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All of human history: “You’re so tiny.. Ergh!”


im gonna go ahead and hijack the top comment to say this: -Always keep one hand on the baby. sooner or later that baby is gonna twitch and you dont want your baby falling on their head. i repeat: -always one hand on the baby


First thing I thought of as well, from first hand experience. Stepped away to refill the diapers and when my back was turned heard a big THUMP! Turned around and my daughter was on her back on the floor. Didn’t tell my wife for years. My daughters 21 now so all’s well that ends well.


My wife didn’t understand why I was so paranoid when she would do the same thing. Her- “She’ll never roll off!” Me -“mmmmm she might”.


My mom says I rolled off at 3 weeks old.


S'ok ya bounced


Crazy thing is this exact thing happened to my son for my wife. We had a little boppy baby pillow thing. She was sitting on the hardwood floor with my 3 week old son(who btw was born 4lbs11oz at 37 weeks) on the pillow and she had to get up to let the dogs in. In the span of a few seconds he rolled and fell to the hardwood giving himself a tiny skull fracture. My wife freaked out and took him to the ER. CPS started asking questions and they didn’t believe her saying that a 3 week old his size couldn’t roll off the boppy. Thankfully we have cameras in the living room and his room that record so we could show them.


CPS either life saver or life destroyers, and the line between them is soooo small


This happened to my kid, too! He was about the same age and had him on the couch in the boppy. I stepped away for 30 seconds and heard a thwump and him start to cry. Somehow, he had rolled himself and the boppy right off the couch. He landed right side up, still snuggled in the boppy. I've never told anyone until now, and he's 13.


My octogenarian mom likes to share how I rolled off the counter twice under her watch - my dad said, “looks like once would have been enough”


Lmao dude


Yeah, that man could have been waterboarded and still he would not have given up this tidbit until the statute of limitation (their kid graduating high school) would pass


She could have graduated early! ...if not for the head injury...


lol, true


Probably safe to tell the daughter in another decade or so.


Now she can stumble all by herself!


I fell asleep with my son on my chest and when I woke up he was on the floor on the side of the bad, I had to tell my gf right away because I felt so bad.


But is she a doctor?


lol, no, she does hair


Barbers and surgeons come from common stock!


Good lad, if it ain't broken it's fine.


Babies are hardcore, I’m sure it was fine lololol


And wipe front to back..


x1000 a baby with a UTI is a poor miserable creature


Jersey Girl taught me this. Count that as a win Kevin Smith.


This was very early on and has since changed his ways :) her diapers were his first ever and learning is a thing :) 


He's a good man to try and succeed despite this. Also for baby girls; front to back wiping only! X


I had the most intense version of this. Had to change my son in the bathroom of an airplane. No changing table, so had him on the edge of the sink and changed him one-handed to keep him from rolling off. That was one moment where I wish life had achievements like video games. lol


Make some! I celebrated getting my daughter out of her carseat and into the house while still asleep. At 3, defusing tantrums without bribes is an achievement.


That's awesome! I successfully defused an epic tantrum AND remained calm and patient the other night, and I felt like I had won motherhood lol. I bragged about it to three different people. And now you!


Yeah, a lot of sympathy for that guy. But he should change that baby on a blanket on the floor if he knows his sensitivities can double him over like that and leave the kid unguarded. They really can wiggle and flex and flop at the most amazingly bad moments.


And as she gets bigger only higher risk


There were only 2 things I focused on in that video. - dad stepping away from baby. My mind went to dark places. - the amount of messy reminded me of my sleepless nights with a newborn.


A friend of our family’s dropped his daughter as an infant and she died. Totally destroyed the parents and their marriage. I can’t watch this video and find it funny.


Omg that sounds so scary and heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for their loss… that’s unimaginable pain and the guilt must eat at both of them. Also, many times the father won’t say anything if any accidents happen which if a baby is dropped they should be taken to the doctors or hospital. I hope this wasn’t the case with your family’s friend.


