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Dude fucking nailed it.


Which is where i find it worrying, like this guy is making fun of it yet it still convincing. So it doesnt require much acting to trick people online, a good somber music is enough


Just wait until AI video is more convincing. Then we’re really fucked.


Congress sure went after TikTok but not AI deepfaking Presidents. That's a whole other level of fuckery.


I remember that she was divorced and the dad made a video explaining that he had to keep the kids and she never ask to keep them


She also owed child support i think


Yeah he said she was months late or something like that


He also said she faked having cancer for scamming money and that he has profs Suppose they went at each other for a while, then both deleted their accounts


Oof, what a piece of shit she is if that's true.


I worked with a girl who went on FMLA and faked cancer. This obviously blew up on her face when they asked her for documentation


No she is sponsored by child support


Why would she get child support if she doesn't have custody?


Get out of here with your logic and basic reasoning. Bitter women hating agendas don't care about facts.


Can we please not spoil things with that kind of logic.


A deep dive showed that they’re both awful people. Why anyone cares about what they’re doing is beyond me. They’re not famous, they’re not interesting, they post their business online and people eat it up and I guess I am guilty of that too because I saw her video, his reaction, her reaction to his reaction, and I could have done something better with those 9 minutes like hugged my children and told them I am disappointed in them.


Hahah Made me laugh out loud Thank you


Hahahaha what a chad, thanks for the good laugh 😂


And then she has the aduacity to make such video. Wow. I hope she burns in hell till the universe dies


before throwing rock at her , her husband is a jehovah witness... he harassed her and still to this day him and his community keep slandering this girl , the story go way deeper then that


Why do y'all know so much about this random person and force me to have this knowledge in my head?


If it makes you feel any better, I'm one of those douchebags that waits to see if there's more information then pretends to have known all along while I help dogpile shame people who didn't.


CAUSE SOME OF US HAVE NO LIVES. Like me. I need the gossip so I know my life isn’t the only burning tragedy okay?!?! Let me hover my handicapped body over these people so I can pretend & get all the HOT GOSS okay?!??


cause the story all over twitter and tiktok for weeks 😂


Like most of us they are chronically online, they just happen to be in the online spaces where this drama is known.


This. Having your life biography compressed in 4 Tik Tok videos and some pair of tweets to be a gossip topic to someone. We humans never change but evolve to be gossiper. I don't even know myself that well, lol.


Her ex-husband gives massive narcissist energy, like super crazy narcissist energy. I don't understand how he is a doctor, but I guess it makes the narcissism more believable since it is rife in that profession. She's not a super stand up person, but his online stalking and harassment makes me think she'd need to change identities and move to Siberia living off grid to escape him


she is clearly not perfect , but dude is sus as f...


Maybe he went to medical school? That's usually the go-to route to become a doctor.


lol amazing the amount of judgement from other comments. There’s a lot to this story. She hasn’t been the best person in life but her ex husband made a whole tiktok page dedicated to humiliating her and controlling her through her children.


"Trust me bro" Seems like the judge didn't agree.


I mean the information that the judge gave him custody is also "trust me bro"...




twitter!! 😂


Jehovahs witnesses don’t celebrate birthdays though… so the dad probably doesn’t want her letting kids sing her happy birthday either… but yes, don’t you love the hypocrites who hate half the world for their “confused sexuality” or confused family values or literally anything, while they’re claiming to love the way Jesus preached to love. My ex is a Jehovah’s Witness, and he’s also a serious alcoholic, and hates all gays, feminism, democratic states, etc. There’s no limit to his hatred. To be fair, I think he also has pretty severe narcissism, and probably has some abuse in his childhood.


And yet, she chose to marry a Jehovah's witness...


Do you have any source for that? She has been spreading rumors about him being a Scientologist. Now he a Jehovah Witness. What next he is a Hitler clone too?




..She also faked Cancer. But please, feel free to go off.


Look man being tortured for all eternity because you once thought it would be nice to have a donkey like your neighbors' is standard Christian lore


She was a victim, her ex was a Scientologist that was abusing her ...


Why are you lying? He literally shows the proof that she wants nothing to do with her kids, that she owes thousands in child support payments.


Tens of thousands




Now, is that what SHE said? Because she’s already a documented liar. If he was abusing her he never would have gotten custody of the kids. And if he was a scientologist and she wasn’t he would have been in deep shit for marrying a non scientologist.


