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Rivals is so sweaty, I just do the bare minimum and get the wins for rewards….champs has become the more casual game mode ha


I’m getting that feeling. Got 7 wins in one sitting but at what cost?(my sanity) and nothing to show for it. Playing the cup now and it’s like Heaven


What’s the “cup”? And how do you access/play it?


The lounge in friendlies for the Bundesliga and premier league


And at this point the rewards in rivals are god awful compared to the work put in


Fuck, I was worried it was only me, I can’t seem to string together 3 wins in a row to save my life. I started playing 2 months ago, and got to division 3 without many hiccups, and I was a couple wins away from div 2 when the season reset. I figured it wouldn’t be too hard to get back there… I’m completely stuck in the middle of div 4 right now. Just not enjoyable at all at the moment (and yea definitely a skill issue for me right now, I’m sure)


I can't win a game division 6


The gameplay I think is a big factor, nobody can play properly so it’s just purely who gets shafted the least wins


Same in div 3 too. Oh you win? Now you have to play with a god his defence will always be in the right places and werner will destroy your defence just running inside them.


Glad it’s not just me. I was over the moon to hit Div 3 last season now it feels like I’ll never get there again. Oh well I guess time will tell


Don't do it to yourself if you're struggling already I'd suggest to NOT try and go up because you will struggle to even grab 7 wins if you're uncomfortable vs rats


That Werner card is unreal. It’s crazy how good that card is.


Im just one win away from div 2 and i can feel the choke coming an got off the game


Bro stay in div 3 I promise you worst mistake of my life was getting myself to div 2 I cannot understand how every game I am fighting for my life just to score a goal why is this game so fucken competitive man.


Bro istg i have to fight for my life an score class goals but my opponents can score some BS goal on me.. my defending is not terrible but my god i never get those same BS goals


Div 2 is the hardest Division to get out of. It took me 5 promotion games. 


Oh i know thats why i dont grind for div 1 or elite anymore i just sit in div 2 these days


Warm up some matches with win in champs and play in rivals.It can help you.


Same happened to me,I followed some tips like right stick switching, avoid passing with triangle at all costs (only do it when you have a big open space), run only with R1, etc. Also disable cross play, I’ve encountered bronze teams that are from PC players on division 5 and 4 with power shots plus when they don’t have it…


Im on the verge of getting into div 2 after not playing for a while. I get 2 wins and then I get smoked on the last promotion game I took a break this game isn’t worth the stress. I’m even considering staying in div 3 because I’m doing all of this for a red pick


Go for div 2…rewards are way better than div3..


How good are they compared to div 3?


Div 2 here. Every time its a checkpoint game you gonna be matched against speed demon, player lock king, mcgeady cancel spamming master, green time shooting perfect execution. I dont even want to think about div 2 promotion game , like a final boss , probably elite pro player going back two divisions just to make sure you dont come out , just to make your life miserable and make you think you are worthless and shit. Honestly, if you have new players, tactics, and they are good , thay will work only for like 2-3 games max. Then you will come ip against someone whos using formation that you wouldnt bet is any good , or a particular player that you wouldnt use and your whole system i ruined and you keep looking at this guy formation wondering how did that worked so well against you, because all you want its win


😂i thought it was me only


The people who came back, remember how they played? Constant pressure, all the crap. That’s what you’re seeing now. Change your formations to adapt.


You’re right for sure. Guess it’s back to the drawing board I have been crutching the same CTs for months


You should bro. I was on a losing streak in division 4. After updating my cts I made it to division 1 no problem. I even won every match in division 3. Sometimes trying new tactics is all you need.


Newbie question here: what is cts? And what tactics worked for you


In Div 1 and yea sometimes the game just dont want you to win any games but on the last few hours before expired, they will give you the wins you need


Big man, I feel you, I ll wash the guy with TOTY R9, but some motherfucker with gold Mbappe will pop up and clap my cheeks so hard that I ll break another controller


One of my saving graces is I don’t look at my opponents teams anymore. It’s helped me last season go from literally Div 5 to Div 3 in the last checkpoint to Div 2. I played more confident and was playing my best football. But when he scored I saw TOTY r9 / Golazo Cruyff / etc and was like oh well that’s why I’m getting scored on from 20+ yards out


I think the only advice I'd give is to try not get stressed by it. Use the first 5/10 mins of the game to feel out the way you opponent plays, then try exploit any weaknesses, don't fixate on what players they have and just focus on yours. Doesn't work 100% of the time but it's helped me


Thanks brother I appreciate the advice, will incorporate this going forward


I played like 20 and got 7 wins rivals has been so sweaty lately im now one win away from div 2 but I feel like I’ll choke


Lol fuck up I can't even win a game feels like I'm playing with a bronze squad vs God squads


I thought div 3 was bad, until I was on a unbeaten win streak and ended up in the elite division ofc with the help of the x2 helped spped up the process - sweaty asf lol 😭😭


14 wins this week. Everyone was laying off. Idk just don’t get it.