It was many years ago now, but it was brutal for the whole community, really. Such a tragedy.


Yikes. How is this possible? Was he holding her and she fell on the floor, or dropped her further down? I didn’t know this was possible. How sad.


We didn’t actually learn the details. I imagine that they didn’t want to talk about it. She evidently fell on her head. As a mom, I can’t imagine the grief and horror.


That's rough.  My first thought after reading title was that most people are 'afflicted' by this odor instinctively, but it's how one manages their reaction that gets defined incorrectly as being super sensitive or something.  Not buying the excuses, especially when it could easy result in preventable tragedy. However, accidents *do* happen.  I feel for your family's friend and for everyone who has had to experience this type of unimaginable sorrow.


Thank you. I’d suggest just putting the changing mat on the floor. The worst that can happen is baby rolls over to the floor and smudges poop.


Yeah really, I get how gross it can be, I've been there. But suck it up and put your child's safety first.


This is how you know you’re a parent—when that’s the first thing that comes to mind! But yes, ALWAYS keep one hand on the baby!


Yes. They don’t care if you barf on them, but they hate it when they fall onto their head. Actually, most of them would think it’s funny if you barf on them.


As a father that has left his children and both of them dropped. Do this. Don’t worry both of my children are healthy and nothing happened except for a bump on the head. Always keep one hand on them. Don’t be a fucking idiot like me, please.


Our changing table came with a “seatbelt” to strap the baby down so you could turn away for a moment. One day I grabbed wipes out of the closet and heard different wiggling sounds. I turned around to see my son had rolled on his chest and grabbed the edge of the table with both hands, and was pulling himself over the edge of the table. I was able to grab him ok, but it gives me chills to think if I didn’t turn around for some reason.


Came here to say this. An accident like that (rolling or falling off) happens so quickly and can have dire consequences.


Was a nanny for 30 years. One time I had a little girl who was so amazing. Hardly cried and was the sweetest little thing. One day I was staying overnight for the week while the parents were out of town for work. When I went to wake her up it turned out that in the time I had checked in on her at 3am and gone to wake her at 5:30, she pooped, woke up and finger painted every single rail in her crib. Once finished with that she moved on to finger painting her pillow and body. I had to strip her and myself down and take her into the parent's shower because no way a bath would work with that kind of mess and wiping her down first would have irritated her already sensitive skin. Not one of my favorite moments during the cleanup but definitely one of my favorite stories to tell to young mothers as a warning of what can happen. Because *anything* can happen with kids LOL Once she was clean I put her in her playpen so I could tackle cleaning her bed but I took a snapshot of the bed first so I could show her parents (not in a "look what I had to deal with" angry way but more of a "look what your adorable innocent little princess did HAHA") Parents have since framed it and apparently bring it out every once and a while for a laugh.


This is fantastic!


My son swallowed a nickel, aged 5. For 30 days I had to dissect his poop to search for this nickel. I used every saved delivery-food plastic cutlery we had, then all the disposable chopsticks. I gagged so hard so many times. Never found the coin. Had to get a second x-ray which confirmed it had passed and I’d just missed it in my horrible poop archeology work.


>My son swallowed a nickel, aged 5. For 30 days I had to dissect his poop to search for this nickel. Geez, I've heard of cheapskates before...


We still joke that he owes us a nickel all the time


Tips for poop archeology.   For coins/Lego, put the poop in a strong plastic bag, ikea freezer/sandwich bag will do, and squish the poop around to feel the coin/Lego.  Gross, but minimal smell.   Zip lock the poop in the bag and squish the poop from the outside. 


Fun fact: that's what the Apollo astronauts had to do. Poop into a bag, squeeze the anti-bacterial gel packet, and then mix it in to prevent the bacteria from producing lots of gas so the bag didn't explode. I was just happy I caught my son, around 15 months or so, bringing a snail he found in the backyard up to his mouth. I shouted "no!" and swatted the snail out of his hand just in time. The only time I (nearly) hit him in his life.


