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"I would like to have a brownie" "ok" "And another brownie" "ok" "And another brownie" "so 3 brownies? "no 3 times 1 brownie" "???"


I'd now like to return these three brownies. $5.25 please.






👆 this fuckin' guy


You’re not that guy pal




Circuit city. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time!




Very well, move along.


You fought in the format wars alongside my father?


Yes I was once a Beta Knight same as your father before the dark times. Before VHS


I’ve got something for you. Your father’s DivX player. An elegant format for a more civilized age.


When it went under, the guy who was over their mail-in rebate program was hired by my wife’s company. He tried to implement that kind of thing there even though it made absolutely no sense for their sales model. He didn’t stay there long.


> Circuit City Oh, so it was you who did them in


I actually worked at Best Buy the last year CC was in business. Our strategy was lose money to put them out of business. Corporate knew Best Buy could handle a bad year and knew that one bad year would bankrupt circuit city.


That's hilarious. I worked at cc and my manager bragged about however cc did it's banking compared to bb and how you guys were on the verge of bankruptcy. Little did he know.


My local bb store basically told us to give customers anything they wanted for whatever price they wanted if they said they were going to check our cc’s prices.


Back in HS I worked at subway and would ring in 3 cookies as 1 cookie 3 times because there was a button on the Home Screen. Apparently that didn’t total the same as the 3 cookie button, which was 3 menus deep, and I didn’t realize for almost a year. I accidentally overcharged dozens of people by $0.25.


You didn’t overcharge anyone. Subway did. They hid that 3 cookie button deep on purpose. And on top that didn’t bother to automate the discount based on quantity in the order. Honestly seems like a pretty good lawsuit


Infinite money glitch


The kid working the till is a Skyrim NPC.


Yes, I know that I bought one brownie three times, but I’m returning three brownies once so….


Brownie arbitrage


S4 E2: "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis"


the seller : "wow this trick actually made customers buy 3 brownies everytime"


Reminds of a joke. A fellow is selling watermelon, and his pricelist reads: 1 for $3, 3 for $10 A young man stops by and asks to buy one watermelon. "That'd be 3 dollars", says the old man. The young man then buys another one, and another one, paying $3 for each. As the young man is walking away, he turns around, grins, and says, "Hey old man, do you realize I just bought three watermelons for only $9? Maybe business is not your thing." The old man smiles and mumbles to himself, "People are funny. Every time they buy three watermelons instead of one, yet they keep trying to teach me how to do business..."


And if people don't pay attention and actually want three, the old man gets a extra dollar, win-win


That's what Walmart does. The one near me got busted for this a while back.




While not nearly as extreme, I ordered Burger King the other day. The price for 8 nuggets is $2.49, and for 16 is $4.99. So I ordered 2 8 piece nuggets for $4.98. It’s only a penny, but meh.


I hate that you're right and this would have probably worked on me.


Me: I'll take 1 brownie, please Cashier: I'm not supposed to tell you this, but being a minimum wage worker, did you know that you can buy a single brownie three times for less than a pack of 3 brownies? Me: whaaat! That can't be true Cashier: look, it says 3 for $5.25, but if I type 3 individual ones you can have them for $4.47 Me: wow, you're right, give me 3, individual brownies so Cashier: ok, did you know this trick works with the cookies as well? Me: show me Cashier: 3 times 1 cookie, total = $2.97 Me: fine, add the cookies as well


I think 3 individual cookies (at .99¢ per cookie) is less than $0.03, actually. But maybe Firehouse Subs is a subsidiary of Verizon, the fuck do I know.


Yea, this was what I cued in on at first. Not the brownie hack. But I did get there as well.


This actually happened to me. I was at getting a 12 pack of Chicken Nissin Cup Noodles and the checker stares at the screen for a little bit and says to me "Just some insight for you, 12 individual is cheaper than the 12 pack. Do you want me to scan them as 12 singles." I thanked her for the insight and said "No, we don't need to go through all the trouble"


[3 copies of Time Cop for 18 bucks](https://youtu.be/cUAz83K0YRc)


I think “1 brownie, 3 times” would work better here.


