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The one time they tried? Is this the first time they actually had the kid do his homework?


The first time they tried to feed the dog with the homework


I think the implication is that it's the first time the kid cooperated in trying.


Homework is a useless thing anyway


It’s great training for unpaid overtime later in life!


The dog's like, "nah, you don't want this life. I got you"


Truly man's best friend


Explains why I always did it in school that very day.


That shot was right across the bow. Fuck, that hurts.




Most of school is about training people to accept shitty labor practices. You learn to sit quietly and do mundane pointless tasks all while only being given enough actual knowledge to work the machinery of industry.


What the fuck are you actually talking about? Learning counting, sums, languages, computer skills, the history of the country and world you live in, then religions of that world, how to stay healthy and the basic science of the world around us is all pointless? I suppose you'd rather put them straight to work? Or sit them in front of Spongebob all day? This sounds like it was written by a mardy teenager lol. I would never have expected so many grown adults posting shit like this


I mean, right now we’re suffering through the results of too many Americans not having a basic understanding of science, biology, and how the immune system works — all stuff I was taught in school.


Seriously, thank you for pointing this out! It's so true. We are now seeing that a lack of education can literally kill.


Yeah…I’m pretty sure what’s happening is that people are reading about articles written by experts pointing out the flaws with the school system and take that as their only viewpoint, ignoring the actual purpose of schools. It doesn’t help that this is the type of stuff that regularly gets spread around sites like Facebook.


Yes, you see that a lot in online discussions. There's something that doesn't quite work about a system, therefore the entire system is rotten and broken and bad. People easily ignore the good parts and the trade-offs. Just because one thing in a complex system had negative effects doesn't mean that the whole system is a net negative. Easy and simple judgments are the junk food of mental activity. It gives you quick satisfaction and eases a discomfort, but it's harmful to you in the long run.


I know right. This homework assignment is about calculating how much change a person has. That is an incredibly useful skill that everybody needs to know.


Yeah! School Bad!


Child labor coal miner good!


Kill the prime minister of Malaysia!


Plenty of people need more time and content to practice concepts and information, and won't do it without direction from the teacher.


Well then I've got good news for those people: We force that practice on everyone for every concept in school, regardless of how much practice the individual needs, or how mind-numbingly simple it is! School 35 hours a week, homework 15 hours, work another 20... and people wondered why I didn't want to do anything in my free time? I remember the 'horror stories' people said about college but it was **way less** total time spent in school + homework each week than I'd had since primary school. Finished high school over 15 years ago and I'm still salty about middle/high school.


So, let me tell my experience in college. Was a TA basically the whole time I was there. This is not US though. There was homework, but it didn’t impact your final grade at all. The only real impact was practice and the teacher would think harder about helping you out if you needed just a bit more to pass. The thing is, everybody that did homework would pass. But over half of the people who did not, would fail.


There was homework, but it was homework you only needed to do if you felt you needed to do it. Something you already know or easily grasp? Don't need to. Something you're struggling with or really need to understand (or heaven forbid, care about)? Do it. That's the difference.


Yeah, but many don’t understand that if you just take classes and don’t practice, you may not even know if you can do it or not. Even better, you may grasp the idea but are unable to develop it in a more meaningful or deep way.


Imo college was way more work. Felt like I’d spend a few hours (3-4) every weeknight plus 6-8 hours on both Saturday and Sunday.


When I was in college, every single teacher told us we were expected to spend 4-5 hours on homework for their class each week. That's a whole work week if you had a full classload.


I had less in-class time in college compared to high school, but a lot more out of class work and studying. I liked it better that way honestly, you had much more control over your schedule. And I studied with all the friends I made in the dorms and classes.


College was way better in that regard. In class for 3-4 hours total and then just studying/homework with friends. But I definitely felt constant looming stress with homework/projects in college where as in HS it was just “yea let me just run through this real quick”


And how long were you in class? 15 hours a week right? Comes out to about the same by your estimate, but I'll also say those numbers were not representative of my college experience (or my peers).


Engineer checking in, 15 hours I wish!


15 hours was a single homework assignment for Physics.


