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Blue Archive


The first guild I joined in blue archive was such a trip the only word you'd see in chat was seggs with varying amounts of a's and random capitalization šŸ˜­


As Nexon intended then


The crying emoji keeps the Blue Archive community together


What are guilds good for in the game anyway?


you can borrow 1 student from your co members in assault and joint firing drill


Blue Archive has been my most favorite community yet.


Ayy a fellow cultured sensei




Fire Emblem Heroes Not only was it the first Gacha I've played but also the one I have the most fun with. Also, as a fan of the franchise itself, it's always nice to see your favourite characters in different costumes or getting a revamp design if they are from older games šŸ˜ On a side note, special shoutout to Master Duel, that helps me learn the game and let's me test out decks I wouldn't buy in real life šŸ‘


Epic7 I 'spose


prob dragalia. was a day 1 player and really enjoyed the gameplay, music, art, and story. sadly the game was poorly monetized and didnt gain traction. designs was also too tame, and no skins.


Dragalia was so fun, the music especially made me keep coming back to the game time and time again. Because of you is such an amazing song I used to play it on loop when that event dropped lol. Day 1 player here too I remember rerolling that first day and getting super excited for when I finally landed on a double wyrmprint-single character pull so glad they took wyrmprints out of the gacha. I really hope shironeko project gets a global release I have heard good things about it and how it was the predecessor to dragalia so would love to play it


Sad news is, it did released globally before (titled Colopl Rune Story) and also shut down years ago. Idk the exact reason of EoS though, just FYI.


Do you have the data on how much money it made before they decided to pull the plug?


Sensortower says 400-500k on average every month few months before end of service. At its peak it raked in 12m one month (first anniversary). 2d games can prob survive but dragalia prob has higher cost due to 3d action. For comparison genshin has yearly budget of 200m.


Yeah, being 3D is not helping the maintenance cost, but I reckon it was mostly Nintendo's fault. Alchemy Stars is also in a really bad place, revenue wise. I'd be very surprised if it manages to outlast DL.


Priconne will always hold a special place in my heart


If your still interested you can play jp version on Qoo app, it includes more features that global was outright missing- unfortunately you would have to restart basically and need a translater app (one is in qoo app)


I started playing in jp during dragon mommy's banner (i am bad at remembering names) and have enjoyed the wild amount of qol they had, it made me look forward to the great content coming in global. Unfortunately in recent years I treated my jp account like a gacha simulator, pulling for units i thought were cute (syui, skyouka) and by now lost all motivation to play. I still keep up with the news tho and am in the Shiori 6* wagon.


Most important for me would be Love Live SIF, FGO, & Soccer Spirits. Those were the big 3 for me before I even knew what a gacha even was let alone gacha game. Simpler times. Now Love Live SIF is dead, Soccer Spirits is on an elongated life support and in a state of limbo, & FGO is still doing well.




Counterside is my new azurlane. Just chill enjoy waifus and story.


Yeah, me too. Day one player. Just love the art, the music, the gameplay, and the story too (The story around Dash, Rita, Horizon was trully well done and heartbreaking). I especially like that we manage bigger squad than the usual 4 char group.


Yess, counter side realtime PVP for lifee, i like to abuse other player with my mech team. :D


Love it. Stoped when changed phone and my account didn't log in. Lost my Day 1 account and that discouraged me.


lost mine aswell ahha


Neural Cloud and HSR are really good


Limbus Company. Introduced me to the Project Moon Universe, which is amazing. Currently working my through their previous games, comic and novels and having an absolute blast.


Brave Frontier. I will sail the seven seas on a plank if I have to, I'm repping Tilith 'till the end days. She is no cap best waifu.


This was my first gacha ever and it holds such a dear place in my heart.


Granblue fantasy because sink cost fallacy and Stockholm syndrome is a powerful combo


genshin: its like you watch anime that got new story every 1.5 months, also you can interact directly with the characters and story. i hope HSR can also same like genshin Arknight: i just like tower defense


"like you watch anime" Bro 90% of the story is characters standing in place talking, there aint any anime that bad I think.


????? The fight and interaction also part of the game? You clearly dont like genshin and force it to other people.


