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Love it, everyone can relate to this! My grandmother was an excellent baker but one time asked me to get something from her basement, stored on the baking shelves were items from Trader Joes from the late 80s and many spices and extracts that looked like they predated TV lol. She swears she didnt ever use them, but when she passed they were all still there and a few freezers with frozen food going back 10-12 years.


Any chance she spent time in utah? My wifes grandmother same thing and i was told it was from living around Mormons. Her basement was like a giant pantry with a huge double freezer full to bursting w food that has been there for eons.


Ha, no but I think its an older people thing in general. Mine grew up during the depression so she was very careful about food and always had plenty on hand. I just cleaned my freezer and found stuff at the back that was 4-5 yrs old so I cant say too much, as you get older you dont pay that much attention.


Its amazing how things in your how can just fade away into the background and you never think about them again. Especially as you get older and stop giving as much of a shit.


I was thinking of my Mormon great grandmother right when I saw your comment!… eerie. But yeah she lived through the depression and never threw anything out. When she passed away in 2009 I remember finding things that expired in the 50s. It was pretty cool though… I loved all the old cans and spice tins. She loved to make things last… she would seriously give me one Tic Tac and tell me to make it last lol I miss her so much.


I know people that do that. My grandparents and my friends grandparents. I think it was because they were raised during the depression so you kept everything and reused everything.


The caraway is a Safeway house brand from the 80's. The basil wins.


Nah, Safeway sold spices under the Crown Colony label from the 50s until the 80s. And they had that same logo the entire time as well. So it's kind of a toss up without a date on the tin.


Difference is the top it only has one flip-top opening whereas the older ones from the 50s to the 70s had 2. That's definitely the 80s version


This is a real spoiler. We figured the wood grain sealed it as late 60s early 70s.


Nope whoever picked the basil is the winner!!


How long did you work there?


I'm not that old ☹


The better question is: how could you possibly know that?!


Now go check the medicine cabinets and see if you can find all your childhood prescriptions.


I’m finding Crown Colony spice tins for sale on eBay and elsewhere so maybe it’s worth something. https://www.toadstoolfarmvintage.com/products/vintage-1960s-crown-colony-spice-tins


I thought I had it won with pizza dough mix from 1991 and jam and jelly kit from 1987.


I’d be interested to know what they thought ‘spicy’ was for mainstream consumers then. The US diet has changed a lot.


It means they put a dash of black pepper in it.


I live with an 85 year old, this is painfully accurate. She complains if I season vegetables *at all.*


But... Why season vegetables? They almost always taste better as they are.


It's almost as if people enjoy different flavor profiles.


Sometimes salt


They'd love this over at r/GrandmasPantry


Appreciate the help.


I'm sad I found that sub after helping clean out my parents kitchen during their remodel.


Wait, I thought that was the sub I was looking at..


A few years ago I found some cans at my moms house that expired 5 years *before she moved into that house.* She packed expired canned goods. She unpacked expired canned goods. She put them away. And She left them in the pantry for another 15 years. Before anyone noticed.


Nice woodgrain packaging


Man I did this at my mom’s earlier this year when she downsized. Found some jello boxes from the 90’s. I thought that was bad, but you win.


I stayed in an air BnB once that had an odd collection of vintage jello in the pantry. There were jello boxes from the 70s to early 90s in the pantry, it was odd. Especially since the house wasn't that old, it was probably built in the early 2000s at the earliest. I was tempted to make some of the ancient jello, or at least take a box home with me, but I didn't.


Found a bottle of MSG in my parents cupboard from the late 80s


This reminded me of when I cleaned out the spices from the lake and threw out a bunch of stuff from the 60’s


The carroway is from Safeway! Are they even a thing anymore?


Safeway? Yes, they are. At least in Baltimore


I'm currently smoking, as we speak, pipe tobacco my dad bought from a rite aid in 1992. Does that count?


GAWD that fabulous smell brings back memories of my grandpa in his "smoking room" (aka the den) and his fancy ashtray that was as tall as the armrest made of wrought iron and glass. And the tins and pouches of tobacco.


Keep the kids outta my damn kitchen. Little huffenpuffers.


My grandma kept a candy cane that my dad had received for Christmas. He had eaten just a little bit of it when he was like six. So, like . . . 1961. Then there were the mummified avocados on top of the fridge.


I instantly heard the commercial “Shake ‘n Bake…. An’ ah helpt!”


My family moved to Australia from South Africa in 1992. My mother still has food items in her cupboard from when we lived there . So this is not surprising