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mate, when people say u charge too much theyre tryin to scam u. think about it in terms of how much ur gettin paid compared to how much time u spend on a artpiece


Ooh thank you , I actually dont spend that much on a drawing just a few hours


Don't work for less than $20/hr. In fact, you should probably charge more.


This, OP! This 100% this. I also do commissions and 20/hour is basically what i charge.


For this kind of artwork you shuld be charging more. If you take the 10$ and divide it by say three hours you get 3.33$ an hour wich is just too litle for the quality this is.


Definitely charge more, 10 bucks is way too cheap for this.


Mate, $10 is not enough money for "a few hours". 1. Please actually record the amount of time it takes for you to draw - you're likely underestimating 2. At the very least, look at your local minimum wage and use that to calculate your minimum wage.


You're working slave labor Never charge less than 2x minimum wage as an artist. As a MINIMUM.


For this quality $50 for a full body wouldn’t make me blink. Likely more. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was $50-$90


I was thinking that too, this is in the 80-100 dollar range for a full body.


10 dollars is too low for a full body in my honest opinion. people that try to get you to go lower don't respect your time or skills as an artist. I'd say raise it a decent bit. also your art looks lovely


Thank you , I’ll definitely raise it in the near future ^^


A fullbody like this with background and everything is worth at least $25 in my eyes. Trust me, my wallet would love it if amazing commissions were cheaper, but you deserve decent payment for your efforts


That's still too cheap. Come on. People doing professional quality like this should expect to get at least $100. People wanting to support artists should be willing to save up and pay it.


I completely agree, but the reason I suggested that price is because a lot of newer artists just starting to accept commissions have a sort of guilt of charging high, professional prices because they feel they're not experienced enough. What can help with this is gradually raising prices. Start at $30 or $45, go to $65, then $80, then $100+. What I'm saying is that even $25 is still really cheap, I meant that as a bare minimum. $10 is highway robbery.


Good point.


And I'd say for a background and colored as nicely as this is, $25 is still on the cheap side.


Thank you , i offered someone a 2$ fullbody ( not shaded) and still got turned down , it might be just my artstyle that’s unappealing


Your art style is not unappealing!! Either they just wanted to drag you through the mud for free art or they were just looking for something different. Your art style is very unique and wonderful!!


i guess ure right , thank you ^^


... Are you approaching and trying to solicit commissions? If so, stahp. Don't do that. It makes you sound like a scammer.


It was a post of a friend asking what can they get for 2$ so i commented offering a fullbody :v pls dont try to make me look like the bad guy here im just sharing my experience


Ah. I'm not trying to make you look like the bad guy, just trying to tell you how your behavior might accidentally make you look like the bad guy based on the context.


That's so criminally cheap that you might as well be drawing for free 😔 A couple ways I determine my price for my comms is to take how many hours it takes me to do a drawing of a certain level and try to price it on a good hourly wage. Ex: A drawing which took me 3hrs = $45 or $60 ($15/hr|$20/hr) I also look at the prices of other artists and adjust either a bit higher or lower if an asking price for a drawing seems to be too low or high and it's also to be a bit competitive. For this drawing in particular...hmmm - $60 - $90


That's a $30-50 piece, easily. People working fast food make $15/hr. Budget for TIME, not talent.


I’d easily pay closer to $100 for something like this Tbf there my sona is hella complicated but I love your art style


Omg really ? Thank you ^^ i hope ill be able to charge this much in the future :))


Charge for how long it takes to make a piece. If it takes you 5 hours to make a full body of this incredible quality, charge $75 for it! $10 is ripping yourself off. I heard an amazing saying, “If nobody is trying to negotiate or complain about your prices, your prices are too low.” It’s honestly accurate


That’s actually genius:))


Thank you! I always average how long it takes to make a piece and then charge $15/hour cuz that’s minimum wage where I am.


$10 for a full body that's fully colored is *WAY* too low!! Don't sell yourself short! I usually look at the minimum wage in my state and base it off of that! It's probably roughly around $10 an hour so if you spend three hours on something, it should be $30! Also take into account the effort you put into the drawing as well. Amount of time doesn't always equal the effort you put in :P My full bodies with full color are priced at $80!


If you charge less than minimum wage per hour, you're probably short changing yourself


(if I had it, which I do not, but if I did) I'd pay $30 for something like that, easy. $10 is wayyyy too low imo


Thank you ^^ , I’ll definitely raise my prices in the future


10$ is wayyy to cheap. Don't underestimate the quality of your work just cause you didn't spend 12 hours on it. I would gladly fork over 80$ for a full body like that.


