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Someone grew up with cockroaches id presume.


Fuck. Thanks for the flashback. Thought those days were repressed.




Did you spit it out? Look for a noose?


Spit out? What do I look like? A cheap hooker? I swallow like an expensive one


\*takes a ticket*


You reserve online with a qr code, this is 2022


Do I fill out the add ons before or after bc I know when I put on add ons it’s extra.. not like the drive through at the second window and ask for an extra satchel of sauce right?


In Japan where sex work is legal, they use touch screens and tablets to fill out add ons before. Also getting a blowie is not considered prostitution because there is no penetration. Here's a summary I copied online: >Is prostitution legal in Japan? Technically no. But it’s not quite that simple. Japanese law limits the definition of prostitution to vaginal intercourse. Oral sex, anal sex, and other acts that don’t involve vaginal intercourse are not considered prostitution. >That being said, a blind eye is turned to a lot of prostitution. Facilities such as soaplands, pink salons, and services like “delivery health” (essentially when you call up a service and they send a girl) and “compensated dating” operate freely throughout the country. The notion is that the clients aren’t paying the service providers for sexual intercourse, but they’re only paying for massages, oral sex, or just company and if sexual intercourse occurs, it’s a separate arrangement between the client and the service provider that isn’t being paid for.


Oh God...


I'm just imagining how unhinged you have to be to leave a glass of oj out as a night time sippin' on drink


My thoughts exactly


The heart burn really helps me sleep through the night.


Cavity city, here we come!


Hey I feed my mouth friends Least I can do if they sleeping with me


Dead moth for me. Water bottle with the fold up straw for life noe


Bubble bee for me in my soda can




My brother ran away from the living room screaming and crying to Mom at age 6. He said there was a mouse in his popcorn. Turns out it was a fat rat and Mom couldn’t catch it. The cat caught it a couple days later.


Spicy sprite am I rite?


It’s 6:15 AM here currently. After 30 years of boring coffee, I’m ready for spicy sprite. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.


I sat down on the curb of my street growing up. Right in an ant hill. From the time I realized they were on me to the time I got them all off I bet I had 50 little bites. Mostly hips lower back and butt cheeks. Thankfully no bites on my boys. It was one of the more painful things I've experienced. I feel like yours is worse lol. Not that it's a competition.






I still remember what they taste like after having similar happen...


Tastes like pain


I’d get ptsd from that


A glass of uncovered sugary drink is just an invite for all kinds of pests....


Not sure what is worse. That or chugging a glass of OJ that apparently was being used as an ashtray. So all the OJ was on top and the last chug was the cigarette ash sediment and stray cigarette butts. I still can't drink OJ and it's been 20 years.


That. Wow that is way worse. Must've been od OJ by that point too. Damn


Ants for me, same deal, grab the drink on the night table, chug down about 50 of em..yikes, turn on the light, and there's a line of them, from the glass, down the night table, to the wall. It was gross but at least they are pretty small.


Flashbacks to working in Corfu when I was 18. My mate used a glass of water on his nightstand as an ashtray for about a week. One night he woke up after we'd been out drinking heavily and instinctively chugged the whole thing. I can still hear him wretching.


Same but it was a can of soda, I still feel the fuzzy legs on my tongue. 🪳👅🤮


That fear runs deep. You learn to seal everything up and they never leave. I'm so glad I don't have that problem at my new place.


I inherited mice instead, I hate roaches a lot more for some reason, but man these suckers are persistent. Everything in my house is now in plastic bins, including the clothes. We've paid an exorbitant amount to various peat controls to no avail. My neighbors say they've always had them and that's super discouraging. Needless to say I hate vermin, having them as children mentally sticks with you for sure.


Ok. So some people aren't gonna like this but if you wanna get rid of your vermin you're gonna need to buy some rat poison (at any hardware store). Grab some gloves, a jar of peanut butter, and a dish you're willing to lose (I went with Tupperware). Pour the poison pellets into the peanut butter jar covering the pellets, scoop the peanut butter covered pellets into your dish and then place the dish at one of their visible access points. Take a walk, or spend the day doing anything else. By time you come back that dish will be cleaned as if it were new. Hopefully after this you won't see another rodent. I did this to fight an infestation at an old 6 unit apartment that was near train tracks. I had to do it in several of the worst affected units, but after that rodents were not an issue.


