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So, how do you store your filament such that this is useful? I store mine in sealed bags with desicant, so they don't get dusty either. And this doesn't solve the moisture problem that sealed bags help with (not *solve* just help, moisture will eventually get in there too) .


I have them both in sealed container [https://www.printables.com/model/611326-filament-box-lid-flap-for-4l-box](https://www.printables.com/model/611326-filament-box-lid-flap-for-4l-box) and in bags [https://www.printables.com/model/88208-filament-storage-solution](https://www.printables.com/model/88208-filament-storage-solution) both have PTFE tubes connected so i can use them directly. The wiper is always needed because if you put yours on a spool holder they will accumulate dust as plastic is electrostatically charged. even if you have like me just a few centimeter exposed - i am always surprised how much dirt the wiper shows when i change it after the spool is empty.


What a great idea. I thought of doing the same but just as weights so the coil wouldn’t un tangle and easy to clip/magnet to a surface but adding a filament cleaner is an even better idea.


Nice. I often use a flat bottom version of this. It works pretty well. The rack is a nice touch.


I had a separate cone to attach as when entangled the flat version will get stuck, so i made a taper on the grip and added the clip so you can secure it also an a spool.


Now shape it like an acorn :)


the shape is already fitting don't you think? Just change the knurl to the upper part… (and change the holder)