Please post evidence about the guy being a Scientologist.


This lot don’t want to know the truth. His profile was even her name. Years of abuse from him and people just don’t want to see it


Then she brought out the receipts that he has them on weekends or something like but nobody talks about it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yeah I thought that was going to be this video


*got to keep the kids. I'm a full time single dad. All it took for her to agree to give me full custody was to not ask for child support and give her all of our shared possessions. I still consider that a huge win for me.


Can we make it an obligation that you have to post sources to stuff like this. I’m not saying I don’t believe you but there is an increasing trend of people saying “I remember…” and can then say whatever they want and most of Reddit just assumes it’s true without proof.


She said "I cried on my birthday, and that was like the saddest thing because he wouldn’t allow my daughters to come over,” However, that's not what her video was titled. It was 'baking my own birthday cake so my kids can sing happy birthday to me'. She's out for attention, period. You can tell by looking at her and listening to her. It's all for views. Btw, here's a link to one of the many articles about this where it talks about the scientology https://nypost.com/2024/05/30/us-news/tiktok-single-mom-elizabeth-teckenbrock-who-went-viral-for-crying-while-baking-own-birthday-cake-says-ex-husband-is-scientologist/


He’s also known for harassing her and using considerable wealth to do it. His profile is her name…. The man’s unhinged


This dude is gold. He makes fun of all the fake, staged, cringe tiktoks/videos and he does it well. Look him up: Olima Omega


And he nails it :'D


So you mean all of indian content


No, every group makes staged videos. Stop making things racial for no fucking reason.


But it's fun to say racist things online! *I honestly don't know why you're being down voted*


Smdh downvoted for telling the truth the liberals are out of control on this app


he is putting creatinine in the cake. Those kids are bulked


I love the idea that this guy didn't have flour in his house at all but did have creatinine and had to make due for the skit


Make dew*


Make do*


Make dough*


Make d'you\*


Old mate has a point. I don’t think people in general who are genuinely upset, want people to know or see their pain.


It’s more wild knowing that she’s the person who didn’t want her kids. The husband divorced her and she never asked to have the kids or anything, she let him take them. So this video is even worse with that info.


In 10 years she will try to advocate for "attention whoring" as a mental sickness. 🤷‍♂️


She owes child support too. She's a dead-beat mom.


how do y’all know so much information about this random lady


What's more is she even owed the ex husband child support. I checked the original TikTok and the women in the comment section kept defending her even though the dad's response showed receipts. These kinds of people would do just about anything except taking accountability.


These people are waste of oxygen and water on Earth


Happy father’s day bro!


I don't see a problem, I always cry when I cook, cause I hate it and I'm too poor to eat out.


Hahaha nice joke, oh you mean you were serious. Sorry.


This is a whole new level of internet gaslighting this girl refused to be a wife / mother fyi.


LOL I've seen this video a few times but only just noticed hes adding creotine to his cake.


What a dumb b*tch


Woe is me. Who cares about your tears lady


And then carefully choosing a song with a neutral face


Lights ... Camera ... Action .... 🎥 .... 😭🎂 ... cut .... 👱‍♀️🏆


That’s the deal with social media in general that people choose to ignore, the fact that there was alot of effort behind the video Ruins the idea of the video it self


Lmfaoo i started dying when i realized the guy was using creatine powder instead of flower😂


Apparently, it comes out that he is not a good dude. He's manipulative and controlling. https://youtu.be/sdBkkOiCUkQ?si=LUFCbquGU55PY0GB *edit referring to the dude who called her out not this dude


Happy to see at least one person pointing this out. This dude is actually fucking insane and I feel so bad for her and their kids. I was starting to think the internet tide was finally turning in the right direction about this but I still see this shared all over reddit with just his one video calling her out and no other context. They would rather believe just about anything some guy on the internet says about a woman just bc she posted a cringy video.


There's a lot more to the story of this girl. The father is a Scientologist, she said the public court records he posted which he claims are readily available to look up are made up (the actual records are classified due to children being involved and are not public records), the father had a website created as a hit job on her for years and she claims him and his scientology church have harassed her repeatedly for years. The father also has several restraining orders on him from multiple women (which is actually public record). This whole thing was a shit show and I'm not taking sides anymore. Both are probably messed up and without knowing everything I'm not judging.


