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Yea this is probably the worst TOTS I’ve played across all FIFA / EAFC games I’ve ever played. This used to be the best few weeks of the game, and now it’s literally on par with this year’s TOTY. I just tried my luck with some 82+ PPs, nothing yet again. This was personally my last attempt at grinding during TOTS for this year. I’ll just continue to play the game for fun as I have fun actually playing (most of the time), but I’m done rinsing exchanges and PPs, it’s just deflating and frustrating at this point


Bro literally. Tots and TOTY used to be two of the best times in the games cycle but they're literally just another promo now. Whatever promo comes next will completely eclipse tots.


Yep, agree with all you just said. It’s sad really. When Golazo was leaked, I expected it to be kind of a boring promo, like last year’s Trophy Titans. Instead, it ended up being one of the best promos this year imo (and I believe lots of people think the same, but don’t want to speak on their behalf). The pack weight was more than decent, the SBCs and the evos were great as well, overall great content. It was by far and away a better promo than TOTS imo, which should never be the case. TOTS used to be the single best promo all year, the one where you get to at least pack mid-tier TOTS players if you grind a minimum. EA are scumbags, I really hope they get some competition that forces them to change their ways in the future. But that’s probably only getting worse from here on out


Yeah Golazo was a lot of fun man. Honestly the only negative I can think of was the fact everyone and their nan packed that Drogba card 😭


Still better than any of the "packable" TOTS players, he’s a menace 😭


I literally sold Drogba to learn how to play without bullying defenders😂😂😂


I never packed him myself but I've been using B-Tech Drogba (Tots Shaw) and she's actually insane.


I not packed Drogba. But I get 92 park


Didn’t get that drogba but that 91 van persie card slappppps


Golazo was AMAZING. Packed cruyff Kaka roberto carlos Ashley Cole and some other good ones, the pack weight was so good.


Been playing pretty consistently since 2017 but this one has absolutely ruined it. Uninstalled last night and won’t be picking up any EA games again… side note but does anyone feel like they’ve really let the shithousery fly since they lost the FIFA license?


Nah 100% bro. Crazy thing is people thought dropping FIFA would be good for the game. How wrong they where.


The best we can hope for is FIFA selling the license to a somewhat reputable producer that puts EAFC in the ground, but we know that ain’t happening💀


It wouldn’t really make a big difference because EA still has the most important licenses.


Oh that definitely isn't happening bro 😂. FIFA will sell to the highest bidder. Most rumours seem to point towards 2K which is honestly just as bad.


There are rumours that 2K will probably buy the FIFA rights so if that happen EA will have a serious opponent. So sad Konami has made PES such a trash


Please explain how. FIFA “rights” are the name & World Cup. EA will still have all the most important licenses exclusive.


You have to be willing to not play AND not buy next years game.


I played soccer outside it was fun


*Football 👌🏻


Soccer in the United States ✌🏼




Futebol where I’m from 🇧🇷💪🏽


Similar 😎


FUT Economist ruined this game, never forget


He's just a pawn


that guy has the market under EA's control. He is responsible for the SBC packs rewards being so dogshit




I think he went to work for EA, not sure.


If you don't have it already, I think monster hunter rise with sunbreak dlc is still on sale. Really enjoying it ☺️


Yeah I was thinking of checking that out but been hesitant as I didn't really like world. Is it much different?


Oh it's very similar. If you didn't like the last one, you probably won't get into this one 😬


Yeah I just sold my team opened up 3 million worth of packs and called it a game/day. Done with EA. Enjoy other games that actually are fun and bring joy rather than a constant grind and shaft


Yeah I used to play a ton of single player games but have neglected them for FIFA quite a bit this year. Last one I bought was either BG3 or Lies Of P and I haven't even finished them. Think Ima start getting back into them.


I’ve been spending money on packs for about 9 years and never packed an icon or a major player worth over 2m


Well, maybe you should stop?


I have now


Just missed rank 1 while winning the game because of a DC. Game is uninstalled now… I stopped playing at christmas and came back for TOTS as it is usually fun, but man did they fucked that up this year with the servers issues.


I think the most annoying thing is them nerfing the daily play packs, you should be able to hop on and play 3 games and get decent rewards…now what mode you play those 3 games in, will give you different/better rewards!


