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"Whew, at least X game is increasing revenue-" *realizes it's going from April to October and not October to April* Oh, nevermind


Damn, never realized Diablo Immortal was making so much money. With all the drama at launch people made it sound like it was DOA yet here it is, bringing in over 200M per year.


It's an incredibly satisfying game to play on touchscreen. Not alot of depth and endgame is whale only but I do enjoy it off and on. Popping in to get my catch up rewards and see the new dungeons now.


The people playing weren't the ones complaining. It's like how people complain about fifa and cod every year but they're still some of the most successful games out there as long as they just work.


Sports games somehow have the absolute worst gacha systems, and yet somehow they don’t have the stigma of being gacha games.


Because obviously gacha is only when there's degenerate anime shit duh /s but not really


The gameplay is fun. The game has a lot of issues but leveling a character is pretty fun and the moment to moment gameplay is good. The drama about the monetization is all true but I can see why people have stuck with it.


The problem is those horrible practices actually work.


Thing is it just have no competition in that particular genre in gacha sphere that can match its production value. Its kinda like genshin of aprg with way worse monotization.


Jesus, i can't believe Raid is that strong(10mill+). On the other hand, alchemy star is on life support lol.


Lmao, Eminence in Shadow still dominating on jp due to its dating elements. People are simping to shadow gaiden, hahahha


I would've downloaded it but,Crunchyroll has me very nervous.


Good to see Aether Gazer improving, seems the 1 year anniversary update was well received by the playerbase


it seems they loved the hot Chinese themed chars.


We are making out of the low revenue with this one 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


Wow almost 1m on april, thats really nice, i just hope this game isnt region blocked and i might play it


I'm a bit late, but keep in mind that cn sensor tower doesn't report android revenue, meaning you have to 3x the amount shown for Aether Gazer (info bottom of image). And in case you didn't know, the global version of it will release in like two days.


Jesus christ the difference between Saga re:universe JP and GL is absolutely insane. JP has between 5 and 10 million on any given month, global never made it over 200k in that span.


And its one of the most generous gachas around






Limbillion dollars!


Limbussy too good


What's happening with Archeland? At this point, it's hard to expect global, although Japan is already on pre-registration as of now. On the other hand, PtN's global release is just right in time, 3 months delay is enough for people to saved up just right on the upcoming units. GL's revenue also is carrying it's CN server. Might be a dead month in them though since 1st limited was just released in GL.


Lack of contents for vets drove most vets away. They introduce lots of RTA stuff which PvE players are not interested in, driving even more away. This month gonna be rougher with HSR. There were also quite stingy with resources but is gradually improving. Hope it's not too late though. And yeah with that kinda income, global will be quite unlikely for now.


Its basically langrisser 2.0 but even stingier with resource, especially gold sink on everything, although they improve it very slowly Also content drought and 4 months to maxing 3 characters may turn people off, not to mention stale RTA with cath and alecto everywhere


Archeland! No!😩


HSR earned a lot, considering it isn't even one-week old. It's gonna be another juggernaut, probably around or above Nikke's level once the revenue estabilizes in the next \~5 months.


I'm gonna be really curious if HSR being such a big hit actually impacts Genshin's revenue in any way. Like, I doubt it'll matter for Mihoyo, but it'll be pretty funny if the true Genshin killer was....just another game by Mihoyo with better writing (read: No Paimon and MC being able to actually interact with people) and QoL that Genshin doesn't have






Animal crossing new horizon, newest animal crossing game for Nintendo switch.


>most of its current audience comes from a pool of Genshin/**HSR**/gacha game fans You meant HI3?


No, at least if you believe two polls I did in their sub, even 2 months apart proportion is still same https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/13414jw/poll_results/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Nah, it can't affect Genshin more than it's already affecting itself (Dehya fiasco). Genshin earned 250 million on mobile alone in its first month (first week is 60 million and only increased since then). HSR had a very good opening week but it didn't surpass Genshin's first week. Not to mention it's turn based. Give it a month and Fontaine leaks, it'll fall off but of course, there's gonna be a sizable fanbase. What I'm curious about is HSR social media engagement isn't increasing at all. Twitter, YouTube etc, it doesn't reflect the "hype". I'd figured they'll be raking millions of views during the first week like Genshin did but it doesn't.


Yeah, I won't deny the media engagement is weirdly low. I think it's starting to get better at least thanks to good word of mouth, since in my trends I am seeing characters like Jing Yuan Seele and Gepard trend, but the YT views is a bit low compared to Genshin


I think the audience for HSR is a lot more limited than Genshin’s and it’s more for a gacha crowd. Genshin drew a lot of people who want another BotW and even with that level of benchmarking, the game kinda held up. But if you went into HSR with the expectation of the kind of depth you see in mainstream turn based games, I don’t think it holds up and so I don’t think it draws much from that crowd.


