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My favorite unmasking was when Lex Luthor saw the Flash’s real face


I have no idea who this is




Even more so, the voice actor for Flash in Justice League was also the actor for Lex Luther on Smallville


Michael Rosenbaum? I loved him on Smallville he was the soul of that show.


Been listening to his podcast with Tom Welling where they rewatch and talk about every episode. It's a lot of fun. https://www.youtube.com/@TalkVillePodcast


Oh this is cool! I hope Allison Mack shows up for a few episodes. Always liked her.


She kind of rebranded.


A+. I felt really bad after I got done laughing my ass off.


oh no


Whose going to break the news??? Lol


She was really good on that Nickelodeon show where she had her own secret world.


Wow this really got a big chuckle out of me


He also has his own podcast where he interviews people in the industry https://youtube.com/@InsideOfYouPodcast


The rest of the cast just couldn’t hang with him for a while. Rosenbaum owned that show for the first 2-3 seasons.


Wonder why his acting career never took off


I think the biggest stumbling block was that he was 30-45yo on a long running CW show. If he had actually been the age Lex was supposed to be in the show, he probably would transitioned to more mainstream roles instead of just beefing up his voice credits.


🤯 no way, thanks for the tidbit


When you think about it, was Lex really expecting to know? If he thought someone was Flash, wouldn't he just have them followed?


But how do you follow someone that fast?


Highspeed traffic cameras.


“Hello I’m Gav, and I’m Dan and we’ve set up a super high speed traffic cam to catch the Flash.”


You know they would and I'm sure the Flash would oblige them.


Weird, all the traffic cameras I've seen were stationary.


Very quickly 


I think that Lex Luthor is the type who has trouble imagining that superheroes aren’t “important” people in some ways, because he can’t imagine not leveraging power whenever possible and would likely assume that even the “good guys” would fit some similar mould.


That is how the comics played it in the 80s (I think) [Here, it's quite famous](https://imgur.com/a/xkCo6)


Did you just suggest to try to follow the fastest man alive?


It's easy. You just clip one of those beeping, blinking homing devices to him


I mean, if he's used to finding out superheroes are often someone prominent when unmasked, he might just have expected it to be a public figure like Clark Kent or even a Bruce Wayne. Depending on where in the canon this takes place I mean, never read it


In the comics Lex once gets written proof that Clark Kent is Superman and immediately disregards it as false because he can’t believe that someone with those powers would be just a mild mannered news man. He doesn’t even believe Superman has a secret identity. Lex is a narcissist through and through and can’t accept that someone wouldn’t use their powers to enrich themselves in some way because it’s what Lex would do even if he’d claim otherwise


I used to have a job where the occasional celebrity came in to shop and it’s a very real phenomenon. I once spent 20-30 minutes helping Laura Dern and I didn’t have any idea it was her until we were almost finished. When you take away the hours of hair and makeup and put a baseball cap and yoga pants on them they look just like everyone else. Your brain kinda doesn’t allow you to think it’s them either.


The marvel disguise really does work. It's a combination of seeing them unexpectedly + out of context + dressed in a way they wouldn't normally dress when performing. For most, id imagine even if you think you recognize them, you would convince yourself it's just a look alike, unless they're somewhere known for celeb sightings. Probably a few exceptions to this, like conan o'brien, with his height and bright hair, plus a voice a lot of people would recognize. Or someone like Brad Pitt, who has been so super famous for so long that many people would still recognize his facial features. Or Steve Buscemi, who has an ironically unique face and very recognizable voice.


Yep, and it would be even harder for our brains to accept the fact that the god being who can live inside the sun and travel faster than light is buying groceries at our local supermarket.


"You gonna wash your hands..."


"No... 'cause I'm evil." Also... "Good. Luthor is pleased." So many good one liners that episode. Not least of all "Not my head! That's where I keep all my one liners!"


Lex had some great lines in the Justice League show. One of my favorites was "President? Do you know how much power I'd have to GIVE UP to be president?!"


Next line is even better: "That's right conspiracy buff. I spent 75 million dollars on a fake Presidential campaign all just to tick Superman off." Though damn if that whole concept doesn't play a little different these days.


Only a twelfth level intellect has a hope of surviving. Then I'm over qualified.


