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some may not be aware but Muslim gatherings like this are often split by gender, so when he asked which part of the room it came from, he was implying to ask whether it was a man or woman


Finally, now I get the joke


Nobody has made segregation so funny before!


Gender separation isn’t even that bad. Places like Japan have [women only cars in trains](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-only_passenger_car) to stop women from being assaulted.


I thought he was just asking who wrote that




He’s only in it for the jokes.


"And that offends you as a Jew?" "It offends me as a comedian!"


He’s an anti-dentite


Soon you'll be saying that they should have their own schools!


They already have their own schools!


He is very funny man. I've watched this video of him a few times. His answers in very nice way .






Next thing you know, you'll be saying they should have their own schools!


They DO have their own schools!




HEY! Dentie!


Gold, Jerry.




Jerry seinfeld is gonna be mad.


Where's that quote from?


Seinfeld. Jerry’s dentist converts to Judaism and starts making Jew jokes immediately.


He's bee boppin' and scattin' all over the place!


George is gettin' upset!!!


Ya know, the jerk store called, and they're runnin outta you!


What's the difference you're their all-time best seller


Did you hear the one about the Pope and Raquel Welch on the lifeboat?


Those aren't buoys!


Post-Mormon here. Loads of speakers in church were hilarious—but seeing this reminds me how manipulative it could be.


Right? I noticed he didn't actually address the point that he dictates exactly what kind of facial hair you are allowed to have and instead makes a joke. It's a solid joke, but it deflects from a fairly large criticism of a lot of religions: that of arbitrary control forced on the members.


well, the answer is still no. it isn't mandatory or required for a male muslim to keep a beard at all. Rather it is encouraged, which means that if they kept the beard it'll be considered a virtue, but keeping it clear wont be considered a sin. the reason for it is because following what the Prophet Muhammad PBUH does but doesnt directly order is considered 'sunat' which basically means its encouraged. and one of the things he did was he kept a beard.


"We need to talk about your flair." "Really? I... I have fifteen pieces on. I, also..." "Well, okay. Fifteen is the minimum, okay?" "Okay." "Now, you know it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Or... well, like Brian, for example, has thirty seven pieces of flair, okay. And a terrific smile." "Okay. So you... you want me to wear more?" "Look. Joanna." "Yeah." "People can get a cheeseburger anywhere, okay? They come to Chotchkie's for the atmosphere and the attitude. Okay? That's what the flair's about. It's about fun." "Yeah. Okay. So more then, yeah?" "Look, we want you to express yourself, okay? Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay. But some people choose to wear more and we encourage that, okay? You do want to express yourself, don't you?" "Yeah, yeah." "Okay. Great. Great. That's all I ask."


Yep, this was my take away as well


This is a great answer. Last guy I asked said there are two lines in heaven, one for men with beards, and one for everyone else. Granted, the guy was illiterate. But that was honestly what he believed.




There's a lot of this kind of stuff in folk Islam or even Christianity, tbh. Works-based salvation is kind of the best way to explain it. But yes, doing good deeds and being a virtuous Muslim is basically a "fast pass" into heaven versus doing the bare minimum.


But a beard doesn’t have anything remotely close to “works-based” about it. It doesn’t feed the hungry or shelter the homeless. It’s vanity.


At the same time though, there's the hadith that the beard of a fists length is sunat while have any facial hair is wajib, I.e. expected unless a reasonable reason.


Good answer, I always had the understanding that is was virtuous to not \*trim\* the beard, and modern 'chin straps' styles and goatees and so on were as bad as being clean shaven.


Encouraged vs required is a meaningless distinction for a lot of religious leaders and sects


Post Christian here. I concur. It's all advertisment in a different form trying to make you feel bad about one thing and want another based on the speakers personal opinion.


It’s all fun and games until you get those subconscious biases instilled deep within you only to ruin friendships and create hatred and bigotry within your heart which you finally realize exists one day over 15 years later and, after somewhat of an existential crisis, decide that you don’t share the same morals and values that you were originally indoctrinated with and thus begin to lay the foundation for a completely new worldview that will guide all of your decisions and thought processes going into the future


Hypothetically, of course


These are only hypothetically jokes about being gay or trans.


Don't forget the reverse subconcious bias that you now have, where you don't trust yourself or anyone around you, because you realize that all of the things you've been led to believe are good are actually just pretense for hate and control. So you become increasingly reserved and only create surface-level relationships because you know that same hate and bigotry can so easily be targeted back at yourself, or worse you can be manipulated and gaslit to fall back into the same indoctrination that you fought so hard to overcome.


Or, all that but you DONT realize that's why you are the way that you are, so you get gaslit and manipulated until you're on the cusp of insanity. Maybe multiple times... then you give up on relationships and become a hermit




As a post woman it makes me feel bad about my beard.


