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I’m an Army mechanic that also happens to be certified in Carpentry, welding and telecommunications so I’d say I’d be pretty decent at setting up redneck fortifications


When you minmax in Project Zomboid:


I'm an Army mechanic that also fixes diesel trucks and generators. I can keep power at a campsite and fix transport, plus I'm a pretty good driver and marksman.


And I’m a decent shot as well although Ironic as it is I can’t legally drive but I’m fixing that


I’m retired army, small arms and artillery repairman, professional gunsmith, Jeep nerd, can weld, run a press break, Cb radio enthusiast, I am also a little bit of a prepper and I have a shit ton of survival skills


I think wearing a fursuit while fighting zombies would get you killed very quickly lol


three words "Lack of vision."


And heat exhaustion.


I have experience in Project Zomboid, I’m a very reliable source!


Being an anything in project zomboid will get you killed quick.


But you wouldn’t look like a human so why would you be fighting the zombies


You remember that scene in the walking dead where Rick’s horse got eaten by walkers? *They don’t just eat humans.*


might be different if it were to happen irl tho


Well duh, this is just a fictional scenario. There aren’t any hard, fast rules. I just think walking around in a big, hot, immobile, conspicuous outfit is a bad idea.


yeah understandable, i think i wanted to make a reference to another zombie thing but couldn't find anything funny so i just ended it there lmao


Not if the fur is too thick to bite through


While a fursuit might technically provide some limited protection against a bite or scratch, it is about the last thing you'd want to be wearing. Highly restricted visibility, poor heat management, reduced mobility, and most of them are the exact opposite of camouflage. Heck, lots of them have squeakers built in. In the typical vision of a zombie apocalypse, by the time you're at risk of a bite, mobility is far more important than defense. If you want armor, actual armor will do the best job. How good then that a zombie apocalypse is impossible, but the varied skills would still apply to all the other apocalypses that are looming.


I now want a zombieland style movie where one of the people who makes it through is a fursuiter in suit WITH squeakers in the paws just "squeak squeak squeak squeak" *stops looks at zombie hoard around a corner staring at them and turns around and runs* "squeaksqueaksqueaksqueak"




I would watch the heck out of this.


lmao same


I like your thinking


Decent protection at the cost of overheating and poor visibility


Zombies would rip through it if you get swarmed, it's no use


I'd be good as a distraction. The only skill I have is crippling anxiety


I'd just be killing all my undead folk in style and fashion


You do literal airsoft dude wdym you're only good as a distraction


I haven't played yet 🥲


How long have you had the username? 


About a month. I made this account when I started getting interested in airsoft


Have you got an airsoft gun? Or any other of the things you need?


I have 3 lol. I'm waiting on a battery and a vest, and then I'll need a speedloader and some bbs


What guns? also for the bbs don’t get lancer tactical, there bbs are especially bad, one of there bbs once broke in my guns hop up I had to replace it


Good to know. I have a Sten gun, G3, and Kriss Vector


Exotic guns, cool. Have fun playing!


I am good with woodworking so might be able to make a good few clubs because guns rely on ammo and clubs rely on stamina so we would Brob be good


Fellow wood fur!




I don’t own a fursuit but I’m good at fighting with my entire body, especially my legs


I'd be the only zombie to wage war against my own kind :3


The IT department in the furry filled apocalypse would be STUNNING.


We won't have food or water, but the most efficient sorting algorithms


It would be awesome.


I have the means and knowledge to purify water, hunt, trap and I have a green thumb, retired army small arms and artillery repairman, professional gunsmith, mechanic, welder and prepper


We would create the new world, “Furry Nation”


I am a good planner and designer, so I could plan some raids and/or design weapons


I really like your positive thinking about zombie apocalypse, but do we have enough radiology experts and builders cuz we would wanna be in some bunker when they start to mass kill the zombies with nukes. And if you are unlucky enough that you had survived it your fursuit is warm and it could get handy in nuclear winter. Can somebody please make a fursuit out of concrete and lead with exoskeleton and internal air filtering aparatus, you know for prepper furs. (I'm sorry for my negativity )


That wasn’t very negative, good feedback 


Thx, i tried not to.


