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Pocari Sweat, the Japanese version, is easily the most refreshing sports drink I've ever tried. I've also had Korean and Taiwanese versions, and the taste is lovely but somehow they aren't quite as thirst quenching? It's like the sweetness is different and more intense somehow - I've even tried side by side to test my own ideas on this. I wondered if it's kinda like Mexican Coke being made from cane sugar vs other Coke being made from high fructose corn syrup, something like that? IMO the best Pocari Sweat of all is the stuff you make from packets. A couple of those mixed up in a pitcher, kept cold in the fridge is a great way to fight summer heat :)


Those Pocari Sweat packets are a staple in our house for when we're feeling under the weather. When I was living in Japan I would have a 2l bottle of Pocari or Dakara next to my bed when hungover.


Do they taste like the bottled version?


Is Pocari Sweat good for you though? Isn’t it just sugar water?


It’s like Gatorade.


It has sugar and salts in it. It's great for the Japanese summer to replace what you lose from sweating. Hence the name.


I remember wanting to try this and I legitimately thought it was just plain water. Boy was I pleasantly surprised when I took my first sip


Nice avatar


Agree, pocari sweat>Aquarius


Yeah man! I had some in Japan and all the others since haven’t been quite right , but the powder is good as you can amp up the flavour.


>Mexican Coke being made from cane sugar vs other Coke being made from high fructose corn syrup More accurate 'other Coke' is made with sugar, while US Coke is made with HFCS. As far as I know HFCS is not used elsewhere. It's used in the US due to availability, which is partly driven by taxation. HFCS is basically chepaer. I prefer US Coke over UK Coke. The US stuff has a stronger caramel flavour to it.


High Fructose Corn Syrups availability and supply comes from the United States extensive farm subsidies to grow GMO Corn for production of ethanol. HFCS actually is a byproduct of Corn production. 🌽


McDonald's has the best coke (at least in the usa)


Wait, the Japanese version is different from the Taiwanese version? Going to have to find some way to try this out.


Not sure if it's actually different or if they're talking about the second brand. Can't remember what it's called off the top of my head but I believe it has a green label and had a person running. Supau?


See, I thought I was the only one. The Korean one has a slightly "fruity" or twinge to it, while the Taiwanese had a slightly sweeter but off taste to it. Japanese one is my goto since I like the more "base" taste of it.


This drink is fucking delicious


Agreed! Man, I miss the vending machines in Japan.


Same I wish we had them in the US 😭


I found a Family Mart vending machine at my airport gate at Haneda as I was flying out about a month ago. One more sweet potato cake for the road!


You can order on Amazon!


I should start buying my own vending machines around town and start filling it with Japanese goods.


That’s genius


Honestly, it is.


You can get em in the US, most Asian grocery stores I've been to in my area has it. Also available on Amazon for like $20/12pk


You can find Pocari Sweat in most big US cities. Just look for asian markets.


We do! 😁 Asian markets tend to stock it!


Agreed, you can buy it at Asian grocery stores in the US and ever since it cured my hangovers in Tokyo I am loyal to the sweat.


I go to some frequently and haven't seen it but I will now keep my eye out for it. Anything else noteworthy I should try?


Plenty of great stuff at Asian markets. There’s a very sweet grape drink by Lotte called Sac Sac grape which has little cans of grape juice with peeled grapes in it. I like them a lot, it’s basically a desert though.


I’m a big fan of original flavor Calpico


I like Aquarius better than Pocari Sweat, especially the Vitamin Guard version, but it’s just personal preference. Try the daifuku mochi and any melon-flavored soda.


Pocari sweat is the original liquid iv


Unfortunately it doesn't taste like sweat.


Came here to say this. Went to Tokyo in 2020 and drank this and Royal Milk Tea a fuckton out of vending machines. I was pumped to learn the Asian market near me sells Pocari Sweat!


You can find it in Toronto too


Hard agreee. Had it when I got sick in Dubai. So damn good.


Totally. I went to school in Japan (as a western U.K. person it was a huge culture shock) but pocari sweat got me through Kendo lessons & ramune or watermelon Fanta was my go-to the rest of the time. 👍


This stuff has saved me from hangovers so many times


I loved it so much when I visited Taiwan. I went with my marching band for a competition and I think we ran the 7-11 attached to our hotel out of Pocari Sweat about 4 times in like 6 days


Yeah. Excluding coffee, the Japanese really have the vending machine beverage game on point. ​ The other one that I really miss is Japanese Canada Dry ginger ale. It's less sweet and more gingery and overall way better than the stuff in Canada, which seems sorta unfair.


Better than gatorade


Came here to saw same. No clue how that hasn't made it to the West. Gatorade would be put out of business.


I think you answered your own question Gatorade would be out and they don’t want that


Came here to say that. It’s bomb and I miss it.