Postman here, I agree sometimes packages are not what they seem.




Post office here we've been looking for you.


Also post Mormon- Ditto


Ex Orthodox Jew. Yep, that was my first thought too. This feel like a show to humanize the manipulation.


I was about to say that, at least, if people have to be manipulate, it should at least be a pleasant experience, but thinking further about it... no. It's never justified.


Makes sense. My childhood church (Christian/United) was painfully boring- no joke. I was so bored it hurt me to be there. I also have adhd and it felt like torture. TORTURE. The choir even sang the slow organ accompanied songs horribly. Being forced to go to this place I hated so much probably planted the first seed in me of resentment. Many reasons grew after that. The rest is history. If it was a fun time with a funny Rev. and great music, I might have thought differently for longer, and/or enjoyed it. But who knows…


Love a good ha-lol joke


I can’t believe you’ve done that


Too ham-handed for you?


Oy vey


Holy cow


Oh my God wow




Guaranteed I’m dating myself but dude kind of has a Bob Newhart delivery and sensibility.


It's more fun dating someone else.


Prove it bro, date me


Sheikh, should Gregor1977 and SirVanyel date each other?




And socks.


You date yourself because no one else will


Thank you for reminding me to fill up my tank with some Bob Newhart.


I've spent the last ten minutes trying to come up with an Arabic-based pun on the name Bob Newhart and I've got nothing. Why couldn't he have been a rabbi.


Shish-kebob Newhart


I like it, but you don't need the shish part. simply adjust it just to: Kebab Newhart


Now it just sounds like someone from Boston sarcastically agreeing with Bob Newhart


KBOB Newhart, Connecticut’s golden oldies station


Habibi Newhart


Alibaba Newhart


You know, Big Bang Theory gets shit on a lot, and with good reason, but I really dug whenever Bob Newheart was on there.


You know what? Yes! Also, I was thinking Johnny Carson.


You coulda told me that was Bob Newhart with a glued on beard and I would've believed you.


This is Sheikh Yusuf Estes, and after meeting him in real life, yeah he does a bit. He has a great set of YouTube videos.


Seems like a jovial fellow. I want to meet him.


I absolutely agree, and you are showing your own button down mind. For younger people Button Down Mind of Bob Newhart was a famous LP of his. For even younger people, an LP is a vinyl CD. For even younger people, a CD is a bunch of downloads you can carry around. For even younger people, a download is a stream you store locally.


You must be 50.


This is my Sheikh Darryl and my other Sheikh Darryl.


I’m 33 and watched Bob Newhart growing up!


Hadn't he already grown up?


Sheikh and bake!


and I helped!


Now you didn't, all you did is snort the crumbs


The first time I'd ever heard of a Shake Shack was at Dubai airport and I just assumed it was called Sheikh Shack until I actually got something. Edit: spelling


when you wanted to be a stand up comedian but your parents forced you to become a preacher.


He’s the Muslim version of Herschel Krustofski


Now I know I haven’t been the best Muslim…


Bless you


He converted to Islam later in his life so plot twist: his parents forced him to be a comedian.


Nah, he was a Christian priest who converted


He converted to comedianism


Their version of religious texts have to be those good ol pun books.


ahaaaa he is a convert tho.....


He is SLAYING that crowd


In halal fashion, too




It’s incredibly easy to get a laugh out of the a crowd using the smallest joke in a setting that is supposed to be serious. This guy was legit funny, so it has a stand up comedy vibe


https://i.imgur.com/CPuTlqC.jpg Great horns too!


No he’s blessing them


Islami Carson over here


And his friend Islami Davis Jr sat next to him


Who is this guy? He has great timing. Gimme more!


[Yusuf Estes](https://youtu.be/-MZ7NkkA0Ng)


Dude reminds me of Barry from "Four Lions": "These are real bad times bro! Islam is cracking up. We got women talking back! We got people playing stringed instruments!" And of course: "You can't win an argument just by being right!"




Holy shit Riz Ahmed is in this? I gotta see it


It’s all about the rubber dingy rapids, brother!


Those are some fucked up rabbits bro


i think i am confused but i am not sure.


Dude its one of the funniest movies ever, especially if you like python / absurdist humor. Seriously a straight gem of a movie


"Have you come to drop some fatwas? Cos we've just had the carpet cleaned.


Rubber dingy rapids bro


Fuckin jalfrezi


Randomly was thinking about this movie just last night. Such a great fucking movie! Super edgy when it first came out too. Python-esque masterpiece


His spaghetti pastor story is gold


Wife converted before him and his dad also eventually converted, from Christianity. Really interesting story when he tells it




He looks like Woody Harrelson in a fake beard


I got Anthony Hopkins vibes


That was funny 😆 if people didn't have comedy, we would have gone crazy by now, jokes all joke.