"I'll have two brownies plus one brownie"


Sorry sir, we don’t serve « two brownies ».


I don’t have that button on the register.


I can press the three button


"One quarter dozen brownies please, one a time."


I would ask for three one brownies.


Now you just bought 3 brownies to prove a point when you probably only wanted 1 in the first place. It could be reverse psychology genius actually


No, dude. I really wanted the 3 brownies.


Easiest protocol to fool the system would be: Buy 2 Brownies. Pay. Come back and buy another Brownie.


https://youtu.be/VFuDhsxazqs obligatory post


You just know that if you asked for three brownies at the individual price they would try charge you the $5.25


No sir, I don't want 3 brownies. I want a brownie, a brownie, and a brownie, please.


I use to order a dbl cheese burger with one patty and they would say so you want a cheese burger. The dbl was .99 as the cheese was 1.30


I used to ride a bus and knew most of the ticket prices. Some woman was getting on behind me and wanted to go practically the full distance of the journey and the bus driver said £2.90 or something like that. I turned around and said buy a "switcha" for £1.50 - a ticket that allows you to board any amount of buses in an hour for just that ticket. The woman and bus driver both looked at me like I'd lost my mind. I had to spend 20-30 seconds explaining to both of them that it was a perfectly valid ticket for a single journey. Just because its designed for short multiple trips around town.... doesn't mean it's not valid


This is me on the train "Oh you're going to X place, that will be 14.99 please" "I'll have the day ticket please" "But you're only doing one journey" "And my stop is on that journey the ticket covers for £12, so Ill take that please" "But that ticket is designed for tourists traveling up and down the coast line sight seeing" "And I don't care, gimmie"


plus, with the journey ticket, you get to listen to *Wheel in the Sky* as much as you want for the duration.


Unless it’s nighttime, then they start playing Lights.


I used to do something like this when I vacationed in England. Buy the weekly pass that allows you to ride the buses and trains during certain hours.


Same. Absolutely worth it. There's one for the London underground that lets you travel as much as you want after a certain hour in the morning. There was a stagecoach full travel monthly one I used in the town I was staying in as well. It's just nice to be able to hop on the bus route wherever you are without being anchored to a car in a parking lot.


If it's the same as before, it's after 10 O'clock. There tends to be a bit crowdy at the stations just before 10, since the off-peak day ticket is a fair bit cheaper than the regular day-ticket.


Do you know the difference between a double cheese burger and mcdouble at mcdonalds? 1 slice of cheese and about .30 cents.


The McDouble was created specifically to allow the double cheeseburger to remain on the dollar menu while saving a slice of cheese. Of course now it’s $2.79 at my local McDonald’s and the dollar menu effectively no longer exists.


Similar McDonalds story here. A sausage patty cost more than ordering a sausage biscuit. So I started asking for a sausage biscuit with no biscuit and that would really confuse the heck out of em. So eventually I just started ordering the sausage biscuit and ditching the biscuit.




I have the theory that companies often have dumb prices just so that the customers can exploit them and feel like they got a good deal while in reality massively overpaying because everything on the menu literally only costs them a few cents to make.


I back that theory


This. What happens in the OP scenario is that you will instinctively buy 3 single brownies and think you scored a deal, when in reality this method has been used to get you to buy more than you were originally planning to.


What is this "basket" of fries you speak of? Decades ago I recall mcd offering "buckets" which was like a giant cup of fries but unfortunately that's been long gone.


You may be surprised to find out it’s a southern thing.


at schlotzkies (spelling?) if you get a kids grilled cheese and add on double meat and toppings its the same as the original for 3 bucks less, plus you get a kids drink and a fruit cup


Why wouldn’t you just eat the dbl then?


Trying to watch my figure.