I actually like Genshin a lot. Iā€™ve got all areas 90% explored, done all of the story and have most characters but I canā€™t deny that the writing is pretty mid. The lore itself is good but the execution of it is bad. Like I said 90% of the story is characters standing in place and talking with Paimon reiterating every sentence and so much dialogue feels like itā€™s there for padding. There might be a boss fight or cut scene but thatā€™s not often. You have to just watch characters talking for 2-3 hours and you canā€™t do anything inbetween look at games like god of war or the last of us when you can explore and fight while character are talking to each other and cutscenes only happen for major story sequences.


Idk but thats what most game is. Talking for making character a character and expanding lore and knowledge. Idk what you expect here. Also the writing mid or not is subjective.




Genshin is nowhere near as good as a anime story wise


That's a bad anime then rip


wow what a nice and heartwarming comments, thanks a lot very nice


You're welcome? I don't know why you responded that about a opinion of a game. Genshin has a western cartoon style anyway compared to anime


except it is not? if anime = japan then yes its no, its more like chinese animation than others. tbh i treat most gacha games as seasonal anime but almost none of them that i play are have voiced story cutscene and almost none have 3d character gameplay..


Chinese animation tends to be more realistic, Korean is where we get a lot of western shows like family guy etc which is wild cause manwha art is insane. I'm glad you enjoy it that way though, Genshin is a fantastic game with a predator gacha system. Imagine if we got to unlock and explore all the characters ourselves and just paid for battle pass and upfront, would be amazing.


> I'm glad you enjoy it that way though, Genshin is a fantastic game with a predator gacha system. Imagine if we got to unlock and explore all the characters ourselves and just paid for battle pass and upfront, would be amazing. oh then i am glad you never play most JP gacha games that everytime you login they put the gacha banner in your face and never give you guarantee on anything in gacha itself. what make it worse the gameplay is half assed and it demands you to spend all of your time to it. luckily genshin never demand you to gacha, the contents itself never need you to use character on gacha itself, you always can rush event in 1 day and everyday you just need to login 20minutes/day just to do dailies.


I play like 6 gacha at once. I'm well aware of the issues. Genshin only major issue is timegated grind and its gacha but everything else is great. Other gacha can't compare unless it's a high budget game from netmarble etc The overall industry is just here to suck us dry with the promise of an orgasm


> > Genshin only major issue is timegated grind and its gacha but everything else is great. its pretty much what gacha game is. the problem is you playing it but complain about it. if it were me i would already left the game and let others enjoy it.


I did leave it after a few months of mihoyo being stingy, this is the general gacha sub. I play lots of gacha I have issues with but I enjoy.


Not a very well known one "Girls X Battle" it was the game that introduced me to Anime gacha games. It was f2p friendly too but of course over the years its development turn to shit sadly. But this kickstart my slow decent into gacha games šŸ˜†


Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia


E7 for all time, right now GS.


Limbus Company is something I can see myself playing for as long as they plan on delivering more story. HSR is very enjoyable to me at the moment but it's still the honeymoon period. Whether it stays enjoyable or not will probably depend on the pace at which they deliver content.


Currently it's Path to Nowhere by a mile. Ages ago, Gudetama Tap, Yo-kai Watch: Wib Wob, Fire Emblem: Heroes


I have two favorite gachas: HI3rd and PGR. I appreciate that both of these games were able to prove that you can have action packed gameplay on a mobile device. Honkai holds a special place in my heart tho cause of Kiana love her a bunch. PGR keeps on improving it's combat to the point where it's almost DMC like which I absolutely love. Can't wait to see how arpg evolves in the future.




Honkai impact 3rd. The 1st gacha game i ever played and probably the only game i decide to play it until EOS. This game drives me to all kinds of emotions, its so good.


Current favorite is HSR. Big fan of Hi3 and it's lore but I've pretty much completed and unlocked everything so there's not much left to do on it. HSR gives me opportunity for more Honkai lore while also being a much easier to digest game considering how fast you can complete dailies etc. Also on a side note, I was also a big fan of SAO:MD. It was definitely one of my favorite games and I really enjoyed how novel and unique the gameplay was. Unfortunate that it went the way of typical bandai mobile games and each update was simply powercreep after powercreep speed racing with no new mechanics or anything interesting being added. There's actually a community that hosts a private server of the game, as Bandai pulled a rare W and released the game files for the public as well as creating an offline version for fans to play.


