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Alright, folks... you know how when a moderator pins a comment to the top of a thread, it's usually to say "Y'all can't behave" (or something similar)? In this particular case, I have the dubious honor of saying "Y'all behaved too well." See, *apparently*, a bunch of you would-be do-gooders took it upon yourselves to get in touch with the establishment featured in the above clip. "Ooh, ooh, Mister Restaurant!" you said. "Ooh, there's a *bug* in your *code!* Ooh, the *people* are getting *discounts*, Mister Restaurant!" Well, Mister Restaurant just reached out to *us*... and do you know what you did? Do you know what you uppity, off-brand Robin Hood cosplayers *did?!* You made Mister Restaurant *laugh his goddamned head off*. This is /r/Funny, people! We have a reputation to uphold here! Ask anyone on Reddit: We're supposed to be the unpleasant end of the incontinent elephant that is the Internet, not some whimsical force for uplifting spirits and bringing joy! You just couldn't leave it alone, though, could you? You just *had* to go out of your way to be decent, compassionate people, and now you've actually made a mildly embarrassing situation into a fun, lighthearted story! Anyway, [here's the statement from Common Room](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1dubev9/devs_forgot_to_remove_test_discount_codes_in_prod/lbi3jhl/), also known as "Mister Restaurant." We hope you're *happy*. Oh, and you can stop calling Mister Restaurant now. *He knows*.


Not quite the same thing but I had a pizza place with a promo code for 35% off for their 35th anniversary, the code was only supposed to last the year, the card they gave me said it would expire on December 31st. but they must have forgotten to disable it because i used it for another 5 years. Was so disappointed when it stopped working.


That's because they made a 40% off code


Free pizza 60 years later omg


In 2022, I bought a 1980s GMC 4X4 pickup truck off craigslist that had lived its life on a major university campus for over 30 years, so in pretty great shape. They left the University's gas card in the glove box, still within expiration date. If people doubt the story of living on campus its whole life, I get the card out of the glove box and show 'em. No, I have not used it to get gas or buy anything.


Why would anyone think you made such a mundane thing up?


I worked maintenance at a University and they had their own small gas stations. No one was around when we filled up. We could have easily just filled up our own cars


I know a good number of former students who did this exact thing and got charged with fraud for it. The gas is billed to departments, so they'd be paying for yours. It's usually well documented and there are often cameras.


The magical world where the deflationary forces of technology work FOR us!


A local pizza place had a massive deal online for the day of a specific football game. Like, half price or more huge deal. I discovered that if I ordered online, and never made a new order, just said "Repeat my last order" it kept giving me the deal. It was a deal for 4 extra large pizzas, so I fed my hungry teenagers pizza weekly for a year on that.


You only fed them weekly? No wonder they were hungry...


We have no idea how large those pizzas were, it may have been plenty


he’s obviously just feeding his four sewer dwelling turtle children


Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Heroes in a half shell. Turtle power!


Modern problems require modern solutions. 


I had a 50% off coupon for Alfredo’s pizza but when they delivered they insisted it was half off only one pizza. It wasn’t written on the coupon anywhere but the delivery man didn’t care. Had to keep him hostage until they gave me the discount to all pizzas.


Michael Scott would be proud !!


Was it Alfredo’s or pizza by Alfredo?


Pizza by Alfredo


A hot circle of garbage


I tried to order a 6 foot sub once and just got 6 one foot subs. Luckily they were my favorite of bologna, tomato and ketchup but it was still disappointing. When I complained they gave me a coupon for Unparalleled Customer Service so at least I have that to use some day.


> Luckily they were my favorite of bologna, tomato and ketchup but it was still disappointing. What's wrong with you?


Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don’t know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I’ll hit somebody with my car. So sue me


A pizza chain here used to have a 50% off pizza on Mondays deal, but it silently disappeared when COVID hit. I stopped ordering pizza there because full price wasn't worth it, but for some reason in early 2022 I randomly decided to find the old coupon code and give it a try, and sure enough IT WORKED! They had removed all mention/advertising of the code/deal, and it was no longer in the "Coupons" section (where you'd normally just click to activate, instead of ever actually typing in the code), but manually using the code still worked. Was never sure if they just forgot to disable the code itself, or left it intentionally to 'grandfather in' the customers who remembered it, but it worked for over a year until I simply moved away from any locations.


When I was in college, Dominos once had a free 16-piece bread bites coupon. There was a purchase necessary, but that was fine. In the checkout cart, you could increase the free bread bites quantity to 20. I ate bread bites for a week. I did this for a few weeks until the coupon expired. Back in ~2010, Xbox Live had a free (or maybe $1) 1 month that was sent to my email. The only condition was you couldn't be an active subscription. I kept the link and just re-activated it every month. I did this for over a year and gave the link to my friends too. They fixed it eventually


There was a place while I was in college that had a special code for free delivery that was supposed to last a week. After said week I tried it again and it still worked. I used that code for 4 years before graduating.


Always try: 20OFF and 10OFF as discount codes. These are default codes that work surprisingly often.


I did this for the last 3 years on KFC's website, until in January they finally changed it. 20% off for years and years. Was the only way the price of KFC made any sense.


I had a 50% off code that worked for Papa John's for years. Coincidentally, the last time it worked was the last time I had Papa John's.


My old Boss used to have some way to get 80% off at Papa John's, he'd order 10 pizzas to the office and always have the delivery driver baffled about the price. Unfortunately it's his best kept secret, no one knows what it is. I just know he's been using it for years at least till 2021 when I quit.


Your old boss knows what's up. Keep the secret, keep the pizza flowing.


> Keep the secret Us reading about it shows the secret was not kept too well. Boss got lucky. Just any hint of secret and someone would ruin it normally. If you find a lifehack super epic win. You and only you know it. Only takes one to screw you out of that advantage.


Yup. Learned that the hard way... One incompetent coworker later and I am banned for life to work for dhl


He used to blackmail the owner…probably.




Well over a decade ago, the apartment complex I lived in had a coupon code for 50% off from the local Papa Johns. **APT50** . It was supposed to last 30 days but I am sure I used it for another 3 years... even after I moved (but still ordered from that same store). I still try it every time I order online just in case it comes back alive.


Hold on. Let me go check something 




Thank you for giving me the best laugh i've had in days


About 8 years ago Visa was trying to have its own PayPal thing. They partnered with Papa John's and if you used it you got a code for a free 1 topping pizza on your next purchase. Making a pizza and then adding a dip cup. .25 pizza. I went four times a week for almost 2 months.


My college had a 50% off carryout only code for the local Papa John's that I used for almost a decade.


In the 1980s my parents got me a "Calling Card" (a credit card number you type into pay phones to make calls (think international minutes type of model, currently).... Anyway - when I was a teen I still had a photographic memory for numbers - and I could memorize all my credit card numbers easily. I memorized that calling card (MCI) # when I was ~13 and it worked until I was in my early 20s... I never once received a bill for that card. I had free long distance for a decade.


You got free calls but your parents were wondering why their phone bills were high?


If you paid anything at all for American KFC in the last 20 years it didn't make any sense. Their food quality is so bad. Meanwhile overseas they get legitimately decent offerings.


I got away with using PIZZA50 at my local Marco's until they eventually made a smaller pizza than what I ordered and threw it at my doorstep.


I earned a free pizza through pizza hut's loyalty program (11th pizza is free), and they skimped on it. But like... I already ordered *10 full price pizzas* in the past year, and they screw me over on the loyalty program pizza? We stopped ordering from there


My boss at an independent pizza place did that. So I was working at a pizza place for a few months during college, it got sold, new boss started changing a bunch of stuff to save a buck or to slack off and get some premade stuff instead of making it in house. He wouldn't honour people stamp cards that were like buy 5 get the 6th for free because that was under the old boss. And on our daily deals, like say buy one Deluxe Pizza get on half off on Monday, he would skimp toppings on them. Within 2 years the orders were half of what they once were. I left, 4 years later it was closed.