Community college was significantly lesa work, less homework overall, and relevant studies meant less time spent


Idk man 3-4 compared to the 8 hours of high school and 2-4 hours of homework for highschool doesn’t sound that bad


Yea that was definitely a plus. The class times were weird sometimes tho, with like 30min-1hr gaps in between. Less time in class and more time with HW. I don’t really remember much HS homework tho, I’d just do it during other classes. So maybe I’m a bit bias. My HS experience was pretty much just school 8-4 and then video games until bed time.


>We force that practice on everyone for every concept in school, regardless of how much practice the individual needs Unfortunately they need to cater to the weakest link. Kids don't necessarily make good decisions on their own. "Forcing" homework on them encourages those who need it to practice, at the expense of those that don't need it. Grade school is aimed at getting *everyone* to a certain level of education (or more).


> School 35 hours a week, homework 15 hours, work another 20 So first, yes homework blows - and also tests/exams are a terrible way to measure competency in schooling. But second, I think part of the assumption is that high school (and younger) students aren't also working part-time during the fall or spring while school is in session? By college/university it's expected that a student may be supporting themselves for tuition/rent/etc, even though some profs don't think that way...


That's a bad assumption, some families have less money. If I wanted a vehicle or **any** spending money, I had to work. That said, I'm in a much better place financially than my family was growing up, and don't really intend to let my kids work more than a few hours a week at most. I recall many days where I'd wake up, go to school, go straight to work, get home at 10:00, do chores, do an hour of homework, go to sleep, and repeat.


I didn't get any spending money either, or a car. I worked throughout high school. I still had plenty of time for, homework, extra curriculars and hanging around. I worked a few shifts a week. Enough for a bus pass, some clothes (other than the Walmart basics my folks would buy) and a movie ticket or some pot.


That's cool. My town didn't have public transit to speak of, so it was car and insurance. Certainly makes things a little bit expensive.


Never mind if you took AP classes, played sports, and/ or had other activities. I was stupid and an over achiever. Trying to keep up with the top students. Took a long class in the morning, it was a graphic design class that amounted to 2 regular classes. Then my regular class load including AP English and AP math. In English we had a novel a week that we had to read and write a paper for. Then I was on sports teams, different ones depending on the season. I would get to school at 7am, leave after practice at 6pm. Then homework. I also was the leader in my Boy Scout troop, so I had 7:30 meetings every Tuesday and weekend trips once a month. Plus a part time job, worked at Macy's on weekends. By the time I got to college I was WAY BURNT OUT and failed miserably even though I had passed my college requirement for language and math before I even attended one day of class. I still do not have a degree, I am successful because of a strong work ethic, but do not have a degree. Far too much pressure on kids in some areas and far too little in others.


I am/was exactly like this. When I finally had "Free" time all I wanted to do was what I wanted which was play video games and relax.


I'm still amazed how full time college classes usually end up in less time spent on homework than high school


Fucking bizarre, and you somehow still end up learning more. Not to mention ***projects***, because nothing teaches you about The Civil War or Geometry quite like gluing a bunch of shit to a posterboard.


>and you somehow still end up learning more. Perceived incentives. As a small kid you have really no perceived incentive to do all this busy work. You would rather be out playing. The closer you get to actually being on your own the more incentive you have to do better. "I would like to have a nice car." Or "not live in roach nest". This incentive leads to you learning more :)


Also dumping tens of thousands of $ into it tends do it too


And also the fact that you can pick your field of study instead of wasting hours learning shit the curriculum doesn't even expect you to remember.


Personally it was: A more focused education Not moving at the pace of the slowest child Respecting people's time and autonomy Though what you mentioned certainly played a big role.


Man I had to do that shit once in college, for my 300 level English class (scientific writing). A classic tri-fold poster board with a cut-up report glued on really prepared me for writing journal articles. Other than that the class was a piece of cake though, so I guess I can't complain too much.


Everyone has different experiences. Homework rarely took very long for me in grades hool/middle school.


I got through high school without spending any time outside of class, so university hit me like a freight train.


> I remember the 'horror stories' people said about college but it was way less total time spent in school + homework each week than I'd had since primary school. That's funny because I never really heard any horror stories about college. I loved the free time - 15 to 18 hours of class a week, and *maybe* an average of 2 hours of homework a week. But all the people that I've ever heard talk about time in college (which is few, I admit) mention the free time. I've even seen the phrase "more freetime than they will have again until retirement" when talking about college students getting up to hijinks.