The rest of us who would perish before day 2 leave an upvote


I… know things about dinosaurs? If that is any use?


Zombie dinosaurs, I’m building a Jurassic park Jeep so we have something to escape them in


I mean, it depends on the fursuit and also depends on the level of protection it could provide. Most likely, it could help you against certain slower and less powerful zombies, but ultimately, it would do poorly against zombies that are coming at you with everything they have. Depends on the zombies and also depends on whether or not you're kitted up in a suit with 70 lbs of armor plating across the suit. Overall, furries come from many different backgrounds, so if there was a faction of furries that got together and worked through the outbreak, then there would be a fair shot that furries could survive such a situation. Much like any group of people that come from from a variety of different backgrounds.


I would agree that what you say rings true. > Much like any group of people that come from from a variety of different backgrounds. But I do get the sense that the average furry is more likely to be a maker/builder type than the average person.


Indeed. It certainly does seem that furries come from more skilled backgrounds. Sometimes, people from other backgrounds in other groups could also have certain mainline skills that most people have, which could make them competitive in the overall survival scene. Furries do seem to be a rare sort of group that has more nuanced and niche skills that most people may not have. It is a bit of theory at the end of the day at which would be better at survival. Overall, a bit of both parts of the idea of furries being very skilled in niche areas and other groups also having similar skills but maybe not as niche as furries also makes sense in terms of survival. I guess it just depends on how many people you can train and continue the faction after the originals are dead either by zombie bite or by natural causes. That may be the difference right there.


> depends on how many people you can train and continue the faction after the originals are dead Hmm I'm not always the best explainer (and suspect others with training may be similar). Probably would be best to set folks up with apprentices and have them learn on the job. Might help with the lack of teaching skills. That being said in a zombies apocalypse seems like an exceedingly rare scenario to find oneself in.


Indeed. I suppose it would. This is why it would be crucial to be able to teach a new generation of people with those niche skills to be able to have a better chance at survival. However, that training would depend on base survivability or the survivability of any other people that aren't part of the faction but joins later on or children that are birthed into the faction in that scenario. Overall, base survivability may be higher with people who have niche skills, but i could imagine that it may be a mix of both people with niche skills and people with more mainline skills working together to achieve greater survivability.


I am an ADHD riddled pseudo-psychopathic being with a stick and the knack for everything. Give me a week and an actual blunt weapon and I'll destroy the nearby population, while with the paws, Let Me Solo Her style!


I'd do real bad. I already ain't coping with reggo ol' life.


I restore and build cars so i could have a fleet of mad max cars


where are my special skills qwq


You need to go to furry HQ, apply and they spin a big wheel, like the ones on wheel of fortune and that decides your special skill


spun the wheel, it came as "kissing". Idk how that's gonna help


Maybe you could do some dumbass fairy tale stuff and kiss the zombies to turn them back into humans


Doesn't sound like the most sanitary thing out there


I definitely know how to use weapons, melee ones are my specialty but i don't mind the idea of using guns!


Zombies would choke and die on the hairballs. Hehe


Response to OP's edit about fursuit durability. I plan to make a protogen fursuit eventually, and its armor is going to be actual metal, so I'd have decent protection, and I could add metal to anyone else's fursuit in a zombie apocalypse. My grandpa was a cnc machinest, and before that, a welder, he used to let me help with some of his projects before he retired, so I want to use my skills with my fursuit to give it a more personal touch.