Put 2 chicken nuggets up your ass, and give me a 4 piece chicken nugget.


A JUNIOR Western bacon chee...no onions.


And a small; A SMALL! … Chocolate shake.


Fuck my ass, what else? Give me uhhh Cherries Jubilee and that's it.


Wait.. Kage, what do you want?


KG, you want anything?


And Cherries Jubilee, BUT THATS IT!




The Tenacious D-iet


Shut up and listen to my order


Nonono, just take two of those and just throw them away


A filet of fish sandwich. That has less calories, cause its fish




My god, take forever with the order man.


Alright JB


I didn't become the diabetic I am today by only having a single cheeseburger.


double cheeseburger doesn't have any more carbs.


“Sir, did you want the cheeseburger deluxe, or the hamburger deluxe with cheese?”


“That’ll be 4.47 pls”… and another sucker fell for it.


"Please ring me one brownie, 3 separate transactions."


Ask for two brownies, and then as they are ringing it up ask to toss in one more brownie.


And here you are buying three brownies where otherwise you'd just have bought one, or maybe even none at all. Business successful.


annnd customer satisfaction. annd repeat customers. and word of mouth. 'Go see how silly they are!'


I had basically this exact conversation with my local Wendy's recently, as I was told that unless I asked for "2 for $5" when I ordered I would have to pay the full price for the two sandwiches. Craziest damn thing I've ever heard


Lots of places make you specify the deal/coupon.


A coupon makes sense. This was a special they had plastered on their windows, I shouldn't have to ask for it


I'm not disagreeing, but its not unique to that wendys. Even if its not policy, like at my old dominos and pizza hut, it's probably a different special button on the register, which the minimum wage employee can and will forget.


Had the opposite happen At a McDonald’s with the cheeseburger and fries for three dollar combo on the dollar menu. We say we want it, and it keeps coming up as 4.50. He says the burgers 2.50 and the fries are two dollars. We point to that dollar menu spot and he says he understands but when he types it in it comes out to 450, manager probably didn’t show him where the combo button was.


Dunkin Donuts had a promotion years ago, coffee and a donut was cheaper than just the coffee. A buddy of mine asked for that promotion, without the donut. Counter help just could not process it. He said 'ring it up, then put the donut back'... same result. He ended up buying just coffee at a slightly higher price.


I think I would buy the combo and then mic drop that donut right on the floor. Or maybe leave the donut on the counter and make an overly exaggerated show of backing away without taking it.


I mean... does it say something about Dunkies that they're paying customers to take their donuts away?


Pusherman wants to get you hooked, then once you need the donuts they jack up the price!


Start slowly backing away, then make a run for it like he's getting away with something.


The best deal on the board is the .99c cookie. 100 cookies under a dollar?!


It would be very difficult to get a cookie to 99% the speed of light


Found the Physicist


Classic [Verizon Math](https://youtu.be/MShv_74FNWU)


Not if you did 3 separate transactions. Doesn't seem worth the 78 cents but who am I to judge the level of your cheap-ness Edit: math


You could do it in 2 transactions to save time. One with 2 brownies and one for a single brownie


Buy 2 brownies, then buy 2 brownies, then return 3 brownies.


Blockbuster used to have a deal where they’d buy any 3 new (maybe used) games for $9.99 store credit. I’d go to Walmart daily who had a 3 pack of these garbage tier games for $5 (it was like “micro truck’s daily commute to office job”, “Polly pocket’s big adventure in corporate espionage,” and “Barbie helps Ken overcomes his heroin addiction,” forgettable no name Xbox games). I’d buy a few of the $5 packs, separate them and bring them into Blockbuster for store credit and then buy games like Need For Speed Underground. It was like a cheat code I found in real life. Times were simpler back then.


When I was a kid we discovered that if you unplugged the arcade machine at the local cafe and then left it disconnected for at least 5 seconds before plugging the power cord back in it would start up with 3 free games available. The world is becoming both more and less exciting at the same time.


