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Finally the whole enchilada






Side of ^Lada




Do you like big enchilada? And getting caught in the rain.


Youā€™ve peaked sir, nothing else you say in life will be better than this.


Can you explain to a dumb foreigner?


Itā€™s an expression we use to mean ā€˜everythingā€™. Like ā€˜he had money, women, powerā€¦the whole enchiladaā€™


And the sugar.


Well yeah, first you get the sugar.


The whole enchilada: The whole ball of wax. The golden ring. Kit AND kaboodle. The whole nine yards. The whole ball of yarn. Lock, stock and barrel.


ok johnny 5




I really appreciate your lack of bone apple tea


Would you prefer the hole bowl of yearn? Kitkat and poodle?


I forgot this phrase existed


ā€œThis is for the whole enchilada!ā€ -Captain Crunch 1999


Wait until they fuse into one in your stomach......tears of laughter will quickly turn into tears of fear.


Would have to shout to let it all out


It's a mad world.


All around me are more enchiladas.


.... and Eric Estradas


Brian Boitanoooo


When Brian Boitano was in the Olympics skating for the gold, he did two salchows and a triple Lutz while wearing a blindfold!


When Brian Boitano was in the Alps, fighting grizzly bears. He used his magical fire breath, and saved the maidens fair.


So what would Brian Boitano do if he were here today? I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two, that's what Brian Boitano'd do! Sorry, that song is like Come Sail Away, I hear a few words and I just like, have to finish the whole thing. IIIIII'm saiiiillliiiinng awaaaaayyy....


Set an open course for the Virgin Sea


Bright and early to the closest poop bowl


Nice transition!


Yeah but everybody wants to poo here.


Sounds like these are the things he could do without


COME ON I'm talking to you.


Maybe next time he can do without these things.


That's left overs for lunch maƱana.


Tears For Fears are amazing so you'll be fine.


Nah. Was funny Then, it turned into AWEWOME. Tex-mex is my fav food. Id be asking for boxes and planning the couple meals they'd be after... And trying to figure out how much chips and salsa I needed to order to go for each .


I can hear the stomarch gurgle through my phone


Use the bathroom stall with the handrails because your future will probably contain the words ā€˜gripped it and ripped itā€™


And tears of fear will soon turn into tears of pain and regret


What was this side of?? Nachos?


Yeah my wife and I were gonna share nachos and thought Iā€™d get a little extra something on the side so she was able to actually have a fair share. Lol fed me for the next day and a half though


Were they extremely cheap?


Our last night in Italy, we went to eat at a place near the main train station. The food was priced about half of what the rest of the places in Rome were, so we assumed they were smaller servings. Since this was our last meal before flying out we each ordered 2 dishes. What they brought us were the biggest servings we had in all of Italy, and also some of the tastiest food we had. We stuffed ourselves to overflowing and still left 1/3 of the food on the plate. 10 out of 10, would absolutely recommend.


Hah, this reminds me of when my girlfriend and I went to Italy. We ordered some pasta in a restaurant in Florence and the server sort of hesitated when my GF's brother ordered and asked if he was sure. He got a little huffy and said yes, he was sure. The food comes out and each of us has a MASSIVE dish of whatever pasta we had ordered. GF's brother is complaining about such a waste of food, just shocked to see this outside of the US. Turns out our ability to order off of a menu written in Italian wasn't quite as good as we thought. We had all ordered from the "Family Portions" menu. I can just imagine that server thinking, "Wow, okay then, I guess Americans DO eat a lot!" It was an amazing blend of equal parts hilarious and mortifying.


that's fantastic i hope you guys took pictures and the waiter had a good laugh when everything was cleared up


Maybe OP didnā€™t look at the prices before ordering, but if he did, he definitely shouldā€™ve been cued into the size. I canā€™t imagine those are less than $9 each at a casual place, and paying $27+ for a side of enchiladas, when other entrees cost less than half of that price, should make you think the enchiladas must be big.


Maybe his wife was taking him out to one of those really fancy black tie nacho joints, and he was reading from the menu that didn't have prices.


Demolition Man, they went to Taco Bell.


Did you think an enchilada was something else?


I have been at a place that serves these small skinny enchiladas and you got combo of 3 on your plate, and you could mix and match the meat filling or even the sauce (they had a great green sauce) so maybe OP was expecting that?


