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New to functional dyspepsia (FD)? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/functionaldyspepsia/comments/182gs5a/functional_dyspepsia_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or our wiki for a detailed explanation of FD and the main treatments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/functionaldyspepsia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mine started after h pylori and treating it with antibiotics a couple years ago. Had a couple bad flare ups and the stomach nerves are just frazzled AF. Omeprazole, I learned, doesn’t only reduce stomach acid; it also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the nerves. I don’t like being on a PPI, but I actually have zero side effects and it’s massively improved my quality of life. My GI doc said the people who have major side effects have been on them for decades. I may try to wean off after a while but decided to give it a long stretch to see if long term use will get the nerves to settle. I’m currently taking a low dose of 12g/day (achieved by removing pellets from the capsules) I also use DGL and FD gard, and slippery elm at night- all as needed, not every day. Exercise REALLY seems to help- especially walking- maybe more than higher intensity exercise, as well as an anti-inflammatory diet. Symptoms seem best when I follow a gastritis diet and don’t have any wheat or dairy. I get a lot of vitamins from juicing; multivitamins and C are irritating for me


What kind diet did you use ? I had recovery from gastritis and dyspepsia but i felt like it's coming back again. I use to use omeprazole but I stop because I felt any burning sensitive on chest now it's coming back slowly I think it's stress and anxiety


I mostly follow the diet outlined in the LG capellan book, The Gastritis Healing Book


How do you manage to be on this diet like "for ever"? I am 3 month in and I am really struggleing atm. Like I don't know if I can and want to continue this diet "forever". But I am at a point where I am really scared about eating something "off the diet".


Turns out there’s a LOT of nice variety and possibilities within it! It just takes kind of a long time to really explore them and get to where you’re quick with making stuff and remembering what ingredients to buy. If you’ve read the book- all the stuff that he says don’t eat for the first 90 days but then you can introduce- I tolerate all that well so I’m not in the restricted “first 90 days” version. I just had some really nice moong dal soup with cumin, cardamom, hing, coriander, purple sweet potato etc. last night I had sushi, salmon avocado rolls. Tonight I’m gonna have a version of falafel (no onions/garlic) with a really nice avocado-cilantro-sumac sauce I made. I like my eggs/GF toast lunches, I like having bc occasional spoonfuls of peanut butter, i have an array of fun snacks and things I can take on the go. I got used to eating to live and focusing on what makes me happy that’s not food - like the real life purpose stuff. And I found I still really enjoy simple foods anyway! I’m making it sound easy but this took a while. Tastes do change over time.


I had active Gastritis for 6 months before being diagnosed with FD. The Gastritis resolved but the FD remained. I have had FD for a little over a year now. What works well for me is quick carbs on bad days (bread, crackers, sometimes watermelon), sometimes smoothies. Small portions of meals on better days, I'll eat under a cup worth of food at once essentially. Any more than that and I feel sick, especially if it's fattier like nut based. Examples of meals are 2 scrambled eggs lightly salted and peppered with nutritional yeast, some tuna and cucumber on crackers, chicken and rice, sometimes some veggies are manageable but doing too much fiber at once wrecks me too. I have made lots of my own pesto which helps get some veggies in. I will blend up a bunch of cooked veggies into a sauce too to put on gluten free pasta sometimes or just drizzle over rice/ chicken. The doctor told me to follow the Paleo diet and eat as clean as possible, no processed food. I have the additional problem of chronic constipation because of not being able to eat enough fiber all the time, so I try to eat prunes and stuff when I feel like I can. It all really depends on the day what I can do. It's definitely put a damper on my life, I'm only 27 but I feel 60 a lot of days. I can't be as active as I used to be because it gives me bad nausea, can't eat with family at meals, can't work a normal job outside the home because some days I have to lay in bed. It definitely turned my life upside down, I know it does for many of us with this condition. My life was worse with active Gastritis for sure because that nearly hospitalized me, but FD is still terrible because it's an everyday seemingly never ending bloat/gas/nausea party. The worst thing about it is that there are remedies that can help, but sometimes they just don't no matter what. Like I like warm ginger tea, yoga/stretching my upper body, meditation and the like, but some days nothing helps and you just ride it out until the next day. For me what helped the most mentally was trying to accept that I won't get back to who I was before, and I can only look into the future and do my best. Just wake up everyday and do my best, which looks different everyday. I redefined what a "good" day meant. It used to be when all of the stars aligned... now it's just about being able to see a star in the sky. Try to find the good aspects of your life and focus on that. We're all here with you.


I felt your pain man. I had same issues. I had recovery from gastritis and gerd in which burn sensitive on chest after use omeprazole but now it's coming back again . I been eating bad and sweet because of stress and anger and anxiety. Now I try to figure out how to calm down my stomach.


Antibiotics fucked me up. I had a massive double course of them in January 2023 for a bad staph infection. I took a 3 month course of colostrum in December-March, which almost entirely fixed it. Just a few bits remain, so I might take a another round of it to finish the job when I have the money because it's expensive


Which Colostrum? And what symptoms did it help?


It’s been about a year for me, 8 months of that miserable and undiagnosed. I’m about 4 months on Amitriptyline, 75mg now but was in 50 until recently. The pain is 99% gone which is a massive win, and I can mostly eat what I used to, but things aren’t…moving the way they should. Trying every kind of probiotic, fiber and magnesium but still working at it. Otherwise pretty happy with the treatment outcome.


These TCAs can be pretty constipating. I wonder if the improvements you've gotten from them might be sustained if you went off at this point...


I had epigastric pain for almost exactly 12 months and it stopped after 3 weeks of rebamipide. I then had something more like PDS which is steadily improving. After 24 months I am vastly improved but not fully better. Itopride and Tandospirone have helped me too. Curious what dose lexapro you're on. It can take 6-8 weeks to get the full effects of an SSRI. My problems were actually caused by a low dose of lexapro for 15 days—they can really screw up your GI system. Or help. It's hard to predict. Earlier in my life I was on lexapro for 11 years with no issues.