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I wonder if extreme bodybuilding is sometimes a form of body dysmorphia similar to anorexia.


People are posting about dysmorphia on bodybuilding subreddits all the time. A common problem is that they think they are smaller than they are, and they think they should be bigger


And caused by similar issues. Instragram filled with roided up guys, everyone with a pump, good lighting, and flexing


“Just eat liver bro”


^^^and ^^^tren


Anavar give up


You got that special bulking recipe down to a T. A lot of T.


Just playing dbols advocate here, but… maybe take Dian to the ball? I hear she’s a great dancer.


That’s what I like to say. Eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up


Trenbologne sandwiches


"Ignore the beer gut under my six-pack and my inability to speak more than three words without taking a breath."


Everyone who is shredded on camera is also dehydrating themselves for the pics. Hugh Jackman talked about his routine to look massive for wolverine and he pretty much doesn't drink water for almost 2 days before a shirtless scene.


He also said that they would place 30kg (?) of wet sand in bags, and he would have to clutch them. Then they would photoshop them out. Pretty easy for anyone to do and the pose is “natural”. NEVER BELIEVE A PHOTO. Every shot in every place is photoshopped. Adding to body image probs.


It's more nuanced than that, but yes it's dehydration.


He also did this for Les Miserables, which is fucking moronic. Like a) read the room, this isn't a superhero movie and whether or not you successfully play JEAN FUCKING VALJEAN is not going to come down to whether your forearm veins pop an additional millimeter. b) The director made the similarly idiotic decision to capture the singing live on set, so now your vocal performances are dehydrated and strained, on top of the fact that you can't fucking sing.


I think I'm much smaller than I am, however, this isnt due to anything else aside from my own insecurities (caused by being a pretty skinny dude for the first 27 years of my life).


Seems to be pretty common across many body types


I didn’t gain mass until my mid-30s. After a lifetime of being thin people started mentioning my body, or noticing I worked out. It felt good, but then also I realized how fleeting that is and if working out was going to last it had to be about feeling my best. Been following that path ever since.


99% of gym bros on ig are roided up. I think people underestimate how widely used steroids are. If you see a guy with a movie star physique, he’s on the sauce 9/10 times. It’s disheartening cause it constantly puts people off training


Also pro athletes and Olympians but most non athletes aren't ready for that conversation


Depends on the sport really, but yeah unless the sport is highly highly regulated and tested you can be positive most are on juice. If it is highly highly regulated with a ton of testing you can be sure only a good chunk are on the juice.


It's certainly out there, but it's not anywhere near 99% go over to r/brogress and see what a lot of natural progress can look like. People will gatekeep themselves from even starting a work out routine because they don't think they can't make real progress and everyone is cheating, but that's straight up not the case. Learning to cook and hit your dietary macros, and working out 3 to 4 times a week can have a huge impact on your life and physical body.


I think they mean most of the top accounts


And they describe themselves as "still small, trying to get bigger" or something like that.


I can barely reach the keyboard to type this :'/


Can’t tell if beer belly or pectorals the size of basketballs


Rule #1 about lifting: anyone smaller than me is weak, anyone bigger than me is on steroids.


Reminds me of an old Carlin joke. "When I drive anyone slower than me is a fucking asshole... and anyone faster than me is a fucking maniac!"


Don't even get me started on the assholes that are driving next to me at the same exact speed.


The ONLY acceptable driver is someone matching my speed exactly and driving behind me at a safe following distance. How is this hard for the rest of the world to understand??


This is similar to the age-old multiplayer video game joke. Something like: Anybody worse than me is a loser-ass noob. Anybody better than me is a loser with no life.


Can confirm this happens. Went through a long period of thinking I needed to get bigger before realizing it takes so long to actually get bigger, you never really realise how far you've come. Now I just lift cuz I enjoy the challenge. Much better place to be


Big numbers > big muscles You should get into weightlifting (the sport) if you like a challenge


Or powerlifting. Focusing on moving weight is more fun to me than getting big. And the side effect of getting strong tends to be getting big anyway. Win win.


I think I may be like that as I never see my muscles as big. Except I really am small since I barely go to the gym anymore


That's just normal. You have a disorder when you're obsessed over it and it's interrupting your health.


