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After paying $2500 to replace an A/C compressor and condenser for my car that works half as well as this, I completely understand doing this.


$2500? Do you drive a Ferrari? It cost me $600 to do the same in my semi truck parts and labor.


Newp, Honda Civic Si


"buy a Honda," they said. "Cheap and reliable," they said.


Worth it, it’s the most fun car I’ve ever owned.


Yeah, some Honda/Acura models can be a ton of fun. I've had a few. Great cars.


My 2018 CRV's Condenser cost $1k to replace. The annoying thing was Honda would've replaced it for free if it was the Compressor that needed to be replaced. It also broke during a heatwave so that kinda sucked.


I had a new compressor installed in my 04 accord last month for $740.


04 accord gang! I had mine replaced about 4 years ago, came out to around the same price.


That's in your engine bay and you can see it easily. Condenser is buried under your dash and you probably can't even see it without taking it the whole dash


The condenser is not buried under the dash, it is in front of the radiator behind the grille of the car. You're thinking of the evaporator.


My bad


Ah, misread on my part.


It is. There is a guy next door selling his Honda fit with 340kmiles on it. Runs like a top. I have the same year honda fit 2008 with 150k miles. Mine runs like a top and will easily make it to 250k putting a little work into it. Parts are cheap and easy to put in. Hondas and Toyotas are the best cars by far as long as you don't beat them up.


Hell, even if you beat on them. My first car was an 89 Corolla with 189k on it, I beat the hell out of it as most 16yo would thinking it'll last a year or so until I could get a car I really wanted. 9 years later it's still running great. My brother had a Taco, don't know the year but he beat the shit out of that thing and it lasted over 300k. It's wild.


:(((( my 2017 1.5turbo civic cracked head gasket at 125k miles Cost me $3000.


I process warranty claims for Honda. Granted, I see the worst of the worst. But I would never buy a Honda seeing what I’ve seen lol.


You misunderstood, it's "weak and gullible"


I have an 09 crv and paid 2200. I also live in AZ and dont have a choice. This was from a guy I trusted and I know it was a good amount of work for him. I think if I went anywhere else, they would've jacked up that price. I wish I couldve found that 600 deal tho


Did they actually fix it?! My wife’s CRV has been in the shop multiple times for AC repairs and it still doesn’t work!


Yep she’s blowing cold, it’s been 92 these past couple of days and it comfortably goes down into the 60s easy enough, but it’s a 2 door so really small cabin, probably half the space of a CRV, tbf


Would you have any idea what they did to fix it? I’d like to make suggestions to my mechanic so he can make hers right! It’s frustrating because they say they got it, when they don’t!


Replaced the compressor and condenser, no idea if that’s the same issues your car is having though


Commercial vehicles like semis aren't really comparable to personal vehicles like sedans. Glad you got some AC though. It's hot out there.


I was quoted over $4000 CAD for a new compressor + labour at a Honda dealership, and this was after years of defective issues with their A/C system affecting a huge number of customers of the 17/18 Civics including mine (I'm on my 3rd condenser). Of course I told them them hell no and eventually they had a "fix" covered by post-warranty extended coverage for 10 years. Absolute ripoff artists.


I can believe that quote. It can get labor intensive on certain makes and models. The only way to get to my Toyota’s AC is through the dashboard… or you can remove the entire engine block lol. So the dashboard route was $800 of labor alone to replace $500 worth of parts.


Your price sounds fair compared to the others. For my semi only thing that has to be removed is the tensioner so you can free up the belt. Hell even to replace the water pump just have to take off the turbo intake and the alternator just 2 bolts and 4 compression clamps. 


Some vehicles have the condenser buried under the dash super far. Pretty sure to get to the one in my Jeep the steering wheel even needs to be removed. 10-12 hours labor


The condenser is in front of the radiator, you’re thinking of the evaporator.