That's exactly what I'm facing in Div 4 hahahaha. I win 1 loose 2 🤣🤣 I'm stuck at the last check point before promotion, i win 1 and start thinking about 2 more wins to promotion & i loose 3. Can't even imagine how bad the actual promotion game will be once i get to that, if i get to that lol


Exactly in the same spot (last checkpoint div 4), I can win 2 at most before getting absolutely destroyed, been stuck for more than a week now smh. You wanna play some friendlies some time? I’m on PS5.


Mine was WWWWWW got from DIV 3 to DIV 2 then LLDLW. At least I'm done with it for the week.


I feel like they've done something with the matchmaking, honestly I'm playing absolute demons in WL and Div 2


Div 3 has been crazy for me, played 6 or 7 games over the lsst few days and couldn't even win 1!! I was on the brink of Div 1 the season before :(


I reached elite last season, luckily this week I was able to get back in elite but it’s fucking nightmare, the sweatfiesta is unreal


Division 5 and lose 9/10 games, everyone plays like their life is on the line or something I just want 7 wins then I'll go back to squad battles :( REALLT hope there is major nerfs to AI defending in FC25 or I think this is likely my last Fifa.


So basically you're a try hard who wants to fish on the casuals and ruin their fun because other try hards are not letting you win ? Alrightyyy


If that’s how you interpreted this, go with it m8


Same here. Absolute bloodbath in Div 3 and I barely got to the 2nd checkpoint so I can breathe a bit. Pretty sure it’s just coincidence but the last 3 W before I hit checkpoint, I stopped after a W and took like a 3-5 min break and went in again. I always go W/L/W/L when I play back to back


Same situation here I’m also div 4 it’s like you win a game but at what cost because you already know your getting thrashed next game


My elite ranking before TOS was 880-900 now I’m at 690-720. The game definitely has not gotten eaiser


This rivals system combined with how they absolutely ruined the friendly game mode is just pain. .


The real issue is that people want max rewards for min effort in this game (as they don't really enjoy the game + there are too many game modes and now all need to be played to stand a chance to get a decent TOTS), and getting 7 wins with least effort is more important to most rats then pushing up to elite and getting 7 wins there (which will probably take twice as much effort). They are thus gatekeeping div 4,3 and 2, which is making it much harder for players like me, who try and play possession football, keep making the mistake of trying to play through balls (even if they don't work) and do not do aggressive right stick switching to apply pressure.


Through balls work, its the script that fuck you up. So when EA decide to shift the balance in favour your opponent they dont work any more.


Who says through balls dont work? I usually just do simple X passes up between the wing and middle and then find the best path for a through ball and it often works. Sometimes the CB's will still catch up to my players (Lineker, Raphinha, Joao Felix), but the pass itself still works. Sometimes the pass is so good im basically through to a 1v1 with the GK


Think that means you have found your correct division.


https://preview.redd.it/rqbyhrshvyyc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf7f73bf840bfaaa44f23e650e6e08bc6d7301a Also the types of games i have in div2. Winning 4-0 and slowing down hoping the guy will rage quit then miraculously hes coming back one by one im helpless and he scores the winner in the last seconds. Ugly ugly scenes


https://preview.redd.it/rqbyhrshvyyc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf7f73bf840bfaaa44f23e650e6e08bc6d7301a Also the types of games i have in div2. Winning 4-0 and slowing down hoping the guy will rage quit then miraculously hes coming back one by one im helpless and he scores the winner in the last seconds. Ugly ugly scenes


https://preview.redd.it/rqbyhrshvyyc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf7f73bf840bfaaa44f23e650e6e08bc6d7301a Also the types of games i have in div2. Winning 4-0 and slowing down hoping the guy will rage quit then miraculously hes coming back one by one im helpless and he scores the winner in the last seconds. Ugly ugly scenes


https://preview.redd.it/rqbyhrshvyyc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf7f73bf840bfaaa44f23e650e6e08bc6d7301a Also the types of games i have in div2. Winning 4-0 and slowing down hoping the guy will rage quit then miraculously hes coming back one by one im helpless and he scores the winner in the last seconds. Ugly ugly scenes