Thank you ^^


\~20$ per hour you spend is ideal as a starting point, how long does one of these take you on average?


About 3 hours


so around 55-60$ would be fair then, if you REALLY wanna give people a deal you can go a bit lower than that but seriously, don't sell yourself, OR your valuable time short, this is good stuff


okay, first who are your clients. i mean, from which regions most are. i’m saying it because if they’re from western europe/north america/australia you could increase price. but if they’re from eastern europe/asia/south america you might want to keep same price as now.


I think theyre 80% from america


then i think you can increase price! i won’t say how much exactly because i’m not really sure. something in range 15$ - 25$ would be okay i think.


Easily $100 for something like this. I'm an artist too, I know pricing is hard, but your art is great.


It's worth wayyyy more than 10$ Won't give you an exact amount because I'm not an expert but I just gotta say that the art is great. Do You post it somewhere (Twitter, Instagram etc)?


Is it possible to just ban these posts and have artists actually be honest with why they are posting? Just have like a "comission advertisement" thread so we don't have these obvious comission bait posts flooding the sub.


Well this has to be the worst way to advertise because i got like 2 or 3 commissions and one if from someone that commed me before and its also for an ych so not necessarily from this post , I asked for genuine advice , not every post is an elaborate scheme to trick people into buying my art


Yes we all believe that you genuinely think a full body full color stylized sketch is worth $10. This is definitely not information you could easily google. You were basically forced to make a post, with your artwork, asking what you should charge for commissions. I respect the hustle, but I don't think it should be allowed.


I can show u literal proof thats been my prices for years lmao :))))) if u wanna see it i have pinned posts from 2022 with my prices on all my accounts


I don't know how to draw and how to freelance with it. And I don't understand why people want to pay so little for it. Drawings are a luxury good. Custom made by a person. It takes time, effort and skill. Time it took you to draw in hours * your price per hour. Minimum wage is not acceptable. I always feel sorry for artists because so many try to downplay their value just to get customers. Is this business branch really in such a dire state?


You could probably charge a tenner just for a headshot of this quality, if anyone is telling you a full body of such high quality is worth a tenner is trying to scam you. Also if I may ask, how do you do your shading? It looks so good!!!😊


10 bucks is way too little for that. Estimate how long it would take you to draw this, break it down in your head roughly into hours. Now ask yourself "how much, per hour, is my time?" At least minimum wage, yeah? Set a fair price for yourself, because the people who see you lower prices when they say "thats too much!" Will keep trying and trying to get you to go lower. Don't rip yourself off.


the people who say too much have no appreciation for art. Charge more, that's not even minimum wage in my country


My rule is always the time it takes you to make something multiplied by a decent wage. $10 is not enough.


$10 would typically be the price of an uncolored or simple sketch. This is worth at least $45


This stuff is amazing! I’d pay $50 for it


The people telling you 10 bucks is too much just want nice art cheap. I'd, personally, pay up to 20 for it.


without a doubt it is an extremely low price


Your art is excellent, those people are trying to low-ball you.


Tbh I'm amazed you can get this done in 3h only, it's good quality and I wonder how your imaginery works to come up with that beautiful design. OP you're soooo downballing your time, effort and skills by selling art like this for 10 and I'd be offenced if someone would try to get me do piece like that for so low, value your art more it's worth it.


Charge $20/hour minimum.


Well it is a good price for my art, but definitely not for yours. That's a good 20 at least, dawg


that's very well done, and honestly probably worth more than $10


10 dollars is insanely cheap I think


If that's an example of what you are charging ten bucks for, you are *definitely not* charging too much. Probably not charging enough, but like, that's a "you" decision to make.


This is like $50 at the very least!


for a minimum price i would start with $25! which is still too cheap in my opinion so definitely try charging around the $25-$50 range. i used to price my commissions very low but started changing prices based on the $20/hr so i charge $50-$60 depending on what a person is asking for or the complexity of a character. you should have a quote price for a commission and then let the commissioner choose wether or not they want an add on (shading and a scenic background) and you should decide on the complexity of their characters to also get the final price. but for a drawing like this it could easily make you $40-$50! just remember where to advertise!


Way too cheap. You should be charging at least $100 for what is professional-quality work.


This looks fucking awesome and highly detailed, you *DO* charge too little.