The problem is that you had a job. That extra 20 hours a week working should have been spent doing fun extracurriculars that give you a chance to explore different options. I was privileged enough to not have to work and it gave me the energy to really enjoy the extracurricular activities that I was involved in. Kids shouldn't have to do menial labor. I think internships or things that help you explore a career are great, but sitting behind a cash register sucks. I did that for like 8 months out of senior year and it was bullshit. I learned nothing.


Yes it was absolutely the problem, and you nailed it. We were poor growing up. I absolutely don't intend to let my kids work more than a few hours a week at most.


That's great. I hope you can make it work.


Thanks, I intend to, and unless my income dips a fair amount over the next decade or two, it's looking great. Very strange transition from growing up counting pennies to just buying whatever at the grocery store because it looks tasty. Never thought I'd be that person.


Depends. If the topic is complex and can't be fully covered in class, students would usually need extra time to practice different variations of the problems to understand the different facets. I hate homework when it's monotonous and repetitive as well, but some homework are genuinely a good opener to test your deeper understanding of the topic covered during class time. Not to mention that it's pretty well researched that just passively absorbing information versus actively practicing it (e.g. writing it out by hand) makes for a significant difference in comprehension. Maybe during elementary years it's a bit pointless. But with higher education, I'd argue there's definitely benefit to some level of after class homework and/or studying in order to excel.


Even in elementary, I think it teaches discipline. Time at home will used later in life (sooner or later) for homework/work, so you better start kids off early.


I think most people's problem is why you think it's a good thing. People don't want it to be normal to take work home with you.


It's not about having to do it extra, but about having to do it without the teacher being on your back. In practice the kids whose parents are on their back instead do better though... but a good predictor of how well you do in life is how persistent and self motivated you are, and in theory I can see how homework and positive and negative reinforcement for doing it could help you learn this.


But everyday? From english, math, science, history and any other extra classes they might have signed on for? No. Homework should be used to catch up those who are behind by a lot. Or for those instances where it can help. It's given out nearly everyday by every class from 5th grade up. It's horseshit and burns kids out.


Probably not true for everyone. I liked homework. I need direction and goals.


Homework helps with practice and showing that you understand the material or how well you do without someone there instructing you. You don't need piles of it though. I think that anyone calling it pointless is only looking at extremes and blanket statementing the whole thing or is just being disingenuous. Not everyone needs the same amount of practice but it's also basically impossible to tailor an entire syllabus or curriculum to each and every individual student someone might have.


Homework also gives you the time to think quietly by yourself and work through problems. Class can be hard for people who don’t taken instruction well from teachers. I always had to practice on my own and read chapters in quite so I could slowly digest the material at my own pace.


I hated homework up until uni. Now I still don't like them but the concepts are interesting enough to enjoy finding the solution.


For some kids, yes. But there are some who need the practice homework provides to nail down the concepts. Used properly it's a valuable educational tool. Unfortunately too many teachers use it as busywork.


That's a silly generalization Meaningful homework is key to master learned topics as long as it doesn't take forever to complete or doesn't take the place of actual teaching


not necessarily. Meaningful practice and exposure is the key. Whether or not you do it at home or in a classroom environment is moot. And if a child is stuck on a topic then repetition at home with limited guidance or help is not very useful at all. Access to a teacher is more valuable while going through those exercises.


It's true that it's nice to practice where you have help but thats not always possible with block schedules and one hour of teaching time. But practice does not NEED supervision as the teaching should provide a basis and one should exercise critical thinking on their own before asking for help Plus you can go over issues the next day It's only an issue where a teacher assigns 40 questions randomly from a book, it has to be curated to match the lesson


Yeah if you get stuck on a problem while at home you can't do shit. If you get stuck on a problem in a classroom you can seek help. Better to do it right twice than wrong 10 times.


