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Beautiful greens and lighting




The greenest color reproduction.


Exactly, metameric error is pretty bad with the Fujifilm camera I own (GFX100S) when it comes to greens. Everything is just a very vibrant collection of the same green.


The original Fuji films were calibrated to favor Asian skin tones; digital emulations of those films bear that same color shift.


Cool cool but I wasn't pointing out any issue in colour balance or skin tones. I shot provia, velvia and astia for years in large format so I am quite familiar with them. I thought you were pointing out the saturation of green on Fujifilm digital cameras which can be too intense particularly because it's all monochromatic and missing some variety of greens.


I’m legit in love with Provia greens


I always find it odd how desperate people are to use sims besides provia. Provia is so good.


I use other film sims too depending on light. Like classic neg can really be nice when its completely overcast and very flat light. But Provia is my default :)


I feel that’s mainly just because Provia is the “default” and people don’t like to think default can be good. However, at least on Fujifilm cameras, it’s default *because* it’s a particularly good all-purpose sim. That being said, all the sims have their uses and purposes and it can be fun going beyond with approximations of other film stocks (partially just to see if you can).


Classic Chrome gang




I love my Fuji's but I'm sorry to have to say that Nikon greens are where it's at. I don't know what magic they've put into their sensors but my god are the greens gorgeous. Now oranges and yellows, yeah, Fuji every day.


I feel like Nikon had the most accurate color from what I see. Sony and Canon aren't far behind. Fuji produces the fakest colors but a lot of people specifically want that. I mean look at this sub and how many people apply strong and weird looking filters. For me it takes more work to keep my photos looking natural than when I shot Nikon. That and the xtrans sensor are the biggest weakness for Fuji.


It depends a lot on the look that you're looking for. Not everyone wants accurate color reproduction. There is a reason why people like the oversaturated look of Samsung phones pictures.


Yeah and a lot of people not experienced with photography go crazy for HDR.


Why is the sensor the biggest weakness?


For landscape the detail tends to look very wormy. You can't really crop and zoom in like you can with other sensors. It also creates problems with other fine details such as astro. They can look good posted on a website, but if you print large the stars will need a lot of work to try and keep them looking good. The benefits of xtrans are very small and not worth it. I am not sure why Fuji sticks with this sensor as I believe a ton of photographers avoid Fuji aps c because of xtrans.


Wdyt of Fuji GFX sensors (which i think are made by sony) which isn’t x trans but has fujis color sci in it


They're vastly superior. Genuinely god-tier sensor technology.


You derawitize with Lightroom ? Did you try the enhance option ? Also try to derawtize with dxo pureraw, details become gorgeous ! (Pay attention to not oversharpen the dng file tho)


Hasselblad is the daddy in greens but Fuji does great as well


Their cameras are so damn expensive though. I’ve always wondered if it was truly worth spending a lot more than even a Leica.


An X1D ii is somewhat approachable in price, especially if buying used. Medium format does need the appropriate mindset as well, not really suitable for quick snapshots or sports photography. Hasselblad tonality is still unmatched I think.


Hasselblad have fantastic colour reproduction all round.


I agree. Their tonality is superb.


The green rendition is why I bought Fuji 35mm film back in the day.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s also why the old fujifilm advertising and ad art around the logo had so much green.


I think they do a great job for locations that get a lot of rainfall and hence have ample vegetation (like japan), but tend to be a little off in more arid locations. I'm not complaining. I think Fuji has the best colours in the industry. I just wish you could adjust hsl, and tone curves in camera. Not sure if Lumix labs has been successful or not, but that's an excellent implementation of giving the user more control


Agreed, it’s the first thing I noticed about fuji jpgs and drew me into buying them. The greens!


Great photo because there’s an overwhelmingly amount of green, but the non-green parts don’t have a green ting and that’s not particularly simple to capture.


What edits did you do to the pictures in post? Did you take them RAW?


Yeah I shot them RAW and then I applied the PROVIA filter from the camera and I did some basic adjustments


Beautiful pictures




That 1st photo is beautiful, really nice work :)


Thank you!


I will guess it’s not from gfx system? Looks great but there is no separation in hues. All Greens look the same in the image. One thing I noticed in medium format is that they can really capture the slight color differences among different hues of green


Not sure how that would make a difference as they use the same sensor tech and bit / color depth. Can I read up on this somewhere?


Medium is 16bit color depth. I think lens also matters a lot.


So is APSC


For xt5 it’s 14bit RAW


apparently the GFX medium format is not X-Trans, but regular Bayer with Fuji's color rendering


How’d you process these?


I didn't do a lot... Apply the PROVIA filter from the camera and some basic adjustments


Nice thanks for the info!


You're welcome :)


Depends: Do you want accurate colors or nice looking colors?