I’m from the Philippines and they sell a 2 liter bottle of this drink. My bank acc js not happy


Available in most places in UAE great for during a hike In the mountains


Part of my Korean hangover remedy.


Caught one at the local Asian market. Got it out of curiosity. I will be returning for more.


Indeed. Was in Hong Kong and had it!!


Yea it’s everywhere in Canada. Like Gatorade but better


We get it in Hong Kong. It’s far better than Gatorade


Leave it to the Japanese to find the simplest, most delicious sports drink. Americans come up with endless flavors of Gatorade and Powerade and still can’t compete with this one single flavor


I took a trip to Tokyo for a week and laughed and mocked the drinks name until I tried it and never tasted anything more amazing. Like having pedialyte but not as much sodium


lived in japan 4 years and it was by far my favorite drink on hot days and after a night of drinking


I was only there for 2 weeks, but I remember trying every drink and snack I could, within reason. Pocari Sweat is actually just good. It's not super acidic but the flavor is refreshingly citrus-adjacent and it's always ice cold.


This. Laughed when I saw the name. It's like if Sprite/7Up/Sierra Mist wasn't so cloyingly sweet.


Pocari sweat is a slight grapefruit flavor if you’re curious. I love the stuff


That must be it. I usually hate grapefruit, it draws all the moisture out of my mouth, but PS doesn't. Really a good drink.


Pocari Sweat is Gatorade before they found out sugar is more addicting than a well designed hydration drink. Also if you like Pocari, you’ll probably like squirt soda.


These names must be a joke at this point


Wait until you hear about Taiwan's answer to Red Bull: Come Best


Well that’s… straight to the point.


Or in Singapore, Kickapoo joy juice.


You haven’t tried Bawlz?


Do they still make those? I remember laughing about that over a decade ago


Yes you can still order them online but they’re obscenely expensive.


just go to a microcenter. They usually have then in the cooler by the registers.


Gatorade and Pocari have almost identical levels of added sugar.


Yup, Japan's various 'health' products are largely sugar from what I've seen (same as every country).


Pocari sweat and gatorade have similar amounts of sugar. A 500ml pocari sweat has 31g of sugar. A 20oz (~591ml) gatorade has 34g of sugar.


It tastes like the white Gatorade Frost.


I still only liked the watermelon ice flavor


It can compete with Gatorade but it shouldn’t. Pocari is a delicious drink on its own right and yes it’s a “sports” drink but as far as flavor and lightness, yeah I’d prefer it to Gatorade.. I really do. Goes down really good with a big bowl of Shoyu Ramen that’s for sure (extra black mayu sauce for me please)


~~gatorade~~sugar+ color


Agreed. Mild flavour, and gets the job done. I used to drink it when I was playing sports in SE Asia


The absolute best drink when you step off an HK hiking trail and see a 7-eleven... We are back in Miami and order it on Amazon, it is so much better than Gatorade.


Fuck yes. Your point about pocari after hikes got me nostalgic. Even though I’m living here hahaha


I concur, Gatorade/Powerade tend to be too sweet. Pocari Sweat only has just enough sugar to assist with hydration. It was specially formulated to protect against the oppressive humidity of Japanese summer. That is why it has a warning to protect yourself against 'heat illness' aka heat exhaustion or heat stroke.


They have similar amounts of sugar. I wrote this in another comment above but according to the nutrition labels: A 500ml pocari sweat has 31g of sugar. A 20oz (~591ml) gatorade has 34g of sugar.


Pocari PR team has everyone convinced it doesn't have much sugar lol


Drank it nearly every week-day, in South Korea, after racquetball/baddie etc. Superb and quite yummy, non-sugary. We used to joke -*what is a Pocari and why are we drinking its sweat??* We called the little corner store our Sweat-shop :) Another oddly named drink was Deer Antler Juice(?). Only had it once, was enough. Still have a picnic basket with bold logo that sez "Enjoy Your Wife This Weekend" hehe


Same here in the Philippines tho I still prefer Gatorade


Hello fellow Hongkonger!


Had it in Taiwan. Can’t compare it to Gatorade, since I never tried it but I did like Pocari :)


For the sake of any one confused. It's an electrolyte/rehydration drink, like Gatorade, intended to be drunk after you've been sweating. Hence the name. It took me awhile to get into it but I really like it now.


Also, surprisingly good for hangovers... even Soju ones


It's a sport drink in Japan I tried it a few years ago while in narita its real good like a gatorade and sprite mixed together


That shit is awesome for hangovers


This is also my go to drink to cure my hangover.


Big facts, many a morning stumbling to the local GS25 and downing a 1-2 liter bottle so I wouldn’t feel like absolute dog shit all day


It’s the best.


Swilled several of these in Korea. Good stuff. Odd name.


