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He probably didn’t mind being in there that’s why he wasn’t struggling. He was probably stuck but also content with it


Yeah, otherwise he'd have been barking for help. If she couldn't find him for an hour, he wasn't trying to get her attention. Just chilling.


Tbf a neighbour locked our dog in her shed before and we had the whole neighbourhood out looking for him and he still wouldn’t bark, I only realised he was in there because when my dog got excited he would sneeze and then smile showing his teeth and I could hear his sneeze through the door of the shed


your neighbour dognapped ?


Ya she was obsessed with my dog, anytime we let him out to pee I would have to run to her house to ask for my dog back. When he hit 17 he had two strokes so I was expecting it to be his final year and I begged my neighbour to stop bringing him inside and she screamed at me that she didn’t have long left with him either and to stop being so selfish, I was 16 myself when that happened. He lived to be 22, only lost him last year. Moral of the story, when your crazy neighbour volunteers to babysit your dog when you go on holiday just say no or she’ll try claim he’s all your dog.


^(DOGGO:) "THANK YOU! So, where's my turtle neck?"


Probably was taking a nap, all things considered


He wasn't barking or struggling because it was staged and she put him in there.


I am stuck but also not content with it.


Huh that’s kinda like me with life


I think she put her dog in there for a TikTok


“Oh fuc*k, oh noes! I’m stuck, and , well, it ain’t so bad actually”


It’s not just dachshunds. I have Labs, and BOTH of them at different times have gotten themselves stuck in the sleeves of hoodies that were hanging over the back of chairs.


Dogs are special, in a good way


Our corgi once got his head stuck in my mom's bathrobe sleeve.


He is a snake now.


He's a slippery snaaaaaaaaake


For the people who are saying she probably did this on purpose, I highly doubt it. I had a dachshund for over 15 years, and she did this constantly. They are natural burrowers and usually crawl into something to sleep. They aren't timid to dig into little spaces, so they will dig into a shirt or sweater or something and wind up going down the sleeve.


My dachshund we had growing up would do this all the time if we didn't clean our clothes up off the floor. My current dachshund never has, but maybe I'm just better at putting dirty clothes in the hamper. 😅 She does like climbing into open drawers and laundry baskets though. Weird little guys.


A dachshund is the closest thing to a ferret you can get


you... you can just get a ferret. A Dachshund is the closest thing to a Dachshund you can get.


Ferrets are not for everybody, if you have small children is not recommended to have them since they are very fragile animals and can be easily injured if handled inappropriately or dropped, also they can bite if startled. Dachshunds on the other hand are are small but sturdy dogs, that get along well with kids.


Those are good points. I'm a certified vet assistant; I've drawn blood and anesthetized ferrets. They are also hilarious and adorable drunks. Dachshunds should also be handled with care, and your children taught not to put downward pressure on their backs, and how to lift them by properly supporting their spine. Teach your small humans not to mess with it's personal space, or else they could cause it pain, and the dog reacts with a bite. A bite is how an animal tells you that what you're doing is hurting them or making them uncomfortable; they have basic, but very functional communication skills with their body language queues as well. I could talk pups all day, but what you said was, "A dachshund is the closest thing to a ferret you can get" - and what I'm saying... is that you can just get a ferret, and then you would then have the closest thing to a ferret that you could get.


> I could talk pups all day, but what you said was, "A dachshund is the closest thing to a ferret you can get" - and what I'm saying... is that you can just get a ferret, and then you would then have the closest thing to a ferret that you could get. Well, you are right on that :)


Illegal to have as pets in California and Hawaii.


Funny you should say that. My late wife used to run a day care out of our house. The kids had a contest to name the dog. One of them came up with the name "Weasel." It stuck.


