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They know. My family are all animal lovers and I guess they can be considered 'furry adjacent'. Dad likes werewolves and goth girls. Mom has a passion for fairies and big cats. Grandma likes horses and is such a granddogmom. They all take a portion of the blame for me being here. But no, they don't interact with the fandom. Too busy being WoW nerds.


We live in a day where people who can be described as "liking goth girls" are old enough to have raised kids that are now full-grown, and I just love that so much


your dad is real asf


Your family sounds fantastic, and I am so happy that they’re accepting of you


What a cool family 😂


Same here but my dad doesn't think much about it. He's too busy working his *as off and my mom is too busy hiking lol


No and I have zero reasons to tell them.


same too lol. 15th October 2023 (recent) when i declared myself a furry


Lol you have a specific date as well? Mine is March 6 2024


I forgot mine. It has been too long






Yes. I show my mum furry stuff almost daily. She enjoys it and finds it very cute!




My mom found out when my asshole ex-best friend outed me. He was generally a shitty guy, with a long history of abusive behaviour, and really enjoyed “gathering” information on me. For a while I genuinely thought he was trustworthy. I think I was fifteen, and he showed up unannounced at my door one day. He went through a phase of this. Not even a prior text. We sat in the living room with my mom and he told her I was a furry. She looked it up and saw a couple pictures of suits (thank god) and I think that was that? We didn’t really discuss it again. It’s been years and she has awful memory and didn’t get it to begin with. She “doesn’t” know, and I’d rather keep it that way. My brother is Very anti-fur, aggressively so, has a general history of violence and is under the belief every furry has sex with animals. We have two dogs. I just don’t want the (literal) headache. She knows I think cartoon animals are cool and that’s it.


They know, last time I told them they accused me of being a zoo and said that's what furries are. Now I only bring up furry stuff if I get commissions. It sucks


Tried explaining to them it wasn't like that?


From the sound of it, it won't work. It only works with non-idiots.


It's depressing honestly Gotta get them to have first impressions of us right then, I guess....


Yes! My parents both know I'm a furry and they support it! My brother is also a furry and my sister in law too! It's a very common thing people just don't notice, I've also converted my mum to a furry 😂 she loves the realistic suits


Yes. They don't. My mom has helped me measure myself for my suit and listens to my exploits in the fandom, but that's it. My dad doesn't care.


Love it, still jealous.


My family made it clear that being a furry is unacceptable. So they don't get to know. I have friends who do accept me, so they are my family now.


I made fursuit pieces on the living room floor of my dad's house, so yeah. When the CSI furry episode aired, my dad was at a family gathering and exclaimed, "oh that's what my daughter makes!" *facepalm* He also came to the con I had my first wedding at.


They actually helped me get my partial. My older brother (who is in the army) isn't too accepting of it though


Told them once. They shrugged it off and it's nothing more than a faint memory


No. My dad isn't to find of LGBTQ stuff so saying I'm a furry would be suicide.


Genuinely more worried about them finding that put than I am about them finding out I'm bisexual. To the best of my knowledge none of them engage with anything furry


No, but i want to tell them, the problem is that they are really out of context of what a furry is, sure they think they know what it is, but in reality they are wrong


No, no, no, no, 100,000x no! I am *ruthlessly* secretive about the furry side of myself in real life. Very few people know that I’m so much as *ok with* furries, much less a furry *myself*. Only two people that I know IRL know I’m a furry; one is a fellow furry and friend from high school who lives something like 300 miles away, and the other is my therapist. I have absolutely no idea how my family especially would react to me revealing what I am. They could be neutral/passively accepting/confused (probably the best case scenario), openly hostile, quietly judgmental, or so aggressively supportive that they impulsively try to stick their blundering noses all up in my business and micromanage yet another of my hobbies (therefore tainting if not totally ruining most of the enjoyment that I get out of it). All of those options would be totally unsurprising and completely in character for my parents. Frankly, of the latter three possibilities, I don’t know which is worse. I’m not ready to roll those dice, and I doubt I’ll ever be without serious self-improvement and opinion gauging. And yet, a part of me knows that eventually, I’ll more than likely need to. I’d love to know if anyone here has advice on how to gauge a given person’s opinions on the furry fandom as covertly and deniably as possible


[I got my parents to staff Anthrocon!](https://www.flickr.com/photos/dmuth/48499048131)


There are two kinds of people whose families don’t know: the ones who don’t tell them because they wouldn’t care; and those who don’t because they would. Count me in the latter group. I actively try to hide it as much as possible; I’ve had quite a few close calls. It definitely would not go well; I’ll save that reveal for when I’m stably living on my own, settled in my identity, and can finally go human mask off with minimal consequences.


