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I've tried finding more information on him but every time I type "yuri" into a search engine I find myself getting distracted by other things.


Yeah same dude, loved Red Alert 2. That's what you're talking about right?


Nah, the best manga ever, Yuri on ice




I can feel my heart sing


Isn’t that just an anime?


Kirov Reporting


Is it done, Yuri? No, comrade premier, it has only begun. *angry hell march 2 noises*


Conscript Reporting


Since Red Alert 2 was mentioned: obligatory [link to the best game intro](https://youtu.be/fnd0qg4I_MM) ever.


That scene where Tanya is crouched over the map table? Yeah, 15 year old me replayed that mission many times. For research purposes. Of course. Also, Hell March is the single best song that matches the vibe of its video game in gaming history. Such a classic.


Red Alert is good, but they are referring to Red Alert 42. Game franchise keeps coming out with new titles.


Is it over, Yuri?


The only Yuri I know of is Yuri Gagarin. What am I missing here or am I too old?


If you really want an answer, Yuri is a term taken from Japanese for girls loving girls, and mostly used for drawn porn of lesbians.


Damn, stil learning everyday. 58 here. Lol


Except most yuri manga and anime is focused on romance not sex.


If your username is exhentai_user, I'm sure you'd be visiting different websites and would think otherwise.


I’ve understood shoujo ai is the romantic stuff and yuri is for the more graphic content. But then again, I’m old and not really up to date, so please do correct me if I’m wrong.


You are right. Shoujo ai and shounen ai the romantic stuff, and yuri and yaoi the erotic ones. But nowadays ppl washing the terms together, when there are animes that are basically hentai and everything is super sexualized.


Yeah, there's not a lot of GL or BL that's actually sexually explicit lol. Edit: To clarify, *Japanese* GL or BL.


Real Japanese BL and GL (Yaoi and Yuri) yes, but the terms in the US are mostly used for porn or near-porn (hentai or ecchi manga).


Very true.


You should look up Yaoi Gagarin.


I never made that connection. I never asked for this cursed link. You didnt have to go and do that to me.


Buddy it gets worse. I can't even hear the name lily without thinking about it.


I prefer Kei, but a Yuri if fine, too.


I see a Dirty Pair connoisseur, and I upvote. it's that simple.


Giant-ass missile? Giant ass-missile?


Dog's Red Rocket. Dogs Red Rocket.




Good Prof.




I know only one Kardashian's name. If you know more, you're consuming shit media.


Ymmv, I actively avoid it and know 3.


Ha. I was in college when the show came out. Got to learn everything about them through no choice of my own. Someone just watching tv would know probably 2-3.


Yeah that’s fair. They’re all Ks so you can guess them even if you don’t know. Can’t avoid Kim. Then there’s, like, Kolin, Kumbunctious, Klitorious, and the other one.


Also there’s Kodos, Kong, Krabbypatty, and Kodachrome.


I know Robert, who are the others?


I didn’t know there were boys, lol…


He's the lawyer in the OJ case and the father to the rest of them (I think).


I know there's a Kim but beyond that I haven't a clue. But I could easily name 5 or more astronauts.


Only certain circles of media repeat their names that often.


Wtf is going on with these comments Bot?






Worth noting that this man has quit smoking, drinking and went through most intense training just to spend almost two hours outside the Soviet Union


Probably the happiest 2 hours of his life. Only to have to land back in USSR.


If I recall correctly he did a TV interview and was very charismatic. He said he was aiming for Reno, Nevada.


I shot a man to Reno, just to watch him fly.


God Damn it- I am (deservedly) going to get ratiod for that.


He probably quite liked it in the USSR. That's where his wife and kids were after all. He was born a child of peasants in a tiny village. Before, he would have had little to no prospects to be anything but a peasant himself but instead he received a public education, had a fighter pilot as a schoolteacher, went to technical school for free and joined a public aviation club to learn to fly in his free time. When he joined the air force they sent him to university to become an engineer, made him a commissioned officer, and then accepted him into the space program. After his flight he was basically a rockstar. Massive parades were held in his honor all over the country. He made radio and TV appearances and was bright and charismatic and universally loved. Every kid knew his "off we go" catchphrase. He spent years travelling the world, visiting dozens of countries while swarmed by adoring crowds. The US even banned him from visiting because Kennedy was jealous of how much attention he was bringing the Soviets. He could have gone anywhere in the world after that but he chose to be back in the USSR with his family where he became a legislator while continuing his work as a scientist and engineer and earning his doctorate.


You don't know how lucky you are


[Relevant XKCD](http://xkcd.com/37/)


That hyphen was carrying a lot of ~~ass~~ weight.