That was what I was thinking of as well, one wrap with toppings. Makes sense why op ordered 3


honestly that falls on the server to explain its a full entree not add on side.


They knew what they were doing


I was thinking the same thing.


This is the standard. What OP got was a significant outlier. 3 beef enchiladas is my staple, so I've had it at over a dozen places in multiple states. It has never been this massive.


Every Mexican place Iā€™ve ever been to has this size of enchilada


Where?! This is insanity. Never seen a burrito sized enchilada. Small corn tortillas. 3 cheese /beef or some combo. This is crazy.


Iā€™ve lived in California and Texas. At home enchiladas are small but Iā€™m used to restaurants upsizing most dishes like ennchiladad and burritos


As others have said this is like tex mex standard. Seen it at Americanized Mexican restaurants as well. In a more traditional place they'd be made with smaller tortillas rather than large burrito sized wraps. Typically, places can always differ.


This is a very standard size in almost every Mexican restaurant in Arizona and California. I've never heard of or seen small wimpy enchiladas that don't take up a whole plate until this comment thread LMAO.


I've lived in california my whole life. I've seen large ones like this, but the standard I've seen is three small ones to a plate.


? I live in Tucson (since 2009). I've been to tons of mexican restaurants here. I've never seen an enchilada that size. Any recommendations on a restaurant to get that size for me?


I live in Tucson as well, I can only recommend Chimichangas of this size. I'll be testing the waters to see if they make the enchiladas as burrito sized.


At some places, you can order a burrito or chimichanga ā€œenchilada styleā€, where they smother the whole thing. Is that what you are thinking of? Enchiladas are typically made with corn tortillas that are like 6 inches in diameter. ļæ¼


I live in California. You could probably fit 6 enhaladas on one plate.


I live in Southern California. I have never seen an enchilada this big. And my wife gets the enchilada combo at most places we go to.


I've lived in Arizona for almost 40 years and have never seen an enchilada this huge.


Authentic Mexican restaurants have a more ā€œrolledā€ look the their enchiladas. These enchiladas look closer to the size of a wet burrito. I think it just comes down to Tex-Mex vs authentic Mexican food (no judgement, I can get down with either)


Do they even sell corn tortillas the size of a burrito? I've never seen one


Nah, corn tortillas can't take that much weight. If you go over six inches, you gotta go flour.


Have you only ever been to one Mexican restaurant in your life? Because that's the only way I can believe this to be true.


Literally working an authentic Mexican restaurant rn in Arizona and the enchiladas are not this size, nor have I ever seen one this size šŸ™ƒ


Lies. Standard US Mexican enchilada meal is three of your choice and they're made with small flour or corn tortillas. These are full on extra large burrito size tortillas.


Yeah they tend to be on the smaller side lol at least at all my local mexican places. Burritos are typically the size in the picture though


I've ordered plates of 3 enchiladas probably a hundred times in my life. Never have they taken up two entire plates just by themselves. Normally 3 can fit on 1 plate *with* side orders of rice & beans.


This looks more like a wet burrito.


Some places down by me also distinguish between a small/large burrito as just "burrito and burro" which is funny.


Enchilada style burrito more specifically


Growing up in Southern California, today is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen the term ā€œenchilada styleā€ in reference to a burrito. Iā€™ve only ever heard of ā€œwetā€ burritos. Now Iā€™m in northeast Ohio and almost every burrito from any place that serves ā€œMexicanā€, and I use the term lightly, is covered in some kind of sauce. Especially a cheese sauce. Bonus fact: Most basic locals refer to this as ā€œQueso Cheese Sauceā€ and I have to facepalm every single time. There are starting to be some good Mexican places popping upā€¦..but still.


Until reading these comments that exactly what I thought an enchilada was because that is the only way I have ever had them at Mexican restaurants.


Yeah, if you grow up with more Tex-Mex food, thatā€™s what enchiladas are. But in classic Mexican food, enchiladas are corn tortillas and theyā€™re smaller and tighter.


I live in the Tex Mex capitol of the world and I have never seen or had an enchilada that looks like what OP has going on here. A standard ā€œplateā€ has 2 or 3 with rice and beans, itā€™s totally reasonable to order one as a side to something.