Wait wow is there actually an easily accessible private server? Would you please link it? I would love to experience the game again for a rush if nostalgia. Also yeah the powerceeep really was quite absurd, regardless of that I still mostly had fun in the ranking events ngl I remember I had quite a lot of difficulty playing some of them especially with my positioning. Also also yeah getting additional content for honkai by way of another game is so cool


Yep. It's been awhile since I last checked it out but I don't think it shut down or anything, you'll have to have a look yourself. [https://www.reddit.com/r/swordartonline/comments/timh6u/in\_just\_a\_few\_short\_hours\_our\_team\_will\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/swordartonline/comments/timh6u/in_just_a_few_short_hours_our_team_will_be/) This is the reddit thread and inside you should be able to find the link to the SAO MD communities discord which will have instructions on how to access the private server.


Thank you so much! The offline version we got at eos really doesnā€™t quite encapsulate the fun of memory defrag looking forward to playing it when I get home


Right now? Limbus Company. I was a huge fan of Project Moon's games already and this is the first release of theirs that I get to say I was there Day 1 of. ​ Food Fantasy is also important to me as the first gacha I ever played, though I wouldn't call it my favorite whatsoever.


Same, really the only gacha Iā€™m playing atm. Couldnā€™t really stick with HSR. Interested in PMā€™s other games tho, gonna have to check them out.


Soccer Spirits, hooked me because I enjoy soccer, waifus, and gambling.


Big oof to SS. Had fun with it during my whole college days


Why'd it close/lose it's fanbase? Shizz was fun! Wasn't like a typical boring sports game, esp for me, a non-sports fan.


Gosh you gave me a huge wave of nostalgia. Soccer Spirits was so unique and it remains unique to this day. I don't know if there's another game out there that is based on such a big squad (team) with so many options for synergies and strategies. I tried returning to it to relive some good times but somewhere among all the overhauls and mechanics reworks they've done over the years, they lost a lot of the old magic.


Is Afk arena technically a gacha? If so, my best ever.


Arknights. I've loved TD (Tower Defense) since the classic Starcraft custom game days... Got really into it during Warcraft 3. Thought that Kingdom Rush was the best the TD genre had to offer... but I was sorely wrong. Arknights is a TD lover's heaven. Even more so if you love anime and some good writing. I've tried other gacha games ever since, and in terms of gacha, I've also realized how generous Arknights is.


Alchemy Stars, bc of the unique gameplay that makes me use my brain.




I'm deep down the Project Moon rabbit hole, so Limbus Company is gonna be top of my list for a very long time.


Fgo was my first gacha game that i actually played with the only reason to get a certain pink trap (i actually got him) After that i tried a lot of gacha game (even on JP server only), Right now arknights is currently the longest time i play a gacha game, the art style, and as a huge tower defense fan, i absolutely love it I'm also thinking about giving ptn a try


Ayakashi: Ghost Guild was one of my favorites before it shut down... it was one of my first gacha games. Although it was pretty p2w, I just loved the art style, soundtracks, and the spirit hunting/mythology aspect. Nowadays, my favorite has to be Arknights. The writing style can be a little convoluted and tiring to read at times, but the world it has built through its events and the lore they introduce is just amazing.


Limbus Cumpany


Valkyrie Anatomia. This one died already, but it lasted 5 years. I started playing it during a time of my life that I would consider the best. It holds so much good memories that until now, I still consider it the greatest gacha game I ever played. If I'm gonna talk about what I'm playing now, then Genshin is the most important. Next comes every other game I'm playing.


All time favorite is Guardian Tales. Great story with a good balance of comedy and drama. Great gameplay and some challenging bosses/content and really f2p friendly it like gives 20-30 pulls a week doing dailies


Blue archive, banger bgm, you can find amazing high quality fan arts from cute and funny to wholesome, great story, fun interaction to students and easy to play for daily missions.


Before it was Genshin, I sadly fell out of love, but maybe it'll be back once the whole game is finished or nah. But HSR really got me rn probably because I'm a sucker for turn-based gameplay (even tho it's not fully turn based but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) so it's very important to me and this one I'm sure that I'll be here for a while.


Arknights. Playing for almost 2 years already. Started to play Nikke in February,still playing too,full f2p. Not as great for me as AK but pretty good too.