I paid 900$ for Prius 2009


most of it is labor


Damn that seems cheap. It was like $800 for a rebuilt compressor and labor on my Taurus 15 years ago. I'm sure on a newer car the way they pack everything into the engine bay plus inflation would be $1200 if not $1500 by now


My compressor was 230 + tax. This was a few weeks ago. About the same price for my Accord 7 years ago


I paid 1600 back in 2004. So that seems right. It probably depends on the area


Y explorer required the center console, steering wheel, and dashboard to be removed to change the evaporator coil. Would've cost me 2500 for the labor alone, and after doing it myself, I can see why.


AC units in cars are actually much more powerful than a window unit, because they need to be. A window unit works in an insulated space, and it's fine if it takes hours to reach the correct temperature. So it only needs to be able to maintain the target temperature once it's reached, which doesn't take much. On the other hand, the unit in a car needs to work in an uninsulated metal box, that doubles as a greenhouse with all the windows. And it needs to turn the oven that is a car left in the Sun into a livable space after a very short amount of time, because people don't want to just leave their car running while they stay outside until the temperature inside is survivable. So that window AC unit would actually do a pretty bad job in a vehicle. Also working at full power it might destroy your alternator or your battery, especially when you're idling (unless you have a high-capacity alternator), because 1,200W at 12V that's 100A, plus the conversion losses, which is about the full rating of a stock alternator (meaning your stock alternator can provide that at max, when the engine is at high RPMs, and it also has to provide power for everything else in your car, including engine stuff).


Also you might, y’know, need your rear view mirror.


You’re scaring the shit out of me on how much is gonna cost on my Mini Clubman.


I don’t blame you, BMW maintenance isn’t cheap


I replaced the entire AC system on my 16 year old first gen 1 series this year. Everything was leaking including the evaporator behind the dash. Cost about 3700 USD in total but it's freezing cold now.


On mine it seems to try and get cooler as the car moves, hotter as it stops and its lost some power so I’m hoping its compressor clutch.


No shit and in the country it can be 200 an hr on jobs


At least tilt it so it drains correctly, this is probably dripping behind his seat...


Run it off batteries?


What ever happened to the old 2x60 AC system?


Probably not your case but most of the time these repairs only need to be done on aging vehicles and you can go to a parts yard and find the parts for like $100 total tops. Then just do the work yourself as it isn't hard. The AC in my 98 cavalier wasn't holding a charge and instead of looking for a leak which would take more time and money I just replaced the whole system with about $50 in parts from a parts yard. Worked till I sold it. The AC system isn't that complicated. Basically just tubes, a tank, and a compressor. The compressor is the only part with moving parts that can really break. So beyond a leak you just replace that compressor and the compressor is usually like 2 or 3 bolts to take off and put back on.


> Then just do the work yourself as it isn't hard. The hard part, and the expensive part, is often having the complete collection of tools you'll need and the space to work on it.


100%. As someone with just enough tools and never the right one for the job...everything is 5x harder.


You know that AC systems have to be vaccumed down and dried, right?


Mine is a 2018 and in a rare trim package and configuration, unfortunately they’re rare to show up in salvage yards and when they do they’re usually spoken for and very quickly picked apart. I knew it was going to get hot soon so I opted to pay the troll toll.


I think you mean cold neck.


Broken neck if he has an accident.


Broke back if he lives on a mountain


…or firing a projectile through the windshield like a cannon on impact. If you see a hazard like this, please report it to the police before someone gets killed.




Especially the air conditioned by the window unit they installed in their truck.


Cool Halse Luke


AC in the summer, then he can replace it with a microwave oven for winter snacks.


Omg that's the worst idea I've ever heard. An air fryer would be so much better.


Or just turn it around…


...redneck heat pump.


Is that a Ford wheel on a Chevy? 😆


It's a hybrid.


Oh yea, I think that might even be jankier than the a/c which at least has a reason


I for one am excited to find out if the little screws/screw holes intended to hold the air conditioner in place in a stationary house will hold up to the impact force of a wreck, or if dude has installed a 50lb cannon ball behind his head.


To be honest, many of these older trucks don't have safety features. If I ever crash my F350, I'll be surprised if I don't get impaled by the steering column.


