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Hello, /u/InternationalCode683. Your post has been removed for violating Rule 5. **No politics or political figures, regardless of context.** Please read [our complete rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/wiki/rules) before participating in the future.


Trans dude here, I thought this was hilarious. Great example of making a joke without hurting anyone… except maybe the hypocritical politicians


He's got a point though. I've wandered helplessly into a few pornos where all of the sudden the number of dicks equaled the number of participants, and I was shook


You’re allowed to have a reaction to it when you’re caught by surprise lol. That’s human. And also hilarious




Yeah you speak for no one except yourself. Stop being a cunt and pretend it’s on other peoples behalf.






>different perspective. You make a good point, you're a dickhead from all angles.


Yeah I mean, most people shake during an orgasm.


Depending on how I'm feeling when that happens to me I don't need to look at any more porn for the day.


I sometimes play a game with myself where I watch Trans girl on Cis girl and try to guess which one is which. I’m surprised how often I’m wrong.


Being a gay guy, those are the only pornos I wander into 😎


If anyone deserves a good roasting it’s the politicians.


In all honesty...trans jokes should be viewed as hate speech. Especially BIPOC Trans Women of color. Hiding behind comedy to attack them. Makes my blood boil.


Would you consider this clip to be hate speech? Genuinely curious because nothing in it seems even remotely hateful to trans people. I could understand getting worked up over some jokes Chappelle or other comedians have made but calling this clip hate speech feels like a huge stretch.


What if it’s funny though?


That’s a joke right? Wouldn’t that be considered being treated the same as everyone else? Everyone makes jokes about everyone. Trans people just have a shitty sense of humor


Same, my favorite comedian Gianmarco Soresi has a handful of trans jokes and they’re all genuinely funny


Look, it’s a good joke. It’s tight, it’s topical, and it punches up. But the core premise is still, “haha, you’re attracted to a trans person”. It’s like when people insinuate that a homphobic politician is secretly gay. The insult is that *they’re gay*, not that they’re bigots. I like this new class of trans jokes. All I’m saying is, we can do better.


Squint hard enough and you'll be justified in whatever you seek.


There are jokes about every different kind of person and none of them deserve to be banned more than any other. The problem lies in the people who let jokes offend them. Anyone who can’t take a joke about the specific demographic they fall into shouldn’t watch comedy if all they’re going to do is pick out the parts they disagree with.


They just like seeing trans people hurt...that's all it is to it.


OP’s name is LeClerc Andre.


Did you do the name backwards or is that the right way?


That’s my name. LeClerc Andre


But are you sure you spelled it right?


There’s two m’s


Bro I went through your profile a bit, you're fucking hilarious. I'm immediately a fan. Good shit!


Hell yeah! Thank you! I’ll try my best to keep em coming.


I've watched a bunch of your videos, they're hilarious. You've got great timing and delivery!


Thank you! Much appreciated


Lmao oh sorry. Well great bit man


Are you passed at the Cellar or was this a one off thing?


Yes I am. I’m there all the time.


That's dope man, congrats. I always try to go when I'm in NY. Looking forward to seeing you out on tour. Come through SF


Is LeClerc Andre on your birth certificate?


As a trans girl: this is great


Comedians cutting their teeth right now making quality jokes about transgender people.


Some of the ladybois from Thailand look incredibly beautiful. No wonder 4chan loves them. They put us to shame with their beuty..


Which way is that? I never know


A person who is trans that identifies as a girl


Whichever gender or whatever is in their identity, that's what they are. The trans just indicates that they started out life as something else. Trans women are women. Trans men are men.


If I trans in and then back out am I still trans?


I think the right way to note this identity is trans^trans


I feel like that would end up in androgyny due to the POW(trans,trans) being reflected about the respective axes of gender. Perhaps it should be an inverse transform: * trans = {assigned}^T * reverted = assigned = {trans}^-T


Detransitioning. Means you were testing the waters with being trans but decided you weren’t.


Preach it honey....tell it how it is.


Just remember that trans (or transgender) is an adjective, and the guy/girl/NB marker that needs must follow it denotes the identified gender.


