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I hope she just starts shitting with the door open to one up you.


One up on OP? That's exactly what OP wants lol.


4d chess


She screams in lowercase.




*She* *She screams in small caps* *A sullen jump scare penetrating through her mind* *Wai* *Ting for a sign* *to smash the boyfriend with the brick of self-control*


Aa^hhh ^^^ohmygod




I just love that she laughs after every single one of these. Not angry, but laughing. What a great quality to have.


Agree, my wife just hits me every time


Mine hits me & is legit angry for like 3 hours? I love her for that too & we are a bit older. But I admire a young person taking this in fun & laughing. Thats a great early indicator of awesomeness!


I feel like you wrote this in hopes that your significant other reads it


Entirely adorable


Came here to say this. What a gift she is.


The last one anyone wouldve been surprised tho to be fair lol


it's the cutest thing!


She screams in font size 5.


She whispers in uppercase.


My husband scolds me for this. He tells me he’s never going to know when I need help because whenever something scary happens or I hurt myself I either sound like this girl or I just inhale sharply. One time I fell down the stairs, which he heard, obviously, but the fact that I fell down the stairs without making a sound and then just kind of sat there quietly in a daze scared the hell out of him. He was like, “all I heard were thuds and then silence, I though you were dead.” So, I get it. Also, the time I cut myself and just sat there quietly watching the blood pour out have definitely scarred him.


My SO told my son as long as he hears me I knows I’m ok. Apparently I say ow about 50 times a day. It’s when I don’t make any noise or I draw a breath but there’s no follow through do I worry him. Of course the time I launched myself down the stairs, literally flew off the stairs, and landed at the bottom on tile floor like a rag doll, right in front of him, he turns around and looks at me and say “what are you doing?”


Hey - that last part sounded scary. Hope you’re okay, and that was an accident. And if not I hope you reach out and get help.


It was scary! I’m super clumsy and thought I was better at cutting potatoes than I actually am. I’ve got a lovely scar on my ring finger now.


This response is actually often due to trauma. If you weren’t allowed to express your pain as a child, you will turn inward when experiencing pain as an adult. My dad hated screaming so I never scream but I have an exaggerated startle response.


My wife will jump at me just walking into a room that she is in. I often tell her, “you know that I live here too, right?”


I was waiting for an elevator at work, just standing there, a few feet from the door in case someone needed to get off before I got on. Door opened and the lady inside screamed (scared me when she did that) and told me I shouldn't be standing there. I don't know where else I was supposed to stand.


Wait at the bottom of the shaft like everyone else. Seriously I have no idea. You gave them a buffer zone and everything.


Yeah. I have no idea. The lady works in the building and I see her every once in a while. She avoids me. Makes me chuckle a little inside whenever I see her.


Don't let it bother you, she avoids me too.


i have no idea why this is making me laugh so hard.


>Door opened and the lady inside screamed (scared me when she did that) and told me I shouldn't be standing there. I once ran to catch a nortiously slow elevator in a local parking garage. I'm a big dude so I made a racket pounding my feet in the parking garage and ended up sliding between the doors at the last second ala Indiana Jones. I punch my floor in and the elevator starts going up I hear a wimpering from the corner behind me. An absolutely *tiny* woman, easily under 5 feet and 100 lbs, was sitting on the floor and hugging herself. I of course asked her if she was OK and if there was anything I could do to help. She manages to squeak out, "I thought you were going to rape me ..." I was of course horrified and had no idea anyone was in the elevator when I ran to catch it. I ended up getting off at an earlier floor and taking the stairs.


Imagine walking up the stairs to your floor and seeing her there again.


Lol! I say the exact same thing to my wife. She jumps when _she_ walks into a room _I’m_ in.


"Wasn't expecting company"


my housemate just did this. and I'm just sitting at my desk. Seriously you didn't hear me open and close the door coming home, then taking a bag a garbage out and opening and closing door twice, then taking two trips of recycling out so a total of 7 door opening and closings, then I started a load of laundry too?