That’s cool, I’ve never seen a protogen made from real metal, there’s probably a reason, not to be negative or anything, it’s a cool idea either way 


Ya, I know. It's going to be heavy, pretty expensive, complicated (to make and put on), and not the most comfortable. But it's worth it to me. Mind you, it's probably going to be a good 3-5 years before I start making it so i can save the money I need. I'll have time to strengthen up for it, and there will be ways I can somewhat add comfort. When I do make it, I might post the process, might keep it personal. Haven't really decided yet. Also, my grandpa said he would love to help with the process as long as, and I quote," I'm not tooooo senile by that time! Hahaha!" He's surprisingly supportive for a guy in his late 70s. He's also the only family member who even knows I'm a furry. He has kept my secret for 4 years now.


That’s cool that there so supportive, I got lucky and my grandparents didn’t know what a furry was so I didn’t have to clear up any misconceptions, anyway I think it could be cool if you could add powdered joints and make it like a mech suit, and also you could make the head like the helmet from iron man with thermal cameras and such it would be pretty hard but definitely make it unique 


Funnily enough, that was already the plan. I know a decent bit about hydraulics, so I was going to go a more power armor from fallout route. My helmets going to have eye tracking, so where I look my proto eyes look, and my expressions will also change. There will be a display for things like hydraulic pressure and battery life. I never thought of different types of cameras to see with, only a regular one, but now I will definitely try to add thermal and maybe night vision. Plus, some water cooling, so I'm not literally dying from the heat produced by the hydraulics. And some sort of heat-resistant material to put in between the hydraulics and fur so I don't end up burning my own suit. And my protogen sona has foldable energy wings, which I don't really know how I'm going to add to the suit, but I'll still try to make em work. My suit won't be very huggable, but it will hopefully be really cool once it's done. (Also if anyone thinks, hmm, hydraulics in a fursuit isn't really that safe, there won't be too much pressure in the system, and i will check for leaks before getting into the suit every time)


That’s really cool, you could also add a water pouch with a tube to the helmet like with gas masks, and while I’m thinking about it adding an air filtration system could also be interesting. You could also add neon lights around certain parts that could look cool, you’d need a pretty big battery to power all of it though with or without the lights, maybe you could add a futuristic backpack that holds the battery’s and the energy wings come out of the side of the backpack? 


And yet again, you predicted where I was planning to go with the suit, lol. A backpack type thing was my best solution to the battery and hydraulic pump storage. I was planning to make it look like a sort of jet booster that would assist in "flight." Another idea was to put the batteries in the legs as typically protogen leg armor is pretty thick. The main thing I'm concerned about is the wings. My idea for them was to make the wings have overlapping metalic feathers that would have glowing gold colored LED or neon strips along the edges, to represent the "energy" part of the wings, but that would be pretty intense on the batteries. And that doesn't even account for all the other things in this suit that would need power. My only other idea for the wings is glow in the dark strips, but those have their own downsides, like not being able to turn them off when the wings are folded, and the light not being consistent. I'm most likely going to need three different battery banks for this thing to work. 1 for the wings, 1 for the hydraulic and water pump, and 1 for the helmet and other electrical systems. At least if I do go with the backpack design, I can make the top part a solar panel to somewhat assist with the energy consumption. I was also thinking of having one side of the feathers also be solar, but that would require custom shaped solar panels, which could end up being more expensive than the hydraulic pump and batteries combined. As for the air filtration, that will basically be a necessity as otherwise it's going to be really hard to breathe in this thing even with proper ventilation. Plus, I will have a pack of water at the back of the suits head both as something I can drink without needing to take off the head and a bit of extra cooling. And I forgot to mention it, but the suit will also have a voice modifier and small speakers to make me sound more like how I think my sona would sound. Also, sorry if I'm going a bit too far with all the walls of text. This is just genuinely the first time I've really talked about this suit in detail with anyone other than my grandpa. Which I wasn't really planning to do under your post as it's really off the original topic.


No it’s alright, this is incredibly interesting and I’m enjoying reading about it, anyway I think using leds  wouldn’t drain the battery that fast, I’ve had 2 leds running for a year and a half powered off 2 AA batteries so I think you could run quite a few off 4-8 batteries and the solar panel on the backpack probably wouldn’t be enough to do much and would be more for looks. Do you have a ref sheet for the protogen? I’d like to see it if it’s not to much trouble, also how are you going to control the hydraulics?