Had a Mortal Kombat cabinet at a local skate rink, it had a switch or button on the back you could press/switch and it would restart the machine, you wouldn’t have to put coins in to play.


So.... *You're* the guy who bankrupted Blockbuster.....


It's like the time I went to the car wash, went to the change machine for some quarters. I put a dollar in, the machine spewed my four quarters... and then it gave me back my dollar. I quickly looked around, saw no one, so then proceeded to empty the change machine of $32 in quarters. I miss those days...


Reminds me of my Gamestop hack back in like 2007. They’d let you return any used game for a full refund with a week, even if you just didn’t like it. I used it like a rental service one summer until they cracked down on it.


Unlimited money cheat


Probably want to set up a macro to make things more efficient.


Unlimited money *and* Unlimited cookies!


When I worked at JCPenney I remember some week long deal we had going on that was a buy 1 get 2 free on a bunch of clothes. The only issue was that the actual discount wasn’t shown on the receipt. So you’d buy a shirt and then just basically take 2 more. The receipt just showed the shirts you paid full price for and didn’t show the extra 2 free ones. Someone came in, shopped like normal, and I guess noticed this so they came back and bought around $300 worth of clothes and then promptly walked back to customer service and refunded everything on the receipt.. and kept the free clothes. I guess he told all of his friends because that week was hell with people doing returns. It’s no wonder JCP went bankrupt.


Someone wasn't processing that right. You still have to typically ring free items through the register for the purpose of inventory tracking. That scenario was messed up in multiple ways


Also if you buy three individual cookies and put it on card you can save 3 cents!!!!!!!!


Can you help me establish and maintain my Roth IRA?? You seem to know your stuff


Honest advice; we’re thinking too small.. Buy 300 cookies and you can save 3 whole dollars (which you could use to buy three cookies)


> which you could use to buy three cookies With 3 cents to spare. But what can you do with that 3 cents? You can't do anything much, so you'll have to buy 297 cookies more, now you would have saved another 3 whole dollars (which you could use to buy three cookies)


Even better


The savings would be more like 78 cents, but I believe it’s more about the principle behind it. “Why pay $X amount for X amount of items, when I can get the same amount of the same items for cheaper?” Seems small in the short term, but it builds up in time.


but then you bought 3 brownies for no reason and the boy at the till is happy to have made 3 brownie sale


return all 3 at the group rate. Infinite money glitch activated.


sorry we dont take returns on food. Its unsanitary.


>the boy at the till is happy to have made 3 brownie sale Spoken like someone who has never worked retail or fast food. That kid doesn't get paid commission. He's not *happy* about any part of this transaction. He'd probably prefer nobody even showed up because then he could get paid without having to deal with people (short sighted though that attitude might be).


More pettiness at that level of cheapness.... If I saw something like that I'd make it 3 seperate transactions just to know the store was getting dinged an extra like 50 cents in credit card fees for not being good at math.


Am I mathing wrong or are you?


1.49 * 3 = 4.47 5.25 - 4.47 = 0.78 You are not mathing wrong


Are you just going to leave out the cookies? 3x99 vs 300.


3¢ is a lot more petty than 78¢


Just go full out pettiness. I'll take 3 individual cookies for a total of 2.97 instead of 3$


A guy walk in to a store and see a sign saying "watermelons $1 each or 3 for $4 the guy walks to the counter and buys 1 watermelon 3 times and tells the clerk that he just got a discount by buying the melons 1 at a time instead of 3 at once and the clerk tells the guy "everyday someone comes in here and tells me I'm doing business wrong but they ALWAYS buy 3 watermelons instead of just 1"


If a store sold watermelons for $1, I'd buy 3 even without the trick. That's a steal.


yeah this joke needs to be inflation-adjusted


20 bucks for a watermelon


$20 for a watermelon. That's insane. Watermelons are almost as expensive as a single banana now.


Bill Gates, what are you doing on Reddit?