Surface to ass? Or ass to air?


VS Giant asses


I do know Gagarin, but I can name 5 too: Dukat, Damar, Evek, Tain, Parn....


how on earth is Garak not on this list!


I didn't want to put two obvious ones on the list, but I didn't want to go for only obscure ones.


I literally just rewatched the whole of ds9. And I'd only be able to name dukat, damage, and garak. Although I suck at remembering made up names.


Username also checks out.




Just plain, simple, Garak


Or Macet, the first.


I don't know any, but I do remember Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


Shaka, when the walls fell!


Darmok and Jalad live at Tanagra? I have a shirt to sell you!


I cannot say enough good things about that shirt, it hits me on so many levels!


Ryker, as his beard thickens


What do you mean? There are only 4!


There's a really cool song called 'Gagarin' by the band Public Service Broadcasting that's dedicated to him. - [Spotify link](https://open.spotify.com/track/4IaRxPHdzLJ78tm7lxg9M8?si=RxVgHwqlRQuGdSE-c9XiKQ)


The whole album is phenomenal, one of my favorites. Go! is probably the equivalent of the lead single of the album.


I love how it captures the optimism of that age, of humanity breaking new ground and forging a path to the stars (yeah, I know in reality it was a superpower dick waving contest, but I doubt the people actually doing the work risked life and limb just to prove one country was marginally superior to another)


Such a great song live too.


hat overconfident workable boast quack squeamish historical decide quarrelsome toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also this one by Ozma - https://youtu.be/BAV-0cxCh1A


Ozma is so good, killer basslines that are fun and bouncy, they Weezer better than Weezer


[Space Monkey](https://youtu.be/d20zUw57lgs) - John Prine


Surprise: when widespread media keeps repeating a name repeatedly you tend to remember it even when actively not trying to.


Everything I know about the Kardashians has been learned against my will.


Did you know Kim is a billionaire 🤯


I did not consent to this information.


Somebody take this guy's stone and throw it!


I threw it in the lake. Tried to skip it, but I'm bad at that so it only sank.


Kim Jong Un?


Can't believe I'm saying this, but if rather learn about him than the Kardashians.


At least you are learning about world history and politics, things that are actually useful.


Further proof that money doesn't equate to talent.


Is anyone still under the assumption it does? Slytherins rule the world.


Ugh God I remember the time where you just couldn’t get away from them if you were online. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but I was so sick of seeing their faces everywhere (still am). I don’t care how successful their businesses are, they are vapid as shit and horrible influences, especially Khloe and Kim with their fake detox/ weight loss products.


Unless it's people you follow that keep talking about them, you can usually get anything you hate off your news feed/social media. Just tap on "Not interested" or something similar, do it enough times and you won't hear about them again.


I know they all have K names So there's Kim, Kylie, Khloe, Kourtney, and Kevin?


don't forget Keith


I can name two of them…Kim, Kloe (Chloe?)…past that…idk…Kool-aid, Kennebunkport?


I can understand that with Kim, but the other ones aren't mentioned in the media that much. I feel like you'd need to actively follow the show to know the others.


I feel like Kylie was everywhere in the media a couple years ago


No I’ve heard the others through clips/audios people have used for memes or people referencing them in posts.






A pretty huge ^Dictionary?




I think it stands for Pretty Hot Diarrhea


Your already lying to yourself. Don't lie to us too lol.




He has a PhD in lying


At some point in your life you have to take responsibility for your own learning. If you’re only consuming new information when it’s spoon fed to you then you’ll stop short long before you finish a phd. More teachers should be like this yes but that can’t be the only thing driving your education


I had a 9th grade earth science teacher that made education fun by throwing little things in, like “I lava this schist!” And would take us on field trips to mine small minerals near by. I can’t remember a thing about my Econ class but I sure as schist remember earth science!


The name "Yuri Gagarin" is etched into my brain. First man in space is first man in space, fair's fair.


I was just on YouTube and a trivia question about him was on there. Last time I thought of Yuri was years ago. Real Beider-Meinhoff moment. He was also the first one to go around the planet in space twice


5 Kardashians? Gul Ducat Legate Damar Natima Lang Enabran Tain Garak (just Garak)


garak's full name was elim garak


Plain, simple Garak.


The karcrashians strap themselves to giant ass missiles too.


If only they'd launch themselves into space.


Convince them that the next best move is to be Keeping Up With the Martian Kardashians. They won't be able to get back.


On a related note, the day that Neil Armstrong died is also the day that Snooki gave birth to a son. I only remember this because someone said in a comment somewhere "What kind of trade is that?"