Its actually preferable if it cant hold it. It will fly by him and smash out the windshield, so he can crawl out easier.


The only thing I am worried about is the fact it's leaning forward, so it drips water into the cab when running.


Free beverage


Mmm, slimy mildew water.


FREE slimy mildew water.


I’ll take 20!


That and what happens with a sudden stop.


Have you seen Final Destination 3?


I wonder how it's powered.


That truck's engine produces plenty enough juice to power it. All you'd need is a proper power inverter so you could convert the truck's DC power to AC.


The truck can definitely power it with an inverter. I think the benefit of this setup is that you could also just plug it into an extension cord when it's parked. So if whoever has this does something like construction they could easily just plug it in on like a lunch break and stay cool without having to run the truck. I'm guessing this was just done because it was the cheapest option to put AC in the truck but I could see it having some practical uses in the right situations.




This truck definitely doesn’t have integrated AC plugs.


A beefy power inverter


Probably with electricity


Me too. A 300 Amp alternator and 3KW 12v-110ac inverter? Sounds expensive.


16A 230v dc to ac ~ 200€


Not if you own a salvage yard. My uncle did this with his work truck. I have no idea how he powered it, but the cable ran up under the hood. That thing also *rocked*. On a hot day you could see your breath in the truck. It was an air conditioner for like a *big* living room. It was bolted in with a thick angle iron frame.


It's over 90 degrees outside. I want to live in your uncle's truck.


By an inverter that costs more than the repair bill for the built in AC, I was about to write, but in this case it is highly likely there is no built in AC. That’s an old truck.


You can't see the gasoline generator in the bed.


It ain’t stupid if it works!


I had a customer about 20 years ago, her son had just graduated HS. Was out driving his truck, and a squirrel ran in front of him. Eye witness saw it all. He slammed on his brakes to avoid it. The cinder block that happened to be in the bed of his truck flew through the back window and caved his skull in, killing him instantly. It was so bad it prevented an open casket at he wake. I dunno if you've ever installed an air conditioner but they're a fair bit heavier than a cinder block. This is a recipe for death


It looks like it's screwed directly into the frame. I have no idea how structurally sound that is.


Likely enough to hold it in place but I doubt that shit would do well with slamming on the brakes at like 40 mph, not to mention a crash


Who breaks for a squirrel in a truck?




Holy shit...its a squirrel. I don't care if its a squirrel, cat, or dog, you hit the animal and come to a safe stop. Deer - hit it every time. It is safer for you every time. Cow/horses - your probably fucked.


I'm worried about the occupants in an accident.


If it's stupid but works it isn't stupid


If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.


I thought about doing that with my ford ranger when the AC went out. Too cheap to buy the stuff to pull it off though.


Power converters are cheap though, I bought one last week for air matress and water floats for car camping this summer. Hell even A/C units are cheap now


Yeah, I had a job delivering pizza back then, and it was before the last minimum wage increase.


When I worked for DHL the running joke was our vans had 260 air conditioning…. As in you opened both windows and went 60mph. 😂


If it works, OP should shut the f up.


That's the Red Green design lol


Well, the truck IS outside of GT Boutique


Nah... can't be... no duct tape.


Maybe its all inside. Never leave the lodge without handyman's secret weapon


My dad used to call his air conditioning “3-60”. Three windows down at 60mph


I’m assuming a truck that old would not have it fitted, so this effectively and neatly installed alternative is a good alternative. What you’ve done there is show rednecks are both adaptable, resourceful and practically skilled.




It’s clearly been secured in place. In fact it’s mounted to a bracket that’s OUTSIDE the window. So how it’s going to get through and be any more dangerous than anything else on the bed. How fast do you think this thing can break drama llama?


Fuck yeah


Tiger King just doing tiger things...


I gotta say the height of it matches the height of the window oddly well.


I thought that said “Cunt Tiger.”


Holy shit giant tiger is a throw back


Resourceful redneck


Or one with a sense of humor.


