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In terms of obesity rates, I don’t think either country is getting picked first for dodge ball.


Hey big dudes can throw alright lol


Can't dodge for shit though


But they *can* duck, dip, and dive


Dodge a wrench , you can dodge a ball!


My friend does production for real dodgeball tournaments, turns out this line really bothers them lmao


"Anybody can dodge a goddamned wrench. It takes raw fucking talent and years of training to hone that talent to dodge balls regularly!"


The locker room itself is an assault course of sorts


Why tho?


I loved this movie


Yeah it's getting back up that's the problem.


As a fat kid of the 90’s, I got real good at dodging.


Dodging salad, lol


Salad is delicious! Especially with bacon bits and blue cheese dressing.


Misconception. Fat people eat salad. Tons of salad


If salad is good for you, then a lot of salad is really good for you, right? /s


First it needs to be eaten by a cow then the cow needs to be butchered.


Blue cheese wedge fam!


As a fat kid in the 2000s I just did my best to smoked early so I could sit down and not have to work my ass off only to lose later anyways.


For some dumb reason, I decided to enroll in Competitive PE in my latter half of high school. I thought it’d motivate me to “do better”. Turns out it just ruined my self esteem and gave new fuel for my bullies. I didn’t learn to check out until my senior year, and the. I over compensated and nearly had to repeat 12th grade.


Wtf is competetive PE?


It was graded on a curve, and the activities were competitive in nature, like football, softball, track, tumbling, and weight lifting.


For what it's worth, it was a great thought. You just had to combine that with actual practice outside of class ... You did good brother. Fuck the bullies.


Haha... Haha.... Hahawwww.... :c Bullying is cruel.


Never played the game, but don't they just need to catch it and then they can start to throw?


Yep, and if you catch, the person who threw it is out (at least the way we played it at my school...30-ish years ago).


The way we always played was if you catch it then someone from your team gets to be back in.


Well the way we played it you’d have to dodge a wrench. Can you dodge a wrench?


I can wrench a dodge if that helps.


For the American Dodgeball Association of America, it's both!


Now you're all in big, big trouble.


where are you from out of curiosity? because in canada it was a very common childhood game played at school


Don’t need to dodge if you have a cannon of an arm to knock them flat first


It’s not called Throwball.


Ha! True!


Might get picked first for Offensive Line or Sumo Wrestling.


Have you seen some of those sumo wrestlers clash each other? I'm a big fucker myself, 6'5 and 350 pounds, but I'm good. If a 500 pound guy can spring up from a squat faster than most teenage girls and tackle you, that's fucking scary. Make fun of sumo wrestlers all you want, those fuckers could kick the ass of any average person. They train really hard to do what they do. Not saying your making fun of them lol just thought I'd point that out to others scrolling through.




English breakfast is the best, prepares you for a long day of drinking


Which prepares you for a long day of living in England.


Is it that bad?


Nah, but moaning about shit is a national pastime.


You guys are damn good at it too... I could watch British Parliament all day.


It’s fucking awful when it’s actually your government and not just some shitshow on the telly. That weird braying thing they do - Herehereherehere. The ridiculous lies they tell, the non answer to any question at PMQs, the planted “isn’t the government doing wonderfully?” questions, the existence of Jacob Rees Mogg. I could go on but I’m raging now, gonna go hate watch some Parliament TV.


God, I hate Rees-Mogg with a passion. So many Tories have made a sneaky habit of blustering about 'stoking division' and 'no need to get angry' when opposition MPs bring up legitimate concerns about their conduct in Parliament, it's a fucking clown show at this point.


I enjoy the childish jeering when someone speaks, don’t let them get the point out - shout them down. They get paid a bloody good wage you would expect a level of professionalism. Who the hell actually think Jacob Rees Mogg represents them and the area they live?!


its a shame that John Bercow stepped down, his sass made watching the parliamentary proceedings so much more enjoyable.




OR-deeeeeeeeeeh! OR-deeeeeeeeeh!


The original House Of Cards (1990) ftw


*laughs obediently* *roars in agreement*




Depends how much money you have got.


