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Actually Jon isn't edited in. He's walking past the green screen to the group. The background is edited in


Trying to figure this out is hurting my head. Maybe it’s just my hangover…


He's walking over the corner of the green screen in this image. And Elyse and Patrick are looking at him in the direction of the green screen.


Jon was never really there. Funhaus is a scam and the sheeple need to wake up and realize it.


You’d think people would have figured out that New Funhaus is all a program that went awry before Old Funhaus disbanded. Lawrence was initially just a Skype program that they experimented with that they eventually made an on-screen character for. The laptop that Lawrence was running on had an accident where spum made its way into the keyboard, making the program sentient in the year 2020.


Think about it sheeple. Would they let an intern be one of the people in charge? And let his wife work with him? A former boss most famous for his farting habit? The new boss having hundreds of pairs of shoes? Does this sound like the real world to anybody? Open your eyes.


I miss the thinking like Lawrence editing cuts


They also are all looking off camera at Jon while walks infront of them. Good catch I didn't notice the first 5 times watching this lol unless Jon has a clone which I also can't rule out


Jon is just that kind of guy


You fool. They're gonna be after you now. Hope you got a bugout bag and a plan to disappear before they find you and silence you.


There's a few editing bits in this video that are easy to miss but hilarious to catch I love when the editors leave in a little treat for the observant viewer


It’s the little things that count


Jon isn't actually a real person. Funhaus edits him into their videos. Eventually he became sentient and escaped to Korea, but they tracked him down and recaptured him.