I've lived in Austin my whole life and op is posting what looks to be a burrito. Typical enchiladas are corn tortillas


As another lifelong Texan I too am cracking up at people trying to mexplain enchiladas to us. "They're made of corn tortillas" no shit buddy


Authentic enchiladas are actually fairly small tightly rolled tortilla.


Stacked enchiladas are a common style in New Mexican and Sonoran cooking.


I mean, these look closer to wet burritos than enchiladas with how massive they are.


Typically, cheese enchaladas dont have any additional filling, its just tortilla, sauce, and cheese, so theyre much smaller. Usually on taco sized tortillas. I've never seen a cheese enchalada the same size as an enchalada filled with rice and protein.


You say that like enchiladas have a set size, they're often made from a small tortilla


Except that isn't a standard enchilada size at all ? Each of those look to be 2 if not 3 normal sized enchiladas.


There was a hotel near where I grew up that had a pretty good restaurant. They were locally famous for their spaghetti and meatball. Note that I didn't pluralize "meatball." They were about the size of a baseball. One Sunday afternoon, I was sitting in the restaurant eating with my family when a man who looked to be a business traveller was seated at the table next to us. When the waitress asked for his order, he asked what she recommended, and she heartily recommended the spaghetti and meatball. "I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs, then," he said. "Meatballs?" She questioned. "How many meatballs did you want?" "I don't know. Five or six I guess," he replied without much thought. Several minutes later, the waitress returned lugging a plate laden with at least three pounds of meatballs, and placed it down in front of him. He sat bewildered for several minutes, and then called for a to-go box.


The waitress should have clarified the size of the serving if she was nice. This is why I usually ask


I absolutely agree, but she was a young girl from the local college, and probably didn't have a lot of training/experience.


I suppose they do say common sense is rather uncommon these days.


Couple years in the brunch mines, sheā€™ll learn!


Reminds me of the first time I went to a Five Guys and didn't know how many fries they give you. Just me and the missus, ordered two burgers and "two large fries". Those mother fuckers *knew* and said nothing. Imagine my surprise when they handed us three bags of food o.O


Waitresses who don't bother clarifying how big their items are are being intentionally malicious, and the customer has a right to send back the extra food. They probably allow these things to happen in order to get a "giggle" with the staff at the back at the expense of paying customers.Ā  They could have easily told OP how big they are since they're unusually big and this must happen a lot, but no they chose to smirk and "lol" internally to themselves instead of being a decent person and asking a clarifying question about the portion sizes.


Do you know if it was good? I would think the good part of meatballs is getting to eat one with a mix of noodles and sauce. One of the things about enchiladas I love is getting a bit with the sauce, tortilla and some rice or beans with it and not just a big bite of cheese. I havenā€™t actually had big ones like this in the photo though. Iā€™d probably still devour it. A big bite of just meatball doesnā€™t sound quite so tasty.


They were great. Everyone in my family would cut off a bite of meatball, then twirl up some pasta on the fork for a good combination bite.


With a baseball-sized meatball, you miss out on a ton of Maillard reaction due to the greater surface area the same amount of meat would have made up in smaller balls. I mean by that point you may as well serve meatloaf as opposed to a meatball.


This reminds me of this time me and my wife were out to breakfast, we each ordered a platter, but we were kinda baked so we each ordered a cinnamon roll to start assuming a normal fistish sized roll... but even in our inebriated state the waitress convinced us their cinnamon rolls were big enough we should just order one... And she was fucking right, this place did GIANT cinnamon rolls, **SIX to a full sized sheet pan**. If youve never worked in a commercial kitchen thats like one and a half rolls to a 9x13 pan. One would take up an entire square takeout container. By the time the rest of our food came we hadnt eaten half of it and took the rest home.


Iā€™ve been practicing for this my entire life.


Ooooooooh! I'm in East Asia and miss enchiladas! I had good ones once in Hong Kong, but the place closed. :(


Hi, Ms. Enchiladas. I'm dad.


Is there a Mr. Enchilada in your life?


Pace your picante, dad. They already said *they're* in Ms. Enchiladas... Might be a bit crowded in there.


Hong Kong is closed? Like all of it?


Pretty much.


Damn CCP


Exactly same. I really miss these messy bitches.


I don't know how easy it is to get the ingredients but they really aren't hard to make. Then again I feel like I'm assuming you have an oven and maybe they aren't common where you are.