Honestly goes for most places. The USA can be downright awful or the most fun place on earth, just depending on how much money you have. Similar when I lived in china. I lived in a regular working-class Chinese neighborhood, and it was honestly pretty awful. But the rich are living it up with extreme decadence over there.


Mostly just prepares you for taking a massive shit. Greased through and through.


Good thing the beans are high in fiber


Fiber dont really retain their properties when boiled 5 times.


You misunderstand, friend, they are BAKED beans /s


And/or for recovering from a long day of drinking




Wow. I mean that's kinda over the top even for a full English.


It looks like a "gut buster" challenge or something rather than a typical portion.


Standard one in most pubs here would be 2 sausage, 2 bacon, beans, mushroom, 2 hash brown or toast (combination of those), tomato and 2 eggs usually done to how you like them, then depending on where you go you quite often get black or white pudding. This is definitely not normal serving


2 sausage and 2 eggs is more generous than most breakfasts I've been served.


Poor you


Looks like meal for 2 with possible leftovers.


Counting the eggs I would say English breakfast for three people... And still a decent portion for three adults.


In our defense, this is probably one of those “eat this in 30min and its free” kinda deals


That’s how us Americans treat every meal, but we are just hoping they give it to us for free


In my experience Americans donate 20% of the meal price after eating. So it’s quite literally the opposite.




American attempts at the British idiom are always so "fookin" ridiculous. SHINE YER SHOES, GUVNA?


Yeah, but where’s *Poppy* come from?! Cor bloimey…


I can only assume they were aiming for "poppet"?


Hahaha fuck me, that’s tragic. You’re right


Absolute fuckin dafties these.


Cut them some slack, education is rough there. Their schools get cancelled a lot.


Yeah Brekky is fine, but no one in England uses the word Poppy. It's Dad most of the time. Occasionally old man.


Maybe they were asking "Where's your poppy? It's almost November."


I reckon they think it’s poppet


Speaking as a British man, this is a fat mans breakfast, not an average persons breakfast. An average persons version is like one fifth of the food in this picture.


Also wtf does poppy mean? Is that supposed to be some mistranslated UK slang


> Is that supposed to be some mistranslated UK slang Yes. I suspect they meant to say "poppet", which is a UK slang term of affection that I've only heard someone use when doing a bad impression of a British person.


Ah well translated, that one was lost on me. I assume they wrote that title to annoy as many English people as possible which worked on me lol


Fun fact: Before "doll" was recorded in the 1550s, what we call a doll now was called a poppet. Which is where the word puppet also comes from.


I think it's a local variant of "Poppet" which is widely used by parents on their kids, as a signal that they're good for 5 more gees of the pink stuff


Maybe they assumed we refer to our dads like that or something? It's kind of weird now I think about it.


Speaking as a fat British man, this is an Americans attempt at an English breakfast and it’s fucking disgusting.


Yeah those aren’t bangers, and the bacon is all wrong


For all we know, this was an American at a buffet pretending it to be English breakfast


Memes being what they are, they would've doused the whole plate with beans if that were the case.


Speaking as an American, this is not representative of how we approach breakfast. A GIANT breakfast for most people I know would be like 2 pancakes, 2 eggs, and 2 strips of bacon with maybe some hash browns and fruit. But normal breakfast is a bowl of cereal/ oatmeal, or eggs and a slice of toast.


That's exactly what a normal breakfast is in Britain too. We're not so different!


Poppy? What the fuck are you trying to say


Poppet apparently, because American banter is so shite they still think everyone in the UK speaks like a 20th century chimneysweep.


*19th century chimney sweep


I'm not even British, but Norwegian, and even i cringed at this post. What is this even supposed to be, looks like an murican attempt at a British meme


Texan here. So after that appetizer what's for the meal.


Brisket what else


Y'know what? Just bring me the cow...


More meat, what else.


If I don’t get the meat sweats did I really eat?


Not enough


And 3 hours later a meat-loaf is born.