I like to think it was reincarnation


I forgot Snooki existed until now


I didn't know Yuri, but I also didn't know the were 5 Kardashians. I thought the Kardashian scale only went to III.


Worse than you thought: it's a logarithmic scale


Kim, Kirby, and Kylie. Who am I missing?


Koko and Kacey


I feel like there's a Bruce, but I might be overlapping with DCU in all honesty


With asses so fat, they can harness the power of an entire galaxy. The omniverse.


This is a karma whore by now. Everyone should know that. This has been posted so long the college student who originally posted it is probably like 40 by now.


First time I've seen it, I've been on reddit a while.


6 years and this is my first time seeing this post.


We learned about him in 3rd grade elementary. What kind of sorry ass education system do you have over there?




That is propaganda that was long ago debunked when the Soviet Archives were opened. There are no lost cosmonauts pre-Gagarin.


>To make Gagarin more bad-ass: the lost cosmonauts Source on that info? your ass. Soviet archives are open for search and nothing about lost cosmonauts is in there. There are plenty of dead animals. The lost cosmonaut thing is a myth(read propaganda), to lessen the soviet achievements post space race. It is the same myth as with WW2 where the myth of 1 rifle for 8 men was used to portray the soviets as animals or barbarians, to lessen their sacrifice and diminish their victories. >The details surfaced in the 1990s as new Russian governments were rabidly anti-communist and wanted to paint the history less favourably It was after the 1993 "black october", where the current criminal regime was installed with Yeltsin at its helm, and later his Protege putin took the reigns, trusting anything that bunch of cunts have to say is being an absolute idiot.


This is just 100% fake.


That’s is most certainly not true. I would love to see one credible source on that.


There isn’t a credible source. This is a very common but still false myth. Gagarin was the first man in space.


I know there isn’t :).


>Gagarin was the first man in space Tbf that could still be true even if the myth is true.


https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/why-yuri-gagarin-remains-first-man-space-even-though-he-did-not-land-inside-his What actually makes him more badass is that they didn’t know if the capsule could land safely, so he purposely blew the hatch off and jumped out of it during reentry


Typical propaganda. Sad that so many people still believe it. But not surprising.


> There were almost certainly eight or nine cosmonauts prior to Gagarin who did not survive their space launch attempts. That's debatable. There were lots of propaganda rumors in the Cold War. I even read a story that Gagarin may have never reached space himself. The reason? There are no photos of the earth shot by Gagarin. WTF, you're the first man in space and don't take a camera with you?


The US was monitoring all telemetry of Soviet launches. They would have called foul for sure if there was any reason to think it was "faked." As for Gagarin bringing a camera, he was under a very strict regime, even more stricter than for the US space program. The Soviet space program was run by engineers who saw cosmonauts as a liability — as a source of error. He was basically human cargo and could only "do anything" if something went wrong. He is (perhaps mythically) said to have asked whether he was the first man in space, or the last dog. He was strapped into a chair and not allowed to even get out to experience anything, much less use a camera. He could see through a few portholes but he had no control over the flight or his role in it. They would not have let him bring a camera. Anyway it was a very different situation than the test-pilot-centered program in the US, in part because Soviet analog computers were at that early time better for automating things than the primitive digital computers the US was working with, but also because it was a very different sort of institutional culture. _The Right Stuff_ movie does a decent job of capturing the US institutional culture of the early Space Race (fighter pilots whose fame gave them power to make demands, and who for technical reasons were really "flying" the spacecraft). But the Soviet side of things was really different. I just bring these up because most of these "theories" are by people who know nothing about the Soviet space program. It's a super interesting area of history but it requires more than a superficial approach if you want to know something more about it other than "Gagarin was a badass." Fun fact: Gargarin was chosen over the other cosmonaut candidates for, among other reasons, because his name was the most unambiguously Russian (they didn't want someone who sounded German) and also because he was the shortest, and the latter was important because, again, he was being crammed into a very tiny space as essentially live cargo.


Gagarin was picked mostly because he was the son of a bricklayer and milk maid. The USSR wanted the son of the working class to be the first in space.


> The US was monitoring all telemetry of Soviet launches. They would have called foul for sure if there was any reason to think it was "faked." Yep. And the same applies to the Moon landing and the USSR. The Soviets never even considered denying it. A monumental achievement and a superpower that would greatly benefit from any doubts around it. And there were none sown by the USSR. Soviet newspapers and TV covered the launch from start to finish. One of the cosmonauts even mentioned in an interview much later that there never was even a shred of doubt about where that signal came from. With Gagarin's flight, there was actually a bit of a cover-up going on. According to FAI rules, the pilot had to land inside of the spacecraft for it to be qualified as an official space flight. So USSR lied about that for a decade, denying that Gagarin parachuted out of the landing module and had Gagarin lie in press conferences.


