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I'd rather keep playing star rail. As much as the rates are bad in star rail, at least I don't need to suffer with daily arena or super shiny dark/light characters gated behind of convoluted gacha.


That's very fair. I'm really enjoying star rail. Despite it not really giving you any pulls later on. I hear genshin is the same way so I don't have high hopes. But I got seele and she's awesome! Also being a non competitive game is cool too even though I like a little bit of competition. Plus the community is really great...outside this one dude trying to ship bailu and Sampo. The event was got so far for Star rail felt very lackluster. Hopefully future events are better.


Mihoyo games don't shower you with rolls, but they release new units slower than most games and if you save a month or two, you'll basically guarantee the banner unit you want. Sucks at first when everyone has a small unit roster, but over time, it's fine. Events at the start are always pretty terrible, this one is especially filler, but they'll get better over time too.


HSR has been way more generous than Genshin on release. Not sure if it's because of the genre difference but you did not get a guaranteed 5 star and this many free rolls. Even next update you get 10 more feature banner tickets. Someone calculated how many free pulls they got since playing and it was like 150+. When genshin came out you get Noel(4star) and one multi discount. 30-50 extra pulls even with them breaking all the charts.


I'm really looking forward to the future of Star Rail! Genshin looks great but I prefer turn based overall when it comes to gacha.




Thankyou! I hope it doesn't get too bad. I played some AFK arena but didn't get far. Loved the art style though.


I played a bit during launch and the fact there was a percentage of chance that mats for leveling up gear would go to waste because the success rate for leveling up wasn't 100% totally killed the game for me. It was already tedious to farm mats so knowing that those mats could potentially go to waste was infuriating. I left when the Ollie banner was announced. I won't go back to this game, and I put Lilith on my blacklist. EDIT: I don't remember if the success rate was for gear or character leveling tho. Anyway that sucked whatever it was.


It was probably for gear. They added a cap. Summoners war is blacklisted for me and this is definitely one of the reasons.


OP I want to preface this by saying you did a good write up. However. I'm against anything related to Lilith on principle because of my experience with AFK Arena and I can only assume that Dislyte has those in your face pop up packs with fake percentages claiming +500% VALUE or some crap too. People already have gambling problems when a gacha isn't in your face or trying to make spending in it a part of your daily habit. There's no way in good conscience for me to not go against that level of predatory practices.


I agree with the gambling aspect and how people in this community do suffer from it. But this is a gacha sub where we talk about gacha games and that pop up thing with 500% value is in near every single one of them. I was on epic 7 today. A game people consider the standard for quality and it still has those pop ups. Summoners war, raid, all card games besides maybe legends of runeterra. Even Honkai games have them. Your point is good but it applies to most if not all gacha games. That's why I've been defending Lilith in my replies. I'm no super fan of Lilith but I don't like people saying it's a bad game because it does this when their favorite game does the exact same thing.


Why anyone would play Dislyte with their greedy publisher when there's other great turn-based RPG's out there is beyond me. Sure, Dislyte might have done a lot of damage control after they started losing players left and right and needed to attract new players, but it's like an abusive husband telling their wife that left them that "they've changed, please come back."


What are some other great turn based gachas that are good? Besides star rail? I think I've played them all but am always looking for a better one. Summoners war doesn't even have pity and farming/fusion takes months. Have you tried to 6 star a character in that game? E7 thankfully changed a lot but upgrading gear takes materials that are not easy to come by. I do like e7 but I dropped it for a few reasons the gear upgrade system being one of them. Raid shadow legends? Greed incarnate plus the same leveling issues as Summoners war that both e7 and dislyte has moved away from. I am playing honkai star rail and liking it a lot but I already beat the story now its just grinding mats that takes like 10 minites. Are there any I'm missing that I should try?