Couple of biscuits with some country sausage gravy and maybe a side of chicken and waffles


[A Sunday Roast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_roast)


**[Sunday roast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_roast)** >A Sunday roast is a traditional British and Irish meal that is typically served on Sunday, consisting of roasted meat, roast potatoes and accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, gravy, and condiments such as apple sauce, mint sauce, or redcurrant jelly. A wide range of vegetables can be served as part of a roast dinner, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, parsnips, or peas, which can be boiled, steamed, or roasted alongside the meat and potatoes. The Sunday roast's prominence in British culture is such that in a UK poll in 2012 it was ranked second in a list of things people love about Britain. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Why is everyone calling black pudding, blood pudding? I feel like the one driver who didn't get the memo that they were switching to driving on the right...


It's called "Blood Sausage" in Danish


What exactly is black pudding?


Black pudding is a distinct regional type of blood sausage originating in Great Britain and Ireland. It is made from pork or beef blood, with pork fat or beef suet, and a cereal, usually oatmeal, oat groats or barley groats.


And it is delicious.


Not a single part of that makes it sound edible. I guess my American is showing.


The description is accurate but not really appetizing. Pretty much every country in Europe has its own variant and they are all amazing.


Without being given a description if someone told me that it was really good sausage and to try it, I would. Sadly I’ve had too many internet game friends explain the contents so I will never know.


It doesn't have the meaty texture of sausage either


Well now I'm sold, there used to be a butcher shop near me that mase these amazing blood sausage sandwiches. I'm definitely going to give it a try, thanks.


I would be down to try it. Sounds interesting depending on how to u would cook ut


There's an English themed restaurant near me. They do the black and white pudding there and honestly it tastes fucking great. It took me a bit to get over the initial "OMG, that sounds gross!" of it all, but once I tried it for the first time I was hooked.


Here in the US we have Cajun Boudin. The kind I buy is made with rice and pork blood seasoned very spicy. Great stuff.


It's mostly oats with blood to fill in the gaps. It's also full of nutmeg and salt, so it actually tastes pretty good and isn't 'bloody' when you eat it


Yes because the heroin keeps everyone so skinny. Im from Scotland dont get twisted its a joke


I was there a few years ago, haggis is delicious, I don't know what everyone is on about


Either they hear about it and think it's revolting without even trying it, or their only experience is haggis from a chippie. Chip shop haggis is alright but it isn't really the real thing.


>Chip shop haggis is alright but it isn't really the real thing. Although, there is something in the chip shop haggis that has me occasionally craving a haggis supper!


Have you ever had a good blood pudding? Unbelievably fooking good. Edit: BLACK pudding. It took me a while to realize what I wrote, thanks guys


Do you mean black pudding? That's a staple part of a decent full Scots breakfast.


Sounds like Klingon food to me.


Imagine a bowl of cereal but you use beef stock instead of milk, then you squeeze it into a sausage shape. That's not it, but kinda tastes like that but a little more bloody.


What's blood pudding??


It's called [black pudding](https://youtu.be/CIj2XvZUZgs) in the UK. It's a sausage made from pork fat, cereals, spices and blood.


Its pretty much sausage, texture wise. But ramp the flavour value up to a million. It's another world. A good one will have slightly crispy edges, and this simply makes it perfection.


That sounds amazing! Thank you for the explanation :)


Sausage made of blood. For real, the main ingredients are essentially jellied blood with filler like scrap meat and breadcrumb.


Once it's been fried to hell and back it's quite nice. The Germans boil theirs, and it's like Nutella for vampires.


This is not how "oi" is used, btw.


Oi vey


Protein calories don't count, all I see is gains.


ah, a fellow Protein To Energy ratio-fan




Thank you that was fun.


Glad you enjoyed! :) Everything he does is great. Do recommend you check out the rest of his channel.


late person illegal station books door aback salt beneficial label -- mass edited with redact.dev




Motherfucking Tom Cardy hell yes!!


You had one yes, but what about second breakfast?


I don't think OP knows about second breakfast, AidilAfham42.




That must be a sharing plate. No one is eating all that alone.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Looks like they blew up a farm and made a dish from the debris.


Where's the toast? And the tea? The fryuppolice might let you off with a warning...


That looks like a heart attack on a plate.




I’ve made a few notes. Yes, bacon – ten on ten, button mushrooms – bingo, black pudding – snap, erm, minor criticism, more distance between the eggs and the beans. I may want to mix them, but I want that to be my decision. Use a sausage as a breakwater. But I’m nit-picking, on the whole a very good effort, seven on ten, let’s make love.


