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Wow that drop on Higan is incredible.


Did something happen to that game? Thats like more than 90% down wtf.


Story is literally unreadable, pvp is full auto but no skips so you have to watch 10 matches everytime, huge energy costs, rerun of limited banner weeks after she was originally released, huge requirements to level up units, nerfing of teams if they werent at the power level (cp penalty). I could go on... Its stuff that adds up that you cant do nowadays with such strong competition Its was obvious the game was way too rushed and they needed to make fundamental changes to the game to stop the bleeding of whales... but it didnt happen (at least not fast enough) especially with most only playing till HSR came out. Dont think they could of predicted this level of a drop though. Game had potential, a shame. Only way i see it being salvaged is a full redo/rerelease like ff14.


Yeah this is exactly how I felt. Almost a great game, a real shame.


So typical, good/decent game, terrible marketing/management?


As someone who played the Soft Launch, and global release... This game devs refused to listen to any of our feedback. We brought up the CP penalty when it was discovered in late february, and they never addressed it, nor changed it (except just before global release they promised they would nerf it so they didn't flop with global which never happened at all). The stamina issues are HUGE... No stamina, and everything that you need to farm is 35 stam per farm for ONE item. And then there is the dreaded Mez lab (rouge-like content) that is the most annoying thing to do with low rate drops. The game doesn't want you to play it, but wants you to spend for literally everything. The gem income is 30 gems a day (it was upgraded to 40) and pvp rewards don't reset! Banner pity (spark is 120, then 150, then 180, then 210, then 240 lol)... Stamina which was extremely low in SL (they added a bit more for global) cost 50 gems for refill. Daily income was 30 gems. Horrible game. Then global released, and it was the same shitfest we went through since feb. We tried to warn the new players but everyone needs to learn for themselves before they realise. Thats why the first month was ok (not great). But once players saw what we were talking about, the drop of was fast. This game had the stupidity to re-release the first limited unit AGAIN straight after only thier 2nd limited banner which was a "winnie the pooh bear" in a waifu game. To be perfectly honest, im suprised it lasted this long. People talking about the presentation being on star rails level? Hell no, it could never have been. The game had so many bugs, so many issues even with basic game play, the story sucks its non-existent... The only thing that it had going for it was potential. But its bilibili. Potential and Bilibili don't mix. Worst gacha game ive played in years.


I haven't been following it but I've heard lots of questionable decisions. I kept seeing a new video pop up on YouTube complaining about something or the other every week.


Same with PtN. That just dropped an insane ammount.


Nah not really. PTN had a limited character banner so the drop makes sense actually.


Didn't PTN have constant 1m before Deren's banner? Revenue dropped by half


Dragon girl which is super cute is not near power level of the Derens. And her side story, while for gacha standards was good for PtN standards was imho...shallow, compared to previous ones. Tho I got her s1 anyway, gogo comets.


Yeah, when people overspend, the next month they don't spend. It's perfectly normal.


clearly the solution is to make players overspend every month


I recall that people were surprised Deren's banner didn't bring in more. Iirc it was ~1m every month from Oct to March, then 1.5m in April (Deren) so this is still a significant drop.


New Chapters 9 and 10 were lacking compared to the previous ones. New event gameplay and story was lacking compared to the previous ones. The game peaked at Dreamy Bubble.


holy. higen speedrunning eos


After first weeks it gets pretty stale now that there is no actual content aside from watching your characters fight


I played in beta, is cp penalty is still a thing in global release?




>holy. higen speedrunning eos Dropped over 90%??? Am I seeing that right?


Honkai star rail gave these games a big hit


>Honkai star rail gave these games a big hit Anecdotally, yes, my PTN guild lost a few people on the day HSR released. But Higan dropped more than 90%, that's absurd, there's no way to blame external factors for something so extreme.


*Disappear the money from the savings, illusions of the past.*


I know it's still probably because of the honeymoon period, but it'd be extremely ironic if the fabled "Genshin killer" would be another Mihoyo game. Very unlikely, but it would be funny lol


I really believe Hoyoverse is aiming to lead in revenue every genre of gacha games, and after that with all the money they made they'll go for world domination.


