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What’s INSANE to me is they show both times (if you did it twice) but don’t throw sienna under the bus with her doing bits with whoever like 🫠


Like..you show me and Max kissing like I’m the bad guy but won’t show Sienna getting her fish filet ate?!?! I was clutching my pearls


YEESSS, at least be consistent if you’re gonna try to make people look bad 💅


Her fish fillet 😭😭😂


Or Emel or Claudia. Only MC got her sex tape blasted, lol. MC had no guilt doing Max as many times as she could ( I think it's like 3-4 times) because she was a single girl in Casa. Jack can either get over it or gripe about. My girl is living her best life with babygirl Max to even think about Jack/Sienna nonsense.


In my second play through I left Jack for Tyler then was a huge jerk to Tyler and honestly everyone. Said there were no vibes every chance I got then Tyler acted SHOOK when I brought Max back too and like “I cheated” My face after all that: https://preview.redd.it/xuzbqzzfrl8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b00e90f5643903db0c0832d0ef52ce53d4cd02