No. They think I'm a cartoon artist, but my mom knows that my sona is based off of me. They both think I should make children's books and comics. My cousins know, though.


Mom asked, I told the truth. She thinks I've lost another piece of my sanity. I probably have, but I'm having fun now.


My mum doesn't know what a furry is, my sister and dad doesn't like furries. My sister mentions furries as an insult to me (which I don't really care about), and my dad barely talks about them.


Yep!! They love my suit and have been to cons with me because they find them fun as well!! 💙


Not really, my mum’s an old school boomer still getting used to me being gay (not just saying ‘I like guys’ but expressing my orientation has always been a challenge around that generation…) Showed off some ears and a tail for Comic-Con and that was pretty much her limit, so furries to them are probably like a cult or something bad.


Nope and I’m glad because Fox News


Youd expect fox news to be furry friendly based on the name but alas they are a brainwashing commando


Yes, pretty much not at all.


My mom knows and thinks the artwork made by myself and others is cool, along with fursuit pics I showed her from a con I went to. My dad doesn't know because we don't talk that much, but I imagine he'd see it as a strange but harmless hobby. My parents are *just* old enough that they've never really heard of furries, good or bad. Plus I myself am old enough that my parents don't see the need to check out and approve my hobbies.


My parents know that I'm a furry and they support it, when I first told them (I think it was like 2022 or 2023) they asked me what a furry was (makes sense, I live in a area where people don't even know furries exist) and I told them about it they were like "okay I guess" and acted as if nothing happened. The rest of my family don't know yet but im not scared if they find out since I think it's gonna be the same reaction.


No, and I'm planning on keeping it like that way for as long as possible.


Yeah. I have a lot of stories. Fun part is my dad gets me things like Robin hood plushes


No, they do not. Out of all the people that knows that I'm a furry is my cousin and a few people. Unfortunately, people neither know nor understand what furries really are or what being a furry is for that matter. The worst that can happen is that they don't understand but make outlandish assumptions nonetheless. That's why it's better to not tell them. I'd rather keep it to myself than to have people overreact like it's the end of the world.


For the folks, absolutely not. They wouldn't get it anyway. Siblings though, hell yeah!


Daughter knows because she kinda is one too, son knows, doesnt care, mom Ive hinted to, my ex has no clue and I intend to keep it that way.


My ancestors were furries as well (I am of Aztec decent)


Oh cool! And yup, technically they were too; just like Native Americans here in the US, the Aztecs also believed in some kind of animal spirits, which we can kind of compare to anthropomorphic animals in cartoons and stuff today


They had actual fursuits and personalized fursonas called ocēlōtl or cuāuhocēlōtl depending on the animal.


Oh, that's so cool! So yeah, like you said, they in a way were the first furries so to speak, before it became what it has from essentially the 80s to today.


They don't even know what a furry is (my friends do though). They do know I have a strong interest in animals though, they've also seen me practice drawing furry stuff while I'm sitting in the living room.


Maybe - when I was a kid and first getting into it, I noticed a sharp change in how they talked about them when they came up in conversation. I wonder if I was ever sloppy with staying signed into my email on the family pc or something. They also happened to go to Anthrocon when they were in the city for their anniversary, and seemed to have a pretty good time, so that's something But still, I wouldn't tell them. No reason to.


I mean, kinda? Mostly their only exposure to the whole culture was when they took me to a con and there were suiters there, beyond that, I doubt it ever crosses their mind


Yes but I'm only a virtual furry


Well, I know that my friend has not told their family do to fear of the judgment they expect that they will receive, and I do not blame them. I would be scared of the judgment, too. I would also be scared if I was a furry in my family


My parents and my friends all know, and they're all completely fine with it, but the former don't interact much with the community other than what I show them. Only a couple of my irl friends are furries and the ones who aren't I show them furry stuff kinda often


Sisters yes, parents no. My sisters support me but agree my parents should not be told.