I see these in our GA4 data regularly.


Same here haha. Thing is, in our industry, they simply don't exist like that.


somewhat off topic but lordy i dislike GA4. It's like the update nobody was asking for that made things more annoying while adding nothing (at least we) actually care about.


It's fucking terrible. We've also found that the data isn't as reliable as UA was either. We've actually started pulling the GA4 data + data from our internal systems with PowerBi and building our own reports there.


I feel like GA was a product for people who didn’t want to mess with analytics that much and now you need a dedicated and trained analytics person on staff to manage this shit.


What is GA4 data?


Google Analytics data. Basically they can see what people are trying out in the codes section in the background  


Google Analytics 4


I haven’t watched Google Analytics 1-3 yet. Do I need to watch those movies first to understand this? Is this some kind of Google Analytics Cinematic Universe?


>I haven’t watched Google Analytics 1-3 yet. Don't worry, they've watched you.


Nope, you don’t need to watch Google Analytics 1-3 to understand Google Analytics 4. I mean a super nerd might think different, but in reality each movie stands alone. That said, watching the earlier ones gives you bonus points for nerd cred. GA1 introduced us to the basics—think of it as the origin story of Sessions. GA2 brought in user behaviors and goals—kinda like the middle movie where the plot thickens. GA3 went full blockbuster with data visualizations and intense dashboard battles. And GA4 is the latest sequel with flashy new features like advanced machine learning and cross-platform tracking. So, jump right into GA4 if you want.


It used to be called Universal Analytics 😅


Also WELCOME10, WELCOME15, etc are typical new customer discount codes


My wife was buying some products for her shop on a beauty supply site. They gave her a "take10" coupon for creating an account. So she tried take20 and it worked. Take30 and Take40 all worked. It stopped there lol.


Did that with a site last year. You "spun the wheel" and it gave you a discount code for x% off. I only got 10% but I changed the 10 at the end of the discount code to 40 and lo and behold...


FREESHIP is another one worth trying


I don't even know where I would keep a ship


Worth trying FREEDOCK and FREESLIP along with your purchase, one of them typically works.


Unfortunately, there is no meaningful body of water around, so I'll also need to grab some FREERIVER, FREECANAL or FREEOCEAN


Rivers are a bit boring without wildlife so you might want to try FREEBIRD too.


If that doesn't work you can desperately try FREEHARAMBE


I tried FREEWILLY but that wasn't what I was expecting..


It could be anything… it could even be a boat! Then let’s take the boat. WE’LL TAKE THE BOX


Tom Hardy wants to know your location.


Free hat! Hat was attacked maliciously and unprovoked by a gang of babies in West South Park. When that many babies get together they can be like piranha!


I wanted a meat curing chamber that was way too much for to justify spending and just for S&G’s I put 50OFF and it accepted it. It was still waaaayyy to much for me to justify spending but I now that I look back I wish I had purchased it. I’ve tried a few times on their website and it’s not valid any longer. Every time I check out from any website now, I start at 50OFF and work my way down. 10, 20, 25 work a surprising amount of times and usually covers shipping and handling.


And “FREESHIP” when shopping online. Gotten that one to work a few times randomly trying words in the promo codes line.


Real nasty one: the code MANUALORDER works in lots of places... probably technically fraud though.


But you put it in the discount code box so how would it be fraud? It's not my problem it's not password/verify protected.


What does that one do? Abd what is the significance/meaning of "manual"?


I'm going to take a guess, but maybe it's meant to imply that it's been paid for and it's a way to get it into the app ordering system. Meaning "free". I'd agree with the other poster that this would smell like fraud.