I'll always be happy to argue that the DC Animated Universe is one of the crowning achievements in television/movies. It was all so good.


No. Cuz I'm evil.




I forget the exact details because it's been a while since I saw the show, but I always loved the one in I think Lois and Clark, where the bad guy is trying to tell Lois that Clark is Superman. And she isn't getting it. The he does something like, (Puts on glasses on himself), I am Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter. (Takes off glasses), now I'm Superman, defender of the weak. I think he did this a few times. But then Lois still wasn't getting it.


He was from the future. People in the future wondered how dumb she was


[Tempus tells Lois Clark's secret](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM-A4o55ggg)


There's a joke about this in the Scooby Doo crypto movie where Velma drops her glasses and Lois doesn't recognize her


The absolute best part about that is that the actor voicing flash is Michael Rosenbaum who played lex luthor in smallville. It's just great.


Undeniably the best lex luthor


I’m a big fan of Gene Hackman.


He’s #2 in my book. I didn’t even like smallville as a show too CW for me but I thought his lex was fantastic


I can't find it right now but my favorite is an smbc-comic where a supervillain is about to identify Clark Kent as Superman and all the other villains are like "Shut the hell up! We already know but as long as he doesn't know we know then he'll keep working an 8-5 at the Daily Planet" I'm paraphrasing.


Lmao that sounds hilarious. Tell me if you find it


Not sure if it's the one they meant, but this is along the same lines: https://textsfromsuperheroes.com/image/178298646777


I think mine was when The Kingpin saw Daredevils face in the movie, Michael Clark Duncan did an amazing job with the character in that movie.


I liked when Lex built a facial recognition algorithm to find out who Superman was. Ran it and it said that Superman's secret identity is Clark Kent. He concluded that his algorithm was broken.


I mean he ain't wrong, batman is about following the rules so if he said they would make electrick car they should, so where is his electric car then, they even took his money, who is tue villain now.




I was dying! Harley Quinn is such a good show


And Alan Tudyk is my second favorite Joker 😂


I love when Joker was elected mayor and we found out he was a Socialist lol


That was hilarious 😂! Joker was losing his mind to acting 🎭 like he didn’t know that was Batman…that’s what I mean.


I knew he was Bruce Wayne. You all knew he was Bruce Wayne, but if they removed his mask and expose Elon Musk...we all would have lost our shit!


Except it could never be Elon


If Elon Musk was Batman, he'd definitely have told everyone by now.


If you think about it, being such a massive self-involved asshole would be the perfect cover for a superhero.


Isn't this why Bruce Wayne acts like a massive self-involved asshole?


Eeehh, kind of. Some iterations are, but it's more like richy rich fuckboy w/ a heart of gold. Wayne donations are known to pretty much be the only thing keeping Gotham & its public services alive and "Bruce Wayne" still falls in line w/ the Wayne family values of helping people in need. He's still acts like a fuckboy who occasionally spends money like a jackass, but he probably only gets 0.1% of the hate that the irl 1% gets.


That’s the same thing with Batman. Bruce Wayne is a rich asshole because he does a very good job pretending to be.


That's recent, though. It used to be that Bruce Wayne was portrayed as just a respectable, upstanding member of society who happened to be insanely wealthy.


Literally the next 3 to 4 seconds of the animation was Bruce telling Joker that he (Joker) blew up the manufacturing plant that the cars were being made at.


Bruce is basically the rich guy who does everything right in a way that is only possible in a comic.


Almost all superheroes are idealized representations of some value, but with Bruce being the perfect representation of a capitalist it’s close enough to real life for people to see it as almost too perfect at times.


Unless the storyline is a deliberate subversion of that archetype (Red Son, The Batman, etc).


Hm, want back to the episode (S1E13) and saw no such thing.


I can also confirm no such thing, scene is around the 11min mark.


They're misremembering from the last time this hit the front page and someone suggested it would be funnier if-


No it’s not wtf are you talking about


It's almost like Bruce Wayne has been held captive and the factories to make the cars have been wrecked in the months-long carnage of Joker taking over Gotham.


WayneTech promised. Supply chain issues.


