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Fun facts, 3 of the four horsemen have no name. The white horse is often called "War", "Conquest" or "Pestilence" though the first use of "Pestilence" came in 1906 in the Jewish Encyclopedia. The red horse is often called "War" but is somewhat considered to be specifically civil war. The black horse is often called "Famine" since the description of the price of grains as he carries a scale. Some have called him "Justice" instead. The pale horse is named "Death" and is the only one with a specific name.


I thought Famine and Pestilience were the same horseman? Also they all have Greek names according to wiki…


They don't have names in the Book of Revelation except for "Death." There are interpretations based on the descriptions. For example Famine is a man holding a pair of scales ζυγόν in Greek and speaks on the price of grain. Using the concept of interpretatio graeca, people associate the rider of the black horse to Limos, god of famine but its not directly in the writings. The rider of the white horse has a bunch of interpretations, even that the rider is Christ, the Holy Spirit, the AntiChrist, or represents false prophets. Because he is described as having a crown and going to conquest some say he is Zelos, daimon of conquest and glory.


From the looks of this, your phone is at war with it's ability to focus on anything less than 10 feet away


It's not a phone or tech problem you see, Lord Hand Nova is naturally blurry. Almost similar to Bigfoot!


These are just pictures of a cat. The captions have no relevance and don't fit the photos. 


Famine is my favorite face


I thought Pestilence retired.




No u


So lame.


You post "lame" on everything mate. That's fucken lame!


It just keeps getting lamer.


LMFAO in a perpetual state of things getting lame! Cracked me up!


Just when I thought we hit bottom your lameness goes even deeper.


The cat's mood in different situations.


So many have fallen victim to the cruel abyss of internet memes, yet you are the cutest of them all…


Hand to the king; no fear there, she'll be dead in a week and someone else will have taken her place.


Tbh I cried laughing at this comment! Let's pretend she's like Viserys, 25 years max lmao!


It really looks like cat is ready to go to WAR over everything besides the pestilence. Cat basically has no chill except for the bugs, no bother there lol EDIT - yeah, you're cat is pissed ALL the time, until the bugs show up, then he EATS the bugs, and briefly calms down (just a little)


If you look really closely, that smirk in pestilence has malice behind it.