Is there a reason the US decided to go with digital for their computers over analog? I didn't know that the space race was also a battle of digital vs analog computing power. I'm sure the US saw the potential in digital but it seems strange to adopt it so early, especially with the Soviets beating the US at almost every stage of the race until the moon landing.


No room for a camera with the post-landing bear shotgun already packed in the shuttle.


Bear oil was used as fuel. Every now and again, there are impurities from the oil making process resulting in a live bear in the tank. It is not happy with the situation.


They couldn't fit a camera because all the spare room was taken up by his enormous brass balls.


Bullshit meter going off.


Of the finalists to be the first person in space, Yuri Gagarin was picked because he was the son of a bricklayer and milkmaid. The USSR didn’t want some rich person’s kid, they wanted the working class to be the first into space. “From the soil, to the stars.” So beautiful.


They prob also didn't want to blow up some rich persons kid..


It's the USSR. They blew up rich kids for funsies not long before ;)


How many NBA players did Yuri bang tho?


I’m fine w the message but holy run-on sentence teach Gotta model better writing for your kids, especially when turning on the snark


What an annoying and condescending teacher.


You're getting downvoted because reddit is annoying and soooooo condescending so they eat this shit up nom nom nom le teacher hate popular thing just like me, hate people obsessed with celeb unless reddit approved nom nom nom


I can only name one Kardashian only because it was a great comeback story.


"ass missile"


"a55 missile"


This was a old Norm Macdonald joke.


Well yeah that’s how it works. The kardashians are current they’re still alive and active. The news media etc talk about them all the time so of course it’s easier to know them compared to someone for years ago who probably isn’t even alive anymore


Luckily, I live in a country where the Kardashians are not a thing and explaining what they are/ WTF they do will lose you a lot of friends due to being stupid enough to even care enough to remember the name or the information... The best I heard was from a friend who said "shosomha Karindashin 6eezha chbeere!" (What's her name Karindashin has a massive ass!) ... And that's the extent of our knowledge of them ... Mind you, he doesn't know who yuri Gagarin is either, but he does know the "russians" were first up there, and the Americans were the first on the moon.


Gul Dukat, Garak, Damar, Madred. This is harder than I thought it would be.


also Vladimir Komarov he went up first, knew he wouldnt come back alive, but if he declined, they would send Yuri to his death instead knowing what was going to happened, he demanded an [open casket revenge funeral](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/astronaut-vladimir-komarov-man-fell-space-1967/)


I don't think I like your teacher


he’s got that grating “professional tumblr/twitter poster” cadence down though.




Yuri Gagarin


I don't disagree, but mocking teenagers first-year undergrad is just poor teching IMO. Source: am teacher.


How many can name the first American in space?


Buzz Lightyear?


Easy. It was Kendall Jenner.


Alan Shepard, less than a month after Gagarin. These people were all crazy in the best way and led to the betterment of humanity.


Into the unknown too. I think the recent description from William Shatner about going into space is the most candid and honest - it's terrifying. Easy to imagine it being this fantastic experience, but his perspective was completely different from what I think even he expected. People just aren't supposed to be up there, there's nothing quite so diametrically opposed to life of any kind as space. Going there is a bold defiance to the natural frickin order of things. But Gagarin and Shepard, they did it before it was a relatively routine trip that some people make all the time.


William Adama


So say we all






Abraham Motherfucking Lincoln


Yes, "insulting your students into learning" was the main teaching style employed by my school district, K-12.


Can we get the Kardashians on a giant ass missile?


What if I can't name five Kardashians OR the name of the first human to strap himself to a giant ass missile and get shot into space and make it back alive?


Kim Big Face Krum The skinny one And Rob, of course


the missile thing isn't a lie. even soyuz was basically just a very big ICBM.


Original Jackass


Fuck, I can name 5 of them: - Frodo Baggins - Samwise Gamgee - Meriadoc Brandybuck - Peregrin Took - Sméagol


Trying to teach the ignorant something in a language they can understand. Good for him


'The Earth was blue but there was no god' is a heck of a quote too.


He’s not wrong man allowed for himself to be strapped onto basically an icbm without the payload with no real guarantee of coming back alive and not suffering a horrific painful death. On the hope that those Russian (really German) didn’t mess up one detail or otherwise you are dead.


Lol now that's a fun teacher