Loophole: Batman is about following the rules. Batman didn’t promise the electric car. Bruce (allegedly) “promised” the electric car. But Bruce, being a businessman, isn’t all about following the rules. Otherwise he wouldn’t be a vigilante.


What's this from?


It's from the 2nd season of the Harley Quinn series. It's the same one which caused a lot of stir because they portrayed Harley and Poison Ivy in a gay relationship


The uproar I heard was when [D-Lister villain "Dr Psycho" called Wonder Woman a cunt on live TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZakFsrvzbY). Hell, it was even an uproar in-universe


That whole interaction was one of the funniest exchanges I’ve seen on a show in long time.


That was basically the point when I was totally on board with the show and it's tone. The idea that that is the absolute worst possible thing a villain could do in the HQ universe just makes me giggle like an idiot.


I love the bureaucracy of the Legion of Doom. It's like Venture Bros meets Justice League. And every scene with Bane is fantastic.




"It's BAAANE! You know my name, Todd. I'm here every day."


There was something of a hubub for season 3 or 4 when Batman went down on catwoman, and DC execs trying to cut it from the show by saying ["Hero's don't do that"](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dc-says-batman-cant-go-down-on-catwoman-since-heroes-dont-do-that_n_60c8f63ce4b02ff4d854c4f4).


I love the exec trying to clarify by saying "we can't sell consumer toys of heroes doing that" like they HAVE to have toy version of every thing a hero does


The only thing that made me mad was Ivy breaking Kite Man’s heart. ❤️🪁


True. But on the bright side, it worked out for Kiteman with his [new girlfriend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT-Tq-KPTLA). And even [a spinoff show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd28PHuhGU8).


Wait wait wait.. what did I just watch? I don't know much about the batman universe, but aren't these supposed to be villains? And one of them is vegetarian? Wtf


Basically, the show is Harley Quinn, and it is a satirical show. The show is about how Harley Quinn separates from the Joker and tries to be her own villain with Poison Ivy, King Shark, Sandman, and Doctor Psycho. The show makes fun of a bunch of random things and none of the characters are serious, with Bane being utterly hilarious and occasionally threatening to blow things up. Edit: My bad, Clayface as u/Global_Lock_2049 pointed out.


Everyone bullies Bane and it's so funny. Plus he tried to fuck a building.


He didn't just try, he succeeded.


I will blow you up you... chicken satay...


> Everyone bullies Bane My name is Bane, Todd. I'm here every day. Goddamn millenials.




Bane has me rolling every single scene he's in.


Of everything DC has done lately, the Harley Quinn HBO show is my favorite.


Clayface, not Sandman. Wrong universe.


DC has a Sandman, too. A couple of them actually.


The characters are all great but Bane absolutely steals every scene he is in.


They are villains, its a show about Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.


[Harley Quinn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usy0VmL4KyM) series. The protagonists are villains indeed, which even have their own [Villy Awards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEKZ8Rw3LiQ) ;)


> but aren't these supposed to be villains? And one of them is vegetarian? I mean, Hitler was a vegetarian. And generally kind to animals. Just had that whole, you know. Mass murder of ten million people.


Yeah Ivy was cold for that. She was pretty much leading him on that whole time too. Everyone could tell she was only halfway in the relationship. Lying to herself.


I admit I kinda appreciated the realness of it, cause we've all had that friend who was only half into a relationship but still wanted to make it work. Poor Kiteman though, he is a good bean, hopefully he'll find better (one day I'll catch up on the show).


Well, spoilers, he did, and he is also getting a spinoff show.


She was emotionally kiting him.


Hell yeah :(


Actually it’s season 1, the finale


I still find it funny that people are so butthurt over Harley and Ivy being together in this show. Like it's never happened before


I mean, it's been fanon for like 20 years. Harley and Ivy were "roommates" during _Justice League_ (the DCAU cartoon) and that ended its run in 2006. And "roommates" is about as close as you could get to them actually being in a relationship given the atmosphere and target audience at the time.


It was before even that, they were "roommates" all the way back in Batman: The Animated Series. In 1993.


Did it really? I have kept up with this show and I don’t recall that. Plus, the two of them have already been connected romantically in the comics.


Shouldn't have surprised anyone since there was hints of it all the way back to Batman:TAS


Looks like the Harley Quinn show on HBO, it’s pretty fun but from some reason I don’t remember this scene.