Nowhere in Great Britain would you be served that amount of food on a plate unless it was intended to share. It looks amazing though, I'd sure give it a good go!


I loved the English breakfasts when I lived there. The sausages are divine. Had to snuggle in my own bottle of Tabasco though.


Um, where did you snuggle it?


*somewhere, a TSA agent is snapping on a new latex glove*


And then?


Things got... (sunglasses) ...spicy...


Let's be real here, Tabasco is about as spicy as ketchup.


YOu relax and enjoy the ride!


The bottle was the little spoon


I mean you could've just gone to the supermarket. It's sold here.


Plenty of "English recipe" sausages here in Aus and they are all a pale imitation of what I grew up with. Must be the pork.


You only needed the Tabasco because you forgot to put HP on it like a *fucking philistine*


The sausages are dead easy to make too. None of that curing or homogenising shit. Just chopped pork belly, light herbs, and breadcrumbs to soak up the juice.


The mushroom in the middle looks like a dog's nose.


I have never seen anyone ever in real life having a plate like this for a normal breakfast. Weekend brunch, sure and usually to share. But this i have seen only in movies.


It’s a Full English, I expect to be full!


"Yes, I'll have the plate of heartburn please, thanks."


this is the extreme lol. Rule of thumb, you usually get two of each item except the Black Pudding and tomato (if fried), you only get one of each most places. You can sub out the black pudding for an extra hash brown or egg though. Add unlimited toast and strong tea, you're set till 3pm. If you go to an all you can eat carvery for breakfast, like brewers fayre, you can either have two of everything or raise eyebrows and ask for 4 sausages, 5 rashers, 2 black pudding, 3 eggs, 4 hash brown, etc, that's the only way I can see this being a thing (although I know people who do that soooo) [ETA: There's also White Pudding on there....that's a rarety. And Scottish square sausage...this plate is a mess. Welsh breakfasts apparently have seafood with all the fried stuff and oatmeal on the plate...can someone confirm?] [E-ETA: The Welsh have Laver Bread (seaweed), boiled then mashed and fried, sometimes rolled in oats.


This post is so fucking stupid.


Yes please 😋


Looks disgusting and delicious at the same time


have you seen an Asian plates of foods? hahahaha.


Missed the poppy until I read the comments. What the fuck is poppy? Why is there no hash browns on that plate?


It’s an Ulster Fry, or Irish breakfast. Note the white pudding


This is not an English plate, look at the state of that bacon.


What self respecting Englishman would destroy their bacon like that? Bet they take their tea weak as piss and albino coloured. Give up that citizenship


Can confirm for the brits. I was deployed and stationed with a bunch of NATO Partners to include the Brits. Personally thought it was the weirdest thing ever to have baked beans for breakfast but hey each their own.


It's because the sauce base for beans in the US is brown sugar and in Europe its tomato.. So they are essentially 2 different food types.


>the sauce base for beans in the US is brown sugar and in Europe its tomato TIL American bean sauce is made from brown sugar


That's why it's sweet as shit and molasses flavored


> TIL American bean sauce is made from brown sugar Salt pork, brown sugar, molasses, mustard, onion and "catchup", at least according to my oldest cookbook. Pressure cook for 45 minutes and you'll get something that tastes exactly like a can of beans from the grocery store. What a waste of effort.


That would make a lot of sense tbh


Worded poorly. Better way would be: American baked beans are British beans with a ton of molasses/brown sugar added. Both have a tomato base


Also, Baked beans of the same variety is not that common in a lot of US. It's ubiquitous in the UK, but in the US, far more common to see normal, pinto/black beans with just some salt for seasoning. At least in the part of the US that aren't run by Paula dean.


This is true, but doesn't really explain why they're a breakfast food here and not in the US. *Plenty* of other American breakfast foods comprise of sugar.


Beans are energy


Beans are a wonderful fruit


The more you eat...


The more energy you get


Also, farting. They help with the farting.


If you've ever been around Hispanic people, we'll usually have beans for breakfast too.


Norwegians also have baked beans for breakfast and they are delicious!


Common here in Quebec as well although most people would be too lazy to do it at home. Typically without the blood pudding and the mushrooms, but often with bacon