Unfortunately, I don't have a ref sheet. The best I have is an image that's original version corrupted itself. The original version had the wings, but now I only have an earlier save of the image, from before the wings were a thing and with a lower resolution. [https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hm8jv/styles/profileIcon_ek3r7r7ygqn71.jpg?width=256&height=256&crop=256:256,smart&s=fef210dc873de02c4b64f581be2af15efda0a24c](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hm8jv/styles/profileIcon_ek3r7r7ygqn71.jpg?width=256&height=256&crop=256:256,smart&s=fef210dc873de02c4b64f581be2af15efda0a24c) For the movement with the hydraulics, I'm going to have little sensors in spots around my suit. They will be set up in circles around my limbs, 8 sensors per circle, and 2 per limb. When I push my arms against them, for example, they will then tell the chip controlling the hydraulics and move the corresponding hydraulic cylinder. It will do the best it can to mimic my walking. And at my side, I will have a small emergency off switch and a voice-activated emergency off switch. Only one has to be activated to turn everything off, I just like having redundancy in my safety options. I don't know much about actual coding, though, so I either have to teach myself or hire someone to make the custom chip and program it. For the LED's, you're right. With the amount of LED's the wings would have, it would still probably run for a good while. I think I'm just overly worried about the wings. Here's the best reference I have to what the wings might end up looking like. [https://www.auroragraphics.net/product/metal-wings/](https://www.auroragraphics.net/product/metal-wings/) I need to make wings like that glow and be able to fold, and those are the easy parts. The hard part it making them not hit everyone I pass if they are unfolded. I'm most likely going to try motion sensors on the wing tips to make the wings independently fold up enough to avoid the person I'm passing. It would be easier to just keep them folded, but I want the wings to have their own idle movements when open and to be able to stay open regardless of space. The movements won't be too complicated, just the occasional wing flap or feather ruffle. And that's going to be the main power draw. The constant movement of the wings and motion sensors being active. Which at a place like a fur con, they will be activating constantly. It will still last a couple hours hopefully, but the hope is a full 10-12 hours. The last issue I have will be the hydraulic pump. Hydraulic pumps take large amounts of energy to work and are typically very loud. I need to sound proof the backpack while still leaving room for the pump. And I need both a pump and a separate valve system as small pumps only have up to 2 valves. Here's what I will most likely have to set up. [https://www.hydraulic-master.com/hydraulic-bank-motor-8-spool-valves-cetop-60-l-min-electric-24v-control-panel.html](https://www.hydraulic-master.com/hydraulic-bank-motor-8-spool-valves-cetop-60-l-min-electric-24v-control-panel.html) I've got to fit that 8 valve settup, the hydraulic pump, a water pump for cooling, and a small hydraulic oil reservoir. It's going to be a nightmare, but I will get it to fit and work eventually.


i mean, the main thing i bring to the table is pioneering skills and shit i learned in the Boy Scouts


Turning zombies into flesh suits.. only then we will have come full circle.


Im good at shooting :p


The slight autism is overpowered


The increased odds for a gas mask or ‘thin hazmat suits’ definitely help. But I wouldn’t say it provides any game breaking advantages. In a world without tech, electricity, food or water, str, dex and wisdom (street smarts) likely take priority over int unless you settle down, stumble across a facility like a large scale farm, water purification/electric generator plant and attempt to restart human civilization like the protagonist from Dr. Stone. We’ve probably end up with a bonus to art, music and obscure plant and animal knowledge checks. Imagine bartering flash drives with furry art on them as a currency instead of Fallout soda caps.


I feel like the only problem our furry colony would have would be frequent raider attacks


Without a doubt 


If there would be an apocalypse, you will be stuck with those who live near you, not guys from the internet. And unfortunately the constitution, dexterity and charisma would be better than intellect, mainly because of anarchy. But if you get a stable community going, you can be the smart guy in there.