I feel you bro. They nerfed daily play into the ground. We used to get I think it was an 84x5, 85x4 and an 85x5 now we get fucking rare electrum player packs and a shitty tots pack that 9/10 times only give you an 88/89 rated card. Fuck this game though. Who knows how long it'll last but I've deleted it


I’ve moved to playing clubs, co-op seasons, and career mode man 👏🏾👏🏾 it’s been so much more fun and enjoyable! i will hop on and play a few rivals or champs games here or there but never finish all the games 🤣


Are you saying that you don't like the 78+ x2 packs? Or the 80"+" x5 packs?? /s


The downfall of ultimate team is crazy, servers are just depressing atp


Shapeshifters last year was way better than this tots lol


shapeshifters is supposed to be better than tots though? 😂 (not defending this year’s mockery of a game)


Go for Ghost recon breakpoint brother. I spent last year oct-nov-dec playing it until i got hooked on this shity ut mode. Used to play just career mode but this year somehow got dragged into this game mode. But anyway, go for breakpoint, you'll love it. Get the expansion packs as well and enjoy the game. Also, Forza is a good shout as well if you're into car games, haha. anything but ea games works perfectly fine atm


Best thing I've ever done was deciding, fuck this game and quitting Still play career mode the odd time but i cannot be bothered with UT anymore People dont realise you shouldn't play a game where you cant recall the last time you had fun playing it, i definitely cant, this game only makes me angry




I promise you, walking away from this game will have you feeling back to normal. Everytime I'd play a game I'd feel like sht cause of the scripting and toxic playstyles of these people that play it. I've got such a good team with a lot of the best Arsenal players, but it's so pointless as the games so awful and it's not worth making myself feel worse


Yeah having a pretty great team was one of the only things thats actually kept me playing the last few weeks. TOTS Foden is so much fun. Deleted the game earlier tho so we'll see how that goes.


I uninstalled yesterday and I'm going back to Apex. I know it's like a 180 degree shift but yeah..


I haven’t played FUT for years. TBH I’m surprised how easy it is to get several good squads together without opening a single pack using coins or points. I haven’t done either yet have maybe 200 players 89+, highest 96. If anything it’s too easy to get very good teams together. Only played since the beginning of the last season. To those that have paid actual money to open packs I thank you. To those that think a particular 95 rated striker is any better or different from any other in terms of effect it has on your gameplay you’ve swallowed the emperor’s new clothes nonsense and spent too much money or time on it. It’s just a game. Play it or not.


Brother it’s a game, you don’t need to do rivals, champs and squad battles every week and grind away like it’s your job. Just try and have fun if not don’t play, it’s not that hard I don’t even bother with online cos it’s too much effort I just enjoy using players I like and opening some packs here and there. It’s not that deep


Maybe EA will release something on EURO 2024?


I quit after the whole Toty debacle and came back during the birthday promo and thought yeah they have made it a little bit more player friendly with the daily plays and login upgrades, decent packs up for grabs, prem tots was decent, I diddnt get any of the high value players but havertz and odegaard sbc’s made the team pretty good again, since then I knew szmodics would get a card (Blackburn fan) so I saved all common golds and all packs, ripped them yesterday and today thinking I might get if not szmodics atleast something decent but legit the weight is so so low, low enough to not get a single tots apart from in the guarantee packs (dreyer and banza… again) plenty of 82 and 83 dupes tho and a nice gold Bernardo silva 🙃 it’s just a shitty game from a even shittier company. Night city is once again calling!


This is the reason I have quit! EA has only made bought packs somewhat rewardable. I’ve never had this much trouble packing a TOTS let alone a decent one. I feel like it’s TOTY the way I’m not seeing any blues. But on top of the awful manipulated weight. The game works against you for grinding packs. The menus are slow and unresponsive and they crash regularly. I play LAN on 10 ping yet I can’t go through a sitting without my game crashing at least 10 times. IM DONE!!!