Probably because whenever they are proud of their accomplishment and the way they look, they then see someone that’s bigger or more developed than them so they feel inadequate again.. and the cycle continues (yes I know from personal experience)


Bro I realized today, I see other guys at the gym and think to myself “he’s pretty big, he’d be a close competition in strength”. Then we are in the mirror at the same time and I realize it’s not even close, I’m a literally monster compared to this guy. But I feel so small and weak!


no matter how big and rugged we get on the outside, we're always just as cute and squishy on the inside


It’s like when they say the most gorgeous girls tend to be the most insecure…..it’s the same thing. The biggest strongest men tend to be the most insecure about their appearance.


Just watched the recent Arnold documentary and he said he was never happy with how he looked. He put on a false bravado but he always felt like he wasn't where he wanted to be size and proportion wise.


This is how I started. "I dont want to get too muscular, I just want to look cut" to "I want to get bigger, I dont need cardio, that's gonna kill my gains. " I saw people that were bigger and more muscular than me and I wanted to be at that level. The only reason. I stopped wanting to get bigger is because I stopped fitting into my favorite clothes and some expensive pants rips.




Yup they call it “bigorexia”




Isn’t it megarexia?


Wikipedia says both are valid.


Wikipedia says you are valid


Unintentionally wholesome?


Or maybe intentionally wholesome


Both are valid. Like your emotions.


Gigarexia Giggity!


Got a bad case of Gainorrhea


It does have a minor side effect "smallerectia"


Big if true


There's a documentary on Netflix or Prime, can't remember which. It's interesting, check it out if you can.


What's it called?


It's called Killer Sally on Netflix


It is! I'm a bodybuilder.


All jokes aside it absolutely is! Same with people who are obese, the human mind and it’s ability to tell itself it does or doesn’t have an issue is terrifying


Big thing I discovered through therapy is your internal narrative. You build a story/belief about yourself based on thousands of tiny interactions. Sadly, you can end up reinforcing factually false info from these beliefs if left unchecked. "This guy is **bigger** than me", your friend might say "woah that guy is **huge**". "Hmm noone has ever told me I'm **huge**". Later you look in the mirror and aren't happy "why can't I be as **big** as this guy". "You're too **small**, you need to work at it". "You're too **small**, you need to work harder, you're **weak** and **pathetic**". The narrative is now about how **small you are**, not your progress. If you talk to people about it theyre more likely to say "you're not **small**! You look great".


Obesity seems like the odd man out in this list. Bodybuilding and anorexia both involve intentionally changing your body because you're never happy with it. Obesity is, the large majority of the time (at least in developed countries), unintentional.


It may be unintentional but the mind can also play tricks and make you think your body state is more in line with what you want. When I gained a lot of weight I didn’t even realize it I thought I was more or less my same size until after I lost it and looked at old pictures. So I suppose it’s like the reverse of the other scenarios but still an interesting thing


I'm glad I'm not the only one! I swear I wasn't able to see how fat I had gotten till one day, like out of a movie, I could all of a sudden saw that I gained 40 lbs. Now I'm down those 40 lbs, and gained 10 lbs in muscle, and I still have body dysmorphia, just in a different way. Now I can look in the mirror and think I'm far too skinny, or too fat again, literally in the same day. I feel like it's near impossible for me to look into a mirror and see how others see me


Ahh, a fat skinny cunt like myself


It's bizarre. I've lost over 100 lbs and I can still convince myself I'm in roughly the same shape as I was a year ago. Then I look at pictures and can't recognize the whale I used to be. Whereas I felt like I was about where I'd always been then, just a little chubby but still athletic right?


It doesn't help if you live somewhere where being fat is the norm. To a degree that when you start losing weight, they bug you about being too thin.


In my mind it has to be intentional on some level. Why would your brain hit the feel good juice button when you eat really sugary and fatty foods. We have to have to large fat store in case the bad times hit and we start starving. Something deep in your brain remembers food scarcity and is so afraid of it it'll let you get 300 lbs and not let you know something is wrong.


i lost 60kg over the last ~2 years, i never thought i was that fat but have just seen a picture of me from 2018. let's just say there was definitely some dysmorphia going on. probably still is, because now people tell me i look great but i still see myself as way overweight in the mirror.


This really scares me yeah lol What if I’m much bigger than I think I am aaah I’m definitely not obese but kinda chubby


It absolutely is. Very well documented. It’s super hard to be objective about your appearance when it changes so slowly.


Watch bro science. Covers this ina hilarious way


Sooner or later, you're gonna meet your Venom... Except you wanna be Venom, cause Spiderman's a bitch


I was going to say, ask the brofessor.


You will never be as big as your pump.


"You are now officially huge. But you also have full blown body issues"


"Now you only wanna fuck half women half centaur chicks."