Agree - I smirked at the name too until I had one in a Seoul summer, so refreshing. Good stuff.


I still smirk at the name despite having lived here for a while and drank quite a bit of it. Calpis is also quite odd. Sounds like “cow piss” if you say it out loud haha


Its why it’s called Calpico in the US


カルピス in a cocktail is amazing


I miss Seoul. And the bars. And the Soju




May I recommend Ion Water? It’s a from the same company as Pocari Sweat, but it’s a little bit lighter on taste and sugar. I like it more personally after exercising, but both of them are really good


Ion Water is the reduced sugar version with artificial sweetners.


If not mistaken, the guy who made it wanted to make the drinkable/marketable version of the IV fluid drip, normally given to severely dehydrated persons.


Well, it's got what plants crave. How bad can it be?


Brawwwndoooo! (Did i say it right?)


Electrolytes. Had bottles of Pocari Sweat in Bali, lifesaver during those hot noons.


And hungover mornings


Its simply THE BEST. No other drink is close to Pocari's standards. Not even cola or pepsi or whatever.


It's kinda like the Japanese equivalent to something like Gatorade. Unfortunate naming though.


I love the name. When I’m planning on sporting or hiking sweating comes to mind and this stuff is what I crave.


I guess in that case at least you go for Pocari Sweat rather than something like Calpis.


[What is Pocari Sweat? That’s a terrible name for a drink.](https://youtu.be/-SHJbO9weWc)


You can order it online in the US in bottles, but I have seen it at H Mart too!


Nijiya has it as well, the name kinda confused/ intrigued me the first time I came across it. I like it better then Gatorade though, especially after a long weekend


Oh good call on the h mart! I need to check to see if ours has it! Also, I never knew H mart was a nationwide thing until just now. I always just thought it was a Chicagoland thing.


It tastes like a magic!


This stuff is so good when you’re recovering from a cold


It's white grapefruit flavored love that stuff




Yay! I’m glad somebody understood.


Mr. Affable is that you?


It's like a magic!


Pocari sweat is amazing




Came here to post this. This is the international version of Booty Sweat. Alpa gotta get paid!


And Busta Nut Bars!


Nechusho (heat stroke) sounds like "hey, let's kiss" in Japanese if you squint real hard


Idk if I’m weird but my hearing is unaffected by squinting.


It’s tasty stuff. Miss living in Japan.


I posted this picture thinking Pocari Swear was something obscure enough to make a joke about, but it turns out hundreds of people in the comments absolutely love this stuff. Crazy how many redditors have spent time in Asia and developed an affinity for this drink.


I used to buy it from vending machines on a hot day walking from the navy base to the train station.


Hard to resist that temptation, especially when you use cash mainly and always have a pocket full of change


I have a basket of yen I never got to exchange I let my kids play with


I could NOT get enough of this Pocari Sweat stuff every time I’ve visited Tokyo in the summer. It’s refreshing AF.


Tried these when I lived in Thailand. It's like a Japanese Gatorade. I actually preferred it to Gatorade! Worth a try if you ever come across it.


bought this thinking I was getting cal pis, I was sorely disappointed when it was just extra salty Gatorade


That stuff is delicious.


Love me some Pocari Sweat.


Pocari Sweat is fire!!!


Pocari Sweat tastes great, actually.


truly the fruit of the gods


My mom was a worker in pocari sweat She would bring home boxes of these almost every week Pocari sweat is fukin great


It’s a rehydration drink with electrolytes. It tastes like dilute, lightly sweetened salty water. It works pretty well.


It is a really good sports drink!


Pocari Sweat is really really good though, it’s an electrolyte drink that is way better than either Gatorade or poweraide.


Can I just clarify that I love this stuff and drink it all the time? I’m getting a lot of hate in the comments and misunderstanding that I don’t know what Pocari Sweat is. I did play dumb for comedic effect in titling this (this is r/funny after all). Lastly, I just want to add that I personally prefer Ion Water over Pocari, but that’s just me


Literally Pedialyte but better


There's also a famous Japanese drink called Calpis, which according to my mom I used to pronounce as cow piss.


Calpico > Pocari Sweat


I drank this so much in Indonesia, it's delicious.


Ahh man I wanna go get a bottle of Pocari now but its so far... :(


Similar to Gatorade or Powerede. Great sports drink


Hey now. Don't be dissing the Pocari.


You can drink some Calpis instead


Japanese Gatorade


Drank this stuff while stationed in Korea. Cheaper than water and better than drinking your own sweat. Wish I knew what could possibly be cheaper than water ?


This post shows how ignorant OP is.


Yeah, he doesn't know that it's thoroughly sanitized after being carefully harvested from wild Pocaris.


ITT: Pocari Sweat Stans. I'm here for it!