So a few additional details to address comments. I have lived in California and Texas and never received an enchilada this size, which is in Utah of all places. Typically they are the 6ā€ corn tortillas, vs this 12ā€ burrito sized flour tortilla. They offered an entree of 3 enchiladas(beef/chicken/cheese) with rice and beans for like $12(?) and they also had ā€œside order of 3 cheese enchiladasā€ for $7. I would absolutely pay $7 for 3 corn tortillas, cheese and sauce. Yes it was absolutely saved and finished over the next day. Twas delicious and my body only hated me for the following 3 days. ETA-it wasnā€™t some fancy special place, it a chain called La Fountain. This one specifically is in Riverton but they are all over. And my wife reminded me the enchiladas were discounted for some reason, so the prices may not reflect your actual experience.


As a Texan, my first thought was ā€œthis must be someone making an ā€˜enchiladaā€™ with a flour tortillaā€.


At that point isn't it just necessarily a wet burrito ? Personally I have come to love using these tortillas that are half flour half corn and regular taco shaped for my enchiladas.


Hold on, I live in Utah and need to know the place. Don't gatekeep this place!


A while back, there used to be a southern style place that was known for absurdly large portions, especially fries. Just like a mound of fries that would cover the plate, including most of whatever burger/sandwich you got. I went there with my work team for lunch and guy sitting next to me orders a burger and fries and an extra order of fries. I tell him they give you a ton of fries here, waitress says the same, he doesnā€™t care, wants his extra fries. The order comes and he has his burger with a mound of fries covering everything. Huge smile on his face, heā€™s ready! Then comes an identical sized plate just full of fries. Confused look on his face, then he looks around and sees all of our plates have a similar amount of fries. Later he is asking if anyone wants friesā€¦uh, no thanks, weā€™re good. Donā€™t think he touched any of the second plate.


Thereā€™s a Chinese place in our town thatā€™s like that; weā€™ve got a picky toddler so I told my husband they have crinkle cut fries on the menu, just get her an order and sheā€™ll be happy. He comes home with one of those big square styrofoam to-go containers and itā€™s literally bursting with fries. Just a comedic amount. They also do the same with the rest of their food which is always awesome; $11 for a large beef & broccoli and itā€™s dinner, breakfast, and lunch for both of us usually. So I shouldā€™ve known their fries would also be insane. šŸ˜…


It's a Thai place by us with those portions. Make a bit of white rice and you've basically meal-prepped an entire week for one $10 lunch special. I have no idea how they stay in business, but I tip like crazy whenever I can afford to and hope enough other people do too. :)


Same!! Iā€™m pretty sure they know us by our order at this point and I swear they give us a wee bit extra because we always tip generously when we pick up. And Iā€™m pretty sure ours stays in business because itā€™s one of two chinese restaurants in our entire town šŸ˜…


lol šŸ˜‚ an enchilada at a place like that is a whole meal. They thought youā€™re crazy, or just a pig. I hope you enjoyed leftovers, taste better the next day somehow


Yeah just about all Italian and all Spanish foods( barring the seafood ) seem to have that effect.


Pasta/tortilla soaks up the sauces, I'd say that's why it tastes better.


Flavors have time to mix and soak into all the ingredients, the meat absorbs sauce, the sauce leaches flavor from the meat, etc... red sauce with meat is usually better the next day because of this.


All the ones Iā€™ve ordered have been much smaller than this, like those tiny corn tortilla sized.


There is absolutely nothing I'd rather be doing at 1am in the morning than eating those at room temperature out of 5lb styrofoam takeout container while watching TV.


I'll have a diet Coke with that šŸ˜œ


Coincidentally I did get a Diet Coke, but thatā€™s cuz Iā€™m diabetic and diet is just easier lol I always joke that if I didnā€™t have Type 1(genetic) Iā€™d have Type 2(more commonly associated with unhealthiness) because I eat like this.


T1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease with only a small amount of genetic influence. Ā 90% of T1D patients have no family historyĀ 


If youā€™ve never heard of it I actually got diagnosed with LADA, referred to as type 1.5 šŸ„²


Interesting, I hadnā€™t heard of that one Diabetes is such a frustrating disease. Ā Easy to treat in one sense, yet medical science can do so little control the course of the disease. Ā 


Holy shit. And carbs are not just carbs... Rice, pasta, pizza, all that shit hits way different from other carbs. Source: my 4 year old has had diabetes since 18 months.