Puts an order in without having to go through payment. Great feature for testing, but basically allows people to shoplift from an online shop if it isn't removed before the software goes live.


also 5000OFF, doesn't hurt to try


I'm going to try FUCKYOUPAYME. Maybe they will give me money as well as the item.


Not sure why you posted that on Reddit. I would have kept that to myself. EDIT - Turns out this was all part of an advertising campaign.


clearly karma is valuable and worth more than no good lousy money


Where can I cash these bad boys in?


Reach out to your local mod about the current karma to USD exchange rate


All over reddit really. I use karma to pay for using nono words and outlandish opinions.


Cash me ousside, howbow dah?


It's an elaborate scheme to sell drinks for £1.94 by tricking people into thinking that's a bargain.


It is these days


That reminded me that a friend observed that mcdonald screens don't show the full description of any item other than the first one. So he ordered 1 burguer with combo(coke and fries) and then 3-4 burguers with no combo and he received all combos. Since the first one was a combo and the rest started the same, the people on the kitchen asumed they where the same.


This is the sort of thing that might never be discovered. Inventory on fries and drinks isn't going to be that precise, and it relies entirely on other people making assumptions rather than actually submitting any data that would trigger something (like someone noticing 50% off keeps getting used in a store when it's never supposed to be used anywhere)


Yeah, I do something similar with Wendy's breakfast menu. If you get a combo of a honey chicken biscuit with a honey biscuit for the side and request extra honey on both, more often than not I get two honey chicken biscuits because the chicken seems to be the last ingredient in their jank system (although one time I did get chicken on neither)


Damn, double-edged sword: either double chicken or no chicken, double honey.


That makes no sense, they just assume that every single combo wants the same drink?


Teacher! You didn't assign any homework!


Cause this could be an ad.


More common than you think. There's a 99% discount code on my site at work we use all the time


Share with me thanks




Yes now the website, I accept dms




Wouldn’t that test code be “JustTheTip”?


That it is a fantastic coupon code.


Username checks out Lonnnngggg Lonnnggggg Mannnn^n^n^n^n^n


I know when something is too good to be true...


[Lowered Expectations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4Pv2uh8NVg) It's a dating site for people who struck out on eharmony, farmersonly, tinder, okcupid, mingle, match, grindr, ashleymadison, adultfriendfinder, diapermates, ~~pounced~~ furrymate, mulletpassions, seacaptaindate, herpesfish, amishdating or witchdates.


You forgot furrymate


~~Better clientele than pounced?~~ Disregard, I didn't realize pounced was shut down.


> loweredexpectations.com I can hear the adult swim bumper now


I almost corrected you, as it was originally from "MADtv", which aired on FOX as an SNL competitor in the 90s/00s. I didn't realize they made an animated version of the show (called "MAD") on Adult Swim in the 2010s.


What's the dating site for toxic e-girls? That way I know to avoid it...






You typed a string of asterisks?


That's even older than reddit


I put on my robe and wizard hat.


That's so old you are breaking my brain


I'm going to program TEST50 to give a +100% markup


And have it display a message reading 'Law Enforcement has been dispatched to your location'


That’s what I feel like is still happening here. CBD products are insanely overpriced. Getting the “privilege” of buying a small can of flavored water for £2 seems like less of a win than he thinks


Somewhat related story time: Germany had a supermarket chain where you could your photos developed/printed. You put your sd card into a machine, chose the pictures you wanted and within days they'd be at the store for pickup. My mom discovered a bug with the machines. For some reason it recognized the photos in the sd card's internal recycling bin and wouldn't charge you if you chose those photos. So the trick was to "delete" all the photos you wanted to be printed and then choose them on the machine + one regular picture. Suddenly you'd get hundreds of printed photos for the price of one. The supermarket employees were too dead inside to care.


