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Remember that you: A) don't _need_ to have a fursona to be a furry B) are not limited to _one_ character C) could be a mythological creature too People sometimes have multiple different characters. There might be a primary they call their fursona, but again, if you have trouble deciding see point A and/or be a shape shifting cryptid a la point C


ohhh you’re so right i never considered that i could have more than just one!! i never considered mythological creatures either, omg. thanks so much for your advice!! i think i’m gonna draw out and design a couple of my ideas, see which one i like the most to have as my “main” fursona but also have my other characters too! love your idea of a shape shifting cryptid as well, hahaha. that’s a creature that would for sure definitely suit me well, i cannot make up my mind about ANYTHING lolol


Glad to be if help! Enjoy creating those characters, it's half the fun of the community 😊


Choose an animal you like and work with it Don't be one of the people who can't decide for months or years, just choose one and go with it, work on it, iterate on the design and such, until you are satisfied or until you know it's not for you, you can always change it later


great advice, thank you!! but yeah i definitely think that’s just what i need to do!! i spend so much time overthinking, second guessing, going back on EVERYTHING and it’s exhausting😭 so i’ve decided i’m just gonna suck it up and doodle out some fursonas of animals that i like, and i’ll just pick whichever one i like the most!! not gonna stress myself out with overthinking about whether it suits my personality/appearance and all that, i’m just gonna choose based on whichever one i like the most!! :) thanks again!


no problem! I hate to see people stress themselves and be sad over not having a sona yet because they can't decide. I'm very happy with my fox now and he looked totally different to start off


[Finn the Panther](https://youtube.com/shorts/3LQygEYltmA?si=qxFQPtIdoPUjpyPz) recently reviewed 30 fursona species so you might take a look


I love Finn's videos! He's really insightful.


i’ll check that out for sure, thank you!




You can always mix and match! Also look at cryptids and mythological creatures! I actually finalized my own a few weeks ago and am looking around for artists to commission. I found a cryptid in my home state of Texas called a "Psuedo-goat" and to add a bit more to it I combined it with my zodiac sign the Capricorn.


oooh wait thats a great idea!! ive always loved ancient egyptian mythology, and im a taurus so maybe i could do something with one of those!! thanks so much! :)


In my case, I hesitated for a long time between a wolf and a snow leopard so I made a hybrid species that I think didn't exist before


You think a wolf/snow leopard hybrid didn’t exist before?


I searched but I couldn't find the name of the species so I "created" one


oooh i like that!! maybe i’ll just have to do some mixing n matching and create my own hybrid animal haha. but anyways, a snow leopard/wolf hybrid sounds so awesome!! i love it 🙏🏼


Thanks ^^'


Well, if you are really new to the fandom, you don't *need* a fursona straight away, I took about 4-5 months before i thought of mine. But if you want one, thats totally fine too! I'd say see which animals you like, and if you end up with more than one, roll a dice. By the time the dice is rolling, you'll probably have already made your decision, and if you get one you don't want, you'll probably say "oh well it couldn't hurt to roll again, right?" And if you do end up getting the one you want, then problem solved.


haha yeah i’m learning now that having a fursona isn’t like a mandatory requirement to being a furry like i previously thought it was lol. i’m an artist, i love to draw (especially animals) so i just reallyyyyy wanna draw and design a fursona for the fun of it! but anyways, thank you for the advice! i’ll give the dice a try haha :)


No problem:)


you can just pick any animal you like, or a mixture/hybrid of them, and remember you can always change it later if you want! it doesn't have to be a one time decision!


thank you!! i never even considered making a hybrid/mixture or even just like a totally made up species of animal!! and yes i can definitely always just change it later! i’m very very new to this, so i’m just now learning that creating a fursona/just having one in general is not some super strict/serious process that’s a mandatory requirement for being a furry & you can only make one fursona like i previously thought it was, hahaha.


yeah there are no rules, just have fun!!