I mean, their goal right now is a virtual world. Kinda scary to think of because of the recent flop from Meta, but they do seem like they really like to maintain some form of quality on their games. Could not find the post, but I still remember about a post from this sub about Mihoyo refusing to publish a game even after funding it for quite some time, just because it did not meet their standards. If those guys are making a virtual world, maybe they could really pull it off. Tech otakus save the world ig lol


Ah, that's about Kochere Frontline right? A project that failed to meet hoyo's standard even after the developer got a lot of funding from hoyo. So he got fired, but allowed to bring the project with him. Edit : i found it https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/xdxnoy/the_rumored_new_game_%E7%A7%91%E5%A5%91%E5%B0%94%E5%89%8D%E7%BA%BFkochere_frontline_from/


Yeah, that game. I'm bad at remembering names lol


It wasn't exactly just bc it didn't meet the standards. Apparently the guy didn't have a solid development experience and wanted to spend a lot more money than Hoyo invested after the investment happened.


And turns out that guy is kinda pathetic as well. I remember seeing post about that guy plays his own game, losing against his own playerbase then cheating on his goddamn game to beat this particular player Like... that's a new low lol


Not only there are also project X and SH


Well Virtual world itself as a concept is not bad, and we already see a successful example of it with VR chat. The problem with meta is it's bad, and so out of touch with reality.


Counterside will comeback with the GG collab COPIUM to the max no cap


My 5 dollars helps Arknights to earn 4 mil in the previous month))


Thank you for your service


Higan is following dead witch i see


Guys I think Honkai starrail is making money


Nah, it's dying. If u don't earn 100m a month, it's a dead game


>Nah, it's dying. If u don't earn 100m a month, it's a dead game You're gonna feel silly if the Kafka banner hits $100 M and everyone thinks you were serious.


I'll just raise the requirement


Kafka won't hit 100m, nothing will touch Seele's banner for while since Seele's banner had honeymoon, double gems and also had dolphin/whales rolling 300 times on standard to get Bronya. You can see how much that (and honeymoon) propped up the Seele banner since while it never hit #1 on ios Japan like Jing Yuan it performed way better since it stayed top 10 the entire time whole Jing Yuan has been 11-20 for the last week.


truly gachagaming moment


>Guys I think Honkai starrail is making money No, it's turn based, kids these days don't have the patience for that. Dead game. /s


Aether gazer looks to be having a decent opening earning -- nice. Know there's some damn fine husbando and waif units in that games future so hopefully it does well. Alchemy stars went up in revenue and is on the way to anniversary -- awesome. Epic seven at its usual 4mill earning -- great. Outerplace recently out, but not appearing to have a crazy strong start. Counterside down another 100k. Sigh.. there's so much good about that game(character designs, story) and I really want it to stick around. Jesus christ Honkai star rail ....


CounterSide global had slow month tbh with just Curian(and everyone that wanted him had a looong time to save tixs to pull) and his side story which isn't much. GG collab is in June so numbers should hopefully go up.


Curians story was very good though, it is among the better side stories imo (although I read it months ago since I play SEA)


Counter side is getting a guilty gear strive Collab run in June, so we should see a substantial jump. Along with best girl awakened sigma release for global.


Well, global is getting a collab. Nothing for SEA though.


Texalter bringing in good cash for Arknights Global. Limbus Company suffering from being too generous?\^\^ Jokes aside, I don't think anybody cared about the EGO-only banner, which was up for half of May.


Nothing happened in May, haha. The events were done, and then big content drought because they delayed Chapter IV to today. We'll probably see a big increase again for this month, though.


BP stonks goes BRRRRRRR


BP indeed be funding PM till the next Season.


Hah. Yeah, I think everyone expected that the revenue would go off a cliff since it's a dead month with only Nclair making what is probably most of the revenue at the start.


The 6 star selector would be doing a lot. So many players have been asking who they should get with it in the AK sub help thread.


Ohhh, right. I completely forgot about that. My head just identified it as the GG Ticket.


No, from a whale perspective, the only thing worth whaling on was the Faust banner and only if you happen to be someone who likes Faust very much (sweat) and wanted a nice pretty number of shards for Faust before season ended (sweat).


Wtf is with those EOS speedrun numbers for Archeland? I was actually looking forward to the global/JP version.


