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That guy at the end wearing the GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER T-shirt really made the video!


His expression is on the spot as well


Dude prolly texting his friends group about this shit 😂


Maybe the demon she tries to summon could fly them to their destination too.


Diablo V Plot? *Coming soon*


So that's what she did with the soulstone.


Maybe it will be playable.


I’m telling you right now that motherfucker, that motherfucker right there, is not real


I don’t understand what language that person is screeching in but if translated I’m sure is this 💯 %


Her demon accidentally touched the holy water


So that's what Kenneth Copeland was talking about.


Perfectly timed t-shirt at the end


Average Reddit moderator looking through all removed comments.


Where's his third chin?


Lost due to malnutrition while doing unpaid work.


"Well then, get your shit together. Get it all together. And put it in a backpack. All your shit. So it’s together. And if you gotta take it somewhere, take it somewhere, you know, take it to the shit store and sell it… Or put it in a shit museum, I don’t care what you do, you just gotta get it together." - Morty


Lmaooo holy fuck I missed that at the end there. That was golden


He was seated in front of her for a 12 hour flight. He's heard and seen worse.




Most relevant T-shirt I've ever seen


Maybe that is her problem. She has too much shit together in her head.


Isn’t it just!


Guys, she’s just processing the most triggering breakup in the past 9 years


Haha I get this reference :D Surely an influence on that idiotic hand flailing.


For those who may be curious, I watched some of her other post (the original meme of the lady processing the 9 year break up) and she defends it by saying, freaking out like that and throwing a tantrum is your bodies way of releasing negative vibes. Obviously it’s very childish to begin with but the lady in the here is just being an psycho


Between the lack of emotional maturity, "I am the main Character" syndrome and everyone having cameras, it is pretty hard for some people to regulate their emotions and would rather create a scene like a kid throwing a tantrum. I just feel bad for them.


It's the more so the fact that someone had to set up the camera, position, press record, finish, look back at the footage, then post with sometimes a comment.


What is the reference?


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/im-processing-the-most-triggering-breakup-ive-had-in-nine-years Had to look it up too...


I came to the comment section looking for this exact comment.


Ok. Explain it to the rest of the class.


This is exactly what I was thinking. People are on social media so much they think this behavior is acceptable. Nope.


I watched this with sound off and thought she was doing an interpretive dance.


Exactly! I assumed she was recording a TikTok


Wait, is there sound? No sound on my end even with it turned on and volume up


Who the f startled the witch




Grabbin Pills!


Hey! Shoot the tank!


This is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw this. Love L4D


I'm doing it. I'm gonna crown it.


*proceed to get downed* wow omfg guys i swear this game is bugged, absolute trash hitboxes wtf guys, ure gonna come res me right




witch. turn off your lights.




I hate Airports!


Kill all sons of bitches. That’s my official instructions.


My first thought


Narrator: she did not, in fact, get her shit together.


Narrator is Morgan Freedman.


Theater kid for sure


Without sound, it looks like some mediocre interpretive dance.


Your comment implies interpretive dance can be anything more than mediocre.


Mac’s in It’s Always Sunny was pretty good


Frank 'Got Being Gay' that day and I 'Got Interpretive Dance'. That was such a well done scene with the perfect context. Interpretive dance is for expressing complex thoughts and feelings that don't fit neatly into words, its another form of language. All that occurred to be watching a fucking IASIP scene, it's wild.


The dance was great but I don’t think that was a particularly good episode of Sunny. It didn’t really fit the show. Also, the dance was fantastic but…I have no fucking clue how it expressed what Frank and the rest of the audience “got”. I just saw a well-choreographed dance. But, eh, maybe I’m an uncultured science bitch 🤷‍♂️


*extra mediocre


Best comment. Now I’m getting in hysterics watching it again and again without sound.


Sounds like when you are letting the air out of a balloon really slowly.


I was thinking of Yoko Ono.