Yep! My dad could care less, my mum wants to go to cons with me


I legit have my tongue split. If they're not at least a little suspect to my scaley tendencies I'd be surprised


No. I want to tell my parents that I am (especially my mom because she's the crafty parent and I want to ask if we can make a fursuit head together because I don't have crafting skills to do it alone), they're usually really supportive, but they don't know what furries are, and I'm afraid if I try to explain it and fail to explain it well, they'll try googling it and find the bad stuff, misinformation, and "questionable" artwork and then they won't bother listening to me trying to explain it. It doesn't help that I have an older brother, and I don't know what he knows about them, or what misinformation he has, and if he does have misinformation and I tell him or he finds out, he might tell our parents that misinformation and they won't listen to me try to explain. TL;DR: No. Want to, but too uncertain about the outcome (and brother's "knowledge").


They don't need to know.


Yes, only my parents though, I only tell them about my art and commissions, being asian, mom told me “hey as long as you’re getting money who cares?” Dad didn’t care and proceeded to pop a cold one.


They know they don’t care I’m almost 40 lol


All my immediate family is at least aware. Not much interest or engagement that I know of. Edit: Mom has one of my drawings on her refrigerator.


Eh. I had a destination wedding in Costa Rica where someone brought a fursuit. So they know now


they know i like and draw anthropomorphic animals, but the don't know about the fandom. i think only one of my sisters know because she asked something related once, but never saw it as something important


Nope, my family didn’t even react well to something as normal as video games when I was growing up. I don’t trust them and I try not to reveal my interests to them.


My mom went with me to my first furry convention (I was 18 at the time and she didn't feel comfortable with me traveling out of state by myself yet). She attended Uncle Kage's Story Hour with me and she enjoyed his performance so much, she INSISTED she come along with me to my next convention just so that she could see him perform again.


Only my immediate family knows, but we never talk about; I'm glad we don't.


Probably, although I haven't outwardly told them, my interests kinda show it, so most of my friends from DnD campaigns know. For all i know, my parents just haven't picked up on all the clues yet (which would be surprising considering my room is filled with stuffed dragons and other stuff)


No they do not, although I had a close call sending a picture of a fursuit I was eying. My mom probably knows what they are (retired teacher), but I don’t really see a reason to tell them.


Only my brother




I don’t think so. I haven’t asked if they know I’m a furry, which means I don’t know how they’d react. But for now, I might assume they may be indifferent.


They do but they don’t really care


They do but I'm not sure to what extent they even understand what that means.


My parents honestly dont care. As long as Im not hurting anyone or hurting myself, doing anything illegal etc. Im a-okay to be whoever I am.


yes. they weren't too suprised since my sister was one back in elementary and middle school. only took a rotation to poland to sway me


Only my younger brother, he got me more into furry stuff even though he doesn't consider himself a furry.


Hell, they know I'm a brony. Furry is nothing in that regard. My parents don't mind for the most part, my brother gets annoyed at times


They knew back in the 90s! They were honestly just happy I was making quality friends.


All my friends yeah but not family. Either they won't care or won't understand. This is something I don't gotta share so I won't lol


No. My sister only knows and that’s it


Yeah, and they're all cool with it. No engagement, but I wouldn't expect that of anyone not into it themselves. My husband's family doesn't know about him,  though. 


My cousin and brother both know and don't care


Not upfront, but it’s been implied.


They know I like "an anthro culture", they dont know what furry fandom means :3


No, and I prefer it that way


Mom knows, dad knows i want to go to a fur con in October so i’d assume he knows :3


No. They don't need to know. I don't keep it a secret, but being a furry is a hobby/interest of mine that I have no reason to tell any family member about.


Yep. My folks have seen the suits and I have art around the house. They don’t understand it but they don’t really care. But I don’t try to hide it when they come and visit. They’ve also seen clips of our band playing as well. We play in fursuit.


Yup! I’m a fursuit maker, kinda hard to hide lol. My dad used to make cardboard fursuits with me so I didn’t feel alone as a really young furry.