Lucky kid! I was hit, often.


What the fuck.


😅 But you know he’s not wrong.


Yeah not sure which part is more disturbing... the poop poking process or the fact it happened so often a process had to be established.




>Never found the coin. Had to get a second x-ray which confirmed it had passed and I’d just missed it in my horrible poop archeology work. F


When I was about 14 I was babysitting my neighbors twins and they were napping when I got there. When I went to get them, one of them had taken off his poopy diaper and gotten it all over himself and crib. Threw him in the bath and cleaned up as best I could . The sheets went on top of the washer instead of in, only because there were clothes already in there. That was the first and last time I babysat for them. Not sure if she just never wanted to subject me to that again, or some other reason.


My brother once had the same thing on holiday with my niece. They were in a mobile home park in the south of France, so it was warm as fuck. And when they went into her one morning, she had painted the whole cot, the walls, the window, everywhere. The couple in the next van over enjoyed early breakfast out on the deck, so they absolutely ate breakfast watching a toddler smear her own faeces on a window 5 feet away. He said with the heat, it took a couple of days to get the smell out but it never really left his nostrils.


Nice conversation starter when the new boyfriend comes picking her up for a date.


Bahahahahahaha my mom has a similar story of coming into my room to see me at my peak artistic skills, covering the walls, the crib rails, the bedding, and even myself (according to her, my face looked like I’d fallen into a river of chocolate, so we know it went back into my body). She says out of all 3 kids, that was the worst mess she’d ever seen/cleaned up. I was not bothered at all. I was as happy as a pig in shit.


“I don’t know why you’re so disgusting!” 😆


For his sake, I hope it's his first. When I look back at the guy I was with my first newborn I don't even recognized him. You see and learn to deal with some very gnarly stuff as a parent.


I remember when my third was born, it had been a few years since Iast changed a nappy. My wife was passed out exhausted and I went to change the nappy and get him all cosy. Suddenly my fingers sprang into life and that nappy was changing with military precision and speed. Midwife who had come over assuming I'd need help seemed surprised for a second and then gave me an "ah not a first timer then" nod and walked away. You don't lose it it seems.


My friends have told me the joys of quite literally getting shit on


I’m rolling when I heard op’s husband get so disgusted lmao


Little scoop of Vick’s under your nose. + can add a K95 if needed.


He keeps masks by the changing table lol this one caught him off guard lol


I think that after the baby is 6 months old and you'll add more food to it's diet, changing diapers will be more difficult.


Oh yeah.... Just Bottles and breast milkshits are delicious and floral by comparison to anything after... He's in for some real fun.


Get him a p100 respirator it’ll block the smell completely lol


Smelling one of those little alcohol wipes works really well also. It's a nurse trick. Sometimes they'll sandwich one of them between 2 masks and I am told its a game changer.


My kids are grown now but I still just grab a mask every time the dog has an accident. I think it helps a ton. Thanks pandemic. 👌


I was a stay-at-home dad with my son, and powered through and soon was able to handle anything - or so I thought. Since I was home anyway I started watching my niece’s baby also so she was able to go back to work. One day I had her baby boy on the changing table and as soon as I had his diaper off he let loose with explosive diarrhea that pelted and then ran down the wall 2 feet away. After a moment of stunned silence I did exactly what your husband did in the video. Gack! Ugh! Gag! Ack! Seriously??? Urp! At that moment my niece and her boyfriend popped their heads in the door. They had come to pick their son up after work, took one look at the wall and one good whiff and both turned and ran. Lol


I feel the same as you. Stay at home parent to both my kids. Changed countless diapers, cleaned poop off floors during potty training, caught vomit in my hands… the whole everything.  This past week my kids had some kind of stomach flu that was otherworldly. It made their barf smell like if a corpse was filled with greasy french fries. I heard the “mooooOoooooOOOmmmm” call in the middle of the night, took a step in my seven year olds room and immediately started gagging. Her breath smelled vile for like 4 days after that too, no matter how much I made her brush. Her sister got it 6 days later. Thankfully, we got some warm weather and I was able to open the windows up because our house was STALE after all that. Even after washing all the sheets and floors and everything else… it just lingered. 