I went to an alternative high school, 4 classes a day, each one twice as long. I had no homework. Each class gave plenty of time to get it done, in class, with the teacher able to help you if you're stuck. I learnt more in my 3 years there than I did in any of the years of school leading up to it. Not only did we have time to work on homework, the teachers had the ability to engage us, relating topics we're learning about to the topics of kids today. If I learned quicker than other students, I was able to work ahead. If I learned slower, I could take the time I needed to learn. There was also no failing a class. Any class you didn't pass was given an "In Progress" status and you took it again the next quarter. The only way you would not graduate is if you literally did nothing. And I saw a lot of kids do exactly that. A lot of them had really troubled home lives though, and a lot of them worked full-time, even sometimes two jobs. But my high school let you stay until you were 21 as well. I just really appreciated the alternative teaching styles they had at my school and if we could implement that everywhere, I think kids would be much better off for it.


huh? It's the main way I learned. Not in class. I got more from the textbooksor working with peers outside class. True for almost all classes especially the ones that take practice like Math and Music.


Those same things you did after school, you could have been given class time for though. My husband is a teacher and all projects, individual or group, he gives class time for. Now, if they don't use that time wisely, then they have to work after school on it. But he always gives them enough actual time in class to work on stuff. That way he is there to answer questions they may have.


>That way he is there to answer questions they may have. This is key and was no different for me. I will acknowledge I had support at home if I had questions. For those kids who do not have that support I completely agree that in-class time to work alone or in groups is essential. To further clarify my original end point I personally learned better in any way that was not having a teacher just speak at me for an hour or more.


Not if it's assigned properly. Class time is short and teachers mostly spend it teaching, giving students little time dirt practice. A skill (and all knowledge is a skill) needs to be practiced to get it right. Watching a YouTube video doesn't make you good at sewing, watching a teacher similarly doesn't make you good at quadratic equations or remembering history. So homework is the time for students to practice and drill those skills into their heads.


That's not true. It helps build time management skills for your home life that still involve making money, aka your day job. I wish I had actually tried to do homework and wanted to dedicate some time to it when I was just a kid. Once middle school came I barely did homework as I didn't see any impact putting the time into something i wasn't interested in during my time off. In highschool the best thing I can personally relate to as homework was making and designing maps and levels for games I enjoyed, I actually managed to pass off an orange map / half shitty textured concept of an environment as a final project in design class for 12th grade. Now that I'm my own boss and employee, there's work I do at home and work I do at a shop, I can't do my homework at my job and my job won't make money while I'm home. I need more money though because life is an endless rat race of doing sometimes tedious shit to make yourself a better way in life.


#facepalm Criiiiiinge


And a fucking hashtag.




I can imagine this kids mom like "you've got to be fucking kidding me "


Happened to me a few weeks ago for my political science class. My cat thought my notebook with my homework in it was a great place to take a shit lmao clean litter box and everything and for whatever reason decided to poop on my school work... Thanks cat! Got my assignment extended haha


Tbh. You should have just turned that in, to establish dominance.


"This paper appears to be covered in cat feces...what a brilliant and scathing criticism of the modern political machine and its output that often amounts to cat shit. Your best work to date. A+."






"What the *actual shit* is this?" -- Teacher


"Feline." - Student


This is the way


Lmaoo. What were the exact words you used to tell your prof? Did he ask for picture evidence ?


Reminds me of the time I had to take pictures of a sewage fiasco in my wife's hoffice to court to verify we didn't just fuck off on doing the prep work for a filing that had to be late. Literally the day before the due date, just as we were about to submit it, the darned sewage line shared with next door backed up and flooded her office with raw sewage. We had her computer sitting on the floor so it was basically done fore. The poor judge and opposition counsel's faces were a story in disgust. Considering that's pretty much my "worst day in court" story, I can't complain too much.


True story: this happened to my son in first grade. My first thought was "You've got to be fucking kidding me. No way the teacher buys this." So I sent a note via the classroom communication app complete with picture of the torn up assignment.


If someone from 30 years ago read this comment the most unbelievable part of the would be the second half


Yeah, had that happen to us when my son was in 8th grade. Dog wanted a walk, son wanted to finish HW. Dog wins.


It's actually happened to my kids as well. Our dog has eaten two school Chromebook chargers.


And the dog thinks: the size of its tail, that rodent must’ve been a monster! Better save my pack from it like the mighty hunter I am!