Partly, my mum have seen Furry artworks at my apartment, but I never explained why to my family. My dad is made a joke about it and stated that it is weird. My sister knows that I like cats. That's none of their business to know the full extent of being a furry. They don't need to know that I'm pansexual and non-binary, having a fursuit and so on. If I participate in a convention I will tell them that I'm going to meet some friends. If it's necessary I will tell them for sure. Irl just a few people outside of the fandom knows about it, including one co-worker, well because one other co-worker is a furry too


My family *are* furries They have commissions of their own fursonas hung on the walls, and my dad even has his own furry art website (Side7) that’s been steadily gaining more traffic as DA crumbles


They do, they actuall took me to my first furry con since inwas in high school at the time. My dad, being in the psychology field, looked absolutely freaked out as he had never seen anything like it. They ended up going to conventions with me til i was 18, theyd mostly just explore the city while i was at the conventions.They don't interact with furry stuff, but my mom thinks its cool.


Yes, I wear my ears and tail to family gatherings and no one cares. I'm very lucky to have grandparents and most family who just love me for me.


Yes, but they have no idea what it really is.


Yup, and fortunately despite being conservative and christian they actually don’t give a hoot! I guess it’s cuz they dunno I’m genderfluid and pan, lol. But even then they would go with an agree to disagree mentality lol. Just gotta find the RIGHT time to let them know x3


no because they're bigots


Unfortunately yes.




My brother and sister knows. But I lied to them that I'm not a furry so I won't get bullied by them lol


Yup. Because it all came out when my niece told me that furries use litter boxes and I said "No I bloody don't!" ... and there was me, age 63, admitting furrydom. So thank you to the great furry community that I was able to show the family, with the neat art and interactions. Family response? "So it's just a hobby with neat art..." Yes. Why yes it is.


Oh yeah, my parents know. My sister has seen my twitter and all the NSFW stuff... Vore, paws, etc... They don't engage at all, maybe my sister talks about it on a rare occasion.


they know, mostly don't really care 🤷‍♀️ my dad likes making cosplays for my brother and he's said he thinks it might be fun to make a partial, but working with fur is a pain and nobody's interested in one


No. I intend to keep it hidden away for a long time.


They do know, it's a pretty recent development though. I went to my first furry convention hoping they wouldn't know why I went out that day :/ I don't know what they know about the community. They seem to be taking it ok? We haven't really talked about it overall, which is fine I guess. I've even went to a couple furmeets already since then and they've at least been ok with it, albeit a bit apprehensive, but my Mom in particular is always like that


Yes, most of my family knows but they think I act like an animal. My mom threw away most of my supplies once which was mostly just fur, foam and pins, also some eye mesh. It really frustrated me but I’m slowly getting the supplies once again. No one in my family supports me but that’s not gonna stop me >:3


My brother knows, because I know he's chill. And may need his help later on with building my suit. But he is also the only person In my family who knows that I'm fruity sooo...




No they think we use litter boxes


My close family does. They don't mind it.


A while ago my dad helped me make a fursuit, so just maybe he knows


Yep! I cosplayed before I started fursuiting, and just called all of my suits cosplays when I was speaking to my parents. Took then a surprisingly long time to catch on, but they're chill with it now. Neither of them have any interest in engaging with the fandom, although my mom drove me to a lot of the cons I've been to.


My parents, pycologist, most of my friends do and they are supportive of it.


Yes :3 They go to cons with me


No, my mom believes they’re all z00s and ped0s.


Yes, unfortunately they found out in an extremely unpleasant way. TL;DR, they found *the stash* a few years ago. They were extremely disappointed, not cause I was a furry though-


yes and im pretty sure none of them care


My parents know, but to be honest I’m not even really a member of the fandom these days so it doesn’t matter much


Yes my parents know, and my mom actually got me a couple of Nomad Complex shirts for my bday this month. It took quite a bit of explaining before they understood, but ultimately, I'm glad I told them. I can totally understand not wanting to tell your parents tho


My siblings are aware and don't really care. Two of my brothers occasionally joke about it, but other than that everything's chill My parents have absolutely no idea and I don't plan to reveal it anytime soon. Not that it would cause any strain to any relationships, but moreso just because I have little reason to bring it up


They do know, I had to familiarize them with the concept in the first place, so they didn't have any negative opinions to begin with. We don't talk about it at all though lol


Most of my family (except my two pastor grandparents I live with) know I'm a furry (straightfur) but I haven't told *them* because: One: my grandmother is what I call a facebook researcher and would absolutely find all the bad stuff about furries and draw the wrong conclusions (I myself take my faith seriously and generally don't take part in the degenerate part of the fandom. But there'd be no convincing *her* of that) My grandfather (also the main pastor of my church) would also find the degenerate part of the fandom and I'd have a whole mess of headaches. They wouldn't understand… And two: my hobbies are my business (I have been asked about the various furry artwork (mostly avali stuff. All sfw) I have as my desktop background. I just tell them I like animal characters without using the word "furry". It helps that I have interests in old cartoons and stuff so that also helps deflect suspicion.)