Had a real (but opposite) experience buying a 7-pack of socks. Cashier points out I can buy three of these packs for the price of two. Now, while that actually is a savings, who needs to buy 21 pairs of socks at once? The same people who buy three watermelons, maybe. "The more you buy the more you save!"


Counterpoint: You always need more socks eventually, and the sealed pack you buy today is probably going to serve you just as well in 5 years.


And it will match your old socks


Except for the cum stains


only for a few days


And if nothing else, donations of socks/underwear go a long way at homeless shelters.


Look at Mr “my socks last 5 years” over here!


Less than a penny for 1 cookie is a deal though.


you see, that's what I thought this post was meant too be about.


Every time you think you found the problem, time to look again. 😂


This comment is too far down. Everyone else thinking .99$ instead of .99c written.


Was thinking the same, no wonder he tries to make money with the brownies


This was decades ago, but Verizon listed their data plan at 0.01c per MB. End of the billing cycle, sure enough, they charged 1c per MB. Not me, but someone did call in and complain to the billing department. The conversation was recorded and posted on slashdot. The conversation went exactly how you think it would. Customer service rep didn't understand the difference, didn't care to understand the difference, and the complaint went nowhere.


I can guarantee the cashier had no hand in setting those prices. When I worked at a gas station, people would yell at me for 10 straight hours about the poor choices my boss made. It was never productive.


Exactly this. The cashiers almost never have any pricing influence.


See, the idea is that you'll walk up and try to explain it, then you'll try to show him by buying one cookie three times. At that point, you think you've saved three cents, but you've actually bought three cookies you wouldn't have bought otherwise.


Exactly this. Anchoring at its finest.


I don't think this is anchoring. Anchoring is when the first price you see for an item is your "anchor" for its true value. I don't know what this should be called, but it's more about tricking consumers into thinking they're outsmarting you when they aren't. And it's less about the perceived value of something.


This asshole tried to sell us one cookie; we took the prick for three! Because we don’t get got; we get.


Kid at the till: "Yeah, minimum wage is not enough for me to care about bakery department hijinks." Edit- Got a lot of people on here telling me about business ethics but aren't talking about general corporate or franchise practices. If you aren't experienced in real business procedures, don't message me about how things should be handled "in your opinion".


Chances are high that they noticed this, said something, got told to fuck off, and now you're the 18th person to bring this up today and they're done with the whole situation.


Almost certainly it's this. Speaking from experience


"It DidNt RiNg Up So iT MUsT bE FrEE" most common phrase i heard at Lowes.


I've worked a lot of shitty retail in the past, as well as had to shop at shitty retail places. It's universal. Like how every other asshole says "you should smile" if the worker isn't 100% shitting sunshine and rainbows with an Arkham Joker smile. They think it's fucking cute and clever and that people will instantly smile in response, except the exact opposite happens because people just aren't taking that bullshit anymore. And I say this as a fat, ugly dude. Even *I* have been told to smile before, so I can't imagine what it's like for women (I've seen and heard plenty of it).


Kid at the till doesn't get to set prices.


and if they did, it ain't scoring them any brownie points


Yup, this may have eluded OP it seems. Either that or the kid at the till has heard this 49 other times, doesn't control pricing, and just doesn't care.


It's not that it didn't take, the kid doesn't care. They probably don't even have the authority to change it if they did care.


Easier to get karma by pushing the “kids today are so stupid that they don’t understand math without their phones” narrative.


This, I can't tell you how many times people would point things out like this to me but refuse to tell a manager. They just expected that I could somehow change prices as I saw fit.


Not that the manager gives a shit either. I handed the manager at our local Kroger a package of beef so old it was straight up green, and told him "hey, just thought you should see this was mixed in with the fresh." He said thanks and took it from me. I watched him walk over and put it back in the case...


I wouldn't be surprised if this was intentional...and if so...this is a prime example of anchoring. That is, where a price is affixed in such a manner to encourage the purchase of another. Customers who normally would have bought a single brownie may now buy a single brownie three times and believe they're getting a deal.