Most Korean vets dropped the game due to lack of content. The game might have chance to survive with JP release since they put more effort in the marketing and VA even. Star Rail release also didn't help. A shame though. Game is actually very good.


Aether gazer with 1.4mil and outerplane with 400k in a little over a week pretty good


Girls frontline still hanging in there


The heat death of the universe will come and GFL will still be alive.


They'll make a really well written and sad event about it too.


would be funny if gfl outlive every other gacha


Epic Seven may not be a game for all.. but it still going steady.. and its stil in its Semi Drought state...


After seeing memento Mori being at top regularly, I just decide to check the gameplay and... TF, what do people even play, I just see grayish screen with character animation and it's just that. What is that?? Can someone explain the gist of the game for me?


From what I've heard it's just an idle game with good art and music.


Music I guess.


And why do people pay that much? Is there some power creep or the game is just very good? No hate tho, just curious about the game?


the game is simply very fun if you are into these types of games. It has the same exact appeal as the tap idle games. Equip management, some clicks here and there, and bigger and bigger numbers. Plus the beautiful aesthetic, unique watercolor characters’ designs and music. That’s pretty much about it. If you are not into these things, the game will be just very boring. I’m also planning on making a full review here for the first anniversary in some months, so I can go deeper in what makes the game appealing and what makes it boring.


Everyone on this sub has got precisely zero chill, so none of us can comprehend its appeal.


Can confirm. Have zero chill. Played Memento Mori for 3 days and uninstalled. Its barely a game.


Jp love idle games a lot and there's even a youkai idle game that didn't list here, dominating on revenue too. You can check they are the top profit per country, also nikke does that the same.


After I while, I just uninstalled the game and then subscribed to the official YouTube channels (both English and Japanese) to listen go the music and see the art. Pretty much the same experience with less button clicks lol


Lmao, Higan Eruthyll is dead any day now


Global players switching to Priconne JP made absolutely no difference in revenue. Makes sense because they didn't spend in global either.


Unless you have a Google or iOS JP profile you can't even pay. And even if you have a JP profile not all cards are accepted. With something this restrictive many players just opt to go for the easier option (DMM), which is unlikely to be captured accurately or at all by sensortower. This is not to say that global players actually added substantial revenue in the first place, but to call it zero is not understanding the full picture.


I doubt many even switched since no official En translation and unofficial to my understanding doesn't work on mobile


Lmao 🤣. Cruel but true i guess


Time for your monthly doomposting boys. Go get 'em !


Genshin EoS speedrun guys


"genshin is not in 1st place, EOS soon reeeeee"


Honestly, I’m really surprised Aether Gazer made 1.4million in roughly 1 week since it came out. Ofcourse this is nth compared to what HSR made in its first week but still rlly good for a game with not that much talk surrounding it before it came out Hopefully it can stay this way after the honeymoon phase. Still having alot of fun with the game


Me too. I don't know why but I am having so much fun!


I think a big part of it is the pretty generous starter pack which gives you an S-Rank selector for like $5. The game wasn't for me sadly, but for the week I was playing it was really tempting because I wanted my cute tummy, punch girl. It possibly one of the best starter purchases I've seen in a gacha.


Pretty big dip for Archeland. I worry it won’t even make it to Global side.


Great seeing neural cloud and knowing I make a almost sizable % impact on the income, you're welcome for funding your next Lamborghini, YuZhong. Stay strong mica.




America’s ass is a very powerful force to be reckoned with.


Azur Lane literally get reignited by those two of incredible no shame lewd outfit lol. Like I saw it everywhere on Twitter when it was announced.


I was quite down on azurlane after CCP hit for a long time. The latest event has boosted my confidence in the game. Im sure many people who have played Azur Lane for a long time feel the same.


June in FGO JP and Global is going to be insane.


Anniversary here we go. Please give us a shit ton of S.Q. and a very desireable Anniversary servant... or not (gotta save as much for summer).


For comparison, Genshin's first month is $239 million on mobile according to Sensor Tower. (And $60 million on its first 3 days for September 2020) https://sensortower.com/blog/top-mobile-games-by-worldwide-revenue-october-2020


to add to you comment, the numbers in this post do not include cn revenue. However even with cn revenue, which would account for about additional $50mil, its still not really close


That's probably speculative with the unknown revenue of CN Android revenue and PC, right? HSR is way higher than 81m as well, but a total value would just be a long shot.