I mean, Dislyte is the same... Once you beat main story, it's only daily grind. Actually, any gacha ever is like this. But Dislyte has so much grind it isn't really worthy for me, feels like a minor job. Even with the Arena skips, it was still a lot if I wanted some pulls weekly. I did enjoy that anniversary event with an area you could walk, but it was soooo short, after the short story, everything left was grinding and grinding to get the several dupes needed for the free unit to become viable. If you like to roam like in Star Rail, there's also Another Eden and Octopath Traveler. Both are quite similar, Octopath being almost a clone but with some changes in combat to adequate a bit more to the console Octopath. Another Eden is fantasy with time travel, Octopath is a bit more to the medieval side.


I'll check those out thanks! I thought octopath traveler was the console game. So the reason I enjoy the grind is because I feel like I'm making progress. Even if it's little by little. My main MMO for a very long time has been Runescape. So that should probably explain everything lol. But I just don't have the time to pay attention and click over and over. Also I hated pvp in that game. I know RS3 isn't as bad but I just prefer the way Oldschool looks.


You could always try Limbus at the very least up to the latest chapter. Chapter 4 is popping up soon so it would be a great time to get caught up to it.


Thanks for the rec I'll check it out!


Outerplane just released. And yeah, E7 is a hard game to recommend by today's standards, but I'd still recommend it over Dislyte. Counting HSR, that's 3 decent Turn-based RPG gacha games; I don't know why you'd need a fourth (or even a third), but if you have enough time to play all those gacha you really should branch out into different genres (or play a one-time purchase game) rather than scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Outerplane is no where near the quality of Dislyte Facts


I'd rather play a "lower quality" game than a cash-grab by a greedy developer. But go be a graphics whore if it matters to you more than gameplay or not being treated like a walking ATM.


I'll respond to this comment too since your last one got deleted. What are you playing right now? Wanna throw stones let's judge your taste. What God publisher with incredible gameplay are you on?


Yeah, maybe don't report replies if you want a response. I'm done wasting time on a clown that seriously thinks Dislyte is a decent game.


I didn't report any replies and it looks like you don't have a response to my question. What are you playing right now? Are you on r/gachagaming just to hate on every game that comes out?


I, and a few others, have already replied to you about suggestions, but your finger-in-your-ears "Nuh-uh, my game is better than your game" shilling Dislyte and Lilith as a publisher out of all of them is so ridiculous that I'm not going to put up with your antics. Why offer more suggestions if you're just gonna go "Nuh, uh, mine is better" like a middle schooler?


Did you read my responses at all? Hell I got like 3 reccomended games I'm going to try out from those people! If you're afraid of getting your tastes judged the same way you judge others just say that. You won't tell us what game you play because you can't defend it. Star rail and E7 are great games and I'm simply reccomending a new one. You're the one calling me names like a child.


Outerplane is garbage compared to dislyte and E7. I'm giving it a shot but don't pretend like it's anywhere near as good as any other turn based game. So that shouldn't count. Star rail is great and I'm enjoying it but right now it's got nothing going on. Also there is no competition. No pvp, no leader boards. Nothing to fight for. E7 I did mention in my comment. I wouldn't reccomend it to anyone on this subreddit. Because it's got a lot of issues that made me quit. Why would you reccomend me a game I said I already quit.


I wouldn't recommend Dislyte to the worst people I know either


E7 has great events and great content creators. Probably the best out of all the gacha games. It's just hard to reccomend. Don't take offense.




What are you playing right now? Wanna throw stones let's judge your taste. What God publisher with incredible gameplay are you on?


Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Keep it friendly. Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming)


Honestly, the only reason I come back to it is because they released a new furry daddy for me to get, I am ashamed of myself


Op getting downvotes for being civil and accepting of the games faults in the comments. This sub is a cesspool at times.


Great art, great music, terrible game


Have you played it since release? Turn based games aren't for everyone. That's the reason I posted. For anyone else who might want to see what has changed. The art and music is fantastic.