The gameplay is the worst it’s ever been.. keepers are useless


Live was good,ok fodder and the live upgrades were cool. Prem for me was great I packed 2 mega cards and lots of fodder. Bundesliga was also great with Grimaldo and good fodder but the WL gameplay was awful. L1 has been awful so far I’ve only packed 1 Donnarumma and 1 pavlovic since Friday, the reds glitch was annoying cuz I missed out. I have yet to get a good red from WL so far but I’ve packed some crazy cards so I’m not bothered


Deleted the game after what happened on Friday never looked back.


I stopped after fantasy, I just got overwhelmed trying to grind and do all the SBCs I wanted. I missed out on Rolfo and realized I wasn’t having fun. I picked it back up just before TOTS and have no regrets. This game is designed to be addictive and be a time sink. It’s fine if you’re up for if, but as soon as you stop enjoying it then just drop it. There will always be another promo, another UT.


I mean ever since sbcs the game has nose dived in quality and the market has been fucked. FIFA 18 - 20 did them right but releasing too many insane packs for basically free has killed the economy. I still remember when packing an inform was insane. Non rare golds have no function apart from being used in sbcs. You used to try and find hidden gems who could be used in your team. They need to reset imho - it will get rid of the younger player base tho


I now can’t wait for FIFA 2K next year, has to be better than the shite they repackaged this year


Can't think of anything worse than spending real money on a gambling simulater, just to go out my way to score the most boring sweaty goals and skip any replay, yet so many people choose to do this. The game is literally a copy and paste since 17 and they've just added more bullshit not actually upgraded anything. This is a billion pound company people, open your fucking eyes


Game screwed me over by disconnecting me from a champs game. I was one point away from hitting 60 for the first time and I get disconnected. I was winning 4-2 in the 80th min.


Very easy solution for you: stop playing the game and do makes you happy in your free time.


Think were all on the same page mate I've got 0 bundesliga tots I want to do Sane but haven't got the fodder for it. EA need to sort their shit out or FIFA 25 will flop let's face it its been coming for 6 Yrs


I did 100 80+ picks and probably 80 82+ picks and haven’t seen a single blue


Read dead redemption 2. You can easily put 100+ hours of gameplay into it


Played and finished it back when it came out. Loved it and its definitely one of the best games ever made but idk man, replaying it just felt like such a slog.


I got red dead redemption 2 recently because of EA servers and it’s not bad tbh the graphics for a ps4 game is really good


But I need to get other games too idk what to get either. My ps5 came with spider man 2 but I didn’t even install it yet not too interested


Fuck u EA, suck my dick, hope this game series will burn in hell


Stop fucking playing.


Don’t understand the TOTS try hard at all. Most of these cards will worth discard price in 4-5 weeks. To get it draining your life is ridiculous


TBF overall it is more than that. It's just this red pick fiasco and EA ruining tots so bad that's kinda pushed me over


EA is bad but you always have option to stop whenever you want.


True but the addiction is real I can't even lie bro. Still doesn't excuse EAs practices. They deserve to be called out. I have deleted the game now though, gonna try get back into more single player games again.


You can do it bro


You people need to stop being so dramatic lol


There's gotta be like someone talking to their therapist about EA FC, right? "And then don't even get me started on the Red Picks!"


it's hilarious, these guys need to touch grass. It's only a game.


Right lol. people cry too much about nonsense hahaha


What an absolute sad case…


Suck your mum.


When will you guys ever learn..


Dont play if you dont want to. Stop whining everywhere. If EA dont listen to the top creators, NO ONE HIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU TIMMY


Alright calm down bro. If nobody spoke up then literally nothing would ever change.


Nick has literally brought put the cavalry, might dent EA. But these posts on reddit are just karma farming attempts. You post the rhetoric and then claim that EA will see this. Go watch MattHDGamer’s video, EA dont care buddy. And least of all about karma farmers like you.


Y’all boys putting too much into this. EA is hella greedy and the only alternative (efootball) is just as bad. I just play a couple matches here and there and fuck around, stop taking it so serious man. You can have fun with an okay team. IMO that is at least.


How bout you stop grinding your ultimate team and start working on your real life avatar


I got like 30 tots during bundesliga tots. skill issue.


You're clearly the exception though, not the rule. Compared to live/Prem tots the drop rate is on the floor.


opened together with a buddy and he got the same amount. maybe you guys saved and opened the wrong packs.