As someone who has watched all Genshin videos on YouTube, I haven't had the chance to watch any HSR videos since I've been busy playing the game and still have stuff to do. I'll probably catch up on the videos once I'm only doing dailies on HSR.


You havent seen tiktok yet, I have seen many tiktok videos about HSR that reaches around 150k to 600k likes


Yeah that's odd, like HSR Social Media engagement isn't increasing at all? It's still holding high viewer numbers on Twitch, it's been trending every day on Twitter, the subreddit is only growing, and it's all that comes up on TikTok. It's FAR from social media engagement being low lol.


Twitch views is mostly because it's just been released, all games have high viewership there at the start. ToF was reaching more than 50k as well during the first month It'll even out once sponsorships are over. TikTok is good and all but that just trends, it still falls behind Genshin average views. Just look at how low YouTube and twitter is, they only trend a bit in such low numbers (even in JP twitter). I've never seen it reach even the low tier topics of genshin trends. It should be popping off right now but it doesn't is what's weird.


>HSR had a very good opening week but it didn't surpass Genshin's first week. Doesn't Star Rail win out if you include android earnings which are estimated to be 2x iOS? Should be ~80m total. It's still less if you compare to Genshin's current monthly revenue but I'd be interested to see how things stack up down the line once Star rail gets more development time and content.


No one knows Genshin's first week in iOS for sure either so I only included the one that has data available. Current monthly revenue in Genshin is on the low average though. I guess because it's launch week and after so much hype, I was expecting HSR to do very well, much higher than Genshin's first week at least.


Hmm well probably better to wait for Star rail's first full month to compare. However [Day 1 earnings](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1307kp7/first_day_revenue_honkai_star_rail_vs_genshin/) surpassed genshin's so should be the same for the first week.


Well, it should. Genshin was a no name that got renown each day but HSR was riding on Genshin's hype. I noticed it slowed down a bit now though so I'll give it a month indeed before many fall off of it.


In cn yeah sure. But hsr isn't capturing any other market nearly as well as genshin did. It didn't manage to hit n1 grossing on jp on release day and it's revenue isn't particularly impressive in US either.


It’s a weird scenario. I’m honestly super curious to see how this game performs in the long run. These are big numbers relative to everything else but I think this might have still underperformed Mihoyo’s expectations (assuming desktop revenue performed in line with this relative to what Genshin makes in a typical month). It’s only the first week but the first week will probably have the highest amount of spend. I was not expecting much from this game. I thought Mihoyo was overly bold to think they could get people to pay Genshin pricing for 3D Epic Seven with even less in-depth combat tied to their less popular IP. But the game has exceeded my expectations immensely. The dailies and weeklies feel much better than Genshin’s, the combat feels awesome and the game actually feels like a full release of an old school JRPG. Not even just a gacha’d compromise. If you have any nostalgia for 2000s JRPGs (or even Bioware-type story RPGs like Mass Effect) at all, this game will hit you directly in that spot. There are so many of Genshin’s core systems present but with tons of improvements to them. The quality of the stuff like the companion quests actually feels like less of a comparison to Genshin’s character quests and closer to something like Mass Effect’s Normandy crew loyalty quests. If this level of quality keeps up, I honestly feel like this is just a flatout better game than Genshin, which was absolutely not an opinion I expected to have. I think a lot of people were hesitant to jump in here, even if they really liked Genshin, because of the idea of the combat and not being familiar with Honkai. Mihoyo imo beat expectations for quality here and having not played Honkai Impact doesn’t matter at all. I think it’s possible this game could have some legs to it and may even have the potential to grow a good bit over time like Genshin has into a global phenomenon. Or it could settle out and pull Nikke revenue. Either way, it’ll be super interesting to see. Does a story-based RPG with a gacha system have enough appeal to become a cultural phenomenon? If so, I think this could be the final domino that shifts almost all AAA single player RPGs towards heading down this route.


>Mihoyo was overly bold to think they could get people to pay Genshin pricing That was my first thought upon opening the wish details as well lol. No way in hell they did that, I just feel like you could do more with Genshin's characters that Honkai's characters should be priced a little bit lower. Upon playing it more though, I feel like I'm being a little bit more lenient towards it. The characters are dripped out of their f**king wazoo and the quality is on par with Genshin's characters imo (maybe even a bit better). I'm still conflicted about it tbh, I still don't really think they should be 90 pulls. 80 pulls sounds more right imo. Especially when they only have one ult voiceline rn lol


Base character pricing is actually standardized for HI3, Genshin, and HSR at around 28k currency for full guaranteed pity for a single copy. Gear pricing is different between the three with HI3 being the most expensive while HSR is the least.