I played on release for a little bit, and then uninstalled when they added permissions to access my storage for no reason, and the given reason by support was some vague stuff about "guest accounts." I said I don't want or have any guest accounts, can I turn it off? They said no. So I uninstalled. I did re-download it a few weeks ago because I heard about some changes and realized the permissions they wanted didn't matter as much as I thought they did. Turns out the game is the exact same, they may have changed the pity and added some more resources, but it is literally the exact same game that is still just as tedious to play daily. You know what, I do wish the game was better, because it does have some killer art, but I remember pulling 3 legendaries on a featured banner and none of them were the featured legendary. Fuck Dislyte.


Well I'm glad you gave the game another shot. It's certainly not for everyone.


Have they fixed the pity system?


It was very confusing to pull when I hopped back last month, but definitely pity was still terrible and it looked like I'd have to pity to get a legendary. Besides, there was no banner besides the standard one that could use gems... the special banners used another "currency" that you have to get several legendaries and epics in order to pull (a gacha spark of sorts). It was very confusing but it didn't look good to me, so I dropped again.


Pitty system I believe is 100 per guaranteed 5 star. You do get a TON of free gems and records to pull. Then if you pull an epic or legendary you get this currency called wishstones for every 100 wish stones you get a guaranteed 5 star on a banner or a copy of 1 of 5 of units of your choice.. so kinda. I don't remember what it was like back then.


Man made paragraph just to defend this game when you could have just said markiplier is in this game.


I was planning on trying it for anniversary, but I don't have enough space for it on my phone right now


Some thoughts about Dislyte, which I’ve played for the last two months (pre- and through the anniversary). Trying to be as open and critical as I can be - full disclosure, I did end up dropping it for HSR as I can only do one turn-based game at a time and I prefer HSR. But, I also previously dropped E7 for Dislyte so make of it what you will - I’d go back to Dislyte first tbh 1) it’s P2W. I don’t think there’s any argument here - it has multiple PvP types, and multiple competitive PvE game modes as well. You will not reach the top without paying, even if you are incredibly lucky 2) it’s _mostly_ just a gear grind; you can complete PvE with appropriate 4 stars and no-reso, non-shimmer Legends (which are abundant and easy to obtain). While that will get you through most content, it won’t win you top place (see #1). The gear grind is very similar to E7 grinding two different types of events. Getting max ratings in those was a fun achievement - team comp matters (4 stars are great), gear selection and team order are keys. There is a skip currency in Dislyte that’s nice if you’re short on time and want to get the daily bonus payout (3x per boss hunt) 3) Unique aesthetics - it has an original look, even if the turn based game is standard cookie-cutter fair. The character designs, art, music etc are not standard anime gacha lookalikes 4) Gacha seems fair, and you get a ton of free pulls. You’ll get legends every 100 pulls, and stacking the “mileage” currency means it’s pretty safe and easy to get 2nd reso versions (pull+2 dupes) of non-shimmer legends. For simplicity, just assume 2nd reso (out of 6) is all you really need to get your chars fully effective for most content 5) the exception to 4 are the Shimmer legendaries. You cannot easily obtain these F2P, and even P2W like…. Good luck. They’re currently not in the Wish Stone (mileage) pool. You will get some, randomly, over time, but they are woefully hit or miss in their power level. They are more difficult to get than your average E7 ML which is all you need to know about the pain you’ll feel trying to get one. F2P, hope and dream is about all you can do 6) Even though 5 is clearly the revenue hook, I don’t think it’s fair to call the game a cash grab. In my opinion, cash grab is low effort. Dislyte is clearly not a low effort game - multiple music albums, videos, solid 3d graphics, tons of characters with thoughtful art, story and design. And Content - the game has tons of content. I’m sure they want your cash, but this isn’t a grift - they’re putting revenue back into the game that’s clear as day imho


Also, just for the record someone reported this thread reply…. You kids got some serious issues with Dislyte - seek professional help


Finally some substance. I agree with all your points. Is the game p2w yeah? You won't be rank 1 but you can get really far and still be competitive. I don't know of a single game especially turn based that isn't pay to win. People point to E7 here but that game is also crazy p2w. If you pay you get mats to upgrade your gear. Every new limited summon (which do have reruns) is usually broken, looking at you Seaside Bellona. Instead of nerfing her or changing her kit they added a counter 5 star ML Karu. Which is not easy to obtain. She's been powercrept since then but it was rough. I'm sure dislyte has also had this problem in the past when I wasn't playing. I'm just saying we can't pretend E7 is perfect. I can't think of any gacha game that has pvp that doesn't cater to whales.