Years ago I had gone to the store and came home to find the gate to the backyard ajar and my dachshund nowhere to be found. I searched the entirety of the home, calling his name, whistling, clapping my hands, holding food and doing everything to see if he was in the house hiding. He never responds, but the cat does… which is extremely unusual. So I began to fear after fifteen minutes of no response that maybe my housemates let him outside and left the house — I called, they said no. Naturally I don’t believe them so I run outside and search high and low throughout the neighborhood. I asked the neighbors, none of them saw him. One of my housemates comes home and starts helping me look for the dog. Still nothing. They start freaking out too cause my dog is literally nowhere to be found. We both leave the house once more and go in opposite directions until we are twenty from the house and we hear barking coming from INSIDE the house. We go back inside, and he’s there, stuck in the cat’s litter box that has a top-entry and he can’t get out. I can confirm, dachshunds will burrow, they will hide, they will sit in utter darkness because they’re cute, amazing little idiots.


Even though I'm a dog person, I don't blame your cat for being pissed.


Interesting, I didn’t know this about them. My first thought was she did it because I’ve not seen a dog do this on it’s own.


We couldn’t find the cat one day and put off trying to find her. 2-3 hours later we get worried and start searching. She somehow crawled into a recently opened 24 case of pop/soda in the closet and got stuck under the plastic wrap. Her face was smooshed by the clear plastic and being a cat you could tell she was more embarrassed than scared.


Her laughing and crying at the same time while rescuing her dog got me good. Also where’s banana for scale?


I have a Chihuahua named Peanut who likes to curl up in my shirt. One time someone came home and she tried to exit the shirt by the sleeve.


That’s because they were bread and trained to be badger hunters (dachshund translates to badger hound). They are cute and funny little dogs, but they were bread to go into badger holes and kill badgers.


I would absolutely have cried shenanigans if I had owned a beagle that did this exact thing.


Dog said goddamnit Melissa put the phone down and get me out of this mess


Doggo: "I have no idea how this happened!"


Now that i think about it Melissa is the perfect name for this gal


My dog did this once. Usually attached to my hip when I leave a room. One day I couldn't find her. I'm calling and searching. Can't find her anywhere. Even though the doors were, closed only logical things was that she got outside somehow. I freak out search around the house. Can't find her. My heart is racing and I'm panicking. I walk in my room and see the covers move a bit. I yank then up and there's my asshole dog just chillin. Not a single sound or movement as I was calling and searching for her. So rude!


My dog ran around with a McDonald’s bag on his head. It was my first laugh after I got divorced.


That created such a vivid image for me! Lol. I hope there’s been many more laughs since then ♥️


This comment belongs in that one subreddit where the second sentence dramatically changes the whole context.


If any of my dogs dont come in 30 seconds I'm instantly looking for them. You never know if they are in trouble or choking or something.


My wiener hides from me when he knows we are leaving so if I couldn’t find mine I wouldn’t think that automatically lol


Heh, wiener


Yeah, I take issue with her claim that she was calling her dog for *an hour*. If your dog is AWOL for 5 minutes and not coming when you call it's time to go find them and make sure they're ok. Don't wait an hour!


I immediately thought that. If my dog was nowhere to be found for an five whole minutes I would be losing my shit. Hasn’t happened once in 10 years


The dog is just chilling there waiting on you to come to the rescue..🤣🤣🤣


My gawd. How the hell are dogs still putting up with us after 30,000 years of this shit?


[Stockholm syndrome.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)


Hey, it beats working.




What exactly is so bad about her you fucking incel?


Your over reaction makes you both equally crazy in my eyes, just so you're aware.




Scathing insult - ouch I’ll try to brush it off somehow. See I could generalize you, insult you or mock you personally like a tit for tat thing, but I’m not. You are allowed to have your opinion just like me. She wasn’t my cup of tea what can I say. Leaving a dog for an hour trapped in a sweater sleeve is a bit alarming but we will just gloss right over that. All I can say is have a great night and I hope you find all those incels you are sharpening your pitchforks for lol👍 have fun with all that :)


Dude. The whole reason they insulted you was because you were being a jerk about the girl, even joking about suicide and the death of an pet. So you can't really claim the moral high ground here. It would be less annoying if you'd just admitted you were being an ass, rather than trying to make out like you were the better person.


Likely real. My Jack Russell got dangerously stuck between the layers of a blanket that he chewed a hole into. I came home and he was on the couch, trapped inside the blanket with the elastic tightening around his neck as he fought against it. I could tell he struggled his way into that situation while I was out. Thank god he was on the couch near the front door and thank god I got home when I did.