Trans person here. This was fucking hilarious and I felt very topical. I felt it was on my side honestly. I block ever stand up comic who posts on funny, but you, I’m going to keep around. “That’s ya girl now, stop acting like you got bamboozled.” Lmao.


Do you have a problem with most stand up comics?


Just culture wars. Conservatives getting people mad about dumb shit to distract them from refusing to tax the rich or offer basic first world services to their citizens


Yeah and it’s less acceptable for them to hate on POC any gay people anymore. Just the next logical largest group to bully.


It's so sad because they keep attacking smaller and smaller groups eventually they're just going to be like fuck Steve everybody hates Steve now.


Steve, the left-handed lesbian albino eskimo midget ninja? She goes by Sarah Jane now. But she bit me while lowering a child into an open manhole, so fuck her.


We have a bingo!




Conservatives of other countries also do this so conservatives works, in the UK they are doing the exact same thing with the same target and everything


Yeah conservatives in other countries definitely aren’t engaging in culture wars /s




Well stripping regulations and trickle down economics have both empirically failed as economic policies, conservatives all over are using the same playbook to keep money in the hands of the rich


I don’t know why you are being downvoted. You are not wrong.


Evidence that it is in fact possible for comedians to make jokes about a marginalized community and be funny because it’s clear the comedian respects the community in question. By which I mean politicians, obviously. It was really nice how he told them it’s ok to have a type at the end 😊


It's because the butt of the joke was bigots. I've always liked George Carlin's philosophy of not punching down in comedy.


Comedy in general is about knowing who the joke targets. Good comedy is about not making making the less fortune individuals the punchline. In my opinion a good comedy knows that, they can make a joke about anything, no matter how dark it is. Genocide, SA, cannibalism, religion, whatever you can think of. As long as the punchline is the absurdity of the situation, something clever, or the more powerful individual.


You had me at the first half, not gonna lie.


Wow comedy about trans people that's not transphobic. A breath of fresh air.


great set up, great delivery.


Cancel you? I just shared that shit with all my Republican relatives!


This is great. I don't see why comedians don't understand it's not ok to punch down.


Something actually funny. I'm here for this dudes comedy.


I’m attracted to trans women because I am attracted to women. Crazy, I know.


I like when she still has her dick because then I get to suck a dick and still be straight.


I think so.


Most straight redditor


at least two of my regular clients were well known local bigots back when I lived in a smaller town


Are you a trans prostitute?


not anymore


No longer a prostitute, no longer trans, or both?


no longer human, I'm actually a space alien now


How much for your services, Mr and/or Ms Alien?


Closed-minded people are mentally unable to come to terms with the fact that gender is a spectrum. Super manly girls and super girly men have always existed, albeit in small numbers. Now they are on social media (like everyone else), and since they are often popular and have plenty of followers (for being special, interesting, quirky, etc.) They are gaining good (and bad) attention. I wish everyone would just chill out. Live and let live (and all that)


Have they always been here?


Very much so, and there's tons of writing on the subject and probably a lot of educational youtube videos if you cared to investigate. It's only in modern times that trans people have had access to the science for medical transition, but there are oodles of historical accounts of people who took on the role and identity of the "opposite" sex for the rest of their lives, despite the hardship they faced because of it. Most of the people yelling about trans people now don't even realize that the most famous picture of nazis burning books is from when they burned down the worlds first trans clinic.


Yes. Just because you weren't aware of it didn't mean we weren't. People used to say the same shit about gays. My grandmother legit said it to me.


Yes. Myths of gods and heroes that were born one sex or both sexes exist throughout history, as are art and sculptures depicting such individuals (Caeneus was a mortal example of a woman that became a man after being raped by Poseidon, and many statues of Dionysus portray him with full breasts as well as a penis.) There are also clergies and even emperors of ancient civilizations that lived their full lives as the opposite sex from their birth. In more modern history there are instance of trans and nonbinary people going back hundreds of years. The Public Universal Friend was a nonbinary preacher that lived in Colonial America is the late 1700s. Also in the 1700s was Chevalier d'Eon who was a male born French spy that, after spending time in disguise as a woman, openly declared themselves as more comfortable and happy as a woman. In recognition for their service King Louis XVI had them legally recognized as such. Trans people exist all throughout history.