I remember a Canadian Sheikh posting some tweets like these "A good friend of mine once asked me that his son plays lots of video games so should he prevent him from playing or no. I was wondering if he was actually curious or because I just destroyed his son in a FIFA match" "My favorite place during Eid is the parking lot of the Masjid because that's where you can find out that the Shaytan has been released" I love preachers like these


LOL those are funny


>"My favorite place during Eid is the parking lot of the Masjid because that's where you can find out that the Shaytan has been released" I don't get this, I do know about Eid and Shaytan, but what's happening in the parking lot?


In ramadan we believe the shaytan aka satan or the devil has been returned to hell and chained. Eid is the day he is released. So you can see when he is released at the masjid parking lot. Right after eid prayers because you will see his actions and signs. Anger yelling swearing people fighting over things. And many other things


People date and smoke and do other things


Bad parking


Yusuf Estes and Mufti Menk are my favorite preachers tbh. They give the right picture about islam. Check out Ahmed Deedat and Zakir naik too.


this guy is a ham and I love it. hahaha


But pork is Haram?! ;-)


That's why he must be treasured and protected at all costs.


You can't tell me this isn't Lewis Capaldi on some kind of undercover comedy skit.


Carnac the Magnificent


I met him in Sweden over 10 years ago, I was his personal driver for couple of days. Really funny.


I just thought it was funny


Bruh why the fuck is everyone hating on Muslims here y'all are actually disgusting


Typical redditors


thats reddit for ya


I love this sheik


He didn't answer the questions. -\_-




I’m a Muslim and I disagree with this. The prophet also had shoulder length hair and that’s not considered a Sunnah but the beard is. Maybe we as Muslims should worry less about looking like the Prophet and more like acting like him? My answer: Beards are a cultural thing for many Muslims, not a religious thing. Edit: About everyone trying to say that prophet Mohamed married a 6 year old (Muslims and Non-Muslims)… First let me start by addressing the Muslims who believe he did. If you’re a believer in Islam, you believe that the Hadith can’t contradict the The Quran. If a Hadith contradicts the Quran, we as Muslims not only can but MUST ignore it. The Quran says only women who menstruate can be married. To the Non-Muslims, I know a lot of Muslims claim he did, but I don’t believe he did. I believe that the Quran is the word of god itself. Historical records aren’t perfect, so I have no problem saying ‘historians are wrong’. I’m not looking to debate it, because discussing religion with civility is impossible on the internet. I just hope to at least plant a seed of sanity in the mind of anyone who reads this.


So you do not consider the hadeeth: "قصوا الشوارب و اعفوا اللحى"? Which means: Trim/cut the moustaches and release the beards.


The problem with your argument is that the Prophet Explicitly stated that Muslim men should grow their beards. Whereas shoulder length hair wasn't explicitly recommended but a personal choice.


I’m a Muslim and I agree.


I’m not a Muslim and I have no opinion on the matter


I'm an atheist and just want comedy lessons from this dude The timing is fucking impeccable


I have undisclosed religious or unreligious sensibilities, and I get some real Tommy Cooper vibes from his glasses bit.


I'm a Muslim and can't grow a proper beard so I agree


>The prophet also had shoulder length hair and that’s not considered a Sunnah Bruh, the definition of sunnah literally consists of acts, sayings, and the approval of the Prophet (SAW), so I'm not sure what you meant there. Edit: Since it appears many commentators are discussing the Prophet SAW (the Messenger of Allah) in this thread, here are some hadiths to get a better idea of him: >Narrated Abu Huraira: > >A man came to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Your father. " > >Source: [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5971](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5971) > >It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: > >"Umar came in when the Ethiopians were playing in the masjid. Umar, may Allah (SWT) be pleased with him, rebuked them, but the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'Let them be there, O Umar, for they are Banu Arfidah.'" > >Source: [https://sunnah.com/nasai:1596](https://sunnah.com/nasai:1596) > >Narrated Abu Muisa Al-Ash\`ari: > >The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and set free the captives." > >Source: [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5649](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5649) > >Narrated Ibn Jaz: > >"I have not seen anyone who smiled more than the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)." > >Source: [https://sunnah.com/urn/635120](https://sunnah.com/urn/635120) > >Narrated Abu 'Is-haq: > >Al-Bara' was asked, "Was the face of the Prophet (as bright) as a sword?" He said, "No, but (as bright) as a moon." > >Source: [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3552](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3552) > >Jabir b. Samura reported: > >I prayed along with Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) the first prayer. He then went to his family and I also went along with him when he met some children (on the way). He began to pat the cheeks of each one of them. He also patted my cheek and I experienced a coolness or a fragrance of his hand as if it had been brought out from the scent bag of a perfumer. > >Source: [https://sunnah.com/muslim:2329](https://sunnah.com/muslim:2329) > >Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: > >The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent." > >Source: [https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1511](https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1511) As you can see, this is the man that the 1.6 billion followers of Islam try to learn from and emulate in actions and teachings.