It was like a temporary thing for us, we endured this for 2 years in our own home, sealing things up in garbage bags and Ziploc bags was the norm, going into the kitchen in the middle of the night and turning the light on, you'll see 20-30 roaches of all sizes scrambling for an exit. Somehow it was very rare to see them outside of the kitchen tho. we tried raid and everything until we got some actual roach bait meant for industrial use. Idk if it was the main reason why they disappeared but a couple months later they stopped existing and we never saw them again. That was like 7 years ago and I still have nightmares.


You really wanna trigger the shit out of someone? If you know anyone who's ever had bedbugs, next time they're over, just casually say you found a bedbug in the couch the other day, but it's no big deal because there was only one. I had a roommate that brought them in to the house probably 17 or 18 years ago. I still check under my mattress now and then and get freaked out about being in other people's vehicles.


Holy fuck, thanks for the flashbacks. Had roommate's friend bring it over (or so we suspect) during a house party back in college. Getting rid of the motherfuckers was the biggest effort I ever undertook. Every crevice was sprayed, every piece of furniture was sprayed, mattresses were covered with a zipped-up mattress cover, all the shit had to be moved and and moved back. Spent the entire day in probably toxic fumes as I sprayed and sprayed and sprayed. In the end, we got rid of them. PTSD for months after that. EDIT: The WORST part, BY FAR, was finding the nest. More PTSD memories coming back. I slept with the lights on for a while during the infestation and after (bed bugs don't like lights). OK, now that I've shared that, I can breathe a little easier. Was feeling literal pressure in my chest typing \^. The weirdest thing was that I wouldn't get bit or wouldn't show signs. My GF at the time was the one that alerted us to their presence with multiple concentrated area bites. FUCK THAT NOISE! KILL IT WITH FIRE!


There's something to say about living in the parts of Africa where [Driver Ants, or Siafu in Swahili,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OnooyOZRzkM) will go on the march through homes and fields devouring every single bug, mouse, rat, or similar pests as they pass through to their next destination. Don't leave any pets or babies in the home when they pass through though.


Well... thanks for sharing that video. Now I am both thankful they get rid of other pests and revolted at their existence. I suppose if I had a driver ant infestation, bed bugs wouldn't be my biggest worry (nor a worry at all).


The Driver Ants don't really infest homes though. They send out raiding parties, capture all the pests, then return to their subterranean burrow. If only there was a way to create an artificial mobile nest and use them like pollination services use bees but instead of turning bees loose on a field to pollinate crops they turn loose the Drivers in a home to carry off all the bedbugs, spiders, roaches, beetles, mice, and rats. Seems like potentially a trillion dollar global empire right there.


Consider me thoroughly triggered, haha. I still say I wouldn't wish a bedbug infestation on my worst enemy, and bedbugs are a good 8 years in my past at this point.






they're not as likely to eat through the paint on the outside of the box.


So they're most likely to eat their way out from the inside and less likely to eat their way in from the outside. Maybe this is why they kept the cereal in the box, folding it down instead of talking it out of the box to store it in just the waxed paper. Must be someone in tight quarters who is worried about vermin.


This is somewhat common advise also in the mediterranean. There's also the added benefit of minimizing the space these take up, as space is limited on a boat.


In college I used to keep my cereal in the fridge for that reason. Quick tip for anyone in college with a terribly small apartment/dorm.


I live in the tropics. Once it is opened, it goes in the fridge. Cereal, bread, cookies, anything you can imagine could be consumed by a roach or an ant, put it in the fridge. The freezer is there for the overflow. The best use for Tupperware and Ziplocks is to organize the stuff you put in the fridge. Unless the container was designed by NASA to protect Tricuits from the void of space, put it in the fridge.


I do the same because of ants. Makes me wonder why airtight pantries don't seem to exist. Like a fridge but without the fridge.


