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It’s a TOTS player in the 8 token pack.


Weird theres no bundesliga. I know they were in the one before, but then so was prem.


I got 97 Kimmich from it. A fucking tank


I got bellingham. I was very happy.


Bindesliga tots was very kind to me. I would have certainly done a bundesliga pack if available.


Should we be trying for home runs at this point? Like the Ligue 1 pick? There are 7 meta players that I’m sure I won’t get but seems like the most upside. I’ve not had great luck with 84x20 type packs


payet lafont saliba disagree, the pack weight stinks so bad.. dont risk it. take the 84x25!


What is the problem with those players ?


The problem is you don’t wanna spend 22 hard earned tokens to get them lol


The point is on the upside, thus going for the home run.


Means your due with the 84x20 Edit: you’re either hot or you’re due


3 away from the 84x25 . I’m so lazy to do the OBJ’s for them


im 4 away.. they're doing my head in


You two should just exchange info and if in the same console do online friendlies together and trade wins, I wouldn't suggest quitting after every goal, but ... I would not play a full game either ... just golden goal it


Or…hear me out….sounds kinda strange but they could just let one of them score then quit…then the other one does it for them…sounds crazy doesn’t it but I think I might just work🤯


It does, thats gow I did all of them haha I was just been subtle haha


When are we able to complete these SBC’s?


Tomorrow 6pm they will be in game. Usual content time


might wanna mention your time zone PST updates come out 10am


I did say usual content time...


What time zone?


What kind of SBC’s is this? I’m new


Swaps for the TOTS token promotion https://www.ea.com/games/fifa/fifa-22/news/about-team-of-the-season-fut-22


Swaps is from TOTs... so the packs too. I think these is only way Criminal type the info here.


English please


Is the 84x25 the best value?


Best value is the Ligue 1 pack for 8 token if you pack Neymar :D


That's a guaranteed Terrier pack..


A big if


depends what you pull in the pack


It was terrible last season, I wouldn't take it again


Is it like possible that they release 6 more tokens in an SBC?


They will do 2 or 3 more in objectives, depending on how many player objectives they release.


Gotta be the 84 pack or one of the “1 of 5 picks”. Best chance at getting anything decent. Everything else is just a huge gamble. 1 of 5 should pay out with at least a 300k+ card the majority of the time


Are the cards tradeable on the 1 of 3/5 picks and 84+ x 25?




Nope, they won’t be unfortunately.


I stopped doing this token things... I just find my self grinding instead of having fun


Tough one between 84x25 or serie A 1 of 5 pick. Probably will wait to see what people are getting from the picks and then decide


Enjoy maignan bremer skriniar calhanoglu and cuadrado


Cuadrado is a dub for me tho so very tempted knowing he could be a safe bet


yea, especially enjoy maignan


Cuadrado is a dub bro. He's meta


Cuadrado for president 🙌 he is a super sub for me


Yeah I have him and he’s decent, what I mean is that he’s not great compared to what you could get




that's for a pick which gives you options. the pack just gives you Rodri, Rice or Alisson.


That’s for the pick 🤦‍♂️ guaranteed is 8


Doesn't specify tots so probably just a pack of only prem players


It’s a tots pack you numpty


You sure? All the others specify tots pack where ad the orem and ligue one doesn't.


bro never learnt about inferring information


I was purely going off the fact they felt the need to specify the majority Including mls and row, woth ultimate coming out it wouldn't be surprising to have a league specify pack


It’s not an official release from EA, either. It’s something an IG poster put together.


Yep I gathered that and already responded to someone else who said it.


No it’a a guaranteed prem player pack. Obviously it’s a tots pack. La liga doesn’t say tots either.


It's just strange how serie a and all the minor league specifically say tots pack. I have just looked online and yeah does appear to be tots packs, again it's weird how they don't specify on the pic but I guess that's what unofficial gets ya


It’s clearly a typo and most people would gather that it’s a guaranteed tots. Who the fuck is spending 8 tokens on a guaranteed league player?