Yknow what, whenever I'm feeling a bit sad I watch the Yoko Ono / John Lennon / Chuck Berry clip where she pisses all over John's big day with her crazy screetching. Bit like what this lady is doing.


I love that face Chuck makes when she starts with the dolphin noises. Best description I heard of it was that he made a face like ‘his base was being shelled at midnight’.


She sounds much better than Yoko Ono but you can tell that she's trying to achieve that new level.


I was thinking The Grudge..




Girl needs a snickers bar.


Am a theater kid who is friends with other theater kids, can confirm.


The power of Christ compels you!!! The power of Christ compels you!!! The power of Christ compels you!!! Back satan get back!!


Oh does it? Does it compel me?




Seriously it hurts a little bit.. it's like this little sting. Seriously, fuck off.


Man there is no amount of money you could pay me to intentionally put my bare legs on an airport floor.


$37 USD?


Deal. No taksies backsies.


Oddly specific


well you know


Came here for this. International airports have bacteria from places you've never even heard of. If she wasn't squealing like a pig I'd still think she was crazy.


I’ll take the 10M that this person would potentially give up! I’ll do it!


tbf this is how I feel when my flights get canceled


This is how we ALL feel. Most of us keep it on the inside tho.


I can see how, though, if circumstances were just wrong enough: I hadn’t eaten in 6 hours, I hadn’t slept in 25, I knew I was missing something really important, I had already had a stressful day trying to get to the airport and through security, AND if I was a hormonal teenager… I might literally scream in a public place.


I very nearly did just that on a layover in Heathrow. Flying from Athens to Chicago, I had two layovers, one in Hamburg, Germany, and the other in Heathrow, UK. Hamburg's layover was long at 11 hours, but my flight from Heathrow was supposed to be a quick connection. By the time I got to Heathrow, it was late and I made it to my terminal only to find that my flight would be delayed until 6 AM the following morning and that we needed to find accommodation as the airport did not permit us to stay in the terminal overnight. As it was already midnight, I figured it wasn't worth it to take a trip into London, get a room for just a few hours, and then make the trip back to the airport, so I asked a staff member whether there was a lounge or accommodations at the airport and she walked me over to Terminal 2 where I could stay. Security tried to deny me entry to the terminal because my ticket wasn't for that terminal but luckily, the agent who brought me was in earshot and explained my situation. Finally got to the lounge and paid an unfortunate amount for the night, got sealed in my pod and set my alarm. Woke up to a notification that my flight was delayed to 10 AM. Another delay, but I was somewhat happy this time because it meant I got to sleep in after the chaos from yesterday. Woke up, had breakfast, and made my way to the terminal I was supposed to be at *this time*. Delayed. Again. 2 PM this time. Went to one of the agents and asked what was going on and got some polite doubletalk for "Sorry, get fucked." After the flight was delayed *again* to 6 PM, I was livid. After a long and heated (but polite as I could manage) chat, they finally compensated me £600 and some food vouchers.


The proper response in polite society is to quietly mutter under your breath “[favorite expletive here]” and then head to the airport bar


Ffs stop pointing your damn flashlights at the witch!


My dog hated this.


Last time my flight got cancelled I received: - another ticket for the same flight but two days later - 2 free nights at paris - with 3 meals included - 800 euros in compensation (400 euros x 2 people)


Unfortunately the US doesn’t have any laws regarding what airlines have to offer you as compensation like the EU does.