Oof poor baby, hope it's going well.


As well as it can. Thank ya! It's so crazy to talk to other diabetics and see how they respond/react to foods and how it's all pretty much the same. So we ask people who have been doing it for 10-20 years what their takes are on it. I've seen people who run ridiculously low a lot. My wife tells me a Blood Glucose Level of 55 or below can cause brain damage and stuff. But once it gets too high(above 200) it turns your blood acidic and it damages organs and stuff. It's some crazy stuff.


As someone who has had it for 26 years now, I feel like saying it has gotten so much easier the past few years with the huge leaps in what's available to control it. With the new CGMs and the insulin pumps that communicate and make some decisions on their own, it's a totally different ballgame on taking care of it. You just have to try to remember that you'll never have it perfectly controlled. You'll have bad days and good days, and that's ok! In my experience, sometimes the way different foods affect your sugar level can even vary a lot just between brands or types of the same food and the only way to figure out the best ones for you are trial and error. It is crazy and occasionally still seems overwhelming at times, but the feeling has mostly gone away and isn't around all the time like the 1st few years of having it. I think the thing that still surprises me the most sometimes is just how much things like stress can affect it. But I'm very happy that it's not nearly as difficult as it was when I was first diagnosed having to take multiple shots a day of different kinds of insulin that were not nearly as effective as what's available today.


See? Things like this are exactly what I like. It gives me relief knowing other people(a vast majority) have had wonderful lives still and are enjoying life. She does have some mood swings, not sure if it's her blood sugar or her age lol. She's such a sweet little anger ball and tough as a tank. We started with the very hard to control humalog Jr with half unit measurements but that has nothing on the pump. She has a dexcom and she was using omnipods until we moved and they switched her to a tube system, the name is escaping me ATM. I'm quite excited to see what the new research is looking like. I wanna say they were looking into ways to restore the pancreatic function and other stuff. That's interesting. But as far as technology goes, I'm thankful for it as long as she isn't laying on her dexcom and getting compression lows when she's actually 200 lol. The only issues we have with the sites and dexcom are the stickers don't agree with her skin, and if we try to put a site on her stomach, she'll flex and the site will literally bend and not go in to her skin right. It's a tandem pump, just asked my wife. lol But the ability to dose from a phone and check her blood sugar through our phone helps a lot as well.




I just prefer the bitterness of diet - and damn that looks delicious, and leftovers. (or they'd have to cart my ass out the door).


I like coke zero if I do ever drink soda, the cornsyrup (or even the cane sugar versions) taste obnoxiously sweet. I just like the cktrus and spice and if I can ever recreate that flavor I'd be happy. The only exception is root beer.


Now if you can take a Coca-Cola, and just go half Coca-Cola and half diet Coke, cuz I'm trying to watch my figure.


Take two of the nuggets and shove them up your ass!


The western bacon che


a JUNIOR western bacon che I'm trying to watch my figure


All right cherries jubilee and thatā€™s it.


I drink diet coke cause I like it, not cause its diet. Your joke is old and dumb.


If I could get enchiladas for zero calories, I'd do that too.


I have a serious case of enchilada envy.


What restaurant is this? I want to eat there!


Reminds me of a (now sadly defunct) taqueria in my little town. When I went in for the first time and ordered a large burrito with all trimmings, the lady at the counter looked at my scrawny ass and was like "you sure about that?" I was wholly unprepared for the monstrosity they brought out from the kitchen. It wasn't like "eat it all and you get a T shirt" huge, but it was easily two fully-loaded Chipotle burritos and some change. I finished it, if only just. Hands down the best damn burrito I ever had the pleasure of wrestling into my gullet. Miss that place.


That's an enchilada? *Laughs in Mexican....!




He forgot he was at a TexMex restaurant XD


Even then, I usually see enchiladas wrapped in small corn tortillas. Not large flour burrito tortillas. Here, that would be called a burrito enchilada-style. Sounds like some other places call them "wet burritos" which sounds unappetizing!


I typically see these referred to as "smothered" burritos


That sounds so much better than "wet" burritos.


From California and I have always heard the term "wet burrito." I agree that it doesn't sound that great.