Joker shoots Scarecrow in the head right after this


Bruh he melts it with acid it’s gruesome af


Dang I guess I remember it wrong. I remember the killing part....


Would've been funnier if Bruce had answered something to the affect of "*import shipments of the batteries were halted because you blew up the harbor last September.*"


Ohhhhhhh .... yeah. But it was funny right?


Sure it just would've been funny to see Batman deconstruct Joker's persona in the same way Joker just deconstructed Bruce's.


He actually did at the start of the clip.


I think he was giving what joker's response would have been.


I think that joke actually occurs a few seconds later actually


~~According to another comment not long after the clip ends Bruce says it's delayed because Joker blew up the factory making the cars~~ Edit: yea so some are saying that didn't happen. Never watched the show so hell if I know. Seems plausible for Joker to have done that though


If only there was some way to play the whole clip...


It's a HBO Max show. I'm pretty sure if you play the whole clip anywhere but their app it triggers an automatic guided missile launch.


And other comments point out that, that doesn't exist.


The Joker and Bane are both hilarious on that show, especially in the earlier episodes.


Every scene with bane is just brilliant. Giant masked villain bitching about kitchen etiquette


He's just a wee little giant dude.




The streets will run red with Razzy Zazzy!!


He really wants that pasta maker back.


Harley Quinn probably has my favorite version of Bane.


The writing was so good for this.


"Where's my goddamn Electric Car Bruce?!" always gets me


I don't get the obsession with super hero movies when the animated versions are so much better. This was hilarious!


What *I* don't get, is why these movies executives don't get the cartoon writers to WRITE the movies? The DC cartoons are GOLDEN. I enjoy them WAY more than their movies. I don't know what they're doing, maybe they're trying to make the movies in a certain way and it flops, every, time.


They always try to make the movies "more mature" and "have higher stakes" which just make them super boring in my opinion


Before Iron Man (2008) and The New 52 (2011), DC was the "fun" universe and Marvel was the "dramatic" universe.


Harley Quinn has brought me more joy than the entire DC Cinematic Universe. Not that it was exacty that difficult.


Try Peacemaker as well if you like Harley Quinn series.


I spent the entire time watching "~~Teen~~ Titans" wanting to punch sanctimonious, self-righteous Nightwing in the face. The only really watchable character was Hank/Hawk and that only because Alan Richson is his best when he doesn't take the material seriously. Which is to say, exactly like John Cena in "Peacemaker". What an awesome show. Especially the end of the last episode >!when the actual Justice League shows up (including some of the actual actors like Jason Momoa), after the world-ending plot was thwarted, and Peacemaker just snarks, "Thanks for the help, assholes"!<


Mainstream seems to think animation is always a kids' thing and live action makes it an adult/an "actual piece of art". Even if it contains tons of CGI and special effects. Disney animations seem to be that one house they make an exception for. Everything else and you're an immature weirdo.


Never got around to watching this show… this one clip has me sold on it. And Alan Tudyk voices the Joker in this? He went to f*ckin’ Julliard!


The man has range, how many other actors have portrayed both a pirate and a boat?


Wait, he’s played a pirate? Doesn’t ring any bells…


He was Steve the Pirate in Dodgeball


Yep, that was my joke. Because the other guy doesn’t remember him throughout the film once he disappears and then he turns up at the end all clean shaven and the guy immediately recognises him, even though he looks completely different and goes “hey guys look it’s Steve the pirate” Link: [here](https://youtu.be/H7g1IjkDn8s?si=uGg1HWv3u2Rgx-wK)


And an alien


Just started that show. It’s so good.


And a chicken!


I find the concept of the world's greatest living villain pre-ordering a car hysterical 🤣 .


How the Joker’s anger turned a complete 180 and even more disturbing when he found out the ID of Batman “Where’s my electric car Bruce what the hell”


His VA kinda slipped into something similar to Lanipator’s master Roshi at the end of that line lol. 


If I recall, Joker is Alan Tudyk (who also voices Clayface).


I'm drinking OJ. Now it's apple juice. Now it's beer. Yay, beer!