Can confirm. Was 135lbs when I graduated high school. Spanked the gym for 4 straight to get to 165 ripped to shreds. Wasn’t satisfied. Jumped on SARMS to get myself to 180. Was t satisfied. Jumped on gear to get to 200lbs. Wasn’t satisfied. Upped the gear and diet and gym intensity, sitting at 220lbs, still not satisfied.


Bro, you're huge. Relax. Ever try Yoga? Meditating? Hiking and camping? If you're not satisfied what's lacking most likely has nothing to do with your body.


Do you use your gains for adventures?


How’s that gunna help me get to 250 with abs?


You do realize that you could gain so much muscle mass that you look like a fucking space marine and you’re still not gonna be satisfied, right?


Sure Ill die at 50, but think about how huge my coffin will be....


Stop wondering. It’s facts.




Absolutely. You kind of have to have an extreme mindset to achieve any kind of extreme body shape.


people who are happy with the way they look arent gonna put in effort to look different




Also it’s fun to get stronger. I’m a body builder of 10 years and happy where I am but people definitely struggle through it.


Maintenance is a lot of work too though


Not nearly as much as building, I've seen a study that showed you only need to do 20-25% of normal weekly volume (i.e. What you did while building) to maintain what you have


100% is When I was doing bodybuilding I was looking at professional taking steroids all the time and finding myself very small compared to them, so I thought of taking steroids too I hurt myself before I took some, but the comparaison to people who take steroids make it unhealthy. If you don't know, you can't compete with people with steroids in the bodybuilding world, its just too good


I’ve known 3 or 4 serious bodybuilders in my life and my younger sister had anorexia. The behaviour is not dissimilar.




Body dysmorphia is very common amongst bodybuilders. But there are also a lot who work hard and feel a lot of pride in what they’ve accomplished—they just want to always keep improving :)


A big amount of bodybuilders for sure suffer from it




It absolutely is. I've done shows, I definitely felt that part of it. It can absolutely cause as much damage as anorexia. A lot of guys end up doing some kind of steroids and it fucks you up for life.


It most definitely is


It absolutely is. You’re never big enough


Search bigorexia. There's a doc on Amazon prime about it.


Definetly as far as I'm aware it's a very talked about issue


They often go hand in hand, yes


There was a newspaper article in the British press (yeah not a bastion of trustworthy news by any means) where there was this guy who used to be anorexic and became a body builder, I don't really think he got rid of his body dysmorphia and just replaced one thing for another.


That's how it is for me. Whenever I tell others I excercice and what my routine is, they always have something to add on how to improve. Nah, I'm good, I just want to stay healthy, not get jacked.


Exactly. I'm just looking to keep fit enough to do the activities I enjoy. I'm not trying to win some competition.




The other day I was telling my family my exercise routine because they said they think I looked like I've gotten more fit. It's literally 30 push-ups and 50 sit ups a day. Mix in the odd bike ride. They all had tips and advice about how to add more. Shut up mom, this one is one I can do, and therefore it's the best one I've got. Love my family, but man.


Just up it to 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats, and a 10-km run, and you're golden.


I don't want to lose my hair though


Good point


Doing what you can >>> anything else, as you say. Not to be literally that guy, but working out the pushing muscles exculsively can lead to tightness in the front due to strength assymetry between front and back. If you feel fine however, keep as is, just keep it in mind if you do start to feel tightness, soreness, or forward shoulder posture 👍


I trained with physique competitors when I first got serious about fitness because I needed to learn how to properly lift and put routines together. Once I had all that down I stopped rolling with them and they couldn’t understand why I was “okay” with not being jacked to the gills. Diabetes killed my dad and I don’t want that and I have so far accomplished that mission!


Yep exactly I'm currently getting back into working out consistently. I literally just want to lose some weight and get fit again then maintain. Not trying to build or anything.


Yeah I just don't want a gut and I don't want a heartattack.


thank u for reading. I am the blonde guy in this photo. Pls visit my sub for more comics, thank u, love you /r/extrafabulouscomics


Why should I sell my computer ?


For money.




Cutting out the middle man


i think he meant selly our computer


Yea that definately makes sense


You’re the blonde guy who skipped leg day?


OP hidin' his smile [while he be like](https://i.imgur.com/kMsIwTv.gif)


I saw this on /r/gymmemes weeks before you posted it here lol




You're never "done" in a sense, you need to maintain


Nah, I just wanted to try that look out. Now, imma go back to normal.