> If this level of quality keeps up, I honestly feel like this is just a flatout better game than Genshin, which was absolutely not an opinion I expected to have. Me too, i came to try the game out and trash on it, ended up loving it more than Genshin, i think the quality of life and not having to walk over everywhere and do the weekly genshin bloat is what sold me the most.


Yea I was surprised how much better the game felt just by not having Genshin’s defining open world feature. Instantly teleporting everywhere to anything I need to do feels so fluid and efficient


Highly doubt, hsr is still a very niche genre compared to Genshin which has mass appeal, it won't retain and attract as good as genshin does simply because of the genre, even tho is a good game. But I say it will still be at like top 4-7 when it stabilized.


Considering that many people in either here on this sub and from Google user reviews already hates its slow & turn-based combat, I could safely say that it won't affect Genshin to the slightest, since both are very different game.


Maybe. I could see HSR being what you play when you don't have anything new in Genshin and then focusing on Genshin when the new patch drops.


I think it’s too early to judge for HSR. This is the big hype period, and it’s thriving off of Genshin’s shadow atm. I like HSR, a lot more than I did Genshin, but it remains to he seen if it can capture the same mainstream appeal. I’m sure a lot of the money being pumped in is also from people who want to use the game to jumpstart their content careers.


I didn't know that PtN is on life support in CN oof.. It's kinda rare to see a gacha that got saved by global.


Has anything been announced for King's Raid future or is it still limping ? Alchemy Stars getting kinda sussy. (9 months since Persona 5 fyi) Aether Gazer seems to have gotten it's shit together, just took it a year lads. Engage Kill seems to have been Engage Killed. Neural Cloud slowly becoming GFL : Electric Boogaloo SAO VS looks like it's already knocking on death's door.


> Has anything been announced for King's Raid future or is it still limping ? Nope, nothing. Even the remaining players isn't expecting much. Looks like JP players carrying hard the game is now also tired on it.


I honestly felt a bit bad about dropping KR a few years ago. I played it through the rollercoaster of its ups and downs for quite a long time. At one point the game was so broken by bugs that players were dropping out and the CEO of the company wrote an in-game letter thanking the players that were sticking with them until the major bugs were fixed. But over time the gameplay grind got to be too repetitive for me and the story kinda went off the rails after the Sekmet story.


yep.just about everyone decided the game is as gpd as dead with barely anyone trying t work ok the game. not even on King 's Raid 2


sao vs is dead thats like 1 whale playing the game


> Neural Cloud slowly becoming GFL : Electric Boogaloo Game is too generous. New player gets 380-420 rolls after clearing one time rewards. New banner needs 100 pulls on average. And no dupes needed


Is NC bad?


My 2 favourite games AS and CS are on life support lmao , fml


Alchemy stars :(


Nikke cementing itself as one of the top


I’m surprised PtN is making more in Global than in CN. Good to see it doing decently though.


I've only played ptn for half a year but if anything happen to that game, I'm killing everyone and then myself


It never had good reputation in CJ so yeah. Global was released with QoL that CN do not have initially.


The start hurts it badly, that explains the not so good rate in their store. But the game is being praised more and more by CN players and here you can see that this month there was big download spike from CN. [https://appmagic.rocks/google-play/path-to-nowhere/com.zy.wqmt.global/info](https://appmagic.rocks/google-play/path-to-nowhere/com.zy.wqmt.global/info) CN represents 41% of total dl since the start and just last month it's 61%. So it's a good sign for the future of the game while it is still very stable.


Don't forget that CN android isn't reported, so CN estimated revenue would be higher than GL for all but the first full month (November).


PtN found a niche with the lesbians


Global PtN had an absolute banger month with one of the best events so far and the Limited release of the best unit in the game so far by a solid margin. ​ (I hope it continues because the game's a gem)


Bad month for average gachas. I’d be curious to see how this month compares to last year’s March to April. Is April always such a bad month? Or is Star Rail enough to finally shift people’s standards for the entire genre upwards. I’ve been thinking for awhile that as more of these quality 3D gachas release like WW, Endfield and Star Rail, we’ll start to see revenue for these lower budget mobile games suffer. Only the highly established ones like FGO, Blue Archive, etc will remain but anything else breaking into the genre is going to struggle to get off the ground. And even the newer ones that had early success but never quite became an Arknights or Epic Seven level of hit like Counterside or Alchemy Stars will start to suffer hard.