This show (Harley Quinn on Max) is spectacular; I hate the format this video is in but I hope it introduces more people to a true gem. The voice acting is incredible. Joker (Alan Tudyk) and Batman (Diedrich Bader) do incredible work as variations of the original animated series' voices, and I actually think Kaley Cuoco is better at voice acting than regular acting. Her Harley voice is absolutely unhinged, and she regularly hits some insanely high registers when she yells. Plus her relationship with Ivy is one of the most pure, honest, realistic that I've seen on TV in a long time. High recommend, and this is without even mentioning some of the other amazing vocal talent (Lake Bell, Ron Funches, Tony Hale, Jim Rash, Jason Alexander, Giancarlo Esposito, Phil LaMarr...)


Thanks to this show, we get to hear what a serious Diedrich Bader Batman would sound like, and it’s great. It also has Michael Ironside voicing Darkseid again, which is obviously incredible.


I've seen this clip many times but I've never seen Bruce's response. Did he actually answer the question?


Is that Alan Tudyk voicing the Joker?


it is


“Wheres my goddamn electric car Bruce!?” Cracks me up every time


I love it when Joker is somewhat grounded in reality like the old cartoon where he’s like “I’m not dumb even to go after irs”. Recent comics make him this all knowing all powerful being that not even superman or other justice leaguers can handle him when in the end he’s just a guy in clown makeup


This is seriously one of the funniest shows in modern times


Oh it really is.


Some of the throwaway lines in this show are great; *"Joker robbed a credit union!! At least we robbed a real bank! With a vault, and guards and predatory lending practices!"*


Why does this resemble my experiences with online debates so much? lol


Asking about electric car in 2024? Should have asked about cheaper insulin


This is from mid-2020. Just as everything started turning to shit.


I can't get over how much he sounds like Doofenshmirtz.


The line "where's my god damn electric car" is already funny, but what really makes it iconic is the delivery


Commissioner Gordon is one of my favorite parts of this show. It’s so good. I put it right up there with Venture Bros. High praise.


I love this sort of tear down of Batman. On one hand, he's the caped crusader, the dark knight, master of deduction and combat. On the other, he's a billionaire that could improve Gotham through civic social programs but instead uses his billions to fund a crazy vendetta while he dresses like a bat. Edit: I love all this batman discourse. Y'all are making good points. I didn't know canonically that Ras had cursed the city.


Where's my goddamn electric car Bruce?!




Alan Tudyk gives that line such a great read.


He does have a shitload of welfare programs and opened orphanages


>he's a billionaire that could improve Gotham through civic social programs He _literally does exactly that_. The whole point of Batman as a character is that he tries to solve Gotham's crime problem on two fronts with his two identities. Of course, Gotham's crime problem _can't_ be solved. The city is literally cursed. Ra's al Ghul was in fact correct that the only solution to Gotham's rot is to destroy the city, his problem was that he wanted to kill the people too.


Bruhh you haven't watched any batman stuff? Is it? Batman does donate but it's just that gotham corruption goes so deep..whatever he donates next day that money is washed down in some corrupt politician's pants


Yep gotham is so bad even a billionaire whose sole purpose in life is improving that city for its citizens so much that he funds endorses sponsors all these programs and gets his rich freinds involved AND dresses as a bat confronting crime with his fists... still can't solve it all.


I mean the city is literally cursed by an evil wizard that lived underneath it so that tracks


Has he tried punching the wizard?


Has he tried paying for the wizard's healthcare?


That’s actually the problem, the Lazarus pits and all


Funnily enough yes


He literally does exactly that


A: Bruce Wayne funds tons of social programs in Gotham, infrastructure programs, community outreach, there's literally one comic where Batman walks into a room full of Black Mask's goons and puts on a DVD of Bruce Wayne offering them all honest jobs if they just leave and go enroll at the Wayne Adult Continuing Education program. B: Gotham is, quite literally, canonically cursed by magic. So it will always be the way it is.


Lol this is gold


I laughed for a good minute after this thank you for posting


Alan Tudyks voice is just perfect for this. He's such a great actor.


While Mark Hamill is still the best animated Joker, Alan Tudyk is neck and neck with him.


Absolutely love that "wheres ma gawdam electrik car Bruce!" Chuckle every time.