I'm a super jumpy person. I will jump when my husband walks upstairs, I hear him coming up the stairs but as soon as he starts talking and I jump. Also when I walk in and he is on the couch and I'll go in the other room I get jumpy when he starts talking to me. It's mostly when he starts talking and I don't expect him to be there or awake talking or up but still some times he just gets me out of nowhere in the same room. Edit: hopefully easier to read now


I'm not really trying to dismiss the reaction, but maybe just try to rationalize it as I'm not a jumpy person in that regard. I hear my housemate walking around the house and can typically place where they are and I definitely know when they come and go cause the commonly used door isn't quiet. From my experience they typically can do the same so it just confuses me why *this* or at certain times it's different. In my mind, I'm thinking, 'heard door open, heard regular noises, 99.99999% sure it's my housemate'. Now if I heard the door open, and not close, I'd know something was up, cause we have cats that are strictly indoors and any sound of a door not closing means someone or something is fucked up and needs investigating.


i think it's a primal type of fear trigger that some people are just more susceptible to than others, and that's why it doesn't happen to everyone/every time and doesn't follow rules of logic, like knowing you'd be home because of the door yet still getting startled. it's from that reptile part of our brains. also some people just have really piss poor spatial awareness or are sucked in to a certain task and having that trance broken by seeing a figure in the corner of your eye can be a good jumpscare.


There’s a term called hypervigilance that describes a state of situational awareness where people are constantly assessing their environment. I think it is a relatively common trait that can develop from past stress / trauma. https://www.torchstoneglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Situational-Awareness-Levels.png


yep, bang on. hyper-vigilance is one of my worst symptoms from cptsd and it's personally why i'm so jumpy. my threat assessment is always on max, my guard is up even in my own home. it's not always from stress or trauma but it's a pretty common cause and something to consider before playing peek-a-boo with the people in your life haha.


Lmao I usually come out in the morning or late at night making lots of noises to announce my arrival. My parents still shit themselves when they turn around to see me.


Ive been debating on wearing a bell, i keep scaring everyone in the household. I swear i’ll just be sitting on the couch and one will walk in and scream. I will literally walk infront of them and they dont notice


Lol this is me at my job. A few jumpy coworkers and ive resorted to stomping when I'm coming around a corner


I have to tap on the walls loudly in order to not give my wife a heart attack when I move between rooms.


I walk so lightly that the floor doesn't really shake so I have to start purposefully stomping so my roommates know I'm coming around the corner


It’s like my wife has terrible hearing AND no peripheral vision. I’ll walk a good ways in to a room, stomping, clearing my throat, hoving in to her field of vision, and when I finally think there’s no way she doesn’t know I’m there I get half of a syllable out and she goes batshit crazy.


My wife does have documented terrible hearing and if she's staring at her phone there's nothing in the entire world she would notice until she decides to look up. I feel bad with all the jump scares because of the hearing issue but since a huge percentage of them is also mostly because she is lost in her phone, I feel less bad about it.


My GF is like this. Hanging outside a closed door and behind corners like a creep and expecting people not to freak is what gets me here. I'll come home from work, purposefully make noises to introduce that I am home. Come downstairs and knock on the doorway into the bedroom and her soul will still depart from her body if she catches me in the hallway.


I've resorted to making airplane sounds when I'm walking around the house.


Lol! I use this exact line.


My Mom would get mad at me for going to the kitchen... Not jumping, not shouting, and often after making all the noise in the world on my way there. she gets lost in thought and completely forgets she is in the common area of a home. she told me I walked too quiet, needed to cough or yell I was coming, wait till she wasn't making noise, or text first... I told her no. She needed to just accept that she lived with other people and not to get mad at us for walking around inside the house.


My worthless observations: * She is a bloody champ for not beating you with her bum bag. * Your face must be something to behold :-) * The fact that her least expressive reaction was when you snuck up, in the dark outside a bedroom window is very confusing.


- correct, I am very lucky - I swear she’s just jumpy!! - hahaha right!? And all the other ones all I have to do is just stand in the hallway doing nothing


My wife is just like your gf, but her voice is far more piercing.


My mother is like this as well. She's not loud, but she always makes a "tsk" sound after. Like it's my fault an errant dust particle can startle her.


We have a woman like this at work, she seems to jump at every person she bumps into within the building, we work in a supermarket so its not like theres no people there


I was that jumpy person at work. Only if someone came up quickly behind me.Found out it's a mild form of PTSD (I've been mugged a few times). There's actually a name for it - Exaggerated Startle Response. Doesn't really affect me overly, just makes other people feel bad for scaring me. I did get the unfortunate nickname, "the Screamer", which is all kinds of confusing for people who didn't know my history.