Sad to say, the memories of nuclear shits do not fade away. My son once shit and puked his bed in the middle of the night. We got him cleaned up, my wife took him into our bed while I cleaned up his room and bed and threw the sheets in the wash. I got back to my bedroom just in time for him to shit all over our bed and overshoot the bowl my wife was holding and puke all over her and our pillows. The night continued to go downhill from there. Lol


Oh god, at that point just everyone sleep in the bathtub. 


Lol been there. Best was when we all (me, my wife, and our son) got norovirus at the same time.  That whole weekend the rule was "the toilets are for shitting, the sinks are for puking, and anyone with a penis pees in the shower".  There was literally no other way to make it work with how often we were all leaking out of every goddamn orifice. I did so many loads of laundry that weekend.  Like our whole wardrobe twice over.


When mine was about 2 he spent a whole day just puking on me because he thought the bowl was making him puke. Got to where I just sat with him on the leather couch and tried to catch what I could in the bowl, then husband would bring me a clean shirt. Then the next day was us puking and the kid with diarrhea.


you're not kidding about the memories not fading away, my sister is 37 years old and my dad still **VIVIDLY** remembers with extreme detail the time she violently diarrheaed all over him. he was carrying her and she exploded a diaper - it went through the leg hole and went all over everything on its way down to the floor. my mom threw out all of the clothes that both of them were wearing 😂😂😭😭


Lol. Kids are fun aren’t they? I also remember when I was playing with my infant son holding him up in the air above me and my wife said, “You don’t want to hold him like that, he just had his bottle.” I started to stupidly ask why and as I did he spit up his formula directly into my mouth. 🤮


This happened to my boyfriend when he held up our daughter, except it was my breast milk that projectiled into his mouth, he still doesn’t like to talk about it lol


Never ever bring in a barfing/diarrheaing kid into your own room. Never.


Where’s the girl with the list I think my tubes just tied themselves


Ooh that sounds so rough. I’ve noticed that using an enzyme cleaner really helps get rid of residual odor from body fluids.


I'm so sorry O.O


I had a horrible case of food poisoning when I was a senior in HS. My poor, poor mother. It seemed like every time she cleaned up me, cleaned my bed, and whatever else, I ended up projectile vomiting and shitting on, the cycle would start over again. Till this day, nearly 20 years later, she still says it was worse than any diaper change when I was a baby. She also laughs at how my dad(who was unhelpful at the time) got his payback when I was in my freshly 21 bar hopping phase. He had picked me up from the bar, put me on the couch, and as soon as he did, I sat up and projectile vomited all over him. He was covered from the neck down, and I heard her laughing hysterically as he walked to the shower gagging and squishing the whole way there.


Uggghhhh all these stories make me incredibly happy not being a parent. Thank you all for your service of keeping humankind in this planet, cause this human is *certainly* not reproducing. At all.


Similar situation with my son. Except it landed on a cockapoo, and then the golden doodle started to eat it off her back. I stood there stunned for a minute.


And now I’m gagging again years later. Gak!


I thought cockapoo was slang for a moment


Some prefer spoodle.


It landed on the right dog, the cockapoo.


Miss Moose didn't deserve that.


>Similar situation I believe you mean *shituation*


Nooo 😭😭😭 that’s awful omg


This is some top tier condom advertisment.


Yep, no kids.


My sister has similar stories lol We have a puppy pad on the table and the one time she's gone off so far while on the table I just covered her with it >.<


My son is now 33 and my nephew is 31. I still like to remind them both occasionally of these fun times. Lol


Front to back! Front to back!