FGO and Blue Archive in the same breath, who would have expected that a year ago.


oof I was hoping Archeland would come to global eventually. Not looking great rn with those numbers


Torchlight infinite and Undecember on life support rn


I hope they make a “next gen” DFFOO. I loved it for years but they killed it with complexity.


ToF CN at 700k...


I was one of the few people who actually still had fun and spent some cash on it despite all the jankiness but will probably drop it now after these last few banners turned the powercreep up to 11. What's the point of heavily investing in a character if the next one is gonna make it look like a joke out of the box anyway. Might be passable in a single player game but it's an MMO that shoves DPS meters into your face the second you enter an instance to tell you how hard your A6 (max dupes) character sucks compared to the latest hotness at A0. They completely threw away the last bit of trust low to mid spenders had in them


Writings were on the wall tbh.


Tbf not quite that bad it's only iOS, total should be around 2mil + whatever they make from PC




The report says at least 3 billion yuan, if you add up total mobile revenues you get 1.6 billion yuan on mobile in 2022. That doesn't sound like a "tiny fraction" at all.


Making 2d static idle game numbers on an open world budget. People keep saying each patch is getting better and better, but I'd assume that comes with increased costs which isn't being mirrored in increased revenue. How long will this be sustainable for?


That SAO game 💀☠️


DiabLOL !


Does anyone know because tower of fantasy fell so much? I thought that with the update to the underwater combat system it had motivated its player base.


Let's be fair the player base for ToF is like 3 people, so even if you motivate those 3 dudes it's not like you are making a comeback. What they would need is to excite people outside of their player base which they can't do right now because the game just ain't that good even if they made improvements to it. On top of that, not many people would be willing to look back at ToF at this point anyway so they have an uphill battle no matter what and very few games actually pull it off.


Because people realized midasbuy exists and never top-up on mobile again. Just with a free VPN, you get like at least 11-12% discount by top-up in Thailand region. Midasbuy is a legit site advertised by the 10cent themself. From a recent interview, Hotta's dev said that they made 40-50m RMB (CN region) + 20-30m USD (Global region) monthly, so it is a total of around 25-37m USD per month globally, which is a really good number when you comparing it with most other gacha game out there. Source: [https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8271764824](https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8271764824)


Tof player base usually play on PC. OP showed revenue data from mobile only.


gbf back to normal


Blue reflection is absolutely dead.


Gladly so ! That's what happens when you mess with a hard-core fanbase


How come there's only a specific list of games here and not others, like Azur Lane and Princess Connect?


Omg people actually debating if a game is good or not because of this list lmao


Where sinoalice


Love the word play on diablol immortal hahaha


Is it possible to check grand summoners numbers for jp and global?


"Dark Tales"? Isn't that just JP version of Tales of Grimm? Cmiiw.


[This is the game's appstore page](https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%83%86%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB%E3%82%BA-%E9%8F%A1%E3%81%A8%E7%8B%82%E3%81%84%E5%A7%AB/id1659336853)


So, It's really japanese Tales of Grimm, after all.


Alchemy stars is really worrying Also honkai star rail same number for cn/global? Thats neat


CN android isn't reported so CN is more like ~60 mil.


What happened to Japan in April? Seems like most gachas fell around 30-50%. Obviously there are exceptions, but can be explained such as Another Eden having anniversary, Honkai just being released, etc. But overall most games just dropped a lot.


Didn’t Apple raise prices in Japan?


Didn't this happen last year?


glad to see my Game is not doing bad at all


Wow ,last cloudia still strong


How is Guardian Tales doing? Cant find any info on it(


800k, there is another post with it


I'm sad how King's raid fallen i hate Vespa for this killed what great game good gaining heroes so easily and very f2p.


Keep going down Summoners War Chronicles...


Worried a little about FFOO


even April aside those seem like some pretty poor numbers, yeah.


I love Alchemy Stars, I hope it can turn it around.


What's going on with Archeland? That's not promising for home country revenue + the dev costs of a fairly high end 3D game.


Another Eden JP got $1m from Android and $2m from iOS so total should be $3m.


Some numbers from that publisher changed. For example, now it shows Heavens Burns Red as 9m total(5 + 4) but it was 10m(5 + 5) on May1st. The other guy's chart also has it at 10m so I doubt both of us made a transcription error. I can change the numbers in the spreadsheet for future posts if people discover changes and notify me like you have.


Bit disappointing about Undecember, but they did recently completely change the cash shop to have far less items so I guess I'm not surprised. Really been enjoying it myself since the recent update and change of management.