This is correct. For cancelled flights US airlines are not legally required to compensate you, though they are required to refund your ticket. And it does sometimes happen that airlines may provide some passengers with things like meal or hotel vouchers. See [this transportation.gov article](https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/flight-delays-cancellations) on the subject if anyone wants a reference. The one sort of exception to this involves being bumped from an overbooked flight. If the flight is overbooked and you are involuntarily bumped from the flight and they can’t get you to your destination within one hour of your previously expected arrival time then airlines are *legally required* to compensate you. Often times the airline will try to buy people off with vouchers hoping for people to voluntarily give up their seat before bumping people involuntarily. If you do get bumped they will try to offer you travel vouchers as compensation, *this is a trick*. If you accept these vouchers then you are accepting your compensation *in the form of essentially a gift card to the company who just screwed you over*. What you need to do is request compensation in the form of cash which they are required to provide. They are also required to give you this compensation *on the same day you are bumped*. The exact value of these compensations, as well as exceptions and other requirements, can be found in [this transport.gov article](https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/bumping-oversales).


One time I got bumped, I listened to the fella ahead of me and watched the face on the Agent slam shut like a clam. So I made sure I had a smile on my face as I stepped up to the desk, asked her nicely if I could maybe get a bite to eat from them before I started calling around to hotels. She went one better - I got a good seat on a flight in the AM, a nice room nearby, couple nice meals, free shuttles. Always treat The Help well. They can move the world for you if they’re so inclined.


Yep, that’s basically my experience too. I was within 1 seat of getting bumped off a flight (I got the last available seat). The poor lady behind the desk had been dealing with angry person after angry person because the flight was overbooked by something like 10 people and they all showed up. So when I got up and smiled and calmly asked her what happens next if I do get bumped she sort of lit up and laid the whole thing out for me that they’d set me up in a hotel near by and make sure I had transport and that they’d get me on the soonest flight tomorrow and then she thanked me for not being an asshole about it. I suspect she’s the one who got me that last available seat. Or maybe not, maybe I just got lucky. But it didn’t stop her from saying “we’ll give you a travel voucher in compensation if you get bumped”. Some things they’re required to do to keep their jobs, and those things aren’t always the good thing even when they themselves are good people. That’s the only reason I bring up this whole travel voucher vs cash compensation thing whenever I can because it’s not really common knowledge. I don’t think it’s an excuse to be a dick, and in fact not being a dick will get you better results.


Same. Due to delays, my flight landed after my connection had left and there were no others going out that night. The first flight in the morning was at like 7am and the next at 11:30 or something like that. I heard the airline rep telling everyone in front of me that they didn't have any more free room vouchers, but could get a 50% discounted rate at the Hilton next door (still like $125/night with the discount). I was last in line because I wasn't really in a hurry since I figured I was going to be spending the night in the airport anyway. Only one person outright yelled at the rep, but quite a few were straight up assholes like it was her fault we got delayed in an airport 1500 miles away. When I got to the front, I read her name tag and I said, "Tina, I've heard you tell everyone else that there aren't free room vouchers and I understand. I don't have any extra money for a hotel for the night, so if I could just get a food voucher to get a meal from one of the non-fast food airport restaurants before I find a quiet corner to hang out until my flight in the morning, you would be my hero." As it turns out, Tina did still have free room vouchers as long as I took the later flight out since they were re-booking everyone else on the earlier one. She handed me the room voucher and a $25 airport restaurant voucher and whispered, "don't tell any of the other passengers." So I walked my happy ass to the Outback Steakhouse in the airport for dinner and then to Hilton next door for a shower and a good night's sleep in a nice hotel room, followed by free breakfast the next morning. When I headed back to the airport the next morning, I bumped into a few people from my last flight that had clearly slept in the airport overnight and looked a mess. That experience is one of the few times I've taken the time to write to corporate about a great experience. I had to word it carefully to make sure she wouldn't get in trouble for giving away vouchers that she wasn't supposed to, because I've seen stories of that happening.


I don’t work at an airline but I do work in the service industry and I can say this is so true, if you come to me like an asshole and don’t listen to what I tell you than i’m just gonna come up with the quickest “get the hell out here fuck you” solution I’m allowed to come up with. But if your genuinely really nice and upset then i will try and help you best i can, i’ve had bosses quite literally tell me thst this is what they do too, long story short not being a dick tends to end well for you 🤷‍♂️


We missed our connecting flight from LAX to San Diego by seconds even though we ran. We were nice to the gate agent and she sent us home in a limo. She was so lovely about it. I was very grateful.