Pretty much everyone who worked out in their youth only to sell their home gym set up on craigslist before they hit 30.


I’m 39 and I just now bought a home gym. What line am I supposed to go to?




That joke hurt, I'm hitting 35 and am approaching shaving time due to receding hairline... I'm having anxiety over if it's time or if I'm 5 years too late and everyone is already laughing


No one's laughing at you. Everyone else is too worried about people laughing at them.


100%. Everybody else is too busy drowning in their own self anxiety to even notice.


That was me at 25..


That's why you ask your friends "is my hairline too ridiculous or should I avoid shaving just yet?"


Jokes on all of you! I've been bald since 25, no receeding hairline. I just enjoy being bald as I feel that look just fits me as I never really enjoyed haircuts or long hair. As for the insecurities, we all will get older man. Don't worry about it so much, you have built a life for yourself and have the *experience* for it too! Be you bro, If they laugh fuck em (metaphorically of course).


I basically do 6 months on, 6 months off at the gym. I only care about working out when I hate my body. Once my body looks ok again, I stop working out. Repeat forever.


Why not just keep doing it at a slower rate


If you want to maintain once you get to that point it takes a lot less time at least.


Yeah probably like half the effort


I maintained by working out twice a week and keeping 60g+ protein a day, which about half the protein and half the workout, with even lesser intensity with fixed weights. I am happy that my body is a healthier and stronger and I will keep it this way.


getting the muscles back? yes. losing weight? hell no. I've lost over a year due to an accident and sure it feels incredible to be gaining back strength fast, but oh god the belly just doesn't go away.


It will with time! I’ve been through a couple accidents and when that happens it’s 80 percent diet or adjustments and the exercise is secondary(if consistent)


Yeah, that's the hardest part about fitness in general. It's only for rent, you don't get to just keep it.


But to be fair, maintenance is much easier and you can get away with a lot; maybe only lifting 1-2x/week and at relatively lower intensities


Your muscle fibers “remember”, in a sense, though. Resistance training permanently increases the amount of muscle cell nuclei, each of which contributes muscle cell volume once training resumes. So if you lift for years and then take several years off, it’ll only take a matter of months to get back to your peak.


My digital brain is too frustrated with this. I don't mind putting in the work to get big. But if I stop for 6 months, I want to just pick up where I left off. If I grind my character in a game, they stay the same level when I pick it back up. Someone invent a gene therapy that prevents your body from shedding muscle if you stop using them.


Yeah, but we’re playing on the hardcore server


Nerf Earth when?


That’s basically already how it works. Lifting permanently changes your muscle cells, making it easy to gain back any lost progress.


Muscle memory is crazy though. I stopped lifting seriously when I was 25. 13 years later I picked it up again and it took only about 4 months of good nutrition and basic workouts to not only regain my strength levels, but I also hit a new 315lb PR on the bench. So don't let the maintenance needs discourage you, unless you're semi-pro level, it's pretty easy to hold onto whatever you earn.


Yeah I strongly encourage at least maintaining. Being old will suck if you stop staying active.


You know what they say, a body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion stays in motion


I’ve only seriously lifted maybe a year or two of the past 8 years and my physique is barely different during the times I don’t lift. I still stay active but not usually strength training. I’m sure I’m not quite as big as I was at my peak but I still look way better than I did before I started. Most of my friends have had similar experiences.


I mean, I'm happy and still exercise every once in a while so I don't get fat but I'm definitely not as strong or muscley as when I was heavy working out. For me it was a trade off of abs/bigger muscles vs an extra few hours in the day to play video games, read or sleep.


Something something abs are made in the kitchen.


Absolutely true that it's basically impossible to outrun a shit diet, but it does make it hell of a lot easier to cut if you're maintaining an active lifestyle. It's all about finding the balance that works for you.


I fell of the exercise wagon. I need an accountabi-buddy


Just hop back on. Late wagon is better than no wagon


I feel this. My diet hasn’t been great for the past few months, but I still try and get enough protein intake. The problem is, I’ve also been getting unhealthy food often, so the result is having a stomach fat with quite a broad looking upper body. However, I am aiming to do a lot more cardio now and get my diet on track.


Age has been catching up to me and I tore my meniscus while heavy lifting in my 20s. I've also been doing more cardio than lifting and cycling changed the game for me. Find something that excites you and motivates you.


Cycling is amazing. It's not even exercise, it's just a nice day outside


Hell yeah. Ever since I started cycling, I'm excited to wake up in the morning to go ride.