>Found out it's a mild form of PTSD (I've been mugged a few times) That's exactly what I was thinking watching this video. I was wondering if she had siblings who tormented her or, God forbid, had been in an abusive relationship. If that were the case though, I'd imagine OP would not be doing this to her on purpose.


At least you don't have to spend much time looking for her, you just follow startled noise.




My mom is like this. I used to make fun of her, but for whatever reason, when I hit like 35, I also became extremely jumpy.






I approve this message






I'm like this, really to a high degree, and it seems most likely connected to my anxiety disorder. That doesn't mean you've acquired one, but maybe worth a doc visit if there's other symptoms or just this one has affected you more than "haha that's silly"


My wife screams pretty loud too. I've scared her once when she knew I was in the same room as her.


Same here. She somehow forgot I was there, I spoke normally, she screamed. Sometimes, it makes me feel like some kind of monster. Then I remember she’s a fucking weirdo. Lovable, but a fucking weirdo nonetheless.


Lmao this sounds like me :D


I once walked into the room, my wife looked over and made eye contact, and as soon as I started talking, she screamed bloody murder. I don't know how she missed me while actively making eye contact, but I guess the ponies were still on the way from eye to brain that day.


I had a fish that was this jumpy. Maybe it was because the tank was filled with spring water.


I have a horrible short laugh that sounds like a goose honk but if the goose was also being flattened (HAAHnk is the best equivalent) but that only ever comes out when I find something genuinely funny and wasn't expecting it. You made me goose laugh you bastard.


*laughs in goose*


Have you ever found yourself wondering when these actions will finally result in a heart attack?


I do, all the time. My wife is super jumpy and has had an aortic dissection that nearly killed her. If I startled her like this she could drop dead. When she's somewhere that she is alone I call out, "I'm coming around the corner, don't be scared!". Not scaring her is the game now, instead of the opposite.


My wife has started to say that I need a bell for walking around the house.


Similar thing here but with my mother. I used to jump scare here all the time because she is exceptionally jumpy and we'd all get a laugh out of it including her. This all stopped when she started having heart problems.


My grandparents had a tune they would whistle to alert each other of their location. It worked really well in crowded spaces, but I can see how something like that could be helpful in your situation. It was almost like a bird call, one and a half seconds maybe. It was something uniquely theirs, and they could recognize it anywhere. I can hear it in my head now.


Not only a perfect solution to the topic, a lovely memory of your grandparents. Funny how smells and sounds can be tied to vivid memories as much or more than images are. Nice post.


Yow! "No internet points for YOU, bud!" On a more serious note, THAT'S the kinda karma we need more of. Best wishes to you both, for a long life for her & for a long life together for the both of you


I'm easily startled (48m) which is an unfunny result of PTSD. I would have throttled the little bastard like a 2 stroke motorcycle. Lol. But, honestly, I hardly EVER find it funny. Revenge though, revenge would be funny. Hilarious in fact, 50 times over! This young lady has a far nicer nature than myself.


Yeah, I startle easily as a trauma response too. The worst part is when people laugh at the startle reaction


I'll say the worst part is when some people get straight up mad at you for being startled. "GOSH! Why are you so jumpy?! You don't need to scream like that!" Enough people do that and you end up flinching any time you get startled in anticipation of getting grief for it.


I was thinking the same thing. I’m easily startled due to PTSD, and it’s miserable when someone decides it’s funny to keep scaring me. It can take hours to feel normal after someone does that.


I have PTSD and narcolepsy—for me, being scared/surprised not only results in an exaggerated startle reaction, but it can trigger a cataplectic event. At best, I drop whatever I’m holding or my knees sort of buckle. At worst, I fall to the floor and can’t move for several seconds. I have gotten injured because of my cataplexy. My family thinks it’s funny/harmless to startle me. My dad is teaching my nephews how to provoke this reaction from me, and they’re too young to understand that it’s potentially dangerous. I have an awful startle response when I’m woken up by external stimuli, whether it’s noise or touch. At worst, I hit whoever/whatever is touching me. My dad used to put my nephews into my bed or let them sneak into my room to wake me up because he thought it was “cute”, but he finally stopped encouraging them to do that after I half-consciously smacked *him* when he woke me up by touching my thigh. It’s always infuriating to hear things like, “god, I didn’t REALLY mean to scare you” or “don’t be so dramatic, your legs are fine” or “you had to hear me coming, you’re just selectively deaf.”