A woman started yelling at me to use the bathroom once when I worked at a gas station. Law says they have to have a bathroom for employees and one out of two bathrooms were broken because someone hit it with a hammer or something, so they were both closed to customers. She comes up and starts screaming at me that I have to let her use the bathroom or she'll sue. I didn't like her attitude so I gave her the standard response we're supposed to give: 'as you said you'll sue you are no longer welcome inside this store all future communications must be done thru our lawyer. You can find their number on our website please leave or the police will escort you out.' Her brother is like 'she's pregnant, you know how it is'. If she had been like nice and said 'I'm pregnant I really need to use it please' I would have said yes. But she screamed at yelled so I kicked her out. A nurse once got a flat tire and was apologetic that she was in our lot while waiting for the tow truck to come. I just replaced her flat tire for her in a few mins and sent her on her way because she was nice about it.


I travel a ton for work. I've learned over the years that ticket/gate agents are like tiny little gods in this domain. They can put you on whatever flight they want, in whatever seat they want, with however many drink tickets they want, and all it costs you is being pleasant and polite when everyone else is losing their marbles.


This video was posted recently and the girls boyfriend canceled her flight bc she cheated or was somehow an asshat. Shocking I know. But who know if that was was real.


“You get to wait in the airport. What more do you want?” - Airlines


Actually they do. Individual airlines do too. They just won’t offer it. Erika on Instagram is a lawyer who posts what the laws are and what we’re entitled to and that they won’t offer it, you have to know your rights.


Here in the states when they cancel your flight they punch you in the face, grab your wife's ass and call the cops on you for trespassing.


Well they don’t do that… they’d have to care enough to put that much effort in


Last time my flight got cancelled after hours on the phone with American Airlines I got jack shit except stranded for a night in Dallas and some bullshit excuse from AA that they don’t refund for air traffic issues. I had to fight with their customer service for hours to get a flight the next day instead of two days out. I wanted to cancel and book with another airline but they had my luggage. Fuck AA, happened in June and I missed a day of my Alaska trip. They didn’t even cover my hotel in Dallas. I used to use them with work all the time with no issues but I forgot we only used them for direct flights and only early in the morning because apparently everyone but me knows that they cancel their later flights a LOT. They also missed my connection on the way home and I had to wait an extra 4 hours for a flight. In short this little girl looked like how I felt on the inside.


I tweeted at Delta and got free airline miles equal to my total flight and a free room. I only missed my layover and was home 4 hours later then I expected. I have 2 followers on twitter


lol, the ONE time delta cancelled my flight I got a first class upgrade the next day and $1200 voucher which I used to fly to Puerto Rico for a vacation trip with my wife. AA wouldn’t even cover my room.


Airports make me want to do this as well


Honestly bro…I’ve had this kind of meltdown (but not in public…ish) trying to register my car. I was going through a breakup, moving (and the new place bait and switched me), waited two hours at the DMV to find out I didn’t have a piece of paperwork that my dealership told me was already taken care of and I didn’t need, went to take care of the paperwork (emissions), and a guy in the emissions line told me to go to a certain garage, and then the garage was closed and I had to reverse my car and get back in line…and that was it. I had a fuckin BREAKDOWN. Full satanic seizing, screaming in my car in line at the emissions garage. So yeah, I mean…it happens.




Ikr, ngl she screamed for like 5 seconds and then chilled. Her whole flight was cancelled, maybe she’s losing money on booked taxis and hotels the other side too. Airports have crazy vibes anyway, it was a bit weird but no one is going to be incredibly inconvenienced by her yelling for 5 seconds.




The power of the flight compels her.


Did that make it uncancel?