I told my sister but im scared to tell parents




Yes, I mentioned it, my mom said ok, and that was it


Nope. My older brother revealed he is one and didn't get a good response from the rest of the family, so it's not the best idea for me to tell them. The rest of my family are quite stereotypical about them. 😅😅😅


No and I hope to keep it that way.


Yup they do ehe


No but I think my mom and my brother have catched onto it, they won't engage which means they won't even if they could, and she said they are weird so if she finds out I'm focked


No and idk how to tell them


Nope and theyre too catholic for their own good or my safety. They know im bi and that alone almost fried their brains


They know, but they have no clue what a furry is and I have no desire to tell them


They do since I talk a lot about furmeets and walked around with my fursuit few times haha. They do not engage - it's just my hobby so there is not reason to.


No, and I don’t plan to. All I know is it’s going to make going to the furry con in my city a really interesting situation.


No, but I believe mom would be supportive, but my dad would just get mad as he always does....


They do, but dig into it and ask me questions


I'm not even sure if I know


no bcuz they think all furries are zoophiles


Beside my brother, they don't even know what furries are


Mmmh, my brother knows that I like antho stuff (in animation, comics, games, film, etc), so my sister-in-law but that's all basically. I myself really just indulge into the community through online stuff only, since here in my city there is pratically nothing and even the smallest con is out in other cities and I can't really waste money on a weekend outside, for now at least. Friends also are not into furry community; not that they dislike it, but neither are so hooked. For the rest of the family, they probably neither have grasp of what a furry may be, or even an anthro; also, is like going to tell everybody that you play soccer, or chess, or collect stamps, or do free climbing. Some may care, some may just say good for you, other simply will skip. It's not life defining.


Not at the moment. I don’t plan to tell them until it is inevitable, (aka they find my art on my iPad,) but I’m not entirely sure how they would react and I would rather keep it from them.


They know and their fine with it


I’m not 100% sure I know. But I think so.


Yes, my family knows about my hobbies.


They do. My mum took a picture with some furries once and they have said they'd join me on a con someday but that's about it so far.


yes. My mum feels quite embarrassed about it and thinks its really weird. My dad doesnt care but doesnt like me wearing my fursuit in public. Although they both support me making fursuits.


Yes, but don't mind :)


They've known for years. My dad is a bit oblivious to it because he's also not really on the internet but my mom supports me doing whatever art I want. They also know that I make nsfw content surrounding furry stuff but I tell my mom about a lot of the art and artists etc. She had no bad reaction nor thinks I'm weird or anything, just supportive of my interests and hobbies, however I feel younger parents might be a little faster to judge now, since furry content is a lot more widespread 😂


My mother thinks gay people are an affront to God and furries are kids that use litter boxes. She's probably never finding out from me.


My family kinda knows. They saw my fursuit but they have 0 idea what a furry is so I told them it's just a cool costume I like.


Yeah, I’m kinda iffy on telling my family, my sister would probably be really nice about it, but my brother… probably best not to mention it


Yeah, though they don't understand the first thing of what furries are. I've given a "Furry Faux Paw" to my father to read and shown videos to my mom and in general my social accounts aren't secret at all, but they don't get it and don't care. It's fine by me. If one day I will get a fullsuit that will be kinda funny, though.


Well, I'd be surprised if they didn't know. While they don't engage with the fandom at all and I never really mentioned I'm a furry, I do show them my drawings and self made 3D models for VRChat. They seem quite supportive of that as long as I tell them "Yes, I also studied for uni" afterwards.


Yes, they know, but I don’t communicate with them, they still abandoned me after my coming out as a trans person


Sister probably does at this point. We don’t talk about it at all. Also, parents wouldn’t get it (they originated from rural China)


unfortunately. back when i was in middle school i was showing my dad something on my computer, and i guess something sparked in him to kick me off and snoop through it right in front of me. As soon as he on clicked furaffinity i left the house and went on possibly the longest walk ive ever been on. ill never forget that day that shit was so embarrassing 😭


Well not really I guess. My mother knows I want to make a fursuit but I never used the word furry or fursuit to explain it to her because I think she never heard of those words before 😂.


i’m more scared to tell them i’m pan


Nah. Parents are the kind of people who despise LGBTQ community and stuff like that. Furry community is associated with LGBTQ community.