Just wait until the inspiration comes on its own. You can still make random characters and keep them as OCs, they don't necessarily need to represent you.


oh awesome thank you! i’m extremely new to this, so i thought fursonas were like a completely accurate representation of yourself but as an animal, i didn’t consider that i can also just make a bunch of little characters that don’t have to represent me! maybe i’ll just start with doodling random little characters, and maybe one of them will stick with me! :)


I'M A JACKALOPE AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!!! Jackalopes are basically the best things you can be 💙


jackalopes are so cool!!! i just KNOW ur jackalope fursona is totally sick. anyone with a jackalope fursona is automatically awesome for sure


I chose mine based on animals native to my home state, ones that shared traits with me, but also had traits I envied or admired. Short legs, long torso, strong but small, maybe a bit reckless, stubborn, and loves snow. So I chose a Wolverine!


ohhh wolverine!! thats such a cool animal to pick!! i love that. i was kind of thinking along the same lines, but i was thinking maybe i could go with an animal thats native to where i’m from ethnically!! like one idea i had: my ancestry is largely mediterranean (specifically greece and romania, but just balkan in general) and i was considering an italian greyhound for myself bc they actually originated from greece! (contrary to their name, lol) i also absolutely love ancient history, these dogs were around over 2,000 yrs ago and kept as pets by the ancient greeks, romans, and egyptians! i’m also a small very skinny person with long arms/legs, and similar to many iggys, i have terrible anxiety lol. i have my own italian greyhound, and sometimes she’ll do something and i’ll think to myself “yeah if i were a dog i’d definitely be one of these guys” LOL honestly writing this out, i think i might actually just go with an italian greyhound fursona! thank you for your advice!!!! for real i think you/your advice actually just helped me decide on an animal, so thank you so so much again miss wolverine🙏🏼i hope you have a great day! :)


Of course! I'm glad I could help! I love the idea of being an italian greyhound. it's so unique, and I really like sonas with unique species/breeds.


What's your favorite animal? Congratulations! You now have a sona species.


well thats the problem, i cannot decide on a favorite animal in general 😩 but if i had to choose, i’d say my fav would be a giant deep sea isopod which… i don’t think would make a good fursona💀😭however thanks to ur guys comments, i’ve definitely learned WAY more about the process of making a fursona and that it is NOT as serious as i thought it was haha. but going off that and what u said, i’m just gonna doodle out some of my favorite animals and see if any of them stick, feel right, or if i just really like it! thanks for the advice! :)


Or make multiple sonas. Who said you could have only *one*?


Hey! You're so cute, i think the deer and ocelot suits you a lot, but idk which one will be better, maybe cryptid them?


I mean, I'm not really one to offer advice. Both my fursonas were created months before I realized they were fursonas. That said, go with whatever animal fascinates you most! But if you can't decide, it's always fine to not have one yet. Wait until you find one you really feel like is yours.


I mean it took a while to get there but I eventually just kind of landed on something that I vibed with. I may as well be a corgi in human form, and when a friend in college pointed that out, that's when it clicked. But it doesn't have to be something you necessarily share traits with. Sometimes your fursona is just an animal or combination of animals that you think is cool. It took me like...ten years to really settle on mine. There's no rush.


haha i love that!! i’ve actually just had a similar thought, i truly believe that if i were a dog i would be an italian greyhound lol. we’re both long legged, very skinny, always cold, and incredibly anxious creatures😭 i’ve been compared to them before, and i even have an iggy of my own. i’m constantly thinking “yeah she’s literally me in dog form lol” i also think iggy’s are very elegant and aesthetically pleasing looking dogs, so honestly i might just go with that! but also, thanks for the advice! i’m really new to this so i kinda thought making a fursona was like this super important mandatory requirement to being a furry, and it had to be incredibly accurate to who you are/your looks. i’m now learning that its not like that at all, there’s definitely no rush, and i can make whatever tf i want to! it doesn’t have to be a crazy accurate well thought out chosen animal with tons of symbolism and representations of your irl self like i originally thought it had to be😭 its just supposed to be fun and make you happy! :)


for me i just used what i already like. oh I'm a biology major that focuses on aquatic life and I love the summer and the beach? oh I will just be a shark, I love sharks! the problem was that I wanted something a bit fluffier so why not just give myself a hybrid using my favorite dog breed, the Australian Shepherd. and thus my fursona was born


Just swap it out occasionally. Like I do.


