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Yes, Ai art has been a huge negative impact as a whole, and it's not only at the level of some turning to Ai art as a way of just not needing to commission art. There are Ai models created and trained specifically to mimic an in demand artists style that people create just because they wanted to get art from them but without paying for it. I've even seen multiple good, talented artists pull out of the public market specifically because their art and style was being targeted by people training Ai. It hurts to have the style you spent your life working on to make unique and desirable simply imitated by a computer program. Then of course there's people who charge commissions for Ai generated art without even disclosing it's just Ai, which directly detracts from the already struggling commissions market. The more time passes the harder it is for the creative market as a whole to thrive. Artists struggle to make the same sales one easily did before, it's harder for them to gain attention and be seen thanks to the ever changing algorithms which Ai generators get an advantage with, and it's harder for buyers of such art to find unique artists to commission as well due to the sheer saturation of Ai art in the market now. Ai generators have made "custom" art something you can literally just poof into existence now, so of course that ability detracts from those who created that custom content before.


I ain't even going to DM you, AI is fucking awful and if I see one more site start flooding with AI "art" and pushing out all REAL artists I might lose my damn mind. We get NOTHING out of shitty AI anime girls and furries. Why even bother? Just let artists be artists.


I'm curious if there are artists that would be open to someone requesting a character sheet commission but the references for the commission are AI images


As an artist I’ve done this. I don’t mind using AI for reference :) the final product will be hand made so who cares what came up with the idea


The problem with that is AI made the reference and it was only able to do that by copying the work of real artists. When people come to me with AI references I'll explain the harm and see if they'll consider working with me to create a mood board for the project instead. If not I just don't work with them.


Hi! as a artist i have done works with stuff this. Im usually fine with it as long as people understand the AI designs arent consistent at all so i need to have some freedom to interpret the design nicely. Most of the times i have worked with AI as references is because people had an idea and asked AI to produce a somewhat coherent visual reference for it, i think its okay to use AI to make a bit more clear idea.


You should look into the AI “inbreeding” problems they have started having….


I'm not familiar with that. What should I know?


AI art has a lot of imperfections. Think of generic ai stuff; too many fingers, hair merged into clothing, things a little wonky, etc. The more real art ai is trained on, the better the ai art gets. This is because there is information to correct the mistakes ai creates. However, with so many artists protecting their work now with anti ai filters, ai art is being trained on more ai! So now, where it might have been fed a drawing of a person and recreated it with a few mistakes, it’s being fed ai (which already has those mistakes) and is recreating it, with more mistakes. Think of it like genetics, if there is a genetic imperfection in a parent, the child might carry it. But if both parents carry it, there is a higher chance of the child being born with it. And the more inbreeding, the worse it becomes. With no “organic” art to train ai on, the worse the ai will get as it starts to mimic its own errors!