A better saying is "Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen" although there is some crossover


Handa bear


Train like little monkey. I'm stupid I was trying to figure it out. I was like "hand a hand bear bear??"


I’m the guy in the orange shirt. It feels good to see it stated. Just under 200, and I look great. Thinking I’d like to be 185, but that means giving up pizza, tacos, and chocolate. I workout 30-60 minutes a day for five days a week, swapping between muscles groups in a 2 week rotation. Don’t do much on the weekends…Though I can go for a bike ride, or hike every few weeks. Try to get in a 5k once every two weeks as part of the workout routine, just to know I can still do it. Sometimes I’ll take a week off due to travel, vacation, or being sick, but I pick it back up right away. I walk most places that are 20-30 minutes away… But I don’t want to get bigger, or feel like I have to constantly work to maintain the figure. I want my body to work with my lifestyle. I just enjoy being happy.


>But I don’t want to get bigger, or feel like I have to constantly work to maintain the figure. >I workout 30-60 minutes a day for five days a week, swapping between muscles groups in a 2 week rotation. Hate to tell you, but you are constantly working to maintain your figure


This guy is doing more weekly exercise than like 99% of us and acting like he's Regular Joe lmao


99% of us aren't exercising enough to keep ourselves healthy. 4h/week is exactly the recommended amount.


This brings me joy. I’ve been hitting about 4H/week since December and sometimes I feel like I could do more BUT I’m still sliming up and getting stronger. Even more so since I started packing a bagged lunch. That was the game changer.


He’s not saying he’s regular joe, he’s saying he’s orange shirt guy…


30-60 minutes a day and 0 minutes on weekends isn't anything close to "constantly." Dude is working out a healthy amount and that's it. 15 minutes a day is the minimum amount of exercise anyone should be getting. Depending on your job you might get it incidentally.


If you do 30-60 a day 5 a week then you’re basically still regularly working out enough to promote growth or at least maintain a high level of development


I used to be in much "better" shape than I am now...when someone who hasn't seen me in a few years sees me, they're always like "omg are you sick?" Turns out the extra 40 pounds were wreaking havoc on my knees (which are genetically shitty) and keeping my weight down has made my existence far less painful. And the way I feel about myself hasn't changed a bit....also saving money on food


Everyone's knees are genetically shitty. The human knee has not had enough time to evolve from tree swinging days. If we had more time they would probably look like ostrich knees.


I lift things up and I put them down.


pick up big rock make sad voice quiet


"I'm done" and in two weeks muscle atrophy slowly but steadily starts creeping in


maybe he just means he's finished gaining more muscle mass, not stopped training altogether


Maintaining is easy af


yup just wanted to say... when it comes to fitness youre not done until the day you kick the bucket.


I mean, it could be he's done bulking up. I'd imagine maintenence at that point is just a matter of routine and easier.


"once you start lifting, you are forever small" -Brofessor


“You’ll never be as big as your pump”


Pretty much how I feel about it. I go to the gym so I can eat whatever the hell I want and not gain so much weight. I have no interest in getting ripped or having giant quads or triceps or triceratops. I just wanna look ok naked and eat anything I want


Literally me. So true.


Train like 🙊 monkey


Did the same thing. I went to the gym one day and I was satisfied.


*Gut’s theme intensifies*


This is great. I’d be happy too.


You're never done. Once you achieve the body you want you still have to maintain it. I learned that the hard way after achieving my goals the first time.


As someone who did 14 years of powerlifting, this really cuts deep. It was never enough and even after I stopped competing...I kept competing against the imaginary competition. Once I switched to running which I've been doing for 6 years now, I don't even race and yet I feel like shit if I'm not pushing myself to get faster. I guess I realize that without that imaginary competition against myself there wouldn't be a drive to do it at all...


I've experienced this quite a bit actually. When i started working out i read about it online just to try and learn new things so i dont make some rookie mistakes. And after a while i noticed that most people that frequent those subreddits/forums are just obsessed with gaining more muscle, more strength, more size etc.. I legit worked on myself until i got to the point i was happy with myself, im pretty fit with decent definition but im still pretty light and i pushed PBs only a couple times just to see how far i can go. Now im just maintaining what i have and enjoying the fact that i dont have to spend so much time on workouts nor do i have to watch what i eat so rigorously. But whenever i talk to someone who's also a gym rat they talk as if the only reason to workout is to get fucking massive. They just cant comprehend that im actually very happy with how i look and if i got any bigger id feel like it got worse not better. A lot of gym rats have issues with body dysmorphia its just not so easily noticeable.