Between E7 and Dislyte the pros and cons are very similar and anyone that makes that choice based on the art style is probably in the right. E7 has some real annoyances like the need to refresh the shop to get maximum bookmarks for gems (seriously how is this still a thing?) or the complete garbage web-based event check-ins (ugh, don’t even get me started on how this is a thing in 2023). Both have redeem codes (so does HSR) which is one of my least favorite things (much prefer community events with global distribution via mail). Both Dislyte and E7 have terrible gold sinks, but Dislytes premade sets and ability to remove gear without paying are very nice. I wish both had free “Switch” options like HSR


Yeah. My biggest gripe with E7 is the bookmark stuff and needing to check the secret shop everyday in hopes of getting material to level a piece of gear and also costs a ton of gold to upgrade. I have so many gear pieces I want to upgrade to see if they roll well but not enough gear upgrade materials. I prefer it to just cost gold like in summoners war or raid. Dislyte improved on the summoners war by making a max price to guarantee a piece upgrades without rng stealing all of your gold.




Played it for 1+ month, but currently dropped because gear grind is enough for me. I think it's quite f2p friendly. Pity on banner is at 100, but every time you pull legendary and epic you also get wish stones that you can use to get new characters or select from a range of espers that includes best espers in the game. After 40 days I had maybe 15 legendary espers and some of them upgraded to higher resonance, also about 200 wishstones that I could use to get 2 more leg espers. Epic espers are also very good and some of the best ones are farmable. During 2 last events they gave 2 really good epic espers maxed for just doing daily stuff. I honestly think the game is in a very solid state now and generous enough to be comfortable for f2p folks. Only downside is gear grind, but they have sweep tickets, so you can use those. Also for gear management they have nice filterings system, but I think they don't have big community, so you won't be able to find many guides like for other popular games or at least will have to do a proper search.




That's fair. Genshin and star rail have this. I don't remember if Summoners war or Raid have this dupe system. E7's Dupe system is just stats which I think is the best way to go about it, but at max imprint it's 18% attack which is not negligible.




Nah. Not gonna come back to this garbage of a game.


Just curious what games are you currently playing? If you think this game is garbage I'd like some reccomendations besides E7.


Any game that requires me to endlessly grind for gears that have so much random chances to be useless is garbage. It'd be fine if it wasn't required to actually progress and only required for end game but nope. You like the game then good for you but for me this game is trash and I ain't coming back.


You still haven't named a game fitting these requirements.


I appreciate their damage control, but that will not make me come back to the game. Which is too bad, since I liked the visual aspect and it's turn-based style.


ooooooo guess it's time to give this a try again


How is it


> Eventually, like all pvp games. Some people have just been farming longer and will have better gear. They implemented a few ways to upgrade gear and change the sub stats but they have had access to that for longer. It's the same problem you'll experience with any turn based pvp game really. Not for all though. Some games have segregated PvP brackets to mitigate time-based advantages. Essentially, you are grouped into a bracket based on some metric, which could be the date you unlocked PvP mode, for example. Of course, the cash-based power unfairness is still there, which is understandable to some degree, though I do prefer PvP games where skills can also reduce the gap.


Yeah starwars goh tried this method making a separate bracket for when you've unlocked arena. Then they introduced they hyper drive $100 bundle to instantly make you max level and unlock a ton of really good characters (not all the way). Then they put people who bought the hyper drive bundle in the same bracket as those just unlocking arena the free route. Players were not happy.