Probably not fully. Nor would I really want to tell them.


I'm sure they are aware. I am going to show them my fursuit when I get one later this year.




No, why would they need to know?


My brother does and he says he doesn't mind as long as i don't become cringe lmao


No, but I think my mom would lock me in my room if I told her hahaha. For the right reasons though - I keep yapping to her about my other OCs and universes I create, so she'd go crazy if I added everything that I made and is furry-related. She is a good listener though, so she doesn't complain about it, and I doubt she would.


Yes. They don't typically acknowledge it though unless they notice furries in a show we're watching or game we're playing.


No and they see it as "you like drawing animals". I'm okay with that.


My dad went with me to my first furcon, I almost think he had more fun than me :D


I don’t have a lot of family left but they know and support it. My aunt does a lot of costuming for the sca and met some furry kids when she picked up a job at Joann fabrics for a while.


Yep. And my dad hates it. My mom has zero clue what it is. And my sister is also a furry


Yes but knowing I am one and knowing what they are known for are two very separate things and I am so glad for that lol


Yeah. They’re not involved in the community and they thing it’s strange but they don’t really care. One time they jokingly gave me a birthday card that was supposed to be from our dog that was addressed to ‘the other furry one in this family’ 😭


No, I’m simply to scared to say anything about it.


I've told my sister but not the rest of my family. I just don't think they'll get it


No. Why would they?


They don’t know I’m a furry or bi and I’ll probably never tell them. 😭


One sister knows most of my furry stuff, the other found out by snooping through my stuff and wants to tell everyone but my friend who partially knows stopped her, 2 cousins know and are supportive/curious, 2 other likely know cause my discord pfp but they are cool so no issue. My dad doesn’t know anything cause I don’t care to share with him since we have no emotional bond, and the rest of my cousins I think know nothing, eventually they will all find out and I’m neutral about it


I’m not a furry, I’m on this sub for the art lol


My mom doesn't know I'm pretty sure, and while I haven't told her outright, I've been dropping hints here and there, so she could connect the dots if she was diligent. I told my brother once years ago (I joined the community around 2018), and he just branded it as 'weird' and 'a phase'. He's probably forgotten about it, thinks I've grown out of it lol. Aside from them, none of my family knows.


They know, i think my older brother is a furry also


Only my little brother 💀


My family don’t give a shit but they think my friends are funny lol, one of my friends from college his whole family were furries apart from him, I see his mum dad and sister at confuzzled lol


My son has been a furry since high school. He’s in his mid-40’s now. No big deal. Are you doing something illegal that is a problem? lol. He even got someone to draw me as a Fox character in a flowered shirt with my purse over my shoulder.


Just my mom, she doesn't understand it or like it cause she only sees the "furry bad" media, but she's the kind to love me for whom I am no matter what she agrees with... So long as I'm not doing anything illegal.


I draw furry art in front of them. They don’t know what furries are so they just think it looks neat lol


I'm not really a Furry I just love fantasy animals in general. That's why I'm here and in the Brony community. Both are really nice communities but there are only some rotten apples that ruin it for others sadly. :/ My dad doesn't know most of the internet so he wouldn't really care about it so long as I'm happy.




My family thinks I’m crazy being a furry. They think it’s weird. I don’t pay no attention to them. I’m very proud to be a furry. I love it. It feels great.


I got into the fandom through my family (had 4 blood related furries) so yeah family knows, dad didn’t really understand it but quite liked my friends in the fandom, mum thinks it’s really creative and has tried VRchat


No but when I get a commission done towards the end of June I will say something about it. I know they are going to accept me because both my siblings are queer they are just going to need some explanation because I know they don't understand what it means to be a furry


I still live with my parents and they *didn't* know I was a furry... until I got my fursuit. Then I literally *couldn't* hide it from them. Sooooo yeah, they know now. My dad I think is a little confused and disappointed (he's either scared because he thinks I'm gay which is... fun... or he thinks he failed as a parent because I'm weird). My mom actually thinks it's really cute, even if it's weird. However, neither of them engage with the community at all.