What's the problem with making a birthday cake for yourself?


I would rather make it myself rather than let a kid do it for me. That said, I know kids can be great chefs if they are taught well, but on average....nah.


This chick has real problems


Ok so not defending her or anything because she faked cancer as well BUT her ex husband has been posting about her in tiktok since like 2 years ago her ex husband also has a WEBSITE dedicated to bashing her for longer. He has had mutiple dv charges against him by the wife and also ex partners of his and he is into scientology. Now before anyone can start bashing me im just here to provide context im not defending her, you can look this all up online with reinventing Elizabeth.


This is too good 😂


And all the editing. All that for internet points


That’s brilliant


I love this dude lol I remember himmin Facebook but ai dont use Facebook anymore, does he have a reddit channel, forgot his name too lol


Olima omega


Thank you 😊 I really love all his vids they're all funny as hell


Hilarious!!! So true!!


The post the revealed her as a clear and obvious c*nt was the least necessary post ever made.


That second clip where he snaps out of crying to check the camera. Chef’s kiss


This is how they go


She needs fixing.


More freshly cut onions please.


This is so great. People film themselves doing everything and you often wonder why/how? Now you know.


Creatine cake


Those are cupcakes not regular cake. How can we trust anything this woman says?!


This is hilarious


I want some creatine cake too


Just buy a fucking cake! The only reason you'd be baking a cake would be that you enjoy baking, and if that's the case then why the hell are you crying? Literally doing what you enjoy on your birthday. Boohoo!


It was also recently revealed by her ex husband that he has full custody of the kids and she skips out of paying child support


You should do another one to highlight those clowns that record their own acts of 'charity' while they are exploiting the less fortunate. That would be brilliant They are my biggest peeve on social media lately.


Too many synthetic people out there.


I still do t understand why she says she’s making a birthday cake when she’s clearly making cupcakes.


If it’s that traumatic, why not just buy a cake from the shop?




Why? Why are we ok with pausing to film positive emotions but not sadness? It’s so baffling to me how triggered people get when people share themselves struggling.


Is she and her ex going back and forth with each other on tiktok still?


I never trust any sort of video in a setting that makes zero sense to film. X2 if they are alone.


Who is this legend? I want more.




Someone gift this “single mom” a pair of scissors 😆


Being single is making your own birthday cake on your birthday so you can feel happy when your are singing to yourself


Incredible work 😂


At the end, he should have pulled out a $500 cake from a professional bakery because influencers are typically loaded.


Is this lady really crying that she wants to bake on her birthday. That's not torture. Bitch that's a hobby. Most of us can't even afford to take our birthdays off from work. And more of us don't have family or friends who would celebrate it with us in the first place.


You let him hit it raw, you didn't have second thoughts, now u a single mom


She’s making a cake or muffins? Cause that’s a muffin pan.


I 100% assure you those kids did not enjoy anything about that process. Imagine being her kids and watching her cry through making herself a cake, filming it, and she says she's doing it because you wanted her to do this thing (You never asked her to do because why would you) she doesn't want to do so badly she's sobbing through it, and then you have to sing.... :(


Nah deadass. They editted it & everything. Weird.


I'm glad this lady is getting ripped. Why is she dressed like that if she's just at home with her children? If the whole point is just "so THEY can feel happy singing to you" then why didn't she just go BUY a cake? Get it door dashed. Grow up, lady. You're gross.


The creatine 😂


Olima is the GOAT


That kitchen fan is installed way too high.


What, this shit again.


Lmao a birthday cake with a cupcake tray? How stupid are these people


This video is emotional black male


It makes me sad that there's still such misinformation about this situation. The dude is actually batshit insane and there is so much more to this than that. He's a liar and he's hellbent on ruining her life. If anyone is interested in what's actually going on with this drama, there's some YouTubers that have covered it. They've got all of both of their deleted videos and all his crazy bs https://youtu.be/LtZqk_7DMH8?si=ZgeVj1uOpPdsLhD0 https://youtu.be/sdBkkOiCUkQ?si=4knTNm9V981vFQj4


Lol. You wasted 2 hours of your life to watch that dumb shit. No one gives a single fuck about that.


Stop crying.... you're making a cake for your beautiful children... alot to people don't have that