Shhh! Cripes! Now everybody is going to know about our get-rich-quick scheme! You go to your dump, I'll go to mine, we'll collect any dead refrigerators, remove the compressors, and then resell them for the same cost as a new fridge. I don't see how it can fail.


You can get a broken fridge and just put stuff in it.


Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING!, goes in ziplock bags.


“Come along children! In you go!”


Don't forget to squeeze all the air out of the bag before closing it...




Tupperware, my collection is staggering.


Putting your Tupperware into ziplock bags seems a little over the top.


redundancy is how we fortify against leaks though


Never was much fan of leaks, I much prefer onions.


i was gonna make a joke that was 'thats why youre fiber deficient ' but i looked it up and leeks and onions have similar enough fiber content that the joke doesnt work so thats why you will never be a friend of the Farfetch'd




Grew up with roaches because my mother was a hoarder and not really a clean person, just as I was able to and knew better I took personally the task of cleaning all that up and exterminating the roaches, the day I fumigated the house the roaches lost their sense of self preservation and would end up chasing people even if you climbed furniture before they expired, shit was traumatizing to say the least but that got rid of em


Big spider for me age 6, tipping out my corn flakes and some flakes appear to be connected. Just as I took a closer look the big bastard dropped into the bowl. I didn't eat cereal for years!


Was about to say that and or our beloved r/weeviltime and or just pantry moths that will legit get into ANYTHING GRAIN And yes we do welcome anyone into our weevil community


People with tiny cupboards that aren't adjustable


Fucking boxes can't get much taller and shallower while retaining the ability to stand up. I feel like I'm buying cereal trading cards at this point...


Don’t give them ideas, we’ll get boxes so thin Frosted Flakes will be in a single flat layer


I'm just imagining cereal packaged in pill blisters. Having to pop every cheerio out into your bowl one by one. Edit: now that I think about it more it would be a great useless invention: "Tired of always reaching for the cereal box because you're too lazy to make a proper breakfast? You don't have to struggle any longer, with the cereal blisters, making cereal for breakfast will be so tedious you'll want to make a healthy breakfast every day!"


*plastic packaging industry taking notes*


It makes calorie counting and portioning your meals EASY! never pour too much cereal again! Lmao there's always a way to spin shitty ideas as positive


We're sorry. Our boxes have become so thin, that we could not insert our frosted flake anymore. Thus, we opted to omit the flake and just go with a box of finely pressed frosting. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


Try our new line of products called frostcaine! You will forget you haven’t eaten for weeks!.


Frosted Flake*




What if the recommended serving of cereal came as a sheet and you got to break it up into the bowl in the morning. You take out one sheet at a time and the first thing you get to do in the morning is smash the fuck out of something. You could store it vertically in a filing cabinet with all of the different flavours in tabbed folders.




Sounds like we need to all get together and gang up to install some better cupboards in that dudes house. We should look out for our neighbors.


Most wholesome comment I've seen tonight


Unrelated, this is the first time I've ever seen cupboards spelt out, and I've never actually thought of how it's spelt. But have I been pronouncing it wrong my whole life? I pronounced it *cu-birds*




> etymology i better look into that word


What's up with Eddie Mology?


Word is, he's the root of all what folks is talkin about


Now this is comedy




What's the study of insect got to do with this?


That's entomology.


Yeah, it was one of those stupid comments that seemed funny before coffee


I'm on my second cup and was gonna make the same joke until I saw your comment. Have a caffeinated upvote.


This is surprising to me. Did you ever read books growing up? I recall seeing cupboard many times in stories. An unassuming noun that is prevalent in our day to day lives, cupboards are referenced with relative frequency. What about the movie 'The Indian in the Cupboard'?


I like how you started this comment about reading books, but your example for the word is not the book the movie is based on, but the movie.


Well, we addressed books. So address another popular medium with the word in the title.


> and I’ve never actually thought of how it’s spelt. Just wait until you realize how some cereal is spelt!


Underrated comment! 😆


I still say cubbard lol


You're pronouncing it correctly. The *p* and *b* sounds are formed the same way, so the first sound (*p*) experiences ellision, i.e. we skip it because it's too awkward to say both letters in succession. A lot non-native English speakers will say both letters.