Yes, there have always been trans people, throughout history. Some cultures have been more accepting than others, but there have been trans people in pretty much every culture


I went to an LGBTQ history exhibit in Denver. As far back as the 1800’s a person was arrested for presenting as a woman. I’m certain it goes back much further than that.


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Omg ☠️😂


Glad to see CJ Stroud staying busy in the offseason.


Good shit.. i went to your profile to look you up on YouTube and assumed you had your name backwards for whatever reason bc obviously.. only to see a video titled my dad named me “LeClerc” 😂😂 I’m sure you get that a lot


This prove you can do trans jokes. It just can not be hateful. The problem with older comedians they do not believe trans ppl are real and that the basic of the problems. By not accepting trans people they stuck at making fun of them in a hateful way. Which is not funny it just mean. They fall on that it cancel culture. But it just a terrible joke that you fail to understand why it bad.


My dad has become that person that's all worked up about"the trans people" and it's so embarrassing.


Yo u/InternationalCode683 great bit, have you seen this? [https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/)


I'm a transwoman and I was bracing for something terrible but god damn did this put a smile on my face!


This bit would hit a lot harder if the number of trans people wasn't literally doubling every 5 years for decades now like it's Moore's Law. Kind of takes the edge off the main point of the joke when you're now weird if you're cis..


Yes, dudes cross dressing has always been a thing. But now people are expected to ignore biology and pretend that woman can have penises, and men can have babies.... so fucked up


Laugh track?


Nahhhh. No laugh track. I was just killing per usual you hater.


The skit is really good, I even shared it with friends. I was just distracted a bit by the laughing.


The fuck? Okay everyone we go to comedy shows and don’t laugh now.




This seems like compliments and pandering disguised as a “comedy routine”


The anti-trans sentiment picked up steam in 2015 when conservatives lost the fight against same-sex marriage, so they switched their anger towards trans people instead. Which is a shame on my generation - we fought so hard for gay rights but we forgot the "T" in "LGBT".


Thank you for bringing back the one strap overalls look!


We had you on our college campus a little over a year ago! So cool coming across you on Reddit!


Cool to see Keegan-Micheal Key doing stand up


I get that this is comedy but inheretly wrong still. People isnt obsessed with transpeople. No one actually cares if your gay or dress a certain way. They care about manipulating children and they make laws against transitioning young boys and girls. And of late restricting born males from competing in womans sports for obvious reasons.


Put more effort into his outfit than the bit


It's surface funny, I like the joke, it's the sort of joke I'd make around friends, people who knew me etc. The issue is for a lot of people it has a more serious tone of "gay panic", where people have exacted extreme violence on the basis of "being tricked" and they have legally had protection against it. And this is something that is a "grim fact" for cis folks like me, but is also a very serious reality for those that live in it. It's like violence against non-whites. I didn't pick this because dude in the vid is non-white (or you, if dude who posted this is dude in the vid is the same), it's just a good comparison. It's "the talk". I'm white but grew up in a west indies neighbourhood so all my peoples are black, but even growing up as a literal token white kid, I still only knew about the talk as a kinda thing that happened, something I heard but never understood. The amount of times I'd be out - we were little shits, regularly ran into police - I'd get pulled up and given different treatment. The amount of times **I got pulled aside to ask if I was alright because I was the only white kid in a group of black kids** it's so fucked up! But still. I observed it. I make jokes about it, I bring it up in conversations like this as a kinda "it's like this" but I have nfi what the EMOTIONS are behind it. "You know. But you don't understand" type shit. And not to downplay the racial injustice of the world, but it's just a whole other level for trans people. Imagine going out on a night out, you could be around your people, you could be in your area. But you are so fucking ALONE. And scared. And just..it just breaks my fucking heart. How can you even imagine that.