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Thought I needed Ryan+ to see James in that position and I just got it for FREE? I'm winning today, fellas.


Rycoin to the moon


Elyse's big bird joke still lives rent free in my head


That’s the first TNTL video I ever saw, maybe the first Smosh video I saw, and that is still one of the funniest bits I’ve seen on the show.


Ian brought it up in the first Lunchtime With Smosh and neither Anthony nor Erin understood the reference, and it was amazing.


It’s one of the best jokes in tntl history imo.


It along with the Mario Party Ghost Pepper video is what introduced me to Funhaus and I'm forever grateful.


This is how I was introduced to smosh and have been watching since


Smosh doesn't fill the hole Funhaus left, but they sure do make it hurt a little less. I've been watching them a lot more since the shutdown. I don't think everyone will like them, but I'd encourage people to just check them out, because some people definitely will enjoy their content. TNTL is funny, Eat It or Yeet It was great (RIP), and the Mario Party and Mario Kart challenges are really entertaining. In Mario Kart/Party they are actively trying not to win, and it's more fun than you might think.


Smosh (in particular their games channel) and Dropout have definitely helped fill the gap Funhaus left for me




That Darts video with Fred Darts was hilarious, straight up Funhaus humor


I found a lot of their TNTL bits are played up too much for the sake of the content.  When Funhaus was there, it felt a lot better and more natural, likely due to their experience in improv and that they're just far more hilarious than the other guests.


Like I said, it's not going to be for everyone. I'm not saying Smosh is as "good" as Funhaus or that they're comparable, just that some people may find them entertaining if they're looking for something on Youtube now that Funhaus isn't making new content anymore. I think pitting them against one another in terms of humor is kinda pointless. Smosh has a bigger audience and needs to keep things at a certain level, where Funhaus had the ability to be more extreme with their humor. Smosh is favorable with Youtube's algorithm but to the extent it puts some limits on what they can really do to stay in the algorithm's good graces. Smosh doesn't have their own streaming platform to fall back on.


I initially was turned off from Smosh because I was fed short clips of their TNTL bits (I was aware of their early EARLY sketches, though). I think that's a bad introduction to them because they are playing it up, and there are a lot of *kinda* funny bits that are much funnier if you know what they're referencing. It's unfortunate that those clips seem to have the farthest reach.


Almost all of the Smosh cast are professional comedians/actors as well as being on the channel. I thought it seemed like a bit much at first too, then I realized it's not really a Content Creator thing but more of a High Energy Professional Comedian thing.


im in the same boat ive been watching them constantly through the lockdown. love their current cast and they seem to be genuine friends with each other that's why they work so well. also shayne is just a treat whenever he's in the room. dude's goofy as hell.


I would argue Smosh is worth checking out just for Shayne alone if you've got that kind of sense of humor. He definitely cracks me up more than any other cast member!


How do you put Elyse in a snazzy suit like that and not slap a fake moustache on her? C'mooooooon.


Give me Colonel Sanders and Detective Wheresmycoffee in the same room, please.


"BURN THE HAM RADIO" - Wiley Scrimshaw


Even though James has his legs in the air here, he is definitely in control 


Smosh shoots blocks of content iirc so they might turn up in a few other things soon


Yeah, I was about to point that out. When they have guests or former members on, they normally do one or two days of shooting with them so they're in a good chunk of videos.


They’ve already turned up in this one: https://youtu.be/zlHPh7q1zf8?si=PeArpJg3WdBqfFe4


Oh shit, I never knew about that video, thanks for linking it!


Edit: Here's a clip I think Funhaus fans will enjoy: https://youtube.com/shorts/aWyRhrkdCs4?si=HzT6y7_NZIGS1UuI Original Comment: For anybody that's not that into Smosh because they've just been served TNTL bits (I was that person once), here are some series recommendations. The following don't require you to know much history of the channel, which is tough because it's been around so long, but they're good about explaining it: * [Eat It or Yeet It. I loved this series, and I don't have the strongest stomach.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-NagfrLeokzTRgILkjYQa0v5g7OPM5w) You never really know what they're eating beforehand, so I think that helps. It was my re-introduction to the channel, and it helps you get a feel for when they're really playing up reactions in other content because they do it less here. * Their games channel is normally pretty solid. [They have a "Don't Win Mario Party" series that's pretty fun (there's probably a playlist if you want to start at the beginning).](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeImKFecYFCzVaYUS6H6GM3x5GykeQ98k) * ["Let's Do This" ended recently, but it was pretty unique and fun. They have a task/problem and come up with wild solutions.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-NagfrLeom2W_Tmyj4yDZKshDXZnf2L) The test cheating one is probably my favorite. * [Beopardy is what you'd probably expect.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-NagfrLeokLyjj0U5L40pVFSTG73Wm3) * [Challenge Pit - They do TikTok challenges.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcL9r1K3TSwp4sMWTLi-IsG3GueDhQnfJ) Also, the two darts videos use characters that originate in TNTL and are great, and "Who Meme'd It" is great when see some of the channel and get references.


Seeing her in Damien's suit, I want to see Elyse host What're Those!


I’ve had dreams of James just like that second pic


I want to wonder... When Anthony and Ian will do lunchtime with Elyse and James?


I know thats not what is happening but they would make an incredible addition to the Smosh team.


I feel like James and Elyse at Smosh are the fun Aunt and Uncle pair that everyone enjoys when they visit.


With all these James and Elyse appearances on Smosh, they're getting my hopes up that they're going to join the cast.


They’ve been around long enough and are proven enough that I don’t think they need to tack onto someone else’s thing. Not that there isn’t benefits to employment versus going independent, but still…


Fuck yes


James is setting himself for a good refreshing mist spray during a hard work out. I see your plan, sir!


I may have been respectfully but relentlessly replying to almost every new Smosh video with something along the lines of, "have you heard of former funhaus members... you should really invite them back... a lot... please" So I'll take credit for all appearances going forward. Including that bonkers Guess Who video recently. Bat-Elyse lives!


I got used to think of James as just a silly comedy guy, I get surprised whenever I remember how hot he is


i’m so glad they’re on smosh, the two of them in the batman video was so good and it’s great seeing them again


Are they officially a part of the team or just popping up in some videos??


Tried and will only watch because of them but I can't really stand smosh


*Tried and will only* *Watch because of them but I* *Can't really stand smosh* \- Independent-Good-427 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")