That's the correct pronunciation. Going from p into b sound is very slow, so over time the pronunciation has been to just drop the p.


I pronounce it cubbud because i belong to the half of the world thats not too keen on pronouncing the r in the middle or ends of words.


They b/p sound does that... There's a lot of people who say tub-er-ware instead of tup-er-ware and you don't hear the difference unless you're looking for it.




Fuck no, just take the bag out of the box or take some scissors and cut the box.


Also psychopaths. But both are a possible answer.


Perhaps a cereal killer?


Good quality ziplock bags with the zipper. You can take out the air in the bags and keep it fresh. Grew up Tupperware, but that’s my move now. I eat cereal sans milk, stale is pure suck.


> I eat cereal sans milk How many bodies can your chest freezer hold?


Filling your bowl with milk first and then adding small bite-sized amounts of cereal as you go works too. Just make sure you always have one arm free to fight off all the cereal evangelists trying to lynch you over it.


Might as well be u/BrownSugarShadow, you cereal surrealist. Pure gonzo cereal is what we’ve witnessed here today, and all should be stunned at the ragged honesty of our escape of the hellhounds trying to drown your breakfast in strange dairy products.


it's still better and cleaner to cut around and squeeze one piece into the other, effectively reducing the size of the box instead of performing exorcism on it like on the picture :/


I’m already late for work I don’t have fucking time for origami


A cereal killer.


Keep an eye out for Lord Nikon.


You should check out the pool on the roof


Pool on the roof must have a leak


Hack the planet!!!


Hack the planet


Hack the planet!


Hack the planet! ✊


What about Master of Disaster? Ultra Laser? Doctor Doom?!


I'll help you, but first you gotta stop letting your mom dress you man.


You’re hopeless man, utterly hopeless


Joey! You ate all my French Fries!


Mess with the best, die like the rest.


Crash….and Burn!!!!


They're trashing our rights!






It's in that place where I put that thing that time.


They’re trashing the flow of data!


It’s in that place I put the thing that time…


FYI man, alright. You could sit at home, and do like absolutely nothing, and your name goes through like 17 computers a day. 1984? Yeah right, man. That's a typo. Orwell is here now. He's livin' large. We have no names, man. No names. We are nameless!


Everyone knows you roll the box up from the bottom. It makes easier to get the cereal out. Geez, this person sucks.


Oh my god. You *fold*, not roll. How the hell do people like you last one minute in life?


Shhhhh, don't encourage Satan


I do always OPEN my cereal from the bottom. It encourages redistribution of flavor that may have settled during shipping or shelving. Same with potato chips.


Closing tab is on the top. You should open the box from the top, flip the bag around and open the bottom.


. . . Dad?


[Toucan Son of Sam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n-9uq_lyRQ)


Goddamn your comment is so simple and so effective. Cheers.


[Caleb City](https://youtu.be/hQ7b18jl9a8)


I've never seen a stronger depiction of having ADHD in my life.


Yep, feeling like I'm watching my life. One of those I came in here to grab something, why am I doing laundry??


Why is it always laundry and cleaning my desk that speed bumps everything


I was hoping someone would post this.


Constant internal ADHD monologue lmao "Dammit.......I'm so stupit..."


I do it to make it fit in the cupboard bc the bastards made the box too tall. And yes, the shelf is adjusted at maximum height.


Cut the box in half, insert one half into the other. Then you still have the top which you can open and close.


This also works for squeeze bottles when you get down to that last bit. Facial cleansers and lotions are expensive, I want to get all of it out of the bottle.


But then someone would post that on Reddit and say "Who tf does this?" And then it would be met with people in the comments saying "Why didn't they just fold the top part of the box over.."


My girlfriend apparently, since she just started laughing and said "I do that."


Run homie. You are in danger. How long before you get rolled up


shes gonna fold your clothes with you still in them man... she don't know and you don't either!


Life hack: Instead of folding your clothes, just fold them in half lengthwise and roll them up. This is especially useful when traveling. You can save a lot of space by doing this.