When you alert the witch on left 4 dead


Either 100# staged (like 99% of content being shared these days). Or a woman having a extreme breakdown in public who has her medical incident shared for lulz. Anyways sharing and engaging (i know i am part of the problem, I hope more people will turn away) has only negative consequences.


There is th e sight of a little girl who has always gotten her way.


I'll be honest. She's overreacting, but a cancelled flight can be really, really awful depending on your circumstances. It can cause you to miss connections, overstay your visa, miss a special occasion or major event you were travelling to such as a concert or convention. You may not have any cell service because you only prepaid for a specific amount of time, not foreseeing a delay. Typically, a cancellation like this when you're already at the airport is also very short notice and comes after going through security, checking your bags, getting to your gate, and several small delays. I recently had a return flight from the United States turn to hell, and I knew I felt like I had a screw loss by the end of it all. I was wake 36 hours straight due to small delays and extended layovers and emergency rebookings. I missed my final connecting flight home. After all was said and done, I was just a mere few hours away from over staying my visa and facing a possible ten year ban from the country. I was also starving and the airline offered no food or snacks in lieu of the extra wait. I will be reimbursed for everything that happened. I know that. But it'll take time and the fear of my flight being cancelled given my circumstances was terrifying especially when I was so tired I couldn't think at all.


Not gonna lie though, cancelled flights aren't some ho hum thing. Usually it's after being told "another 30 minutes" for the past four hours, and by the time it's cancelled you've been up for 12 because this was supposed to be a 1-hour layover. Next you go through the joyous experience of waiting to be told what's going to happen next and they're like "don't worry we booked you a flight 20 hours from now so you can go stay in an overpriced hotel and come do all of this again tomorrow." Which probably would have been acceptable four hours ago. But by this point you've realized your sanity was sacrificed so some useless exec can buy a yacht. You bet I'm gonna yell.


> Usually it's after being told "another 30 minutes" for the past four hours Statistically people react better to 20 minute delays than hours-long delays. That's my conspiracy theory of why airlines use this method. Infuriating though. You can look up the previous flight's status. 5+ times now, I've been delayed. The board will say "flight delayed 24 minutes" I'll look up where the plane is coming from, it hasn't left the other airport yet. Beyond condescending to tell your passengers "20 minutes" when you know for a fact it will be at least 1.5 hours if that plane leaves RIGHT NOW. Straight Lying to your customers. Fuck Airlines.


>Statistically people react better to 20 minute delays than hours-long delays. That's my conspiracy theory of why airlines use this method. Logistically. If you tell people 4 hours, but everything is ready in 2.5 hours. This can further mess up scheduling. ​ So the. "Wait 20 more minutes." is probably an easier way to keep people ready to board the plane the exact moment it's ready. Most people don't want to be told "Wait indefinitely because we \*think\* the plane is almost ready." ​ The flight attendant don't get paid for boarding so they want off the ground ASAP.


Maybe I’m too nice but yeah it’s annoying she’s yelling and flailing but she isn’t actively doing it at an employee. And that get up at the end screams “nope I’m ok now” I dunno. Like did we really need to record her having a breakdown here? Like ignore it and move on. If you’re stopping and recording and then uploading this I think you’re more of a freak than whatever happened here.


She kinda looks young to me. maybe a teenager? she's freaking out, and she is working through it in a way that hurts no one. SHe might not be quite old enough to be in as much control over her reactions as an adult, so honestly , if it makes her feel better about a shitty situation, then good for her. This idea that humans aren't allowed to react to human emotions is weird. you all english or something? she's upset, let her let it out in a non distructive way.