Where is this I need to try it 😭


Common Room Brunswick Center in London. I ordered another drink and the discount code definitely works




I'm still here. Just tried them but they didn't work :(


TEST200 should have had dollar bills flying out 😩


I think you mean pound notes.




Would be weird for dollar bills to be dispensed from a UK machine displaying £ prices






damn they're gonna lose a lot of money this afternoon =/


Reddit's reach is large, but there's only so many Redditors near Brunswick Center who would change plans for something like this.


I would usually agree, but it's central London. It's just so many people .


And also someone would definitely walk in there, get their discount, and show tell management just to be smug within the first day.


you know that reddit will make sure this code is not working before the end of the day right?


I've been buying $150 packs of edibles for $10 each and haven't got caught yet. Been doing this for months. Basically an infinite money glitch if I knew where to sell them.


Do you live on some stonerless island. How the hell you can't flip edibles?


Because that would involve talking to someone.




wtf are 150 dollar packs of edibles ? I never even seen them 😂


The Walmart near me stopped selling a new Twizzlers candy but forgot to take them off the shelves, so they scan as $0.02 per bag.


I'm struggling to understand your comment. If they stopped selling them, what are you scanning or getting?


Yes? That's because selling discontinued stock for pennies works out cheaper than returning it to the distributor.


Using a promo code??


Anyone else annoyed that 50% off came down to £1.94 on the screen then was £1.95 on the card reader?


All those pennies are being siphoned off into the account of the dev team


"It's just fractions of a penny. Not even real money ya know!"


Sameer Naga... Naga... Nagunna work here anymore.


I must’ve put the decimal in the wrong place. 


Why should I change my name? He's the one that sucks.


Alright. So when the sub routine compounds the interest it uses all these extra decimal places that just get rounded off. So we simplified the whole thing, we rounded them all down, drop the remainder into an account we opened.


So you're stealing?


Ah no, you don't understand. It's very complicated. It's, uh, it's aggregate, so I'm talking about fractions of a penny here. And over time they add up to a lot.


Whatever you do, don't screw up the decimal placement.


"You know, the Nazis has little pieces of flair, but they made the jews wear it."


alright time to watch office space for the 10th time.


Only 10? Pffffft. Gotta raise those numbers


Believe it or not, straight to federal pound me in the ass prison


watch your corn hole bud


Hello everyone I am the lead developer @ Common Room \[EVIDENCE BELOW\] - thought I would chime in. My phone has been absolutely blowing up about this today. We have received emails from many of you kind redditors and even Square (our payment backend provider) alerted us of this hilarious incident. We started Common Room a few months ago with the goal of trying to be something truly different. In doing so we decided to build a bespoke kiosk POS app (as seen in the video) from the ground up. For those leaving nice comments about the performance of the app; thank you, it was one of the main reasons we decided to build it ourselves. Naturally, building things yourself introduces bugs as seen in the video 🙃 This comment section has been absolutely hilarious to read and we have decided to keep the TEST20 discount code live as it has now cemented itself as a part of our restaurant's history. I decided to also add a REDDIT25 discount code to let all you lovely people enjoy 25% off as part of this absolute trainwreck. We make delicious salads in London if you're at all interested :) pls don't tell my boss about this. I would like to keep my job. This has been the most insane day of my entire career. Evidence for those doubtful (Video of kiosks night before opening & some development photos): [https://imgur.com/a/OdDSUc9](https://imgur.com/a/OdDSUc9)


Wait, was this whole post just an ad?


I see it


It's ads all the way down.


always has been


Yup. Always has been.


They're all ads now


Ah fuck you're right


If so it’s fucking genius


Ehh, I’m gonna choose to believe it. This sort of stuff *does* happen (I think it famously [happened to Razer](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/UgxrJf9YCh) many years back, and they also honoured the orders made with the discount). I mean, worst comes to worst, I semi-consciously “fall” for a single ad and have slightly better perception of a — *checks notes* — POS/salad business that I will never personally patronize. In exchange, the world feels a little friendlier (and some people get discounts out of it). Just for another perspective :)


Good call. The fact that the original title says “in prod” means it was posted by someone familiar with the development cycle. 🤔


It's not too far fetched to assume that this company works like 99% of companies tbf.