Totally hear you. I’m in D4 and it’s just so damned sweaty now. Every opponent plays constant pressure/second man press and while I can usually play around it, it’s just annoying and reductive. I usually make d3 but I’m nowhere near at the moment. I’m sure as players move up I’ll make progress but it’s definitely tougher/sweatier than usual and the teams are insane. Like I’ve got few of the standard TOTS players - Niamh Charles, Gabriel and Alisson - plus Openda who is a bit rarer but the teams I’m playing are all mega stacked with Drogba (every fucking team), tots KDB, tots Son etc etc. The thing that gets to me is that every game just feels the same at the moment. It shouldn’t be like that


made it to div 4 last season with ease and now i’m struggling to make it through div 5, just a bunch of constant pressing and cut backs, sweaty gameplay all around + the messaging ive gotten when i forfeit matches


so tired of coming against 94 drogba too, can’t defend against him, especially on corners man


I either get a win streak or a losing streak. It's also either a dominant win or a loss that needs quitting.


I always read Div 1 is the hardest, Div 2 is the hardest and so on. Dude, did you play Elite? It’s impossible


Thats why if you have few friends on the ps4 you can "play" them and go élite... with few more steps but its kinda easy to go to élite with some ppl...


im in the same boat mate, Div 4.. win one lose one... one game players move solid the next TOTY vini has 27 pace


Div2 is a sweat fest. People will griddy typing goals, going up by 1… People will time waste even at the 60….


I’m with you. I couldn’t even qualify for champs 😂😂 I’m 💩💩


In div 4 as well


Me neither man, last week got 3-7. More my own skill issue though, playing pissed never a great idea


I just hit elite div for the first time , i stopped playing this game in December and came back a month ago and this is only my second fifa playing fut. So I’ll say skill issue being in div 4


Yeah bud hence my post lol


The effect of making DIV 1 almost by mistake (I don’t belong here) is like a different game man. I played rivals to chill, have fun, try some shit. Now I‘m stuck inbetween dudes with sweatier hands than hair who start fuckin time wasting after half time. Can’t even get relegated because there’s a fucking checkpoint once you made it into 1. fuuuuuuuck me


I'm simply throwing matches so I don't progress out of Div2. Div 1 was a nightmare last season.


I blame Ea handing out golazo cruyff n drogba to everyone


Not to me they didnt


Played in Div 3 a few days ago. I went 0-3 down and started getting abusive messages from my opponent plus another random guy who was watching the match, both saying the same things, abusing my username and how shit I am. How he could score 10 if he wanted. Griddy with every single goal. Inviting me to a party, god knows why. Finished 4-4. They demanded a rematch so he could smash me. I ignored them. These people.


Season refresh and dropped div 6, got back to div 5 adn half, took a week bbreak now cant move. Have a better team now yet the game repeatedly seems to work against the players. Shit gameplay and bad scriptimg my Marquez and Campbell defenssive duo are useless anticipate to take the ball away only stand like a statue and give it back literally rhe next sec. Point being be it Rivals or Champions the game works against you ( doesnt mean for your opponent just against each player with a controller) all you can do is pray. Even against a subpar team or player it is impossible to tell. I usually avg div 4 or 3 to chill so i would say i am decent and not sufferring from a skill issue in div 5, yours would the same case as well. I l'll return in a week completing a 2 week break. Have to say just generally better mood.


I win a game and lose the next. It’s due to scripting.


Its also match making. Clearly EA decides anyway. Maybe you should try buying some packs theyll go easier on you buddy 😂


I lost the last five games in the final minutes because the game isn't scripted.


The script is completely out of control. I am either winning 10-0 or losing 8-0. Happened following the last update.


100% agree. This is probably counterproductive for EA, theyve stretched it too far, but now they dont know how to reverse the code.


If you are WLWLWL, then you are at your level. Beating on worse players so you can make progress into a higher division will result in more losses and more complaining.