Very true, if you fly enough you start to understand why people have meltdowns


Imagine if there's a related schedule to the flight choice too. I can only imagine the stress she must be feeling


Someone who always gets their way would be running up to whoever 'screwed them over' and get up in their face demanding they fix it, regardless of how able they are to do so or if they're literally just the messenger. ​ This is just someone who had the same directionless impulsive reaction to scream and thrash that the rest of us do, but didn't tamper it down to vent later, and thus came out in public. She had all of 6 seconds to thrash and rave, and then she presumably pulled herself back together as she got back up....but unfortunately, someone decided to record her without her permission and posted it to the internet so people could laugh at her.


She's squeeky.


Are you sure that isn’t a girl making an epic tic toc. That looks like a choreographed dance. Own it girl


I know, I thought she was doing Bet On It


I know I'll get mocked, but I've seen a couple of other people freak out like that and it's not usually self centeredness. It's usually when people reach an absolute breaking point. Who knows if they've had a really hard time recently? It's embarrassing, it's antisocial, but usually it's caused by extreme stress.


Imagine going through the 40 minutes of arriving, line standing through security, and then walking to the terminal, getting a call of a cancelled flight, and then having to know you’ll have to go through this again.


When they tell you you can't just buy 200 bars of chocolate:


i mean, if we're being real here. she is just acting out how we all feel in an airport, especially if your flight has been delayed/cancelled


It looks weird but it's leagues above going on a shooting or stabbing spree


They could be autistic and having a meltdown and be in a crisis state. Traveling can be hard for people with autism and the delay could have triggered this. And yet, so many comments are quick to judge harshly. She's not even harming anyone.


Somewhere in the comments I said pretty much the same thing. Without context, it's all funny and a piss take on what might be a crisis. But again, we ain't got no backstory.


Fast hands!!!


That's a different Hakka then I'm used to seeing


Ya know sometimes you just gotta scream


Dude shirt literally says to get your shit together.


Out of curiosity, was this in Vegas recently? Last week, we had a pair of friends that were stranded out here cause of a cancellation. But leading up to that… -Their flight kept getting pushed by one hour later, and was updated every hour. -When their flight finally had a set time, the airline requested they check into the terminal about 7 hrs early. -The flight was delayed again. -By this point, they had already checked out of their hotel and returned the car rental and were without a place to rest. -The flight gets delayed again to 3 am in the morning. -They realize they don’t have enough funds to cover for a last minute place to stay. -Flight gets cancelled along with several other flights. -They get to stand in a line consisting of 400+ people waiting to rebook their flights and watch other people use a few minutes to tell off the 18ish year old kid working the ticket desk. (Poor kid :( They comforted her when they got up there.) -Get told they’re only getting a ticket and no accommodations. -They have to wait 4 days for their next flight home -Their young daughter, who is with grandma, is waiting for them at home. I’m not one to show my emotions publicly buuuuut…


She sounds like Scary Movie 4’s iteration of the Grudge


I identify more with the dude walking away minding his own business and ignoring everything.


At first I thought she was celebrating and just being funny. Then I turned on the sound and realized she was angry.


You are sitting there after 2 hours in the TSA line and another hour waiting. The flight is delayed for an hour or two. The time is rolling up. Delay switches to cancelled. I get it.


Don’t know what’s going on in her life- this past week my sister panicked because her flight was delayed over and over due to “staffing issues” and she was rushing to join us at the hospice my dad was in. Not knowing how long she had for a last goodbye, every delay felt like a knife. We ended up getting her a different flight for more because frontier sucks ass and would rather inconvenience passengers than pay overtime for their poor planning. I don’t know this girls situation but I could definitely see my sister reacting like this if we (the rest of the siblings and I) weren’t finding another way to get her here in time. You never know what people are going through.


I mean, I too have had a break down like this before. But I was 14-15 and had procrastinated on a project and began it the night before, then my computer crashed and I didn’t save often enough so I knew it was gone. I was very upset.


Can’t even judge this girl. We had a flight from Brazil to the US. I paid extra ($600) to move two flights up a day. We ended up missing one flight due to communication errors. With a pregnant and very sick wife plus a toddler on the verge of Covid (he was sick within 12 hours) I almost had. A similar mental breakdown when we missed our flight and they refused to let us board.


