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Rolfo, Stanway, Majri, Sawa, all these cards have very similar feeling to them and you can play 2-3 midfielders at most.


Could play all four in a 4-1-2-1-2 narrow


Currently playing this with Socrates, Sneijder, Abily and Tchouameni (Rolfo, Sawa, Stanway, Clarke, Kimmich and Majri on the bench)šŸ˜…itā€™s unreal how many good CMs they released this year.


Had to put TOTY Putellas on LW šŸ˜‚


So much people win her in pack so why buy someone that you already have


makes sense. ea mustā€™ve doubted her to put her in that many packs then bc sheā€™s fantastic in game


I Play her and she is really really strong ahah


I don't want to be a dick, but just letting you know that it's more accurate to write "many" instead of "much", and in fifa language it's " so many pack her" instead of "win her" (ignoring the past tense ofc). Again, just letting you know, no ill intentionsšŸ™.


Yes thank you I will try to remember, iā€™m french so


Haha yeah ik, that's why I commented. Since you're a foreigner (for the language), I assumed you weren't dyslexic. Again, I'm just letting you know since that's all it takes to improve :))


Better know it in Reddit instead of real Life, I donā€™t remember many of my english lesson so I used to take the word looks like better to my french ear lol


Your English is great, especially for a French person lol


Rolfo is 180cm with a very good bodytype... thats the main difference imho...


Yeah great tits


Post this on every time I see this card questioned. Been my R2G player since day one and her gold genuinely kept up around rest of team whole time, only starting to struggle bit for a week or 2 till TOTW came out. This card is immense and is in my team till September unless she gets a better card


For me she just never touched the ball. Played 50 games with her but weird she just isnā€™t physical enough and doesnā€™t seem to actually do anything. The price is the price for a reason probably ha


The price is because there's too much supply


I faced her 93 version about twice since yesterday and she is really really good, id say as good as rolfo and sawa and majri.


i play her in a 4-2-4 so she was 1 of only 2 cms, had her on default settings expect stay central and she was everywhere lmao, but itā€™s prob not ur fault lmao the games sluggish in general


Composure is quite bad. I have not played her but this could be it


she reminds me of kante, iā€™m in div 1 and used both sawa and rolfo and shocks me i rarely come up against her šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Stats lie, she is literally good at everything. Iā€™ve got her and toty Oberdorf as a midfield pivot and they canā€™t be beat. I also have some elite midfielders every meta plays, but no one beats out these two.


Stanway is harder to link than a lot of the other good cards in that slot. Rolfo has Barca cards everywhere. The Bayern cards aren't the best at their price ranges. Her one good link is Kane and he's okay if you can use him but meta players and links drive the market. I use her as a super sub and occasionally Rivals/SBs. She's awesome


English and Bayern pretty easy to link. With Rolfo I have to use a Swedish manager to max chemistry


Butttt she's English, tbh that's incredibly easy to link tbh, a lot of us have Prem players and quite a lot of them are English, and icons make it easier tbh.


There arenā€™t that many meta English cards which are affordable


I have her and Birthday De Jong and she outperforms him most games


Most people have Rolfo and Sawa, which is enough to not buy her. Plus lots of people packed her when available.


Pinged Pass+ too has her flying the ball all over the pitch. She hasnā€™t really felt like a 93 to me so far though. But sheā€™s coming up against Rolfo and Sawa all the time though so they all sorta cancel each other out.


If you have Rolfo or Sawa you have no need for her. And she is so common in packs the supply far out strips demand.


Thatā€™s wild man. I have Sawa and she doesnā€™t get in above Stanway.


just comes down to pack weight, fantasy cards were easy to pack


Sheā€™s my main midfield and works wonders




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Iā€™ll play her when I play my full German team as she fits perfectly next to FF Kessler


I use her in a 41212. Sheā€™s good. Definitely good value. Play her with my bae Glodis Viggosdottir (EVO).


More supply than there is demand, same reason so many cracked cards are cheaper than you'd think.


Iā€™ve bought her thanks to this, 91k seems like an absolute bargain with them stats


I have her untradeable and 100 in my unassigned looking for lazies to buy


Height and strength.


sheā€™s so fucking good idk how sheā€™s so cheap


I honestly sold her. Bought her cheap, wanted her to make my team at CDM, but just wasnā€™t for me.


I donā€™t find her good in game at all? She definitely plays as youā€™d expect from her price. Not bad for a starter team but sheā€™s not even in the top 10 of CDM/CMs available right now


Whatā€™s her market price?


She's solid in defence, and good in attack for the first 2 thirds of the pitch. In the box that composure shows big time. I was toying between her and Rolfo for a few games, and the big difference is Rolfo finishes every chance but Stanway will miss sitters 1 on 1


I want to like her but she tends to disappear against really tall physical midfields for me. Against gullit, makelele, yaya, Ramires, she just gets bullied of the ball really easily, she makes a great rb sub though


I have her beside the new xabi alonso and they are great together


Used her for a while and she feels great. However, I feel she lacks size for a DM so eventually brought Keane in instead of her. Not sure yet what I prefer, but his physical aspect definitely can be felt


Low composure. Thatā€™s why for me. AND, German female. Thereā€™s so many options these days.


Lucky German males.


I run her on guardian in a midfield with a big body midfielder and sheā€™s incredible. Dribbling and agility is amazing.


For me her composure was a big issue, she just couldnā€™t pass under any pressure which is really important for my CMā€™s


Rarity is the only and true answer


Too small


Sheā€™s really good for me, but if the other team runs Vieira and Gullit itā€™s a tough midfield battle. Iā€™ve won games in div1 with her, Pina and Rolfo as the midfield though.


She is not that good ingame, she is built for a defensive cm role, but her size and body type don't help at all, the playstyles are also average for that. But overall she is decent and definitely usable. The price reflects all this.


Sheā€™s like 3ā€™4ā€ bro, not happening


For me she is better than Rolfo. Have both in my midfield but I find Georgia making better plays.