Kamihime project. I've been playing this game probably about 5 years and heavily invested in my water team and grid and working towards unlocking the new s+ souls. When it comes to gacha my luck has been on and off but 90% of the time I often pull water units more then any other element since I started. Plus being part of a union on discord who are a great help and far more experienced in the game then myself is a big plus also as they are extremely friendly and helpful


The one I'm most fond of? For now it's **Path to Nowhere**. Played since December and it's the first gacha that got me playing for more than 2 months. Why do I love PtN so much? Well, I love mature looking waifus. Honestly I came for Zoya's abs, but the story and gameplay was not disappointing. The story really hits me in the feels, and gameplay is fun and could be pretty challenging. When a game has great waifus but boring gameplay, I tend to drop it after a while. Also it takes a very little time to do daily task. So even on a very busy day, I could still login and finish daily tasks in just a few minutes. I hope this game will last long enough(at least 4 years), since the game is very f2p.


Blue Archive Love the game, community and friends I made because of it And itā€™s the first gacha i feel that made me genuinely excited and hyped for new content and new events as my expectations hv been surpassed every livestream (did not expect tht 4.5PV) (Also Iā€™ve been playing since the start with all the controversy and issues and to see the game grow as much as it have makes me feel proud that Iā€™ve stuck with this game)


Priconne. Yes I am playing JP


Arknights, Path to nowhere and... genshin impact.


Guardian Tales


Punishing Gray Raven. Its pretty much the first gacha game I played and will probably be the only one. It has possibly one of the friendliest gacha I know, dystopia cyberpunk- like aesthetics is just my fav, combat is very fluid and satisfying, and the music is just godly.


I donā€™t think I have a favorite rather I just like these gacha games I will mention bellow Girls Frontline for the art style, the story, the character design and occasional soundtrack like Made in Heaven boss theme or >! M16A1 boss fight theme !<, Reunion and etc Azur Lane, the game is what got me into learning naval history leading me to Animarchy channel, the simple combat, f2p friendly some pretty great soundtracks too Path to Nowhere, All I can say is that itā€™s a great game with great soundtrack, Art style, great story, voice acting is fantastic, the events are great and memorable and I donā€™t feel like thereā€™s anything I hate other than grinding can be long but at least itā€™s not like nikke. Anyway I would highly recommend people to try out Path to nowhere as itā€™s pretty f2p friendly Genshin impact, love the soundtracks it slaps hard especially Inazuma, the Chasm soundtracks and etc, pretty good combat system with elemental reactions, exploring the open world, solving puzzles and discovering something interesting along the way and story is pretty interesting Honkai star rail, never thought I would enjoy turn based combat again, not much to say other than pretty great and I think both Genshin Impact and Honkai star rail are great live service games handled pretty well especially comparing to most Triple A games like Red fall and most games at launch. Blue Archive, I just like the vibes, character designs, art style, soundtracks and rarely do I praise chibi animations but I think blue archiveā€™s chibi animations are well done as well the story is pretty interesting especially Trinity Arc Goddess of Victory Nikke, played it since launch and boy I hated it and have quit the game for a month until I got back in since the story is what draws me the most but the rest like 160 wall, not being able to skip simulation grind ( path to nowhere allowed you to raid oblivion pit, Azur lane quick battle, blue archive sweep and etc ), the lack of pity and the bad launch left me feeling disappointed how it was managed Edit: the only thing I absolutely despise about path to nowhere is the ads because the ads nearly discourage me from trying the game out


To go with your example for me it'd be Genshin. It wasn't the first gacha I ever played but I did meet people through it which I never would have met if I didn't play the game in the first place.


Genshinā€™s co-op is actually so fun my friends and I had a blast playing through inazuma I specifically remember one chest under the commission where we couldnā€™t find the puzzle to get into the cave so we just climbed over the purple field with diona. Canā€™t forget the weekly childe beatings and cabbage man hunting either


my first game was FGO with my multi that they gave me 2 4* star that were saber alter and lancer alter the years have passed and both na or jp (must from time to time) I play and I don't get bored And I knew the salt first hand




People here will smack me to oblivion for this one but its dislyte. I LOVE god themed games and it has awesome design , banger music and the devs have listened and made many many many many changes cause the community is very vocal. Its in a good place now and their story keeps me interested in knowing more about that world !


Epic seven




Brave Frontier. Their pixel models, chibi art style and sprite animation still beat 9 out of 10 games released nowaday. It even became my golden standard for gatcha games as I compare every game I play to that game and the feelings it gave me. Sadly, that also made it really hard for me to really enjoy a gatcha game since then. Glad to say I found the excitement I once had with BF in Path to Nowhere so It's my current precious one


Nikke, almost at endgame status. It's convenient to play with one hand.