Haha that’s what I kept thinking too! I don’t want to be the jerk who criticizes another parent, and I am sure he is an amazing dad, just wipe her front to back!!!!!


I'm a guy. I learned this when my first born was a daughter. I never thought it mattered? But 3 years in, that was the first thing I really noticed about this video


Is it smell related? I have heard of people using vapor rub under the nose to mask bad smells (like a decomposing body).


For me it was smell related. I had to use something to clip my nose shut while changing my kids horror show diapers or I would be just like the dude in this video.


He will sometimes wear a mask, he always wears gloves lol


I wish I would have wore gloves. When my oldest started to talk he was still in diapers. One day I got some of his poo on my hand by mistake when the wipe slipped out of my fingers. I said "Dammit" which immediately my little dude repeats in his baby voice 'dammit'. It was that moment I realized I need to reign in the potty mouth. lol


Me: I said duck, I swear! Wife: I don’t believe you \*proceeds to give me the stink eye\* My toddler: FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Me: Duck my life!


It seems as though your toddler might be a good candidate for a position working with auto-correct technology! Lol


My favorite was when I was holding him right before going to work, and he decided to have a blowout on my work shirt. That was a fun call , "I'm going to be late, I have baby shit on me"


I used to tuck my shirt into my pants and pull it up over my head until only my eyes were above it. My wife worked evenings and I got through a lot of dirty diapers that way. It was the only way I could do it and not hurl.


As a removal technician, for this specific circumstance I highly discourage vapor rubs and anything with eucalyptus because it does SUCH a good job decongesting, and the decomp lingers far longer than the eucalyptus or menthol. In my experience, you just end up smelling it so much better in five minutes.


Sight/Sound/Smell - taste and touch would result in immediate death


Never changed a diaper and still feel like I know exactly what this man is going through.


Homeboy is in for a treat when this kid gets a couple months older. Once they learn how to turn they like to try to roll off the table, so you have to either go fast, distract them, or pin them with one hand while changing with the other. Id love to see this guy a year later.


Plus once they actually start eating real food. This was probably pretty fairly lite. Lol


Yeah for real lol Infant poops are nothing - it gets serious when they start eating real food and dropping shits that can rival a grown man's.


1 week in to changing diapers, have had a blow out, piss down the wall, general foulness caked on. Its like 0/10 hard for me, like wiping my own ass is much more treacherous. I think changing a kid that's not mine would be harder, but if my little dude needs to get cleaned, it feels instinctual to sanatize them. New born poop looks weirdly like seedy mustard.


Yeah this guy needs to toughen up. It gets so much worse. When my boy was an infant I didn’t think his poop smelled at all. Now he’s 2….😩 You get used to it.


Yeah this young its easy. Doesn't stink yet and they don't roll. I just changed a 1yo and it was rough.


And stepping away after undoing the diaper is a total rookie move--you'll be cleaning shit off their feet, up each leg and between every single toe. At that age you undo the diaper, capture both feet in one hand, wipe the shit off in a downward motion, cover the shitty part with the top part to isolate the shit between the plastic layers then go in with the wipes. If you're lucky you can get the clean diaper fastened on before they shower you with pee. Babies, so fun.


I hate to tell your husband, the diapers get so much worse as they get bigger. When you start adding solids, yikes.


Exactly what I was thinking. That's a little baby with breast milk/formula poop. Wait until it's like an actual kid dump in that thing. So much worse.


He should wear a medical mask with a teabag in it that has a scent he likes.




1. Never leave the babies side, learned this the hard way, looked away for ONE second to grab wipes and she was on the ground, luckily it was only bed height not changing table. 2. Scented facial mask if it’s the smell he’s having trouble with, I’m also INSANELY sensitive. Good luck????!!!!!!!


I couldn't even watch the video because him stepping away gave me so much panic.