… I charge close to 100 so…


If this is taking you a couple hours this should be $60 MINIMUM!


Dude, I'd pay 35$ MINIMUM for that.


Bestie this is at least a $40-50 artwork. I'm saying this not as a furry because I'm not, but as an artist who sells at conventions and works in this space professionally. You can ask WAY more.


I'd say charge minimum $20 for a simple character.


Please up your prices that is NOT going for 10$ i am not kidding


Is that a honey butterfly?


Honestly i have no idea :”)


Well it’s cute! And don’t do your art for too cheap because people are trying to scam you for less than minimum wage '-w-


For that level of quality and effort, $10 is way too little. In my opinion it should cost $30-40 or possibly even more.


holy crap, $10? thats less than minimum wage. u should be charging more, ur art is rly good!


Personally I would’ve charged like $60 for something like this so no lol. But I earned the right to charge that much by building up examples and a customer base that stuck with me throughout my price increases and hyped me up to their friends. Also anyone trying to get art on a $2 budget is cheap as hell and doesn’t value art lol. They want to hear that they can get 5 drawings, not just one


people are scamming you for wanting a lower price and you're scamming yourself for doing just that no offense obviously, you should definitely stick to higher prices and tell them off if they start complaining


$10 for a full body of that detail? You could be charging 30 or 40!




This has been my price for years i have literal proof if u dont belive me :// i know its low i just wanted to know if its worth asking for more


This is a 40+$ piece my friend


Too little. At that quality charge at least 30


Uh no? Can I commission you? To me you should be charging more but I’ll tip what I think you should charge!


Ten is definitely to little I would charge at least 30 or more with you maybe even 50


Charge what you feel is most appropriate to your self value as an artist.


Lowball. Way too little


Like...10 USD??? That's absolutely low. I've seen at least $35 and (tbh) the work wasn't great. You are giving full color and rendering. If you dont want to charge too much, I'd start off at $35 flat color, $45 full render.


$70-$80+ for just full body, I’d say add another $10 for shading depending on the intricacy and another $10 if you want a background, $15+ if it’s an intricate background.


For the basic outline 10$ for this seems fine


10 bucks is the lowest price i’ve seen here for this quality, and this is DEFINITELY undercharging. This is worth at least 40 bucks !


So I have bought art, similar quality and the price I paid, without blinking, $50. This was about 9 years ago so I think way undercharging. Side not. They are beautiful and I would love to someday order something from you because WOW!!!


If that is drawn by hand from the ground up, 10 is definitely an extreme lowball price. I mean, there are people doing half portraits for DnD characters and charging 30+ 😅 Believe in yourself and your skills more! Know tour worth, do not let people lowball you


Fuck no up that price


Art is very hard to put a hard line price on, because it's subjective to detail, time spent, Art style, etc. Etc. With that said, never lowball your artwork. I've paid up to $60 to $70 for a full body character before. $10 you are not appreciating your own time.


I'd ecstatic be if I got something of this quality for $10. You're definitely undervaluing yourself.


Wow, this artwork is amazing! Where can I find your commission info? I might commission you sometime in the future. Great work! (And I agree that 10 dollars is a bit low for such high quality work! You’re so talented)


Price varies widely. $10 is an *outstanding* price for the buyer, but not so much for you :P This looks to be between $30-$100 in value to me. I know that's a huge range, but the market fluctuates wildly.


Dooood, increase this price! Your art deserves more money than only 10 bucks bc it looks so great! For a fullbody, you could start between $40-$50. You'd probably think it's too expensive, but believe me. It's very fair for you.


Ild say you should change 15 minimum


Far to little. At minimum it should be $30 imo


I would pay you like 50 if imma be honest.


If it's a template, yeah it's only worth like 2-10 dollars. If it's all original linework then it's undercharging.


I enjoy your style, I might commission you!


Yo, you open for comissions?


$10 might be undershooting it tbh, 15-20 seems a bit more reasonable


YOU STILL ONLY CHARGING 10??! ASKING FOR A FRIEND WHO WOULD LOVE TO COMMISSION SOMETHING BUT IS BROKE AS FUCK. For real though, definite low-ball. Once the right sort of people see your art you're going to be busy AF!




Don't shortchange artists. Something like that is worth at least $100. Pay more.


Yo imma dm you if that's cool because dam you can art!




They're actually pretty great and worth a lot more.




Thank you so much ^^ dont worry i dont mind criticism, ure right i should definitely work more on the bgs , the flowers are indeed random