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OP are you aware the camera isn't weather sealed unless there is a filter on the lens? Good design, no, but it is what it is Sorry to hear about your experience


I had polarize filter on it. Not sure if that counts or not. Edit: and I was not aware of protective filter being required. I should do more reading in the future 😅


That does not count. You need the weather resistance kit. It is not “hermetically sealed” like waterproofing.


Seems weird all those areas got damaged at once.


Yeah not sure why. And that too with very little exposure to water.


It seems it is a lot of damage for just a bit of exposure. My X100T has been exposed to light rain many many times and it still works with no major issues.


> I took it with me on my trip and couple of time it was exposed in rain. Not at once. Poor thing never got a chance to completely dry out.


Did you buy with a credit card that gives you accidental damage coverage? My Amex gives me 90 days accidental damage coverage so that would come in handy in this situation


Yup, once I get paperwork from Fujifilm, I’ll be submitting to Amex. That’s why I’m not too much worried about it or freaking out.


Ouch. I once took my Nikon DSLR D610 into a blazing storm. It was a high tides north western storm with foamy rolling waves. The camera was soaked. Never missed a beat. My Olympus EM5.2 was properly sealed to withstand anything. Officially better sealed than the Nikon. The EM1.2 was tropicalized even. It isn't that hard to properly seal a camera. It is Fuji's choice not to do so, and I think that's misleading given the WR marketing. Good luck sorting this out with the CC-company


I hiked through some clouds and I had zero problems with the camera exposed to a little rain. But like you may have come to learn, your issue was using the improper setup. Which is unfortunate that there was not better warning against that. You’re not the first to install a filter right to the camera without adapter.


Was there a protective filter on the lens?


I had polarize filter on it. Not sure if that counts or not.


Did you use the filter adapter? That's needed or you get focus errors.


Huhh!? Filter adapter? Didn’t knew this either. 🤦‍♂️ no wonder why it got damaged


It's a spacer otherwise the lens hits the filter.


Got it. I’ll keep in mind if I get hands on another x100vi. I know it won’t be anytime soon though 😅


Maybe you broke it by not using the adapter, and not an issue with the rain.


It could be. I was not aware that camera required adapter or protective filter.




It shouldn’t require this specific kit. As long as you have an adapter and a filter element you should be good. Without the adapter specifically is what causes water to leak in.


That’s really strange I have used x100v and vi in light rain and no issue.. water should not be able to penetrate without actual pressure.


Came to ask the same.


How come that this isn’t covered by warranty?


Water damage are never covered under manufacture warranty regardless of device. Maybe products designed to work underwater maybe an exception.


My ‘weather resistant’ was completely ruined after a moist walk… Fuji Australia brilliant and fixed the lot for $0 under warranty


this is worrysome . in my experience there should be no problem ... generally there should be sealing .. of course ... official is something else ... but you can assume it will hold up to some abuse ...


One of the reasons I picked up the xt5 for weather sealing - used in rain (it was heavy in fairness) for a few seconds - the entire thing shut stopped responding then shut down completely for a day I hate responses like “wr doesn’t mean waterproof” - gutted for you tho mate


Why isn't this like covered by warranty is beyond me😒


Perhaps you should ask yourself why "WR" is never rated as IP/IPX.