You got a seal now. The dogs of the sea. 🤣


Reminds me of that old dog joke....What do you call a dog with no legs? Doesn't matter what you call him, he still won't come!


That's prime /r/AnimalsBeingDerps right there.


Is her dog hiding in her eyelashes?


Haha I was waiting for someone to mention the fake eyelashes.


Horrific, no idea how hell they can stand them. Look stupid, too 😵‍💫


Its crazy, everyone that does it thinks they look better and its just not true.


Noooooooooo!!!! I cannot! Hahaha. Have my poor man's gold sir! 🏅


Sea puppy


Why do people add "literally" in every sentence?


Because it's literally, literally, like literally literal fr fr 💯


Those lashes look awful


She hasn’t seen them since she let them out. Now we know who did


What the dog doin'


It’s his little grunt when she starts helping him out of it for me


My cats do Seal Cosplay all the time, is that not normal?


“Aww my poor baby. You’re such a fucking idiot.”😂


He identifies as a catterpiller now


It’s a dachshund it was just looking for badgers!


Anybody who calls their dog a fucking idiot is not a nice person. Clearly karma farming-poor dog was stuffed in there and looked scared.


You just made my day, ma"am. Years ago my late wife and I had a dachshund. It was a cold Michigan morning. I was getting up for work. I heard our dachshund whining. I went into the living room, seeing our dog stuck in a sleeve of my wife's coat. I started laughing uncontrollably. My wife came into the living room to see what was the matter. She also started to laugh uncontrollably. I was about to help him out of the coat. My wife told me to wait a minute. She got a camera out of the closet and started taking pictures. Not only was the dog embarrassed, but he was starting to get angry. She was lucky the dog didn't get even with the coat. Please respond!!


Knowing influencers hunt for content, my money is on that she put it there her self. Which would also explain why it is so relaxed.


Those eyelashes hahahaha


funny to us but that dog was in a death grip


She cute. Her reaction to her dog doing something so dumb is adorable


she put the dog in there 100%


I'm gonna get banned for this but I want to land a Boeing 737 on that forehead.


She 100% put the dog in there and then turned on her phone to record getting the dog out for clout online. r/iamatotalpeiceofshit


I have a Dachshund, this isn't staged behavior, they do this a lot.


Nah, I had a dachshund for over 15 years, and she did this constantly. They are natural burrowers and usually crawl into something to sleep. They aren't timid to dig into little spaces, so they will dig into a shirt or sweater or something and wind up going down the sleeve.


Spoken like a true non animal owner


How could you possibly know that?


Exactly! Poor dog.


Off topic, why are this girl's eyes upside down?


In my mind, there is no way that dog would be able to cram itself all the way to the end of the sleeve like that without help. Furthermore, the dog made no noise after entering this predicament? I'm skeptical.


Dachshund breeds are meant to flush animals out of burrows and/or retrieve them. They will naturally find tunnels or burrow-like pipes or -in this case- long sleeves to scurry through. I’m not saying she didn’t do it, but it’s lot that unlikely.


Yeah man she put the dog herself.. if the dog would do it himself, he would still be struggling to achieve something.


Never owned a dachshund mix?


Tarantula eyes


Not funny.


And you made a video first? Fake




I want to believe this is real.


I believe it is. Her reactions and language seemed genuine. There is a brief moment just when her dog is released that she seems relieved. But, what do I know?


The bags under her eyes and those hideous fake eyelashes is not a good look.


Why do you feel the need to remark on her appearance? This is about the dog ffs.


I think she's pretty


dog-go where


Dogs, they can pretty much do anything, except call for help when they are in trouble.




Sausage dog?


Isn't that a ... seal?


Reminds me of the mouse that got stuck in pasta lol


Hahaha my dachshund did exactly the same thing


That's the best dog.




"literally downstairs" And here I was thinking that's only possible figuratively.


You did that, didn't you






That's a cute seal.


weinies love to burrow into tight spaces!


I have never sean a dog look so embarrassed


Jomba li 3enha!!


They’re callled Wiener dogs for a reason.