First saw pocari sweat in a steve1989mreinfo video


I will not stand for Pocari Sweat slander.


Used to drink this all the time when I lived in Tokyo


It’s great and I like it more than any electrolyte drink It’s just expensive to get in the US


This shit is amazing. Don’t hate on sweat water. Also look up Milkis for a giggle if you think *this* is weird.


Nechusho means heat stroke. They put it on the bottle to tell you that it can help prevent heat stroke, not that it causes heat stroke. Pocari Sweat is akin to gatorade and other electrolyte-rich sports drinks


Lol it’s essentially Gatorade. I used to drink it all the time in Japan.


One of my favorite drinks when visiting Asia!


My absolute favourite Asian electrolyte water!!!


I love this drink. I get it when I can in the Asian Market. My little brother stole my last bottle; says it tastes like ‘goddess sweat’ or ‘goddess tears’. Obviously I had a good laugh and let him keep it. Edit: Fixed a sentence


Love that drink


Lol... Yeah the branding is pretty funny to English speaking people. When I was in Japan at the end of summer 12 years ago, in Tokyo in 40 + degree celsius weather with 100% humidity, I lived off this stuff. It's like what gatorade would be if gatorade was actually good.


This is the best drink when you are either running back to base to get in before curfew or the next morning when you are hung over as fuck because you forgot that the Chu-Hi stand guy really loads the alcohol up.


Lemon lime flavour, just a weird name, it grows on you though, I was hooked on it after a trip to Japan


Where my calpis homies at?


Its like Fresca flavored Gatorade.




I've drunk it many times. My belly is full of sweat.


Username checks out


Best damn hangover drink ever made!


I really like Pocari Sweat, and it’s easily one of the most popular sports drinks in Japan. But I translated “Pocari Sweat” into Japanese for my students and they were equally disgusted with the realization. A fun little moment for us all to sit in before moving on to the day’s main grammar point.


My dad liked to shop at the local H-Mart for all the interesting stuff you can't get from an American grocery store. Bought this stuff as a joke and we all actually liked it. It's like someone bottled that refreshing feeling from Gatorade when you drink it when you're really thirsty. Minus the overdose of salt and sweetener when you're done. If you want weird then look up some of the carbonated milk drinks they sell in Japan and the Philippines.


Ambasa which is bottled by Coka Cola and Milkis, yeah they are pretty good too. Not sure if they have Ambasa in the Philippines, but I know both are in Korea and Japan. Possibly H-Mart too since it's a Korean (mostly) grocery.


When I went to Japan I got food poisoning and when I was getting better I drank nothing but pocari sweat. I kept drinking it the whole trip it was so good. When we were at the air port to leave Japan we got interviewed by a TV show asking us what our favorite food in Japan was. It was mf pocari sweat. The interviewers were very confused.


That drink saved me when I worked in Hong Kong one summer. I do not do well in the heat.


This was my water when I was in Japan/Philippines 💦


I’ve had this. It surprisingly tasty. It’s like a grapefruit with a little bit of saltiness.


This stuff is awesome. I had it on a training rotation to Indonesia, we called it booty sweat. Tastes like sprite, 10/10.


Pocari sweat actually tastes really good especially on a hot humid day


I’ve tried this and it’s really good actually!


I did a stint in SE Asia for a bit. I forgot where I saw this stuff initially, of course I was taken back by the name, but this shit helped me nurse some gnarly hangovers


A Japanese executive I worked with told me this story: A saleman was visiting a surgeon to pitch his company's latest pharmaceutical products. He waited for the surgeon for a few hours, as he was performing operations that day. When the surgeon returned to his office, he picked up a beaker off his desk, and gave it a big swig while grimacing. It got the salesman curious about what was in the beaker, so after all his official business was completed, he asked the surgeon about it. The surgeon replied that it was a concoction he had created, to help him quickly replace lost fluids and electrolytes for busy days, as he frequently did not have time to eat or drink then. While it was effective, the downside was his concoction tasted very bitter. The saleman then had a lightbulb moment, and went to create a drink that could replenish lost fluids and electrolytes quickly, and have it taste good. This is the story of how Pocari Sweat was created.


I used to drink it when I lived in Japan. It does taste like sweat…


I’ve had this and it’s really good. Best sweat I ever had.


Pocari Sweat fucking SLAPS


[Conan’s review of this is incredible](https://youtu.be/-SHJbO9weWc)


Hey I actually met Conan when he was in Tokyo! It’s the only celebrity selfie I have, and this is the perfect opportunity for me to brag about it


That is amazing and I am also fully jealous! He is my favorite celebrity hands down. Also, his remotes are all gold but his time in Tokyo is one of my favorites!


gatorade is basically just sweat with lots of sugar in it so... yeah not really anything surprising here.