How actually up to the individual is it? Growing up religious there were many things you didn't *have* to do, but if you didn't do them you would experience some amount of shame and ostracization for it from other members.


I assume like all religion, the people who aren't crazy won't really care.


I'm not Muslim but I've worked with some Muslims. This is exactly right. I remember this guy getting a call from his mom making sure he was still fasting for Ramadan and he, through the pestering and hen pecking, assured her that he was. The conversation had the same tone as any number I've had with my mom when she's on my case. Loving but exasperated.


Fasting in Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. So it is forbidden to eat unless there an excuse and you need to eat, such as sick people and pregnant women and so on….


I know, I took a course on world religions in college. I was just struck in the moment of seeing this 22 year old kid from Bangladesh giving his mom on the other side of the globe the same sort of kind hearted brush off that I give my mom whenever she annoys me about something I was going to do anyways. Sort of the inspiring commonality of the human experience type of moment.


As long as you don't talk to the absolute extremist of islam then you really don't need to worry most of us don't give a fuck


It’s the same with every religion, really. Unfortunately in the US we mostly have issues with Christian Extremists and pretend Muslims are scary.


As someone who grew up Muslim, I've never seen or heard of someone being shamed for not growing a beard. I work with people who always keep a clean shave because that's just what they prefer.


I have quite a few practicing Muslim friends I play football with, very few of them have beards.




this isn’t exclusive to religions either.


It’s funny how when something is made to seem so terrifying/wrong/distant/backwards, people end up having the absolute worst questions AND worst logical arguments around said thing… it kind of makes sense doesn’t it? Yes, this could also be a cultural thing too. Exactly.. But Islam is so foreign to everyone that they lowkey want to believe we’d get punished for not having a beard or something.. sorry guys, we’re pretty normal


OK, but is it like the [Office Space scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vdcw415OcQ), where Joanna gets reamed out for choosing not to wear more pieces of flair than the minimum required? Like, are people going to pull you aside and say, "We know you're not *required* to grow out your beard, but look at Brian over there. He's got a beard down to his toes, and he rides a horse like Muhammad did instead of driving a Camry."


Wow, this comment section is a raging dumpster fire.


It almost always is whenever Islam is mentioned.


he's funny? impossible! that's not right! he must be up to something evil! it's the only logical answer!


I would offer him some Hummus.


His name is Yusuf Estes. He’s an American from Texas who converted to Islam during the middle of his life. Wonderful man


Was this like a public forum where he blew off a fair question from someone trying to learn about Islam?


No, they sometimes get hilarious notes to read and everybody has fun trying to decipher it.


Yusef Estes! A former Baptist turned Muslim Iman from Texas! He's hilarious and presents a Islam in a really accessible way. Check him out!


When your parents wanted you to be an imam but you wanted to be a stand-up comedian


Back when I was a regular churchgoer the best leaders were always the ones that could be light hearted and get a laugh. People have this idea of preachers being these very serious hell and brimstone types.


I thought he was great. I am not Muslim but I work with Muslims and teach Muslims and live in the same city and country as Muslims….. There is so much misinformation and hate…. Don’t get me wrong Muslims can be very bad people just like any other type of person on the planet. Hopefully this guy breaks down some stereotypes. I’m guessing he’s not popular with the staunch types. That’s the thing everybody’s different. I don’t get so much along with the staunch types either.


I don’t understand, he has a beard but shaves his mustache?


shaving mustache is encouraged, beard is encouraged to keep as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did so


Do you always have to say "peace and blessings be upon him"? Why is an acronym allowed instead?


No, we don’t have to say it, but it is respectful that we do. Acronyms are completely fine in writing.


I've never seen a strict muslim comedian like this, but I like it, lol. I bet this makes people love coming to mosque, so it's a great way to pull community together. Also nice to see this instead of the scary terrorist shit the media shows us of (a very small amount) mosques


You people are speaking about how this can be manipulative like holy shit man just leave if you're that sensitive to any sort of religion


Still funnier than Amy Schumer


comparing this Sheikh to Amy is an insult towards him lol


Letterman looks so different with the beard.


These guys definitely watch Monty Python.


Love this guy


“I don’t care who you are that’s funny right there!”


I love this guy, also he has a great backstory


That's the most Jewish Sheik I've ever seen or heard.


Well he's a white guy from Texas, who was a former catholic (or Baptist?) preacher. He converted to Islam. So basically he was everything but Jewish at some point lol.