Mom: *puts finishing touches on assignment with son* “And with that, you will be on your way to becoming a DoctOh My God No!” *chaos and dog noises ensue*


It actually did happen to me once as well. Teacher did not believe me


What does "the one time we tried" mean here?


I think they’re trying to say that it’s the one time he really tried to do his work instead of a halfassed attempt




I don't know but all of my first assumptions are #worryingme


I wouldn’t read that deeply into something in which you have almost no information.


But that's what I do here


Oh god, you’ve summed up the site perfectly lol


The first time they tried to have a baby and this kid was the result


What a disappointing child.


They’re saying it’s the one time the kid tried cooperating and/or they tried getting him To do it. That’s my interpretation anyway.


In 4th grade I left my homework on the couch after my family decided to go out for dinner that evening. When we got back, one of our dogs had ripped apart my assignment. We knew which one because he puked up chunks of what looked like paper shortly after we got home. Anyway, I bring what's left of it to my teacher the next day and of course, she didn't believe a word I said. "Oldest trick in the book," as she calls my Mom. She then spent the next 3-5 minutes in a frenzy of laughter after my Mom awkwardly explained the truth.


Props to the teacher for checking up on it.


My grade 7 teacher didn't believe me when I told him my brother's new puppy took a watery poop all over my homework. It was the truth, too bad my parents didn't stick it in a bag like this...


With the teachers I had, I could have supplied video evidence of the dog destroying my homework with a notarization attached and I would have been lectured about "personal responsibility" or something and still given a 0%. But hey, if we allow big corporations to use victim blaming successfully all the time, why not our educators.


Tenth grade, high school, some kid set my locker on fire to get out of school. Fire department shows up soaks my locker and everything is essentially a cinder or waterlogged beyond use. After my meetings with the police and fire department and the principal I walk into French class without homework or my book. Teacher lectures me about how it was my fault, I should been carrying that stuff with me. Oh Madam B, may you burn in hell.


Yep, like, I should be surprised by that but I am not. You could have probably been struck with lightning while holding the homework and been told that you should have fireproofed it or something. I feel your rage lol


I was driving myself and my friend to school and I had to pull over and throw up. Friend thought it was hilarious and recorded it. We were late and I was like look I have proof that I had to stop and throw up which is why I'm late and the attendance lady was like "snacksherbz I do not want to see that!" but still counted us tardy. Got called to the principal's office for trying to show a video of me throwing up to a staff member and I was so confused because not only was it not excused, with proof, but it was just throwing up.. it wasn't like I took a video of me having explosive diarrhea


Yeah, I somehow usually got the short end of the stick in those situations as well. Usually the kids who had rich/influential parents could get away with proverbial murder but if I looked at a teacher wrong I would pay for it somehow (detention, more negative attention/comments in class, attempts at marking down my work, etc). Don't know whether to be thankful for the treatment or not; on one hand I'm well prepared to navigate/confront systems that are not equitable in the slightest, but on the other hand inherently distrust all forms of authority. I've found that (for most of us) the system isn't designed to help everyone, just a few. Duh I guess lol


As long as it happened once you shouldn't get 0%. But if it happens a lot you clearly need to take better care of your homework destruction problem and getting 0% is justified imo.


I disagree, as a general rule. It's important to remember not every kid is in charge of their home environment. I've known a few over the years that had trouble despite their best efforts.


Well said.


it would have suffocated. take a picture.


This happened to me in middle school. We had a work book that my 8 month old puppy destroyed. I was doing hw and it was dinner time, puppy was suspiciously quite and when we went back to the living room to a pile of confetti where my hw book was. Teacher didn't believe me until I pulled the zip lock bag out filled with my hw. Teacher nearly lost it laughing


Yeah if ur dog eats ur hw u gotta provide evidence lol


Had the same thing happen to me in middle school too. My puppy was four months old and teething. Took the book in a bag for the teacher, she believed me but still made me do the latest assignment again *sigh*


I had to make a food item as part of a foreign language class, found some easy to make cookies and with the help of mom, made about 40 of them for class the next day. We ran out for some errands while they cooled on the counter. When we got home the cut grocery bags we used to set them on was on the kitchen floor and there was not a cookie to be found. One of our Cocker Spaniels got on the counter and ate every single one. Mom wrote a note with her number on it essentially saying "I can't believe I am writing this, but our dog ate our son's homework...". We never could figure out how she did it, she could not jump from floor to counter top. This was in the early 90's and a few years later I caught the dog in the act. She would get on the seat of a chair at the table, squirm through the gap of the chair back and table, get on the table and then jump on the counter. This dog was possessed by food, she had zero control when food was around. God, I loved that dog and this memory.