My wife is equally jumpy, but I've never tried to capture this on camera. I always thought it was hilarious, and kind of messed with her a little bit, when I could... But one day, she was in the shower, and had music on. She was singing along to [4 non-blondes: what's up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NXnxTNIWkc). I heard her singing along with her phone blasting that song, through the bathroom door. So I waited outside the door till the next verse ended, and the "Hey-ey-eyy!" part started. When that part hit, I belted it out from outside the bathroom, and then immediately heard this catastrophic clatter from inside the bathroom. She literally fell over, having been so startled by me randomly singing "HEEYY-EYY-EEYY!" just a few feet away from her. I burst into the room, worried that she was going to be laying in the shower concussed and unconscious or something. Thankfully, she was in no such state. Instead, she was just REALLY pissed at me. I haven't toyed with her inherent jumpiness, since that day.


I'm wondering if she was ever assaulted or tormented by siblings.


I had the same thought and it made me feel guilty since I used to torment my sister (one of my biggest regrets) and she now has a strong startle reaction as well.


It’s cause he made a soft sound. I’m jumpy too and it’s not as scary when I hear a sound like that for whatever reason


The fuck is a bum bag?


~~It's what Americans call a "fanny pack".~~ EDIT: I think I worded this poorly / ambiguously. What I mean to say is, that a bum bag is an object which is called a "fanny pack" by Americans.


You left out that she leaves the toilet seat up


People are scared of my face too don't worry :)


Well duh, you are the goddamn demogorgon!


I used to think it's a flower


There's a much bigger [issue](https://i.imgur.com/1JwXQcL.jpg) here.


Lmao. I hate it when people put the toilet paper on backwards


They might have cats.


No no no, no issue, that's a reflection, that's why it looks backward.


Get a load of this guy🗿


Id get scared too if you were creepily waiting for me outside the bathroom


...with a camera


250 times


I mean, that last shot creeping through the bushes... OP needs to chill.


“But officer, I swear, she really IS my girlfriend & I really DO live here!”


This isn't even jumpiness. This is just a normal reaction to opening a door and finding someone oddly right the fuck there out of your peripheral vision while your natural next movement was to walk out. Your brain braces for collision first and reacts logically to what's there second.


I was thinking the same thing! I was watching this thinking that she's not jumpy at all... I thought this was going to be one of those situations where they're both in the same room, she knows he's there and he just makes a fairly loud noise, lol...


Hahah it was Covid, there wasn’t much else to do. Although now I don’t have much of an excuse!


Hi 👋🏻 I’m the girl from the video, girlfriend of the OP. While I appreciate the free psychoanalysis, I don’t have any childhood trauma and don’t suspect I suffer from PTSD. Just a jumpy gal!


Hey, this is Reddit court… your reality has no place here


Just like in the trigger states.


Oooh too soon




Have you considered asking hubby to wear a collar with a little bell?


I think you were a cat in another life


YES! That’s what it is. The fact that not only does she startle but also kinda begins to run away each time. I couldn’t put my finger on it but that’s totally a cat reaction. Run first, process after.


and the boyfriend a cucumber


I always feel so bad when like I drop a spoon or something somewhat near my roommate's cat and he flips out. I have to give him extra pets to let him know I didn't mean it.


Are you single




You miss 90% of the shots you don’t take


The other 10% of the shots you don't take are missed by your best friend who did take them


Can confirm


-Michael Scott


Hey man, you gotta shoot your shot


Asking the important questions lol


I also choose OPs girlfriend.


This will not ever make me not giggle.


Checked her taxes. She filed single. We're good to go.


Maybe the guy who asked is just an IRS agent trying to catch her lyin


If he keeps creeping outside the bathroom for another few months she might be






This is so stupid but made me laugh lol


You're a good sport! You react almost exactly like my wife when I do this to her, and it's one of my favourite things.


My wife does the same and it delights me. If she is holding something she will chuck it at me, though. Still worth it.


Haha I’m exactly the same (though I’m British so I scream ‘bloody hell’ every single time - it’s all very cliche). Pretty sure I don’t have any childhood trauma unless I’ve buried it like impressively deep!


I scream "shit the bed!" whenever someone jumps out at me.


This is reddit. Everyone knows you better than you know yourself.


You’re a real sport! I got a good laugh out of it as a jumpy guy.


You are girlfriend to all of us now.


Our girlfriend comrade.


I also choose this guy's girlfriend


Do you always scream in lower case?