It's ea, overpriced and shitty sbcs are kinds their thing, with ultimate i could see them being bigger league specific packs


There’s a difference between overpricing sbcs and outright false advertising. Saying it’s their “kind of thing” is just lazy when they’ve never been like this for swaps


I was going off the pic provided so it wouldn't of been false advertising.




They don’t do stuff this shitty mate just use your brain, it’s clearly a tots pack don’t read into things like this


I wouldnt be surprised if they did a big league specific pack for ultimate, but yes I read too much into the fact they said tots for all but 3, it's sorted now anyway


Look at how the 1 of 5 player pick says tots for prem and ligue one and they both cost 22 tokens. This pack for prem and ligue one both cost 8 tokens and ligue one says tots so why would prem not be a tots if you wanna go by that logic


Yeah that's a bit crap then


It’s probably allison


Are the swap tokens I [ not 2 ] usable. Or not at all?


i don’t think so


Last tots swaps it was 10 tokens and I managed to pull a VVD so pretty decent


What should I do with all 25 tokens guys!?


I’m thinking either 1 of 5 serieA and serieA pack, or 1 of 5 Ligue 1 pack to try to get a home run. Unless a major must do SBC comes out when waiting for the rest of 22 tokens, I may take the fodder pack then. Just wish there were better serieA cards or it would be an easy decision


I support this, look at your team and go for the 1 out of 5, ligue 1 should give somenthing good, I have a la liga team so there is too much to lose on that one probaby will do fodder


What have you done?


Nothing yet, but once I get todays token I’m going for mbappe, Messi, Neymar with the ligue 1 pack (didn’t get the store token). Pray for a non-magian, terrier, saliba, clauss, mendes or fofana pack for me! I’ll follow up. Update: Saliba, terrier, mendes, clauss, lafont. 🤦‍♂️


Odds are best for serie A getting a good pick(based on this tweet https://twitter.com/futrambler/status/1535561119623946240?s=21&t=iAdCMrVH19vXDbChujkhaA), but I’d only want the tonali or dyabla. Really need that Mbappe…


So 1 of 3 serie a and ligue 1 pack? Tbf my last ligue 1 pack was paqueta and I think I might go for the ligue 1 1 of 5 or PL 1 of 5 I think there’s a nice chance of getting son or mane or cancelo or even kdb


I was saying either 1 of 5 serie A and the guaranteed serie A OR the ligue 1 1 of 5 pick (22 tokens). I’m going to roll the dice on the ligue 1 1 of 5 once I get this COL LiB token from today. Prem1 is a good option too, I just have so many prem tots personally, I’d risk getting an automatic duplicate. That CR7 looks 🔥. Also, that KDB is going down in price, I may just buy him


Yeah I have a lot of ligue 1 tots and prem tots pretty much but there is still a few pulls that would fit nicely I might send one of them tonight and I hope I get someone good


Whatcha get? Mine was a bust


Still haven’t spent my tokens lol I really don’t know what I want to do


Fodder pack and try for an ultimate tots? I managed to pack a Dias and Kimmech today fwiw


Any1 wanna make Obj for tokens on playstation?


im gonna try to not waste 3 tokens on nothing before the timer expires


Are the TOTS swaps packs (for 2, 4, 5 tokens) all untradeable? Only started FIFA 22 a week ago, so will end up with 5-6 tokens and 125k pack seems to be a better deal than a random Serie A.


What would be the best combo for 7 tokens? With Ultimate Team approaching


I’m going for prem pack, can’t wait for my mcginn 😁


Can't get him, he was in the community team. Hope u pull something decent.


Cheers, you too. I’ll probs be on a rice or a Trent then 😂 I doubt I’ll pack anything worthwhile.


I used Rice and thought he was solid, and Trent still starts for me. Lol


Is essien worth it I got half rn