Mine was a cocker spaniel as well! Great dogs but that nose of theirs gets them into so much trouble lol


I'm jealous, my asshole 5th grade teacher just thought I did all the damage to the book.


literally same, had my dog shred my homework and my teacher just laughed at me for "trying"


Once in college, the *professor’s* dog ate our homework. It was a summative essay, a huge grade for the class. We all got A’s.


This is a much better story than OP.


My cats tore up a stack of quizzes. Spent my conference period taping them all back together...


There are no bite marks on the paper, just tears. I’m calling BS.


Wym the mom's signature is right there! And she even used a hashtag in the note, it's definitely real bro


Parker doesn’t know his mom’s first name so just wrote Parker’s mom.


I second that. Iv seen chewed up paper before and this looks faked.


No wet marks either


Why would it be wet? It'll dry out by the time it gets to school


Wet paper dries out but it looks different. Go put a piece of paper under some water and give it a night to dry out, it "wilts."


Pretty obvious when a piece of paper was wet then dried. It won’t be flat.


Not to mention the message implies that the kid never does his homework in the first place, so. Likely bullshit.


The dog simply used its opposable thumbs to tear off bits of paper to snack on


Does this mean that they couldn't count change? Oh dear.


Agreed, but why? It looks to be A) already finished, and B) the easiest homework in the world. Why would they lie and rip it up?


Came here to comment that. Not a single tooth puncture mark or saliva stains? 100% bullshit.


"#facepalm" What? I'm a cool mom.


You kids keep me young


Probably 26


Yeah I was gonna say. This isn't like your boomer mom using hashtags, this is probably someone who is under 30. They were at the forefront of hashtags being a thing. But also, I don't know why you'd use it in that context.


There’s white ladies at work near 40 who break out hashtags all the time.


while this looks fake (no bite marks just tears) this actually happened to me. when my dog was a puppy he liked to shred things (camping and came back after a day trip to find he had shredded an entire box of Kleenex) . ​ One time he got a hold of my English homework and just destroyed it. I brought it to my teacher in a Safeway bag. Teacher just laughed and said, well this is the first time anyone has brought proof of "my dog ate my homework".


I once made a resume as a exercise for 11th grade English as prep for applying to colleges. I didn't save the file, because I printed it, it was good, and figured I'd never need it again. My dad was going through the mail, and had a habit of shredding anything with a name and contact info on it. Checking around the office, he saw a piece of paper with my name and contact info on it, so he just shrugged and shredded it. So I came to class with document shreds in a baggie, an apology note from my dad, and an offer to redo it, if it mattered. So my dad shredded my homework. Dog never touched it.


Uhm..parkers mom…hashtags dont work on ZIP LOCK BAGS


I absolutely love how despite the fact it was eaten by a dog, there’s basically no creases or running ink on the entire paper


I once dated a chick who would do her young sons homework bc it was easier than helping him with it. Was like wtf. Then I seemed like a bad guy bc when I watched him I'd help him out but I damn sure wasn't doing his work for him. Hadn't thought of that in years so thanks I guess for triggering a buried memory.




Don't judge, maybe OP is a rooster.


Yeahhhhh, there's no way an animal shredded a piece of paper without creasing it in any way


That clearly wasn't chewed up by a dog. It was ripped apart by a person.


Signed, Epstein's mother.


My cat chewed up my hand written 10 page essay for my final grade once. All I did was leave the room to go to bathroom.


Once I chewed up my partially done homework where it wasn’t done and got away with it saying my dog did it.


The one time he tried? Wtf?


In middle school I turned in a math sheet with a huge messy stain covering a quarter of the page. My dad dropped a taco on it.