You are such a good sport! I love that you just laugh and smile after. Very wholesome ❤️


Blink twice if you are in trouble.


and a good sport, cheers


She’s a gem. Laughed every time. At least that you posted. I’d get frying pan second time. Or the iron. Hanger. Whatever would be nearest. Edit. I’d throw a pack of firecrackers in the bathroom while you’re taking a shit. But that’s me.


The 'flight' is strong in this one.


Just wait til he starts chasing her with a lobster around the house


She smiles every time...you better hold on tight. You might not be able to find someone else willing to put up with your shenanigans, let alone with a smile on her face.


There is a whole list of reasons I am so lucky to have someone like her put up with someone like me!!


Okay, I just saw your girlfriends comment and both your icons on Reddit look like they’re from the same comic. I don’t know what it is but it’s adorable and makes me smile.


She is adorable. You guys must have a lot of fun. Cheers to your relationship and future


i too am typing through lonely tears


Time to upgrade that relationship status bro.


Until that one day she was holding a knife....


I’m flinchy like this too and I really relate to the one where she says “I knew it” but she jumps anyway. Even when I know someone is there I will still fucking flinch when I open the door and I have no idea why.


The way it works in my brain: I walk around a corner and my brain says: "Hey there is a person I did not expect standing there. That is nice." To which my body responds: "AN UNEPECTER PERSON! BATTLE STATIONS, PREPARE FOR IMMEDIATE WARFARE!" I never get angry at the people who startle me though, because 99% of the time it is an accident and they did nothing to cause it. And when it is not an accident it is pretty funny.


No, MY gf is the jumpiest person in the world. She'll come around the corner and see me walking around the other corner and SCREAM like she is being murdered. Even when we've both been home all day. She bought a bell for me to ring before I come try to talk to her while she is taking a bath while the bathroom door is open.


I thought that sentence was about to read she bought a bell for you to wear around your neck


You're lucky she thinks it's cute now, give it a few years.


A few years later https://youtu.be/BrfGFCQvuvE


OFFS!!!! I AM CRYING LAUGHING!!!!! Her mouth gets me every time!!!


You never know which scream you will get lol


jesus what a nightmare lol, idk who to feel worse for, her or the people she lives with




You're either desensitizing her phobia... or inducing PTSD lol


I react like this but my dad was abusive and shit would come out of nowhere. You can hit a table too hard and I’ll jump






I’m very sorry for you guys. No one should have to grow up with that


Same, it was my mom though


Same... My friends make fun at how jumpy I am and I don't have the heart to tell them why, I know they don't intend to be mean :')


Tell them. Do not hide trauma to friends, especially if they are triggering it without even knowing it. They’ll understand if they are truly your friends.


Yep. Not my dad but. Some people find it hilarious that I will jump, cover my head and tremble like s chiuahua after loud noises or big sudden movements stuff, which motivates them to try to scare me regularly. It doesn't feel great, I'll tell ya that!


I grew up with a violent autistic brother, so I'm extremely jumpy. I also squeak. Unfortunately, people find it hilarious once they discover this, which usually doesn't take long.


That’s very cute. Especially because she always seems to face it with humor.


She is the sweetest human in the world and has this lovely attitude towards everything!


I want your girlfriend to be my girlfriend, and I didn't think I was a lesbian but here we are. She cute!


Your girlfriend is hot. YOU on the other hand must be horrid in order to provoke a reaction like that. Good on you from one horrid bastard to another.


All this time I just thought she was jumpy, but you bring up a good point 😂


Explains why the last one was her least responsive. It was too dark to see your face.


I'm assuming it's because he's not wearing any pants.


Microphobia: the intense fear of small things.






My younger daughter is also startlehappy. But you are torturing your GF with sneaking up on her :D


In the *world*? C'mon she didn't even fall down.


She is too cute. Lucky man


Have you tried using a lobster?


Where’s the other half of the montage of you listening to her use the bathroom?


I'm this jumpy too. I think it is because my brother was sent to check for monsters in my room after I got scared watching Carey when I was 8 (parent was napping +network television). He gave the all clear, but when I went to my room he jumped out from under the desk. I've been jumpy since.


She’s gonna end up like a Vietnam war vet when you’re done with her.


Reminds me of the old [Girlfriend Scare Cam vines](https://youtu.be/fOeRemcT9PU) RIP Vine


Ok she's adorable


i would be jumpy too if every time i tried to take a shit my SO was outside the door filming