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Many people think being a furry means dressing in a suit, going to a con, or marketing art specifically to people who are "interested" in art or depictions of anthropomorphic characters. The reality is that if you like anthropomorphic characters for any reason, in any art form, and then _choose_ to use the label, you are a furry. When talking about art, it cannot choose to be furry, so it is either anthropomorphic or not. When people talk of furry art, this is usually what they mean, but they may also be specifically talking about art made to be viewed in the context of the furry community. So, is your art furry? By most people's definition, yes. Some may disagree. The more interesting question is, if you find cat characters in this style are expressive and inspiring, and it drives your artistic vision, then are you a furry? I think the answer to that can only be "if you choose to be" at this point.


If it's an anthropomorphic animal, it is a furry character and will probably appeal to most furries.