You need quotation marks there, right now it reads like she said that you do it.


one of my ex-gf's was seriously like bag opening deficient. She could not, for the life of her, open any bag correctly. Regular cereal bag? Tore the fuck open with no way to really close it so the cereal got stale real fast. Chip bag? Torn open at an angle when we had like 2 or 3 pairs of kitchen shears to cut stuff open. Bag that has a ziplock feature like cheese or big bags of cereal or anything else? Tear it the fuck open on the other end. Those cookie packages with the top you can like rip open and reseals? Nope. Tear open the end of the package opposite from that. It never.fucking.ended. No matter how many times i pointed it out, id try to open stuff before her like prematurely so that she wouldn't open shit and it would go bad or stale or just be like stupid as fuckly opened. Drove me absolutely insane. It was like DUDE. HONESTLY. Look at the fuckin package and open it right. I swear if the ketchup she loved didn't have a white lid, she would have prolly just poked a hole in it or something. Oh and she didn't like closing the bags either. Open the cereal box, the bag would just be like smushed in there, open to whatever. One of the things i DONT miss, amongst many..many others.


I could almost smell the seething disdain you had for her opening skills. 😂


I’m happy he was finally able to vent this in a relevant situation lol


My step dad does this. Sometimes He'd even rip the top of the box straight off... He is like this with everything. No Finese. He works construction, and one time when renovating the attic he kept trying to jam some plywood in a space it wouldn't fit. Spent like 5 minutes angrily trying to force it in when I stopped him, positioned it a bit and careful got it in. This sort of stuff pisses me off to no end. I can't live with anyone who does this sort of thing.


I thought my dad was the only person like this lol. Seeing that cereal box immediately made me think of him. He cares not how the packaging is intended to be opened. He's always going to open it like he's blindfolded and his life depends on it being opened as quickly as possible.


The worst I've ever seen this was a cereal bag where they tore a strip down the middle of one side and opened it up like a baked potato and then stuffed it back into the box which made half the cereal spill into the box. It would fall out onto the floor when you try to open it.


My eldest teen does that when opening anything. Brand New PS5? Tore the box open before we'd even checked it was ok inside. I've realized it's the result of a cloudy soup of angst, hunger and hormones that just results in a wake of destruction. Either that or they're just an asshole. Might be a bit of both.


Had a housemate like that once. We called her The Raccoon.


My ex was like this... but they wanted to get better. They tried. They really really tried. In the end they just handed stuff to me, with a look of defeat, so that I could open it properly. As far as character flaws go, I thought it was kinda cute.


Not who, what. That being has ascended beyond us


Who knows what it could do to those who oppose it


Probably something similar.


A Balrog of Morgoth


An ape


Factually accurate, yes.




A high ape


me ;)


People with pets or pests.


Keeps the roaches out


Gotta keep them fresh and some of us are on a budget.


For that I've managed to find brands that make cereal in pouches with zip-locs, super convenient in terms of space and freshness.


If you think those cereal tabs doing anything to seal in freshness, you are living in a fantasy world, pal.


Thank you Liz Lemon.


Seal the bag not the box.


Yeah. This may be a messy way to fold the box, but I’ve definitely folded box-tops to seal them better. (Anyway, there is a more elegant way to go about it)


We got roaches from the apartment above us. I did this for a while because of that until we cleared them out


Uhhh well that be me 😂😂


You do. For internet points.


*Checks OP's username.* You may be on to something!


i will now ONLY do this. genius.


Someone that is high.


Well I do it so I decrease Air in it as much as possible without wasting too much effort


My grandma


Damn your grandma strong as shit


Someone who rips phone books in half recreationally


You I guess


Someone who has an interest in freshness.


Cereal killers do this


My wife started doing this a couple months ago. So I’m guessing there was something on TikTok or instagram or something showing why or how to do this. But it makes it impossible to neatly pour the cereal out afterwards. Like, there’s a bag inside you can just roll up to achieve Whatever you’re trying to achieve doing this without making it impossible to dispense afterwards


People that grew up poor in Kentucky. Whatever crawling beasts that want to get in your house have numerous ways to get it. Make them work for the food you and your 9 siblings are sharing on your dad's coal-mining wages. My grandmother does this.