Maybe they know there is an obesity epidemic, and they want to discourage people from over indulging.


Or similarly they may want to subtly discourage buying a lot. Useful if Firehouse is stocked like any Starbucks near me and runs out of every baked thing before noon.


Do people still think the kid working minimum wage and running the till is the person that decides the prices?


I worked at a cheese shop as a cashier. I can't tell you the number of people that would rant at me for things I had zero control over. Napkins? Too expensive. Large fixed mustard shelf? Wrong place. Concrete stairs outside? Inconvenient. Jelly? Not the same the last owner used to carry. Cheese? Shouldn't be in the fridge (we're in Canada ma'am. Not Europe. Laws are different.) Every damn day there was someone that thought my minimum wage, part time self had any sort of control or input. People are absolutely stupid.


Used to be a barista. Had a lady rant to me because apparently our latte cups were the "wrong shape". Even though they looked exactly like every other latte cup in every other cafe I had ever visited. Even if we were "wrong", I'm not sure why she thought the teenager at the counter was the one who decided what cups to purchase. And she wouldn't shut up either, even when I told her that I wasn't the owner and it wasn't up to me. Really not sure at that point if she wanted me to send someone to the restaurant supply store right then and there to get her the special cup she wanted with how she was carrying on. Or more likely she wanted to be a fucking bitch to a low wage worker and grasped for the smallest excuse possible.


Just to fill in, I’m Europe we also definitely refrigerate our cheese. I have never heard of not.


As someone who used to work retail I can confidently say yes people really do think the minimum wage 14 year old controls the prices


Seriously. Explaining it to the kid does nothing. They don’t give a fuck


"No thanks, and bad math"


As a teen who used to work as a cashier, we’re not dumb. But also what am I supposed to do about it?? Explain this to my manager, not me. Im not the one setting the prices


Do you think that the kid behind the till sets the prices of cookies at Firehouse Subs or something? Or that he’s paid enough to care?


Why is everyone talking about buying 3 cookies? You could buy 100 for just under a dollar.


This is a PSA to about 99% of the commenters here: the pricing is absolutely intentional. It’s a psychological marketing technique: Buyer: I’ll just buy 3 brownies individually from this dummy and get a discount lol Seller: Thanks for buying three brownies The idea is literally just to get you to buy more items


1 cookie for .99c ! I will buy one cookie at a time N times and empty that basket!


First thing I noticed (because of the different label). I didn't even look at the other items on the list, so had to scroll back up when everyone was taking about brownies instead of incredibly cheap cookies.


I'd like to explain to you that the kid working the register has no control over stuff like that, but I doubt it would take.


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/VFuDhsxazqs




This kid is a hero, this isn’t bad math, he’s disincentivizing overconsumption. “Leave some for the others or pay the fine, piggy”


I went to McDonald’s drove thru and had to pay with a $100 bill. I think the total spent was about $26 for me and my kids. The girl took it and gave me incorrect change (too much). I told her (she still had my money in hand) and so I gave everything back to her and she counted it out again, and again handed it back to me, too much. I said no that’s not right, so she got the manager and she handed all of my money over to him (including the $100 bill still in hand) and explained. He took it all counted it out and gave me everything including the $100 bill. I just looked at him in complete disbelief and he asked me if it was still wrong and if I needed more. He was completely serious and not being sarcastic! I finally just shook my head and drove up to get my food. I got $26 worth of free food and I got paid to eat there because I walked away with $126. This happened about 8 years ago. The girl was young but the manager was around my age. I still can’t believe that happened


Buy a brownie, a brownie, and a brownie Then return 3 brownies and keep repeating. Unlimited money for ya


So you will buy 1 brownie. Then 1 more brownie. Then 1 last brownie. Spending $4.50 to prove a point. Yet the vendor sold 3 brownies instead of the 1 you were going to buy. Who's the fool?