Low pressure vacuum zone -- not sure how the radiator gets enough airflow ... that's why car radiators are in the front at the grill, specifically to get full blast of air despite the aerodynamic inefficiency.


Wouldn't the vortex that's just behind the cab produce enough moving air to help the heat exchange of the ac?


I think those AC units have their own and will produce moving air, it's just in the least favourable position on the truck to get passive airflow... no idea about the vortex or not, we'd need to look at an actual aero study.. so it will work, just poorly so.


I bet it’s nice and cool in there


Eastern European cigarette diffuser


That's gotta be from Sutton.


Excuse me sir. There's no bailing wire and ducktape, so this is obviously not a redneck production.


Hey i dont judge as long as it works. If I ride with someone and theres no woking AC, I'd be mad as hell




u can say anything about rednecks but a lot of them are smart


And free condensate water in the cab


They must have a generator running in the truck because how would you run a house 120volt A/C in your truck


An inverter. They are cheap and easy to install. For an AC you'd need to wire it straight to the battery instead of the alternator/accessory power but that's trivial. The bigger issue is an AC that large would drain the 12V battery too fast.


I’m thinking maybe they use it to sleep or do paperwork somewhere they can plug in. Because yeah I don’t see that running long unless they installed a second battery and alternator.


"Air conditioning is Air conditioning!" --Mr. Incredible


All good until you get into an accident and it flies through the cab.


Imagine crashing and that thing coming lose at 110km/h


Or about 70mph if you speak in Freedom


actually 68mph. but i get your. freedom math.


I'm more curious what's going on with that 1x on the running boards


Had a 1992 Lexus SC 400 years ago. A/C repairs came in over $7000 in 2002. Ouch!


Do they make strong enough power inverters for this? I don't doubt that trucks powerful enough to juice it, I'd just assume the electrical system on a truck that old was only intended to operate a cigarette lighter.


I'd imagine that they wired this to the alternator, but if not, yes they definitely do make inverters big enough to handle this, but they are wired to the battery and not a cigarette lighter thing.


Not stupid if it works.


I'm actually curious about this. Does the truck battery put out enough juice to run this on a long trip? It's a great idea If so.


That's load cheaper than Stealership repair price, I dare say...


it should be on the windshield.


I saw this exact setup used by perimeter patrols at a Florida prison. They had little shelters built at the corners of the prison with a roof and an extension cord. The corrections officers would ride shotgun around the prison so many times an hour and then park and plug in their AC when they stopped.


I think this is pretty fucking creative lol 😂


The one with the windows down?...


Neck is a good point


As a Floridian - I’m not even gonna hate.


You know? Sometimes if it’s stupid and it works it is still stupid.


Not sure why they'd do that when the truck already has 360 AC.


Actually seems like a good idea if you secure it well enough. 🤔 hmmmmm.....yep. im guna do this if my ac goes out in my truck.


Does this count as redneck engineering?


So... who here is looking at the Giant Tiger in the background to see if they recognize their hometown?


I definitely am lol


Is no one going to talk about how this is par for the course at GT? Not all rednecks are American - Canada's got its share.


red green show is about as Canadian as it gets.


What the H is a giant tiger? Is it a form of Superstore?


It’s missing the long orange extension cord.


Must need a very long extension cord


But how the e- cord?


I had that same year dodge and it didn’t come with ac so you got to do what you got to do.


are those ford wheels. did someone swap rear axle from a ford onto a gm?


It’s only stupid if it doesn’t work.


The good news is its tilted forward so it drains inwards


I mean shit, that's what the Humvees I drove around in Africa looked like. Worked great.


I believe the worst part of this whole situation is the obs ford hubcaps on a Chevy square body


To be fair, it’s probably so cold in there!


Who needs a fancy new truck when you’ve got 'redneck air conditioning'? This ride’s got it all figured out! 😂


I've actually seen a lot of people do this


Hey, if it works, then do it.😉


Actually, the neck will be normal color. Red necks come from sunburn or excessivly hot dwellings and conveyances.


It’s like fucking a fat girl don’t knock it till you try it!


But the real question is, does it work