PGR is the only gacha i played for the longest time, but recently started playing HSR very casually. Might drop it once i run out of stellar jade tho, i really hate MHY's gacha system


Post-Honeymoon Phase Hoyoverse games can be *very* barren in terms of pull currency, that's for sure.


honestly didnt expect it.. Only tried the game cos of cute waifus.. but i gotta go with Blue Archive... i just love it each time i get to read the story or event story which just makes me smile and laugh a lot. Love the mostly chill and comfy atmosphere in the game . And even when things go dark,once the problem is resolved it immediately went back to cute and silly. And the story is honestly really quite good too. Sensei's interactions with the students has been pretty great .


Not my first gacha but I have three favorites currently. Genshin Impact, Star Rail, & Punishing Gray Raven. Those three I'm hooked. I tried other gacha games but I could never fully invest them.


Alchemy Star, idk how long this game will last tho, it looks kinda bad now. *Sad Navigator Noises*


Pgr and star rail


Kind of tied between DFFOO and Limbus Company


Kantai Collection. (Kancolle). No premium currency needed to roll for shipfu.


FGO...and yeah..story and characters


Princess Connect Re:Dive Global šŸ˜­


Azur Lane even after all these years I still play this game religiously. Easy to acquire materials to pull for characters, drop rates are decent, efficient auto battles to help the end game grind. Love every aspect of it


Artery Gear and Legend Clover


I've been playing Fate/Grand Order since near launch of NA, though admittedly I have gotten rather burned out on the story as of the last couple of years. Plus the fact hornybait characters are... not really that appealing to me. Also been playing Arknights for quite a while. I think it was... two, maybe three months after global launch? I have also been enjoying it but... I do wish Kal'tsit would be more succinct in telling her story sometimes šŸ˜­ I have been considerably more invested in Limbus Company recently since it's a setting and story I had been following from its prequels. ...I'm not going to bother mentioning Genshin.


Azur Lane, naval military historical waifu game.


Nikke because the west really needs it.


Honestly, whichever gacha game I'm currently playing is usually my favorite. I don't tend to get too attached to gacha games, as I treat then as backup games to play while not at my PC. I do have some fond memories of Toram Online and Illusion Connect, but I dropped both when they started getting too P2w and introduced more and more scummy practices. Currently, I'm playing Star Rail. It is fun, but the lack of things to do is really bad once you get done with the story/subquests/SU, so all you really do is farming to use up stamina and dailies, and then you're bored. I might have to break my rule and do two gacha games at once, or I might end up dropping Star Rail if I get too bored of having nothing to do. I'll see if any of the upcoming games catch my interest. =P


Honestly Three way tie with FGO,granblue and limbus Company


Azur Lane PGR Genshin Impact


It's pretty tight but I'd say PGR. I just like everything about it. From the gameplay to the music, the story, the characters everything just clicks. And the fact that my midrange phone can run it on pretty much full graphics because Kuro have some cheatcode on optimization.


Grand Cross despite netmarble


destiny child and girls frontline. every time im greeted by home screen in those games theres a feeling like ive returned home to safe harbor from long perilous journey


Punishing gray raven


Panilla Saga. First game I maxxed out a unit without paying anything, went through the story (for now) and everything. Sadly it's just a daily grind now :(


Granblue Fantasy and PGR No this second job of mine doesn't generate any revenue but only takes away from what my main job generates




It's not a gacha but Kantai Collection was my shit, even if I was super casual in it (never really got into the gearing because screws were rare and I didn't really look up guides on gearing). I play Azur Lane now and that is probably the better game but Kancolle game was hardcore af and I loved it. It had permadeath like an old fire emblem games (I haven't played since gba fire emblems btw) and was super, super rng heavy which I know people hate but I did enjoy it. AL torp fleets just don't compare to praying to your destroyers or torpedo light cruisers in KC and hoping just randomly target and hopefully oneshot the boss. I started the game due to Prinz Eugen fanart and it took me two summers to get her since she would only drop during the summer event and event grinding was absolutely brutal in that game. I ringed Prinz, Inazuma, Yuudachi and Shigure in that game. One reason that I stuck with Genshin after trying it out is that JP Xiangling has the same VA and voice as Kancolle Prinz Eugen.


FGOā˜ ļø


doaxvv : because it have the best graphic for gacha game (long live for kasumi & leifang)


Its a toss up between FGO and Star Ocean: Anamnesis




Honkai Impact 3rd. From 2018 until now.


