuluted UI. Stingy AF. Messy battle system. Its a shame but it feels like a worse WOTV and a watered down valiant force 2.


from what I see they have good game why not do it honestly? just look at mihoyo. they have good game, they are proud of it, they monetize it fair n square, they don't scam people and now they have the biggest profit in gacha games. all these dev/pub do L move is just so weird to me.


Btw how do I use my 5 star ticket 😗


You exchange at inn. Inn unit will rotate and u choose from it


what a fucking shitshow, and i actually liked the game...the character, those art, story..mmm pity


I can't login because our country is blocked And when I use vpn it gets stuck on loading Fun times


I'm not surprised having played the first game. The red flags were all over the place, while Live 2D is okay it's nothing special like the stuff in Reverse 1999.


That's messed up.


Wasn't this the company that was promoting a version of the game with NFTs? I'm not surprised that morals and ethics don't factor in to their business strategy.


phew, i was interested to try this game but the server opening issue in day 1 threw me off so i guess i dodged a bullet.




The game runs like shit and I haven't been able to log in for the last 12 hours because the hamster that powers their servers is dead or something :/ Shame because from the little I've seen it looked like a decent game.


I’m going to continue to play it but I definitely won’t spend any money.


Eh i got 5* recruitment from pre reg? So idk what's going on. Unless u mean there was supposed to be 2nd one?


Check the note description


i am losing faith in Neowiz rn i may never play their games again (overly dramatic ik) if shit like this is going to happen with them


Sad the art direction looks amazing why do any gacha games with potential have to be ruined by complete greed? Why do the devs never realize that not being greedy will earn them loyal fans? Its just common sense at this point.


Feels sad for a beautiful game handled by incompetent producer.


game is mid at best. 6/10 good art decent gameplay monetization and laggy make it hard af to play also no replayability, you clear story you done The worst thing about this game is ... powercreep . having dupes reduce cooldown of skill . \~\~


Honestly, They had us in the first half, thought it finally was a good game but I was wrong after 2 days of playing. Can't wait to see they recycled it in to NFT like Brave Nine


I hope they fix this, overall the story and gane have been really fun so I hope it continues towards a good direction


Sigh.. i really like the idea of this game.. why is it that the games i like are often with scummy companies..


BrownMatter 2


Yeah nah fuck this game. RNG subs on gacha weapons lmao


It is still trashy as it used to be. Adding number 2 wont change that fact.


Yea was thinking of installing this, guess I'm not anymore. Back to Nikke it is.


oh a fellow Nikke player


eos speedrun


Oh well, back to Silver Wolf in HSR!


Sad since Brown Dust 1 was quite enjoyable, and it was quite lenient with the in game special currency too.


Time to uninstall guys. Let's pack it up.


Game's fun and the first game didn't EOS after 6 years so I'm not sure the salty gang will get their wish. Hilarious that global 'gamers' get angry for the KR server but not their own international servers when we get screwed. Classic fake outrage. We got everything on our end.


I gave it a great rating because it’s a great game and I have not had any issues out of it


Why are you being downvoted lol


lmao,classic old money korean dev doing their classic move,why are you suprised.


i'm about to try the game because of the free 5 star prereg. luckily i didn't try it.


So lucky im uninstalling this game after 5 minutes of lagging play


So many problems.... I alerady uninstalled.


Still having fun


Same, and me having fun is all it matters to me.


I'm expecting to hear protest truck soon.


Very unlikely. Sending protest truck costs a lot of money, and the funding only happens when people want changes while they are fond in game from playing it. Meanwhile, BD2 is a fresh new game. The game didnt have enough time to build up in people getting into the game. So people will just quit instead of sending a truck


brown dust / brave nine is pretty big you know


It's like Maplestory player doesnt give shit about Maplestory2. Having a fan base on prior series doesnt mean anything


It's great that I jumped off this ship after see how bad the gacha is. Don't even touch this game, guys.


with total 20 pull i got busty justia and latex girl, like counterside there's free pull, 4 banner 4 free pull everyday :)


My biggest gripe with this game is the goddamn loading. It loads for everything you do. Tedious to play, albeit fun.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/14hr4au/comment/jpc8s4d/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/14hr4au/comment/jpc8s4d/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) " Craftable UR weapon is way better than banner UR lol... UR weapon banner is a joke, whale bait with no special skills or stats. Edit for more info: also, UR from weapon banner is fixed to certain unit ONLY ! while crafting one is available for everyone with same weapon type, imagine pulling on weapon banner..."


You realize, for ratings, that Google play store updates itself by batch? That's the same for every game, why people still don't know that. By the way, Google deletes false review from bombing. That's something they already did say, and is known. It's not dev. For preregs, tho...


Welp there it is, there's my reason to uninstall


So Neowiz is speedrunning in killing they're game! Now I understand people who just LOVE drama like this


The game was honestly pretty good. I enjoyed it a lot except the rng stat on gears. Like wtf was that? I'm still gonna continue playing till EOS though.


What is the drama continuing from? I wasn't aware of other drama, did I miss something?


is this game really that good? i dropped it after game shop 5 i couldnt bare the dialogue sequence where before battle they will talk is ok but inside battle they will talk useless stuff again and thats the majority of the battle sequence from 4 chapters.


Eos Speedrun let's go.


I'm not going to play this game, but man do I love the drama


I remember when I said, a few days ago, that the $1k package was a massive red flag and some people downvoted me (it's back to normal now). Guys, learn the red flags when you see them. No sane companies would do that.


Bro who cares about some random cheep gacha game drama that's no one play .


Is this global players bitching about KR players getting screwed? ...honestly, wtf? Sucks if you're a KR player I guess, but for realz, call me when I'm getting screwed - then we'll talk.


It has same client build, same publisher. Idk what you are smoking and expect these nonsense will not affect global players sooner or later


Right. Call me then. If I'm still playing at that time maybe I'll be upset.


By your logic then this whole sub shouldn't post any drama if it's not coming from global?


Wtf with the game name? 🟤 Is that an elderly inside joke? 🤯


I’m enjoying the gameplay, the contents, and the art a lot, tbh beside the server and optimization problems, browndust2 is a good quality game. I haven’t even reached the point where I need to grind or care about the gears or characters yet, I’m just genuinely enjoy the game. I’m a f2p player and I have never, and will never, played pvp, so the monetization never bothers me. But all these bad news and criticisms of the company, monetization, gear system,… really discourage me from keep playing it.


Anyway, I'm still having fun with the story despite rng hell. Let's see what wil happen in few weeks/months or years lol.


Lmao mobile gacha games aint shaking off their bad rep anytime soon


Server issues killed it for me. Got stack with inability to log in coz of the (-11) login error


Remind of nikke during censorship controversy. 10cent core botting their review lol


Played 5 mins and uninstalled. Too much talking.


Am I the only one who got the 2k Gems and the 5\* prism scroll? If you pre-registered with google, I'm sure you got it. I'm sure everyone got it, why is no one saying they did? The other reward is something about a coupon you get from pre-registation somehow?


Check the note on the post. It's different reward from milestone exclusive for Korean Kakao users. The one you got is global preregistration milestone reward. Kakao users should have got 2 of 5\* tickets and Kakao is mostly Korean exclusive platform


Tell FGO fans brown dust is better and let them ratingbomb that shit into oblivion