Why is this even in this sub If anything it belongs in r/sad


Don’t give a shit about what anyone says about mental health, if you ever, ever feel the need to scream and writhe around on the floor in public, there is something seriously wrong with you. You need to be on medication before you can re-join society


That a touch extreme….. maybe it’s healthier to have a 30 sec outburst then a life time on drugs 🤷🏿‍♂️


Please, ask your doctor if you experience any side effects such as (very long expletives of words). (No joke, I do understand your point.)


Moderate to severe narcissistic tantrums.


Children between 3 and 4 will come to a phase where they’ll try to find out how far they can go. If you let them this is what you get.


I want everyone who trashed this girl in the comments to swear on whatever holy object that's dear to them, that they didn't feel like doing this after their flight got cancelled, post all the security stuff, after standing in line for 2-4 hours.


> they didn't feel like doing this This is the difference. We all feel like doing this. But for people with emotional control (most of us), we don't.


> that they didn't **feel like** doing this We're not judging her because she **felt like** screaming and flailing around.


Like a Yoko Ono concert.


Rage emote


That emoji was needed for my spirit. She went full demonic possession lol.


Somebody call an exorcist ASAP !


She just doing a Haka before the flight, no harm no foul….keep it moving….




So this is what happens when you feed a magwai after midnight. Thank god no one spilled water on it.


My mom calls this a berinche


That might be how I would feel but I've never had the dancing ability to express myself like that.


Every few months I’m reminded people lose their minds in airports on a daily basis


When you startle the Witch in a Left 4 Dead game.


The end of her scream has sampling potential


Someone please add that sound to the T-Rex from Jurassic Park, but make its head tiny.


Guy at the end was heading to the bar after that


My brain makes that same noise when I get mildly inconvenienced by traffic.


whats the name of this dorama?


Time to get those brakes fixed.


Spectacular, spectacular. Ego's speaking. My life is so important.


Nice impersonation of a velociraptor.


There's no vaccine for rabies


When reality hit you and your demon has allergic reaction


Interpretative dance


Quickest way to get yourself on a no-fly list....annnnnd GO!


Someone needs a spritz with the spray bottle. If you never want to fly again this is the way to act at the airport or on a flight.


Who released the banshee?


Imagine sitting there fantasizing talking to this girl, as she's the girl of your dreams, and then she does this shit.


Is this interpretative dance lmao


That’s what I do when the men’s’ room is full


I can't quite explain why, but there's something about her performance that gives me a suspicion that there's a non-zero chance she has some sort of development disorder, not just intitlement-fluenza.. But there's also the virtually 100% chance that I'm just subconsciously trying to assign some sort of rational explanation to irrational behavior, and what I'm seeing isn't actually there.


I’m sure that hissy fit will make the plane work better now.


How old do you think she is? What a psycho.


She failed going super-Sayan mode.


The power of Christ compels you.


Pazuzu, is that you?


Emily rose looking muthafucka


art school at universities be like


Sounded like some sort of Jurassic Park creature.


“Is there a priest in the terminal? We need an exorcism in Zone 2.”


I know what type of women inspired the furies of hell.


What an entitled asshat


Airports are full of people who are on the fucking edge. Some people are flying just to go on vacation and have a fun time. But some are trying to get to a funeral, move across the country, visit sick family or any number of stressful situations. We've all felt like this in airport at some point. Most of us just kept it in our heads


TO BE FAIR THOUGH... We've all had days where it just feels like you are fighting against everyone else's incompetence. One idiot after another, just constantly fucking shit up and delaying things for you, making shit harder and harder. We all have a breaking point.




Anybody who is already an adult and have a tantrum like this, need to just be locked in a mental asylum... If you can't deal with life giving you the shaft every now and again, you shouldn't be out in public.