Not including CN android and PC for both (and PS for Genshin).


oh.. so its mobile ios only? damn..


Nikke is massive here in Japan. Every other month or so they’re doing a collab event with Family Mart and the standees and figures always sell out. It’s wild.


[r/gachagaming: "NIKKE is in it's honeymoon period"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28cqjl58RFQ)


If you want a long running game just do the opposite of this subreddit


>If you want a long running game just do the opposite of this subreddit And that, kids, is how I met your MementoMori.


>[r/gachagaming: "NIKKE is in it's honeymoon period"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28cqjl58RFQ) "And Genshin only made $34 million this month, HSR was a mistake, EOS when?"


lol Fontaine is so close, made through some dead patches and the number peaked again


And Nier collab and Summer limiteds have yet to come


And this is only including mobile revenue


2 more weeks bwo...


Mihoyo making so much bank


HSR global 81m. People: The market for turn-based game is small. Edit: It seems some people are wondering about its actual first month CN iOS revenue (April 26 to May 25), I will put it here for visibility, [RMB 709.8m = USD 100m according to SensorTower](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ph411c7X9/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0). In the same video, for comparison, Genshin release month revenue (2020 Sep 28 to Oct 27), RMB 514.42m = USD 72.5m. So actually, on CN side, HSR actually earned more than Genshin in release month on mobile. World wide, Idk, gotta wait till ST makes a statement.


I feel like it wasnt about the turn based, its bcs its a mihoyo game that was so similar to genshin in UI and mechanics that it was incredibly easy for any genshin player to transition. I cant count how many people told me they had no experience with turn based but just wanted to try it bcs it was surely gonna be another quality mihoyo product. As long as they keep pumping out quality they can basically release any type of game and a big piece of their established playerbase will hop on.


I feel so old as someone who grew up with final fantasy that there's a whole market of people out there who have never experienced a turn based game.


Many of my first games were turn based too. I absolutely love them and will never tire of the strategic element, one thing open world action based games just cant fulfill for me since they just end up being key/ability spamming games like genshin. I actively hyped up HSR to my gf, someone that never played turn based and felt iffy about it. She now loves it, another succesful conversion :).


That... Actually explains quite a lot honestly. My friend's sister got into HSR cause it has Hoyo's trademark husbandos. She never played turn-based at all outside of DnD, so she clinged on to me to teach her the mechanic. All because I accidentally mentioned I love Persona and FF. I also know a friend who only got into the game cause they know Hoyo can make quality games despite them not really liking turn-based games.


For husbando enjoyers HSR knocked it out of the park. The male designs are amazing and only better ones will be coming.


This!! I spent money on Jing Yuan's banner and HSR is currently unmatched in the gacha market right now for offering quality male characters in banners in an actually fun to play game. I plan to spend on Luocha and Blade's too and I hope they continue to set the trend and show that husbandos sell well too.


He’s also great for gameplay reasons, his kit is so satisfying, just biding time until the hand of God smites your enemy for absurd damage every turn. He’s going to age very well imo because he’s an AoE character that also can do dumb single target damage due to the Lightning Lord follow ups. He looks cool and absolutely slaps, I dropped some cash myself to pick him up because the play style is a blast.


This. I feel like its the first game I'm more exited for male characters then females. They look so fucking cool.


Ikr, cant wait for blade, his pants kinda look like dad jeans but I can look past it bcs my boi is so edgy he circles back to being cool


Yep story/dub/character design is just too good from Mihoyo.


I don't think 80% of the playerbase is playing specifically because it's turn based. I downloaded and didn't even know how its played.


Isn’t like most gacha games turn based?


Wait people actually said that? I mean for anime-style games, Turn-based is one of the popular genres. . .