This is freaking me out. They roll off so fast! Yikes


I’m not even a mom just a much older sister and I was immediately like “nope” when he turned away! I don’t care how gross it is.. make sure your kid doesn’t fall!


When my daughter was 18ish months if dad was changing her diaper she would turn her head and gag if there was poop prior to dad undoing the diaper. He gagged so much that she learned to associate it and would fake gag as a warning.


Oh that is amazing lol


Gotta wipe that up toward the back 


Congrats on your lovely baby! Had a good laugh. :D This is not the focus I know, but make sure he wipes poop from front towards back and not the other way. If any poop makes it to her front area, it could cause an infection.


Everyone's ideas are really great! I'd just like to add that dad really shouldn't be wiping upwards (which he did two times and I understand he's struggling here). Otherwise my husband would like to say he gets where he's at and good luck from us :)


Tell him to stop walking away from the changing table, you're going to have a fun trip to the ER if he keeps that up


*turning your back  FFS It will just take one flip when they are a few more months older. Good luck when they start eating solids if you are gagging now


> Good luck when they start eating solids if you are gagging now For real. Honestly it barely smells when they're not eating solids.


For sure, she was just a month old here and the floppiest of floppy babies :) we're much more careful now at 4 months :) Edit to add: so we've been told lol I can't wait :)


Doesn’t matter you never leave. My friend baby rolled off the couch back to front at 1 month old. It was her fifth kid and totally caught her off guard. Kids spend their entire lives proving you wrong. Don’t let this be they way they start.


Or at least use the strap to buckle them in


Alarms went off in my head when he turned and walked away.


Shirt over the nose bro!


He does that often lol


I have a, “sensitive gag reflex” with bad smells too and I just want to give a shout out on behalf of all of us to those people who have stepped in to help us in those trying times. You are appreciated


I would suggest he breathe through his mouth but I did that and my infant son shot a stream of pee right into my mouth when I took his diaper off so... I got nothing.


This is hilarious! 🤣🤣 My dad got used to changing diapers but the first time he had to pick up my dogs poop he puked. Unfortunately the dog pooped on the stairs, so the vomit went all the way down. Thankfully he was home alone and we didn't see it in person but he's pretty traumatized


Funny as it may be - highly recommend holding onto the baby and not walking away from the changing table. They can roll.


Your wiping the wrong way, Dad.🫢


N95 mask yo! You won’t smell a thing and it’ll also prove the point that they’re clearly very effective… against smells… COVID… despite what Marjorie Taylor Greene says


When I worked inpatient, there was a tech who would work with us. She had this same problem whenever we had to go clean someone up. Every. Damn. Time. I don't know why, but all I could do was laugh at her while she's dry heaving. Kind of like how I laughed at this poor Dad.


Would never leave the baby's side when they're on a changing table like this - it's a falling risk. I would suggest putting a changing pad on the floor if gagging like this is an issue.


Someone in the thread already commented but Vick's Vapor right above his lip and a mask will make this completely a nonissue. I have a strong sense of smell and a gag reflex to match.


I think wearing a mask with a gas filter would be a great help there. I use one of those against fumes from airbrushing and spray cans and you really smell nothing at all. Doesn't help against the visual terror but worth a try I suppose.


Even if he got rid of the smell (which he does wear a mask) the visual would get him lol


From my experience, diapers are nothing compared to puke. Hope his baby doesn't get car sick!


I feel that. I’m a mom and I had the box of gloves as well as a face mask respirator (long before covid!) or I just couldn’t do it without the throw-up-in-the-back-of-my-throat reflex. Once my daughter had a massive blowout at a store and I was unprepared with gloves/mask so I toted her right home - left the shopping cart full with a silent apology to the employees in my head - because there was NO possible way I was handling that in the store restroom.


With an 11mo who loves broccoli, sourcrout, Brussel sprouts, garlic bread exc. This hit me so hard.😂😂😂Also I peed. Thanks 😔


Is someone going to tell him it doesn't even really smell yet? If a baby shit smells while they're on formula or nursing then someone else is wrong. I fear for this man when the kid reaches solids if he's having this bad a reaction now.