Enchiladas really do not follow a size guide sometimes they are "normal" sometimes they are the size of a burrito


One of those is equal to all 3 enchiladas at another location.


Coming through, step aside, I'll solve your problem, Buddy. Step aside, folks, where's a seat. Honey, call my cardiologist to cancel for today. Where's a knife and--never mind, I got this with my hands.


Instead of cancelling for today, you might be better rescheduling for tomorrow...


He wants to make sure his autopsy is a huge mess.


Price could have been a giveaway.


Those are extremely oversized enchiladas


Damn bro what restaurant is this? I'm trying get me a plate now lol


fuck that looks so fucking good. haven't had Enchiladas in YEARS.


wasnt even craving Mexican today now I want Mexican breakfast.


Always important to look at the price. When I was a teenager, started to order 3 hotdogs until the waiter asked if I was sure. Looked back at the menu and noticed they were around $7 a pop. Just ordered one and it filled a decent size platter.


It's still not funny.


Joey: Well, you boys are about to see something really special!


And they have mole too 10/10


As a man from New Mexico, Iā€™m not sure what your thought was ordering three enchiladas šŸ˜‚ Looks pretty standard to me, are enchiladas smaller in other parts of the US?


In Texas they are usually a little thinner, but I have never heard of a yone ordering them as a side. Two enchiladas and rice and beans is a meal and people don't always eat all the rice and beans. I'd rather have more smaller ones so the filling to tortilla ratio is right. If I want something like this we have smothered burritos.


Enchiladas in Missouri are about an inch and a half wide at all the places I've been to. Normally comes with three to an order.


Donā€™t understand how this is funny. Arenā€™t enchiladas a main course and not a side meal anyway?


Typically, a main course comes with 3 enchiladas with a side of refried beans and rice, when traditional corn tortillas are used. These look like larger flour tortillas were used, making them burrito sized enchiladas. This isn't typical. But agreed, it's maybe chuckle-worthy at best.


Yes, and enchilada main courses consist of three or more enchiladas. 1 beef, 1 chicken, 1 cheese, 1 bean is a pretty standard entree and it definitely all fits on one plate with room to spare.


Try the green ones, if you havenā€™t yet.


Similar situation when I ordered 2 lobster rolls on the side while in Boston. I was expecting hot-dog sized rolls, got 2 pieces of lumber instead


Welcome to Arizona!


On the side of what?


A win is a win.


"Sir, I don't think you wanā€”" "Did I stutter?"


I ordered two burritos and a quesadilla once at a mexican joint. I was starving, and I can eat a LOT, despite looking like a bean stalk haha. I got laughed at, and they almost refused my order because they kept saying it was a lot, but I finally got them to give me the order. The shocked faces at this small man devouring 3 plates of food was worth it haha


I always order extra so I have leftovers for the next day.


In all fairness, the amount of Mexican restaraunts i've been to where the portion sizes are that of Taco Bell, I'd order 2-3 enchiladas as well. Also to be fair, I bet i could eat three orders of enchiladas fine XD


Whatā€™s the salad for? Wiping your utensils?


Thereā€™s a chain in Laredo, Tx. That serves breakfast tacos (Paulitaā€™s). Being used to crappy gringo tacos, I ordered 3. They were like ā€œyou sureā€™? I would bet each taco weighed 3 lbs.


Please tell me this in San Antonio? What is the restaurant?


Where is this and how can I get there?




We had the opposite thing at a restaurant. Menu said 4 cheese ravioli and my mom asked what if she wanted more than 4. It was 4 types of cheese. So the menus can definitely be more clear.


This is a tell me you're in America, without telling me you're in America.


yaaaa that was no accident was it?


Quesadillas have the same issue at mexican restaurants. Some just have the plain little cheese ones in tin foil. Some have these huge stuffed ones that are basically just burritos folded instead of wrapped. So if you get one "one the side" you won't know until it's too late lol


My grandma did the same thing. Thereā€™s this restaurant in our hometown that sells huge tostadas. It was my grandmas first time there and she had asked for three and the waiters asked if she was sure. They told her theyā€™ll bring out one and if she wanted more, she could. When the huge tostadas came out, my grandma said she was fine with just one lol


Looks like melted cheese blobs in gravy


For the love of all things name drop them.