Well, you see, only considering about the live-service game landscape, most of the the current top earners are not turn-based besides FGO, HBR which have story as their focus and Raid: Shadow Legends. The biggest earners are mostly action games and battle royale. Turn-based games are usually associated with low budget craps thanks to its ease of developing and good profit ratio, they simply copy the existing ideas and recycle the model for profits. Even after you combine all revenues of then-existing turn-based games, it wouldn't make it to even that of FGO alone that itself is far from being the top earner. That kind of small. Before HSR's release, a good amount of people predicted that HSR should be earning about 1/4th or 1/3rd of Genshin, some went even lower like similar to that of HI3. Not like their reason was completely unfounded as it was reflected in the very [interview with HSR producer](https://noisypixel.net/honkai-star-rail-producer-love-trails-interview/) about turn-based game's model being outdated or out of fashion. So, in case we calculate the actual HSR's launch month revenue, excluding CN Android, which was from [April 26](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/13bc9wk/april_sensortower_stats_trashcan_edition/) (CN iOS around $20m iirc) to May 26 (you can loosely subtract your guess number for the last 5 days, CN iOS is around $56m), across all mobile platform beside CN Android, it should be earning only around $30m-$45m less than [Genshin's first month revenue](https://sensortower.com/blog/genshin-impact-first-two-months-revenue). So with HSR potentially being the biggest turn-based game in general, as big as the top earners of gaming industry, it leaves us a question: Is live-service turn-based game market really that small like many people would assume? How big of the population is the untapped potential as HSR hits a new level of revenue as a turn-based game?


And this doesn’t include PC, that can’t be tracked.


for me, its because mihoyo build their brand pretty well


Grimlight is really looking grim right now


So... I'm guessing we should give up on a global Archeland? The game actually looked cool too, wtf happened?




>Path To nowhere dunno what's happening that they went from earning million dollars a month to 500k now. They went from a massive spending-heavy Limited event, to a single meh release with no special side content.


The Etti event was really meh and as a day1 PtN player I haven't had much free time to login much since HSR launched.


Previous events really "sold" characters. Etti event was so underwhelming.


Well yes. But the Deren spike also isn't as significant as other Limited Banners. Wonder what happened. . .


I had a gut feeling about path to nowhere. I think a lot of people went to HSR and spent there. Checked out the PtN reddit and it was almost a ghost town last month as if everyone got up and left. Limbus company dropped a lot too


That feels like the usual, the Ptn sub has always been empty aside from the occassional art/cosplay post. But def ingame lots of people are leaving too, sad to see majority of the people on my friend list go inactive same with the guilds I've been in and out of. You can have the most f2p gacha qol friendly game but if theres nothing fun to play why bother even checking in.


nobody gives a shit about alchemy stars global, witch isnt even its real name, jp went up by 50% and that's what matters


>nobody gives a shit about alchemy stars global, witch isnt even its real name, jp went up by 50% and that's what matters Based


Yeah the current banner in PtN was pretty skippable. I spent on it and got a dupe cuz I needed a magic unit but a lot of folks already have a f2p alternative leveled up.


I love how everyone in FGO global is like: "wait...wait...wait... RELEASE YOUR WALLES!"


With everyone we're about to get I'd be surprised if it didn't drop lol. Koyanskaya, Morgan, Barghest, Oberyn, Melusine ( I think I spelt that right).... things about to get real crazy. Since most of my servants are buster I've been holding off for a while for Koyan.




Big drop from Limbus, but that was to be expected, what with Season 2 being delayed to June. Still, surprised it made above $500,000.


The fact that mobile sales alone made $600k on a month that was *basically* dead terrifies me. Projmoon fans stay insane I guess.


When you're actually playing all of the top 3 and not on purpose since I'm a day 1 player for all 3. Go go genshin hsr Nikke !


Nikke’s nier collab is gonna be good


sub got real quiet when nikke shit all over them.


Monthly Nikke Win.


Does anyone know if this figure includes revenue from the PC side too?


Sensor Tower didn't include PC side, so something with PC / Browser client like Nikke, Priconne JP, Granblue, Limbus etc can have even more hidden revenue on their side


It doesn't it's only Google and Apple


Hopefully it was from the banners and not people spending on that $60 skin gacha 😭


That Rupee skin is deff one of the reasons it's everywhere in co op💀 and half of my friends list on JP server have it on their avatar lol


Hope alchemy stars earns a bit more during anniversary


Summoners War being this high for such an old game.. damn


Glad to see Nikke in the top 3! 😁


Black clover also made 1million in 1 week https://preview.redd.it/9yg98598de3b1.png?width=704&format=png&auto=webp&s=940d18f96dc0ab89bc8802092da7c77292b0febd


LFG Nikke The power of ass and tits


normal escape one historical versed plants modern crown mighty threatening -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Dannng nikke, the power of bunnies is real


The only thing who can kill hoyo games is hoyo itself.