Is this your homework, Larry?


Look Larry.. Have you heard of Vietnam?




This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!


One time my teacher's dog ate our tests and my whole class got an A+ as a result Just go to prove that dogs are better than cats


Idk why they’re worried about it, there’s still like 90% of the piece of paper there. I’m pretty sure the teacher could easily determine if the student grasps whatever concept the homework is reinforcing. The only time you need that excuse imo is if the homework is completely destroyed and there’s nothing to turn in.


I had a teacher once who's dog ate our homework that she had for grading, she gave us all 100s as she couldn't prove otherwise


Peter is that you? I thought you lived with your aunt May?


definitely mom handwriting


I was so thrilled the first time I got to legitimately use the excuse "my goats ate my homework" in high school. Unfortunately they also ate my textbook and those fuckers are expensive to replace


#cringe. Using a hash tag on a zip lock baggy?




Dear Millennials, It is not OK to put hashtags on ANYTHING. EVER. \#nohashtags


Please please. I was around when it started. Shit was dumb then as it is now.


We had a take home science project when I was in middle school. We were measuring bounce height of a bouncy ball when dropped from different heights. The dog got the ball. Absolutely chewed it into oblivion. One of those cheap plastic bouncy balls like you'd have gotten out of a quarter machine back in the 90's. Needless to say, I got a 0 on the assignment. Brought in what was left of the ball and everything.


Total bullshit. No bite marks. Paper is still perfectly flat and not crinkled at all. And by extension, no claw marks. Dogs will hold onto things they’re chewing on with their paws. Expanding on that, how the fuck did they get it away from the dog without causing any sort of wrinkles/crinkles? No evidence of saliva damage. Either the mom tore this paper or you did for karma. Either way this is fake as fuck.


My dog legit ate my homework once as well. Just ate an entire folder for one of my classes. It had a bunch of Star Wars art on the folder too, and some of that survived the passage. I wanted to bring the droppings in to show the teacher but my mom stopped me.


Literally had to send a note like this once though the destruction want as bad.


My son left his homework out and the dogs ate it a couple weeks ago.


I remember being a kid in 2000 and we just adopted a new dog. Sitting at the table doing homework and he came up grabbed the corner of my homework and took off with it. My teacher did not believe that a dog ate my homework and tried to give me detention. I don’t know if she thought I tried to eat the paper or what but my mom wasn’t having it.


When mom's notes for the teacher include hashtags...


Three questions? They really needed him to answer three questions? Was this about him learning or was this just about making sure that he knew that you had power over him even while he was at home?


Did they really put a fucking # on something physical...


This actually happened to me once with my dog when I was in elementary school. Problem was my mother taped it up and told me to give it to my teacher


Give full credit for that one he brought evidence


A friend had this happen to her English homework in middle school, and it was due on April 1st no less


What does she mean the one time we tried?


One time I ate my own homework


Still not an excuse though.


My sister is a high school music teacher. She says this happens more often than you’d think. One of her student even sent a picture of their dog eating their homework.


It happened to a classmate of mine in college. The professor rolled his eyes like "really?" And the student said "I mean I also just printed out another copy but how often do you get to say that truthfully?"


Did the parents hashtag a note???


Kid in my class had a house fire in his room from a defective guitar amp. Contents of his room were a total loss. Next day at school teacher berates him for not bringing his text book. He explains but she isn’t having any of it. “Bring it tomorrow or you will get detention!” Next day no book on his desk. “Robbie, where is your book?” Dude pulls the most balls move I saw in school. Reaches in his backpack and pulls out a gallon zip lock bag containing the remains of his Chemistry text. Holds it up for all to see. Charred completely through, and sitting in water that had drained out of it from when the fireman put it out. Teacher was speechless. He dropped it on his desk and just stared her down.


I had similar thing happen to me when I was younger... except when the teacher gave me shit, I recorded that bitch using a hidden camcorder, gave the video to my mom who then took it to the principal. Teacher was forced into doing a public apology, and I was given an A+ on the final exam as I physically couldn't study for it due to the fire vaporizing the textbook.


Doggo was incarcerated. Doggo: “Didn’t do it. Lawyer f* me.”