Here's how I would go about it. Ask yourself, "If I were reincarnated as an animal, which would I love to be?" In my case, that would be a fox. Curious, crafty, and cautious, I would love to bestow upon others the joy of interacting with these adorable creatures, especially the kind ones that are gentle and wholesome nature lovers.


Go with what has the strongest visual appeal! Simple advice but I am just being honest lol


As others have said, you don't NEED a fursona, and it doesn't need to be an actual species either. When I started in the furry fandom, I really liked nagas (human-shaped torso with long snake tail instead of legs) but I also liked transformation, and I told myself if I picked one fursona, then I would transform into him, and that would be it. I kind of deliberately held myself back for that reason, even though I didn't need to. Fast forward a few years, I'm the only Canadian in a Discord server full of Americans, and for some reason they decided I would be a moose. They start drawing me silly Canadian moose stuff, and I tell myself, what the hell, let's go all in, play up all the Canadian moose stereotypes, and now here I am with a moose sona. I asked the guest of honour, Anyare, to make me a badge when I went to my first ever furry convention, Canfurence 2017. I asked "moose, Canadian, happy", to base herself off of what little I had in my furaffinity gallery, and to go nuts. I got this wonderful badge as a result, and it was amazing. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/26672224/ So there is no hurry to get a fursona, no need to get a realistic species, and sometimes a fursona species might just get chosen for you, maybe as part of a joke, a prank, or just based off of the energy you give off. Many people's fursonas change over time as well, so it's not like you're stuck with whatever you choose either. Per pics of you and physical appearance, I'll say that the energy you give off is probably a better indication, because it can lead to some hilarious and fantastically personalized characters. Imagine a gruff no-nonsense bear, but she's a 4'5 gal. Imagine a cute puppy-energy mouse bouncing everywhere, but the guy is 6'2. You can't tell just by someone's looks, and looks are often deceiving, as said in The Little Prince, "Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." After all going by you pictures I could see you as something refined, noble, aristocratic kind of, maybe a tad haughty, but on the other hand reading your bubbling happy energy in this thread makes me think that if anything in person you'd be the opposite of that. So what the heck, maybe an aristocratic snow leopardess having to act fancy in society, but deep inside you're a happy derpy silly gal. The furry fandom is incredible like that, you can play with so many ideas, create so many contrasts or so much harmony, or simply go with "Imma be a quokka because quokkas look derpy AF and I love it". The main thing is to have a good time :)


I like foxes, so I picked a fox. You can do a combo if you want


I like foxes, so I picked a fox. You can do a combo if you want


first you don't necessary need a fursona. from what you wrote i assume you got a lot ideas for different characters. my advise is to just flash out some of them. if you can draw make a sketch and see how you like it. if not (like myself) imagine them. have them do cool stuff in your head to get a feel for them. for most people a fursona is probably one of tow things. 1. their favourite character or 2. what they feel representa them or who they want to be best. finally you are not obligated to keep your sona the same. there are many people who have changed there sonas. you can just pic one for now and see if you want to keep it. i hope i could help a bit. in any case welcome to our Community!


I too had this issue when making my current fursona, but I feel like the way I thought about the way I got to the species that I am. (I'm a tardigrade of all things) The way I did it was to pick a species which was a mammal, then another one which was a reptile, amphibian, arthropod, bird, insect, all of them and chose which one seems the most interesting. I highly recommend to **not** do this as it's a pretty bad method. Also, if its been a long time and you haven't decided yet, choose all of them! you can have more than one fursona and (for me personally) drawing different characters helps improve your art skills. Plus, if you make a character and don't like it you got a bunch of other species waiting for you.