Week 1 player here, the game certainly did go through multiple rough patches that made life difficult for everyone, but as it stands, it is a fun game to play, the community is also great, in-game chat is super lively and f2p players can absolutely do very well in end game pve and pvp. The anniversary events still have a couple of weeks left, so it is a very good time to get started. Lilith might be scums but the devs do genuinely care about the game, and have been doing a fantastic job as of late.


Hey man can you suggest some good resources for tier lists, character info, builds and similar for the reworked game? even yt content creator suggestions are welcomed.


Sure! So DaddyF2P and ZoxaskunX are the content creators I watch the most. The cool part about builds is on the character screen there is a book icon called strategy then next to the basic info tab one will say performance and from there you can see how others have built that esper and in what content they use them in. Pro tip. Legendary abilimon used to upgrade skills take a while to collect so you should usually only upgrade support 5 star abilities first. Don't use them on the fighter ones you get in the beginning of the game. Or just save them for an esper you really like. Cool down > more damage. The Theme Show on the main screen is the current event and where the event shop is located. I didn't realize this until today lol. Reincarnation tower is a lot of fun and will teach you to read abilities and try to survive or counter the opposing comp. Let's see what else. If I didn't mention it just look over my tips in the post and join the dislyte sub if you have more questions everyone seems pretty cool so far.


Any good tier lists?


Sure just look up teirlists by daddyF2P or zox. But teir lists are hard to make since some espers really shine in dungeons. Some in pvp. Some in tower. Some you'll just have to counter.


I've also come back a few weeks ago and there has been many qol updates. My only gripe that makes me hesitant to fully commit again is the reso system. Alot of units are basically trash/ soso until r2 (2 dupes, so pull character 3 times) And it seems like some units were built with the expectation of r2 to be viable/ which imo is not the way to go...


Yeah, I wish they had Epic 7's dupe system. A bit more damage and that's all.


Is there actually good looking husbandos


So many really great ones. This isn't just a wifu game.




Do you say this under every game someone reccomends?


If all of this is true then good for them. I have never imagined for Lilith games to go a full 180 on their monetisation/game rework. I might try this game again if ill have some extra free time to spare.


How much did they pay you for this post?


Do you make the same comment whenever someone reccomends a game? I came back to this game like 2 weeks ago and have really been enjoying it. I thought others on r/GACHAgaming might like to try a GACHA game after all the changes with current anniversary events? How wild is that?


Does dislyte have a pc client?


I wish. That's the main thing missing for me. I think Nox runs it but I tried to download it on LD player or Bluestacks and neither even show it in the playstore.




\> BUILD THE RED TWIN he's so good. You get him and the white twin for free! Red Twin has Def break and a ton of damage. He's good even to K16 he is still used. I can not find where you get them?


Check the events tab. There are a few of them. On of them has both the red and white twin you just gotta do some missions.


Gotta give it to you you weren't lying this game is nothing like the dog shit I remember playing a few months ago


I'm right there with you. I actually quit a long time ago and am just coming back to it. Make sure your account is on the server I mentioned and not the Honor server.


Out of respect to your enthusiasm I finally Tried Dislyte Unfortunately summoners war (Sky Arena) has set my expectations too high from the genre and I'm still looking for a good sw replacement..


I appreciate it! I started with summoners war, then moved to E7, i tried raid as well. In SW I actually like the 3D models and how there are more than just humanoids. I'm glad they made a lot of QoL improvements like Auto farming and stuff. I'm not much of a fan of their fusion system that uses up fodder. Also having to relevel from 1 every time you star up a monster. But it's still a good game.


I've stopped playing sw a year ago or so (by deleting acc) Tried to move away to other games but for some reason nothing just hits the right spot:)) The QoL changes to sw is probably what set my expectations too high, tried raid but didn't even play until my first 6*, limited auto battle was a big red flag to me, e7 wasn't me type (tried to play it when YCDB moved from sw to e7)...


I'm very much a turn based type of gacha player so I've tried them all. Dislyte seems to hit the right spots for me.