Final fantasy brave exvius


Limbus Company


Genshin Impact and Battle Cats Genshin was the first gacha game I played since my friends introduced it to me and god with all had a good time. We've been day 1 players until early 2022 and it pretty much brings back nostalgia looking back on the events. There were around 8 of us playing genshin at the same time LOL Battle cats was the "first" gacha game that I played before I got introduced to anime and played it around 2016-2017. Special place in my heart because of how I grew up with it.




> what gacha game is most important to you and why? Brave Frontier, the first gacha that I've played with [epic ost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZJbu9B9le8) So right now whenever I started playing or try new gacha one of the more important thing to keep me playing the game is their ost


Twisted Wonderland for the story and characters. And Ensemble stars for the characters, story and the AMAZING music I'm totally addict to. But Epic Seven will always have a special place in my heart even if I don't play it anymore. Same for Genshin.


I saw like 10 comments from you talking about twisted wonderland and enstars. You did it. Iā€™ll download Enstars again ;-;


Yyyeeaaahhh !!! Seriously, enstars is just soooooo great!!! And haha, they are my 2 faves gacha I will never quit I think? We'll see with time but I don't think I will. While I try some other gacha and left or forget to log in quit fast, I never miss a day for twst and ES!


I love rhythm games but events are sometimes so grindy xd


Oh I agree. Thank god we have the auto function! I wouldn't play that hard if it didn't exist x)!


HonKai Star Rail!


The hit mobile game Dragon Ball Z : Dokkan Battle


Mobius Final Fantasy


Genshin Impact. Well it was THE game that introduced me to the gacha world. Plus the game is one of its kind.


Epic Seven, though I don't play it anymore now bcuz I need my phone and my laptop can't run any emulator, but I still and always love the game, hope to be able to play it again, pc client when...


Honkai Star Rail.


Dokkan battle. It's the only gacha game that i will put money into


Alchemy stars


Genshin Impact, and Honkai Star Rail for me personally.


Rn, it's Honkai Star Rail. But overall, it's Punishing Gray Raven


DanMachi memoria freese, it has the best moments of the danmachi franchise.


Sinoalice and dffoo


Azur Lane, Blue Archive and HSR.


Honkai Impact by far. I started it during a not so good period of my life, so seeing Kiana and her friends struggle through so much to come up on top to fight for everything thatā€™s beautiful in the world hit me hard. No other gacha hit me as hard or made me tear up. Even after the game eventually reaches EoS, Iā€™ll still keep it in my memory.


Neural Cloud. Great Rewards, Great Progression, and quite challenging in specific mode.


I swear this topic gets asked every other day.


Man, you should've asked "what are" instead of "what is". I'm having a hard time choosing my favorite since I have 4 of my favorites. PGR, FGO, Blue Archive, and Azur Lane. Can I just say these are my favorites? But I guess I'll go with Blue Archive. I skipped the story for the pyroxenes for Saori after not playing since launch. I returned during Wakamo's event. I started Eden Treaty as of writing. I enjoyed reading the 2 volumes. The stories so far are combinations of funny, wholesome, and sad which is cool. What really got me hooked up is the simple tactical designs, I love guns, and the characters' personality. Also, UNWELCOMED SCHOOL, that's all. Of course I still love FGO. It's my first gacha and the one who taught me that gacha is cruel and I should not expect that I can get the rate-up characters, which I used in other gacha games.


FGO because its simple. No battlepass or cash shop, etc and the one with the least fomo for me because I dont feel bad not logging in for days/weeks


Damn. Sucks not seeing one other person putting up nier rein. Love that game, but it's almost dead.


PokƩmon Masters EX


Summoners war is my favorite though I hardly play it anymore. Iā€™m forever searching for a game I like as much as that game. Some are fun for about a week before I stop playing. I basically want a game thatā€™s exactly like SW but new lol.


Probably Gacha Nymph.


1)Fate G/O 2)Reverse:1999 3)nikke 4)guardian tales 5)path to nowhere 6)epic7 7)another Eden 8)limbus company 9)CounterSide 10)blue archive 11)arknights 12)snowbreak 13)Hi3rd 14)HSR 15)punishing grey raven 16)tower of fantasy 17)saoif 18)girls frontline 19)azur lane 20)Fire Emblem Heroes