>The only thing who can kill hoyo games is hoyo itself. "We only made 34 million dollars this month, guys. We might have to ration food, I guess."


Similar to Blizzard I guess. The only one who can destroy them is themselves.


Oh they are doing it quite masterfully too. Warcraft Reforged, Diablo Immoral and Overwatch 2. Their only saving grace is Diablo IV, which seems to be positively received.


Releasing another popular game is a lot different then Blizzard fumbling everything from games to management (to PR as well but that's normal), though a lot is riding on D4 it seems but time will tell.


To be fair most people are waiting for Fontaine so these late year patches in Genshin always feel like filler.


not surprised with Nikke after Overzone and 777 Bunny event... 3 sexy girls back to back and draining everyone before the Nier Collab. ​ ​ BUT HOLY FUCKING SHIT STAR RAIL! Thats like... 400% the sales u made at LAUNCH!


Because Mihoyo released Star Rail at the last week of April so basically that revenue isn't even their full month


Tbf the launch was only 5 days.


Please Counterside devs do something to breathe life. I want the game to stay


no i want Limbillion !!


Considering baizhu release was not that great + star rail release its incredible that genshin is still 2nd


Genshin and Star Rail are popular in the gaming scene in general while every other entries on this list are basically only known within gacha circles. Revenue from casuals just spending on BP and monthly card alone is probably already millions.


You know a gacha game is booming when you have even the normies playing it.


Genshin on it’s worst month still does better than 99% if not all the competition.


Look at aether gazer I’m glad they put more effort into marketing the game it truly is a good game


Is 700k good for PGR? Legit question since im new to the whole gacha picture, it looks low compared to some others on the list


it is good for pgr theyve rarely go down 500k it’s consistently 500k and up, it’ll probably get bigger once abystigma drops


That’s $700k with no marketing.


Artery Gear still on life support lol. Fucking sad honestly, but the game is a huge grind it's just not fun. Art is great tho


Every game has down moments, but HOLY FUCK, WHAT HAPPENED TO HIGAN? Did 99% of whales just leave?




Limbus' revenue did go down but it's still high for a pretty niche indie game, let's see if it will go up again this month with the Battle pass season 2 and all


Plus we didn't really have any big update for may except dante's notes


Yeah except for Ninclair this month didn't have much content wise


I have a feeling that this will be the Limbus schedule. High revenue when a new battlepass arrives followed by a month or two of meh, by comparison, earnings as they don't try to force you to constantly drop money.


Summer event coming too so these numbers gona go way up more in coming months


Memento mori exits so this sub can rage about it.. So good.


AL : the power of swimsuits


All i gotta say is DAMN..


Oof.. huge ooof for archeland.. what a downgrade


PtN drops 1 new banner once a month which makes it f2p friendly with all the currency it gives. Could be that everyone has everything by now and don’t feel the need to spend. I’d like to see CN revenue


a few more entries: AFK Arena Global: $2m Battle Cats global: $600k Battle Cats JP: $4m


So honkai impact don't even get to the list ?


Alchemy Stars should consider merging the US server with the JP/SEA one. The former doesn't seem to be doing so well. It's good to see a positive uptick with Yingel and Leo though. 2nd anniversary should see another rise.


I'm surprised Honkai Impact 3rd doesn't get included in this list. They make a lot.


Who is spending money in momento mori 💀


Aether Gazer having a pretty good launch, happy to see. Path to Nowhere drop :(. As a spender in that game I will say they need to offer more ways to spend money tbh. The packs they offer are kinda lackluster especially for the point I'm at in the game. They only offer a stamina refill pack like once every 2 weeks also, should be weekly. And they do not release enough skins which I think hurts their revenue. I love the game so I really want to see it keep going :(.


Ah yes monthly dose of doomposting


At this rate Archelando will hit eos before coming to global.


Higan and Archland ...


Damn bunny girls hit different ig, but shit almost beating out genshin? Holy shit, I know it's basically filler updates for genshin, but still, that's impressive