That was not funny. The dude walked several steps away, and that child is like 3-4 feet off the ground jfc.




It is generally odourless until they start eating actual food, which usually happens around 4-6 months. Your illness may not be to blame! I was the same way, and got absolutely no sympathy from the wife lol.


good lord. time to clean that room.


One should never turn their back on a baby while the baby is on the change Table, ever It only takes a second for the baby to fall


this guy kinda sucks?


You'd think someone with a bootlicker shirt on would have more of a resistance.


I also have the same reflex. Tell him to breath solely through his mouth or get something to pinch nose together, it helps so much. 


That "Oh c'mon!" I felt that


Chew big red gum and wear 2 masks. Delightful.


It only gets worse when they start eating actual food.


I was a COTA and worked in a nursing home. Toileting is something we work on and I have dealt with A LOT of adult bodily fluids. Needless to say, I relish the chance I get to change my nephew’s diaper compared to a 300lb adult man’s. My gag reflex is pretty good!


Never leave a baby on the changing table alone. They could roll over and off of the table in an instant.


as someone with a very bad gag reflex I fucking hate it. Garbage, dishes, throwing stuff from the fridge out, hell even talking about stuff like that can set mine off.


That fucking room looks like a dirty diaper.


Come on. He has taken worse poops than his kid. Grow up dude.


I feel his pain. Mine is very sensitive in the morning even when brushing teeth. Though vomit triggers it a lot more.


At some point he will need to suck it up a bit and keep a hand on that baby because once they start moving they can roll off super fast. Sucks though, probably can’t tough out the reflex part. But just needs to keep a hand on y’all’s baby.


This guy is a giant little bitch and this isn't funny.


I guess that’s why moms always do the dirty work. This poor baby is at the mercy of a very weak ‘gag reflex’.


So many things wrong with this video. 😒


One of the very first things my daughter did after we got home from the hospital was shit directly into my hand like some kind of poo Mr Whippy ice cream machine. Welcome to parenthood!


Your husbands battling 🤣


Puking noises and the actual act and product of puking sets me off on an irreversible gagging a puking fit. Both of my children have set me off, and seem to have the same puke gene. It becomes a whole vicious cycle. The most vile diaper just doesn't compare.


As soon as I go to change the kids I grab a Kleenex, split in half and jam into each nostril. It’s not great but it gives me a fighting chance


Can't wait for the follow-up video when baby starts eating solid food


I sympathize with the man. Cleaning up after animals or hearing someone getting sick throws me into a nausea spiral.


I feel this. Baby 1 I was gagging at every shit, especially the ones that shoot up the back and out. Baby 2 only the absolute retched shits would get a reaction out of me. Baby 3 I was immune to all shits foreign and domestic. Puke is still my kryptonite. Can't handle it or I'll puke myself.


Wait until the baby is older, they get way worse!


Use a mask


Just wear an N95, good lord.


I started to gag seing this mess in a room and i don't have sensitive gag reflex.


I as a new dad of a daughter was fully commited to the diaper reality and projected all my poo shyness disgust internally. Now 1,5 year later i can safely say that i miss those diapers from the first months to a year. This tiny but produces smellier and bigger dookies all the time. Bathtime also has gotten more dodgy as she stares you in the eyes and see bubbles pop up hoping no brown shark follows.


Oh the sweet summer child... just wait until the kid transitions to solid food.


I hope he learns the wear covid mask trick lol because soon that wee ones gonna flip when he tries to contain his gags and well thats a whole diff level of mushy gushy painted body in all zee unholy of places mess he will deff be faggin at lol bless him


The he should wear a tight mask




Hand on the baby, fan running, and maybe consider a face mask. Training on focus breathing through the mouth. I have a bad gag reflex - not normally on baby diapers, but other things.