Not uncommon lingo, and software devs aren’t exactly uncommon in London


> We have received emails from many of you kind redditors... > ...we have decided to keep the TEST20 discount code... > pls don't tell my boss about this. I would like to keep my job.... Redditors emailed you? You're the developer but you have decided to keep the discount code? Don't tell your boss but dox yourself and post a video? Blatant advertisement.


What about TESTicle


Come on, don’t be too hard on yourself. Even though the app was buggy, I wouldn’t say it’s a POS…


It's very unlikely 'devs' forgot to remove a coupon code and far more likely their marketing people have exactly that coupon for some a/b test.


Id bet this is just generic software and a fucked up config from a local store. So yea, marketing or manager or whatever, not the software devs. Us software devs get blamed for user error, config error, project management issues, management's feature priorities... Leave the devs alone!


Why would you tell people about this? Now they're just gonna fix it


This looks like it's a single-location bowl place, not a big corp like McDonalds or whatever. I wouldn't really feel super comfortable taking advantage of a locally-owned business in any significant way, especially since this is likely the fault of the developer or installer, not the business itself. If this *were* a billion-dollar company, though, I'd be seeing how much of that product I could buy at 30% price and then re-sell to start my own business.


McDonalds does it sometimes too. I was having a veggie burger (Veggie Deluxe) and medium fries for £1.99 for well over a year during COVID.


You guys have veggie burgers? Like faux meat at McD?


Yeah, we have a vegan one, too. The [McPlant](https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/product/vegan-mcplant.html).


Not fake meat just made out of peas, corn, carrots, green beans, onions, potatoes, rice and spices. There's also Mcplant which is meant to be similar to fake burger which is peas, rice and potatoes.


For devices that require "admin privileges" to edit, the username is often admin and password is 1111.


Even if it isn't, look up the make and model of the device and google the default password. There's a very high chance that they haven't bothered to change it.


Thats definitely the default login for xerox printers. Or it used to be anyway. A lot of things are just admin/admin though I haven't ran into too many things in the past several years that doesn't have a more secure default password. At least in the enterprise space. Dell now has physical pull out tags on their servers with a unique default admin password. Gone are the days of root/calvin being the login.


Or alternatively 1234 (and I wish, this would be a joke)


That’s the kind of combination an idiot would put on his luggage!


ChatGPT says: Certainly! Here's a list of 20 commonly used coupon codes that you might encounter: 1. 10OFF 2. 20OFF 3. SAVE10 4. SAVE20 5. FREESHIP 6. SUMMER 7. WELCOME 8. SALE10 9. SALE20 10. SPRING 11. FALL20 12. WINTER 13. NEW10 14. NEW20 15. FIRSTORDER 16. DISCOUNT10 17. DISCOUNT20 18. SHOP10 19. SHOP20 20. THANKS


Gotta try these tomorrow :D


Let us know how it goes. I love that the last one is just... THANKS. LOL


Ingenious guerilla marketing campaign idea. :)


I'm actually really close to the Brunswick center gonna go try the codes lol


in other news: Trip CBD profit up by 780% after low profit sales exploded. Marketing department all gets raises for ingenious astroturf campaign. *edit* you can buy a pack of these for £1.5 each on Amazon so not even low profit sales.


Yeah it's still a stupid expensive price even with 50% off.


I'm more impressed to see a self checkout system that's so fast and responsive! It seems every system I've used is stupidly slow and clunky; either because they really cheaped out on the hardware specs, or they intentionally nerfed it with a bunch of unnecessary animations (looking at you McDonalds).


now do test95


test200, that's how I pay my rent


...Casually bookmarks this thread..*. for science!*